This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Is this the Mayor Sam Politics blog or the LAFD fire safety blog?
No, it's the don't let Joe B post anything about Jerry Brown blog.
Let's learn about strategic bottle capping from the master himself, Mayor Sam.
I'll let y'all discuss with with Brian Humphrey.
Oooh weeee, Higby pulls a Red Snot and goes all postal bottle cap !
Tension is arising at MS!
Even if you were to bottle cap - why would you do so with this? No offense, Brian. Could have been handled in a hot sheet.
So funny.
Gasbag Higby wants us to learn about gas safety.
Dummies. I put up a lot of non-political stuff when things slow down on the weekends just to have some content. And I particularly do what I can to help the LAFD with awareness.
So go blow Jerry Brown if you have to but Joe's post was up for several hours before.
I guess you figure anyone who would want to vote for Brown and read about him is incapable of scrolling a few millimeters ehh?
Anyway there is no such thing as bottlecapping here. Since most folk have a scroll wheel on their mouse I don't care how often the writers here post stories.
Expect to see activity here almost like LAist soon. So go back to your bottles and quit your bitching.
Thanks for sharing the story during one of the slow moments on your blog - which is even slower over at LAFD News & Information.
We hope your readers were able to glean a tip or two, and remain grateful for an opportunity to help people stay safe by helping themselves.
Anonymous 12:19, no offesnse is taken, as we hope that people without interest were able to skip over the clearly labeled article.
In closing, we're keenly aware that our message doesn't fit everywhere at every time. We're grateful for the rare but generous opportunities that MS has offered, and welcome others to syndicate or mention our postings when they strike a chord... or things are just darn slow ;)
Respectfully Yours in Safety and Service,
Brian Humphrey
Public Service Officer
Los Angeles Fire Department
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