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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Strong-arming the City Council backs Villaraigosa into a Corner

Did Mayor Villaraigosa try to strong-arm Councilmembers Tony Cardenas, Bernard Parks and Dennis Zine into not holding a meeting of hundreds of city employees and animal rescuers last night?

You betcha.

Did it work? No sir!

According to those in attendance, nearly 200 people composed of animal shelter employees, union officials, rescuers, and media attended the special evening Personnel Committee meeting at Van Nuys City Hall to demand the termination of Edwin M. Boks, the Animal Services general manager and Linda Barth, his hand-picked assistant general manager.

Villaraigosa’s office also ordered Boks’ Animal Services commissioners to not attend the event, although two (Archibald J. Quincey and president Glen Brown) disregarded those directives.

The Los Angeles Times and the Los Angeles Daily News have stories about this today, but both missed the most shocking testimony of the evening, which was confirmed by several people in attendance.

Former chief veterinarian of the Department of Animal Services, Kathy Rainey, said Mr. Boks ordered her to “conduct certain veterinary practices with infectious diseases without regard for public safety, including allowing public access to a rabies isolation area, even though such jurisdiction is a county function once rabies is diagnosed."

Mr. Boks, she said, told her that the worst that could happen is that she would receive "just a slap on the wrist and that the California Veterinary Board should not be in our business."

The vet also said that Mr. Boks allowed other medical decisions to be made by another Assistant GM, even though she has no background in veterinary medicine, causing six other veterinarians to leave the city to practice elsewhere.

After detailing other shocking behavior from Mr. Boks and/or Ms. Barth, Dr. Rainey said that as a public health official, she resigned because if she acted as Mr. Boks directed her to, the California Veterinary Board could have revoked her license.

The veterinarian advised that if such practices were ever reported to the state, and proven to be true, it could cost the city its own state license to run animal shelters.

A 29 year department employee, Kathy Mooney, said she is retiring early due to Mr. Boks' intimidation, said she felt like she is "hanging herself" by coming to the meeting, told how in her job as the keeper-of-department-kill-statistics, Mr. Boks creates ever-vaguer statistics so that Mr. Boks can make false claims that the city is "95% No Kill," even though it kills tens of thousands of animals per year.

Victor Gordo, a union representative, told of the threats, intimidation and unfair labor practices employed by Mr. Boks and Ms. Barth.

Mr. Brown (the Animal Services commission president) publicly denied that these wide-scale employee concerns were ever brought to the commission’s attention. That could be because Mr. Brown appears to have missed at least 10 commission meetings during his two year tenure. (Mr. Brown's claim were publicly disputed by Maria Atake, another former commissioner who told about her experiences with Mr. Boks. She said that the commission is a "rubber stamp for Ed Bok.")

Other problems addressed include a complete lack of training, policies & procedures, and emergency preparedness.

At one point, Dennis Zine asked, "Is there anyone in the room who has anything positive to say about Mr. Boks or Ms. Barth?" Only one employee got up, but it was to say,
"Yes, they have united everyone in this room against them!"

The meeting ran so long that, after a full 4 hours of testimony, the Councilmembers still had dozens of speaker cards that had yet to be called, so the Council members told the crowd that the meeting would be reconvened within a few days.

Going back to the original point: Why did Mayor Villaraigosa try to strong-arm the City Councilmembers into not having the meeting?

That answer is embarrassment. For years, the Mayor has stayed with Mr. Boks because, to admit that he made yet another hiring mistake would be to arm future political opponents with proof of Villaraigosa’s incompetence. But now, with numerous TV and video cameras recording last night’s meeting, the Mayor can no longer claim he didn’t know.

All the Mayor can do is try to strong-arm the City Council, again, which, this time, it appears won’t be enough.

The Mayor is meeting on Thursday with Union officials to discuss the future of Mr. Boks’ and Ms. Barth's
employment with the city.


As Paul Harvey says, then there’s “the other side of the story.” There is a money trail to someone who has been influencing the mayor to keep Mr. Boks. If anyone has more information about this, please write to us. Be prepared to help us name names.

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Anonymous Anonymous said:

Somewhere in City Hall, Jimmy Blackman's panties are getting tighter and tighter as the Midget Mayor yells, "GET IN HERE IDIOT!"

October 08, 2008 9:42 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

It looks like LAobserved didn't read the articles it linked. There were hundreds of people there, but Observed writes that there were only 60 employees, forgetting that there was also at least 150 people from the media and public

October 08, 2008 10:02 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Blackman is an asshole.

October 08, 2008 10:12 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

NOW that's the kind of Mayor Sam stories we all know and love. Please no more Obama, he's ugly.

October 08, 2008 10:13 AM  

Blogger Shelby York said:

I rarely write about Obama! Please share this story. Thanks, H.

October 08, 2008 10:32 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

For the record:

Linda Barth's position as AGM may be in trouble, but she has been a civil service employee for a long time so her employment with the city isn't endangered.

October 08, 2008 10:46 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Could the very wealthy Gary M. huge donations to the Mayor's campaign have anything to do with this? Ed introduced Gary to Tony resulting in many many many $$$$ to the mayor's campaign. Tony won't fire Ed because he thinks he'll lose the gravy train, however Gary no longer likes Ed..Follow the money trail.

October 08, 2008 10:58 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Let's talk about the ACORN money Villaraigosa is sharing with Obama!

October 08, 2008 11:34 AM  

Blogger Shelby York said:

Hi 10:45, 10:58,

Who is Gary M and what do you know about him?

October 08, 2008 11:40 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Don't ya knooow we only care about Sarah Palin !!!!

October 08, 2008 11:50 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen (speaks to control tower as Cessna Citation prepares for final approach into Santa Monica Airport):

Don't everyone rejoice at once upon our return to this fair City, for we, if you will, have been away but are now back, savvy?

(Adjusts David Clarks and continues speaking) I do seem to recall saying something not that long ago and perhaps a bit longer than that, but not much longer, about a certain Deputy Mayor whose wang was in a vice. (Turns to Navigator) Did I not say that? (Navigator nods in the affirmative). Appears I did.

(Looks puzzled) Remind me of what that other thing was that I said. (Navigator reminds Captain of what other thing he said) That was rather brilliant of me, was it not? (Navigator smiles and tells Captain to piss off) Back to the subject at hand, I do think that there more to what it was I said and when combined with what was said last night it makes for a rather interesting topic of conversation. (Speaks to control tower at Santa Monica)

Would love to chat, but I have business to attend to here. (Puts gear down on Citation) Let's have Sparrow's full crew rendezvous at the Redwood at the usual time with the usual suspects...except for Miss Haikula who does not speak Gollywallop or Swizzlestick, which in itself is rather suspect.

(Whispers) Only what is usually usual is now unusually suspect, savvy?

October 08, 2008 12:20 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Gary Michelson has not made any contributions to the Mayor. check ethics.lacity.org I checked his group name Found Animals Foundation and other business name as well, Karlin Technologies. No donations. I don't think that is it.

I wonder if Gary Michelson would still be supporting Ed Boks if he knew what Boks has said about him and done to him behind his back. Maybe someone should tell Gary that Ed Boks called him an "idiot," "delusional," and said he looked like a "pinhead." Maybe someone should tell Gary that Boks shared very confidential information about Gary with everyone else, like the fact that Gary invited Pam Ferdin and Jerry Vlasak to his house on the lake to go water skiing. Or that Gary personally met with Pam Ferdin and Jerry Vlasak to work out a deal where he'd give them money to stop protesting. Maybe Gary would be upset if he knew that Boks shared everything that Gary told the LAPD about being robbed with everyone else. Then Ed Boks said Gary was just a total idiot to get involved with his Director.

Gary, please continue helping animals. We thank you. But please stop supporting Ed Boks, if you are. He is hurting animals.

October 08, 2008 1:47 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Dig a little deeper my dear. If you really think these things happen in areas where they are posted as legal contributions, you have much to learn. There is a money trail..Go find it.

October 08, 2008 1:57 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Here you go, I'll give you a head's start..connect the names:


Oh there is more where this came from, much much more my pretties.

October 08, 2008 2:06 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Does this mean Antonio has turned the Mayor's office into a Mickey Mouse job or does it mean that while the rest of us get hand jobs HE gets a Mickey Mouse job?

October 08, 2008 2:51 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


October 08, 2008 5:54 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The photo makes villar look like he's about to be put to rest in a coffin, or maybe his makeup artist was recovering from a drinking binge (with his nibs?).

Michael Finnegan

October 08, 2008 11:12 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

C'mon you guys we all know the mayor is nothing more then a gang banger cholo in a suit. He threatens, intimindates, puts fear into anyone who opposes or he doesn't like what they're doing. Sadly, not one REAL MAN on council with the balls to stand up to him. Look at the way all the political races have ended up in his favor with his people. He's a short, midget dictator but a lot like the little emperor with no clothes. Look at the mess this city is in. Almost as bad as Bush with the bailout crap. Antonio has will go down in history as one of the worst Mayor's of Los Angeles

October 09, 2008 6:58 AM  

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