McCain Goes Postal!
Is it any wonder why McCain & his camp are engaging in a full smear assault when you take a look at the electoral count? This map is courtesy of the good folks at Pollster. Obama has picked up 33 additional votes in just the last few days!
Labels: Barack Obama, john mccain,
Anonymous said:
Prediction: McCain takes a 6 point lead in the polls tomorrow.
Anonymous said:
actually - no one "picks up" any electoral votes until November 4th......!!!!!
Anonymous said:
2:37 Is a fool if he thinks McCain is going to sway the piblic after they see today's news and see that more than 2 trillion dollars has been lost in retirement accounts.,0,5294529.story
The economy is only getting worse, well known many stock analysts such as Jim Cramer are telling stock investors to get out of the stock market now. If people pull massive amounts of their cash out of the stock market economic hell will be breaking out very soon.
Anonymous said:
3:02 You forgot to use the line that all candidates use when it's clear they are losing: "The only poll that counts is the one on Election Day."
This, despite the fact, that all candidates for major offices spend tons of money conducting polls as a means of dictating policy positions and campaign strategies.
Michael Higby said:
I now definitely would move Nevada to the McCain column. BHO's claim was shaky at best and with all those fake votes now sitting in an FBI warehouse that changes things. Plus, get out into Art Bell country outside West Vegas and not too many Obama votes out there.
They cling too bitterly to their guns, religion and UFOs.
Michael Higby said:
Colorado's a little shaky too. On the 2nd RCP moved it from Leaning Obama to toss up. Probably lots of fake votes there too.
Michael Higby said:
If the Democrats thought the Republicans in Florida were corrupt in 2000, man they have really outdone them registering Mickey Mouse, Hawkeye Pierce and others in various states.
Anonymous said:
News Alert!!!!
Hell has frozen over!
Conservative blogger Betsy Newmark writes on the Fox News blog, "For Repulicans who are hoping that John McCain will be able to turn the trajectory of his campaign around tonight, I would advise them not to get their hopes up."
She said that McCain needs to connect to the worries of those hurt by the economic crisis, and added, "That isn't something that John McCain has ever shown himself adept at doing."
Anonymous said:
qiowsmIn traditional swing state Pennsylvania, Democrats have regisitered 500,000 new votes and the Republicans lost 28,000.
Anonymous said:
So who's going to be the first one to blame the needless death of this moose on the moose craze created by Sarah Moosekiller?
Anonymous said:
Notable John McCain quotes on the economy, which prove the value of a leader with foresight, and that he not be someone who just tells us what we want to hear:
"It's easy for me to go to Washington and, frankly, be somewhat divorced from the day-to-day challenges people have." --speaking at the ServiceNation forum in New York, Sept. 11, 2008
"Our economy, I think, is still -- the fundamentals of our economy are strong." --Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 15, 2008
"Sure. Technically, I don't know." --asked if the U.S. is in a recession, "60 Minutes" interview, Sept. 21, 2008
"Opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition, as we have done over the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of state-based regulation." --in the Sept./Oct. issue of Contingencies
"I think if you're just talking about income, how about $5 million?" --after being asked by Rev. Rick Warren to define "rich," Lake Forest, California, Aug. 16, 2008
Anonymous said:
NO way is McCain going to talk about economy because he doesn't have the balls. He's using the ditsy Palin wearing heels to do his dirty work and last I saw all news channels are slamming them except Fox with Hannity the idiot. Obama gaining fast in all areas. Florida has more democrats registered now then before. This is what people are saying about the dirty McCain campaign which is turning people off.
...McCain Campaign Amplifies Violent Rhetoric, GOP Crowds Threaten Obama's Life
The Washington Post's Dana Milbank reported an incident at a Palin rally that should open America's eyes to the central role violent rhetoric now plays in the McCain campaign. Milbank describes how Palin told the crowd in Florida that Obama has close associations with a terrorist who sought to bomb the Pentagon and the U.S. Capital, in response to which the crowd responded with a threat on Sen. Obama's life:
"Now it turns out, one of his earliest supporters is a man named Bill Ayers...And, according to the New York Times, he was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, 'launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,'" she continued.
"Boooo!" the crowd repeated.
"Kill him!" proposed one man in the audience.
Anonymous said:
Forgot some other McCain quotes on the economy:
"I'm going to be honest: I know a lot less about economics than I do about military and foreign policy issues. I still need to be educated."
"The issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should. I've got Greenspan's book."
Anonymous said:
List of new Obama voters in Pennsylvania:
* Aayla Secura
* Adi Gallia
* Agen Kolar
* Admiral Ackbar
* Ainlee Teem
* Ajunta Pall
* Aks Moe
* Alto Stratus
* Anakin Skywalker
* Anakin Solo
* Anchor Blue
* Arvel Crynyd
* Asajj Ventress
* Ask Aak
* Atton Rand
* Aurra Sing
[edit] B
* Bail Antilles
* Bail Organa
* Bao-Dur
* Barada
* Barquin D'an
* Barriss Offee
* Bastila Shan
* Ben Skywalker
* Beru Whitesun
* Bib Fortuna
* Biggs Darklighter
* Boba Fett
* Boss Nass
* Bossk
* Brakiss
* Bria Tharen
[edit] C
* C-3PO
* Cade Skywalker
* Callista
* Canderous Ordo
* Carth Onasi
* Cerasi
* Chewbacca
* Chuundar
* Cilghal
* Cindel Towani
* Cliegg Lars
* Corde
* Corran Horn
* Count Dooku
* Crix Madine
* Cydon Prax
[edit] D
* Danni Quee
* Darca Nyl
* Darred Janren
* Darsha Assant
* Darth Bane
* Darth Malak
* Darth Maul
* Darth Nihilus
* Darth Plagueis
* Darth Revan
* Darth Sidious
* Darth Sion
* Darth Traya
* Darth Tyranus
* Darth Vader
* Daultay Dofine
* Davik Kang
* Denaria Kee
* Depa Billaba
* Derek Klivian
* Desann
* Davin Felth
* Dormé
* Dorsk 81
* Dorsk 82
* Doda Bodonawieedo
* Dr. Evazan
* Durge
[edit] E
* Eirtaé
* Empatojayos Brand
* Empress Teta
* Ephant Mon
* Exar Kun
* Executor Sedriss
[edit] F
* Fang Zar
* Finis Valorum
* Firmus Piett
* Freedon Nadd
[edit] G
* Galak Fyyar
* Gardulla the Hutt
* Garindan
* Garm Bel Iblis
* Gavin Darklighter
* General Grievous
* General Maximilian Veers
* General Rom Mohc
* Gethzerion
* Ghent
* Gilad Pellaeon
* Gilramos Libkath
* G0-T0
* Gorc
* Grand Admiral Thrawn
* Grand Moff Tarkin
* Greeata
* Greedo
* Grievous' Bodyguards
[edit] H
* Hanharr
* Han Solo
* HK-47
* HK-50
[edit] I
* Iaco Stark
* IG-88
* Isolder
[edit] J
* Jabba the Hutt
* Jacen Solo
* Jaden Korr
* Jagged Fel
* Jaina Solo
* Jamillia
* Janice Nall
* Jango Fett
* Jan Ors
* Jaster Mereel
* Jar Jar Binks
* Jedi Exile
* Jek Porkins
* Jem Ysanna
* Jenna Zan Arbor
* Jerec
* Jobal Naberrie
* Jolee Bindo
* Juhani
[edit] K
* Kaan
* Kalpana
* Kal Skirata
* Kar Vastor
* Kavar
* Kendal Ozzel
* Keyan Farlander
* Ki-Adi-Mundi
* King Terak
* Kir Kanos
* Kirtan Loor
* Kit Fisto
* Kueller
* Kylantha
* Kyle Katarn
* Kyp Durron
[edit] L
* Lama Su
* Lando Calrissian
* Leia Organa Solo
* Lobot
* Lomi Plo
* Lott Dod
* Lowbacca
* Ludo Kressh
* Luke Skywalker
* Lumas Etima
* Luminara Unduli
* Lumiya
* Lushros Dofine
* Lyn Me
[edit] M
* Mace Windu
* Mara Jade Skywalker
* Marka Ragnos
* Mas Amedda
* Maw
* Max Rebo
* Meena Tills
* Mission Vao
* Moff Jerjerrod
* Mon Mothma
* Morgan Katarn
* Muftak
[edit] N
* Nat Secura
* Nee Alavar
* Nield
* Nien Nunb
* Nomi Sunrider
* Nute Gunray
* Nym
[edit] O
* O-Bin
* O-Lana
* O-Vieve
* Obi-Wan Kenobi
* Odumin
* Onimi
* Oola
* OOM-9
* Orn Free Taa
* Owen Lars
[edit] P
* Padmé Amidala
* Palpatine
* Passel Argente
* Pic
* Plo Koon
* Poggle the Lesser
* Pol Secura
* Ponda Baba
* Pooja Naberrie
* Po Nudo
* Prince Beju
[edit] Q
* Queen Amidala
* Queen Organa
* Qui-Gon Jinn
* Quinlan Vos
[edit] R
* R2-D2
* R4-P17
* R5-D4
* Rabé
* Raymus Antilles
* Raynar Thul
* Reelo Baruk
* Ree-Yees
* Rex
* Ric Olié
* Rogwa Wodrata
* Romodi Motti
* Rune Haako
* Rute Gunnay
* Ryoo Naberrie
[edit] S
* Sabé
* Saché
* Saesee Tiin
* Salacious Crumb
* Salla Zend
* Salporin
* San Hill
* Sarkli
* Sariss
* Saul Karath
* Sev'rance Tann
* Shaak Ti
* Shakka
* Shimrra
* Shmi Skywalker
* Elan Sleazebaggano
* Shu Mai
* Shug Ninx
* Sifo-Dyas
* Sio Bibble
* Siri Tachi
* Sola Naberrie
* Sora Bulq
* Sun Fac
* Sy Snootles
[edit] T
* T3-M4
* TC-14
* Tahiri Veila
* Talon Karrde
* Tarfful
* Tarkin
* Taun We
* Tenel Ka
* Tikkes
* Toonbuck Toora
* Tsavong Lah
* Twink Kee
[edit] U
* Ulic Qel-Droma
[edit] V
* Valorum
* V-Tan
* Vanden Willard
* Vergere
* Versé
* Vilmarh Grahrk
* Vima Da Boda
* Visas Marr
[edit] W
* WA-7
* Wald
* Wam "Blam" Lufba
* Watto
* Wedge Antilles
* Wicket W. Warrick
[edit] X
* Xanatos
* Xizor
[edit] Y
* Yaddle
* Yané
* Yarua
* Yoda
* Ysanne Isard
* Yun
[edit] Z
* Zaalbar
* Zam Wesell
* Zekk
* Zett Jukassa
* Zorneth
* Zorba the Hutt
Anonymous said:
this proves democrats are corrupt and rotten to the core.. old dead richard daley sr. would be proud of little corrupt obama following in the chicago tradition. who knows... maybe daley's voting this time around too?
Anonymous said:
Obama will claim he will "fix" the economy with his Marxist Socialist policies. And at least half the country will believe him. You would think that a century of socialist failures finally put this to rest but Marx still lives.
Anonymous said:
Speaking of Republican corruption and the free markets on Wall street.
If you want to see how AIG is going to spend our $85 billion dollars now that AIG has a big fat check from Joe Taxpayer to bail them out of bankruptcy.
First AIG executives go play golf and relax at a luxury resort and spend $402,000.00 in Dana Point, Ca. notice there is an AIG executive staying in a $3,200.00 a night presidential suite.
How many of these executives at AIG are voting for McCain.
Anonymous said:
How many of the executves at AIG who are still being paid millions from our $85 billion dollar bailout are voting for McCain ?
Executives making $280 million dollars need your Joe Taxpayer money to bail them out. These guys love McCain !!!
Anonymous said:
If you want to know if the Wall Streeters are supporting McCain, just look at how the Republicans on these committees try hard to protect the Wall Streeters from the tough questioning.
The Republicans are focused on how to get one of their own elected president, so they are trying to protect McCain's supporters.
Anonymous said:
Prediction: McCain takes a 6 point lead in the polls tomorrow.
How'd that work out for you?
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