Now, a More Diverse Obama Youth
Someone had the gall to call me racist for putting up a video mentioned by others on the blog that showed one example of the proposed "Obama Youth." That being, just because the youth in that video all happened to be African American.
So to be sure, here's one with a very multi-cultural Obama Youth brigade singing songs of praise to Obama, with at least one comparison that might wake you up.
Since when do we sing songs of worship to a Presidential candidate? There' "I'm Just Wild About Harry" but come on, this takes it to a scary level.
Obama has his own symbol and seal. At best, it's tremendous ego, at worst it's a foreboding of a new type of politics (though one we've seen it before) of a cult of personality centered around an empty suit who has yet to articulate an actual plan.
I don't idolize McCain the way many of my friends drool over Obama. I don't want to idolize a candidate. I have my doubts about elements of McCain's philosophy and plan. However he's closer to my worldview and doesn't scare the crap out of me like Obama.
Be honest with yourself, isn't there just something a little weird about the whole Obama thing. Its hip to support Obama, but when you look at it rationally, you can't be intellectually candid with yourself and really say Obama is trustworthy and competent.
So to be sure, here's one with a very multi-cultural Obama Youth brigade singing songs of praise to Obama, with at least one comparison that might wake you up.
Since when do we sing songs of worship to a Presidential candidate? There' "I'm Just Wild About Harry" but come on, this takes it to a scary level.
Obama has his own symbol and seal. At best, it's tremendous ego, at worst it's a foreboding of a new type of politics (though one we've seen it before) of a cult of personality centered around an empty suit who has yet to articulate an actual plan.
I don't idolize McCain the way many of my friends drool over Obama. I don't want to idolize a candidate. I have my doubts about elements of McCain's philosophy and plan. However he's closer to my worldview and doesn't scare the crap out of me like Obama.
Be honest with yourself, isn't there just something a little weird about the whole Obama thing. Its hip to support Obama, but when you look at it rationally, you can't be intellectually candid with yourself and really say Obama is trustworthy and competent.
Labels: john mccain, obama bin biden, obama youth
Anybody with dark skin especially blacks, latinos and Arabs scares Mike Higby - run, Higby run.
Ooops I forgot Higby is too fat to run. lol
This is going to happen. You've gotten yourself caught up in a messy situation by praising everything that McCain does, and condemning all that Obama does. You've found yourself being a tool for the McCain propaganda which has turned nasty and will only get worse as McCain gets increasingly desperate.
Here are more shocking videos, these kids are forced to sing "Yes Jesus Loves Me".
Admit it, these kids are to young to know that Jesus loves them, they are being manipulated by their parents.
Michael, asking Obama fanboys to be honest before Nov. 4 is a losing proposition. Yes, the clips are creepy -- absolutely creepy --
And memo to 1:41: posting a video of kids singing for Jesus did nothing to discredit Michael's argument. Think about it. You MADE his point.
I love to see the Obamastaffel get all bent out of shape when I hit their guy.
Don Q and the usual suspects (B for one) are lighting quick to play the race card.
His argument is blown out of the water when I was advocating Bobby Jindal for VP.
But then again it appears that Democrats don't seen East Indians as a protected class, at least according to Big Mouth Biden. Also, any person of color, woman, or homosexual who happens to be Republican immediately loses it too.
Michael, I'm sitting here simply dumbfounded.
As a mother, a woman and an advocate for children for many, many years... for you to sit there and call children (and their parents for that matter) learning about the political process, issues and then being able to express themselves artistically to reflect what they've learned is in no way scary.
It's beautiful.
The PTA has an annual Arts contest called "Reflections". Children are encouraged to create anything: literature, photography, dance, compose musical pieces or write songs, paint a picture, anything centered around a different theme each year.
This year's theme is "WOW!". Kids take the theme and run with it... What makes you go "WOW"? Express yourselves and have fun!
There are a lot of HOPE and Obama-flavored entries coming in.
We have a lot of those SCARY OBAMA YOUTH at my daughter's school (K-5). They wear their Obama t-shirts with pride and their Obama pins on their backpacks.
And don't say it's because we parents force them to. That's bullshit.
My kid would NEVER wear anything for the sake of making a statement FOR HER MOTHER. She has her own Lady Brain and makes her own choices. ("I am NOT A CATHOLIC--I AM A BUDDHIST!")
Based on the information she's learned from news sources, and just watching the Babbling Idiot on television, she knows she's more prepared to be the Vice President than Sarah Palin.
She knows that the Flintstones weren't real. People and dinosaurs did not walk the earth together. Cavemen did not have dinosaurs as pets. She is seven, but she knows this.
Her assessment of Sarah Palin?: EPIC FAIL.
How dare you say that our family's support (and that includes all the Republicans residing in this house) for Barack Obama is simply to appear "hip", is condescending at worst, and simple minded at it's most basic level.
Ditto the "...when you look at it rationally, you can't be intellectually candid with yourself and really say Obama is trustworthy and competent".
Yes, I can Michael. You don't think as a Mother I've "rationally" thought about all the issues at stake here?
I have a female child with issues at stake.
I have a male child, who in two years will be required to register with the Selective Service for military duty; he has issues at stake.
You don't think I've given any serious weight to these issues other than appearing "hip"? Or thought of them in any meaningful intellectual way? Obviously not.
This is a very sad day.
The problem Valley Doll is practically everyone I know outside of you can make a non-emotional case for supporting Barack Obama. They've told me it's historic, it's cool, he's the next Clinton, all stuff that is pointless.
In a nutshell I believe that John McCain and Sarah Palin will be represent me in Washington because they
1. Believe that government is the problem not the answer
2. That government should be out of our private lives
3. That Islamofacist terror is one of the biggest threats to America above global warming, trans-fat and plastic grocery bags
4. Believe that the answer to our economy is cutting taxes, hence increasing government revenues (as JFK and Clinton did) which will lower deficits, lower interest rates and create jobs and economic opportunity.
5. They don't buy into the Bush-Cheney Country Club Republican corporatist/internationalist greedy approach. Both have shown that in their past they have gone up against the business as usual crowd
On the other hand Barack Obama is scary in that he has said he will essentially appease terrorists, raise taxes in the worst economy since the depression (we only have to look back to Jimmy Carter to recognize the folly of that) and nationalize significant elements of our economy.
Obama has even recognized that his plans to raise taxes will cut government revenues. He says that doesn't matter, his plan is about income redistribution.
The problem with Obama is not that he's a tried and true FDR/Harry Truman/Herbert Humphrey Democrat, the type of Democrat that I was, my father was, my grandfather was, but that he is part of a new movement that has moved the Democratic party to a fringe left that essentially has a Socialist agenda.
Obama is essentially selling a feel good, phony bill of goods to some very good people who believe he's the savior.
It's not at the top of the list, but this whole mandatory national service, the Obama youth, singing songs of praise, etc. is pretty damn weird but more scary. We haven't seen anything like that since you know who. No one sang songs to JFK, Jimmy Carter, Clinton, etc. No one created youth groups around them. It's just freakin' weird, scary and over the top. What the hell does Obama and his wife have planned for us?
No this Obama isn't a Democrat like FDR, JFK, Jimmy Carter (the old one, not the new socialist nut case version), Clinton, Tom Bradley, Jerry Brown or even Tony Villar to a degree. This is an avowed leftist who is lying to you, promising what he can't deliver and what he will deliver is scary, scary, scary.
And when did Sarah Palin say man lived with dinosaurs? That's a lie and it's tinged with bigotry.
By the way, speaking of kids wearing Obama shirts to school, routinely kids wearing anti-Obama or pro-McCain shirts are getting sent home or suspended.
An 11-year-old boy in Colorado was suspended from school after he refused to take off a shirt that read, “Obama is a terrorist’s best friend." His father says that the school is violating his son’s First Amendment rights.
Fatboy Higby writes .........
"They don't buy into the Bush-Cheney Country Club Republican corporatist/internationalist greedy approach. Both have shown that in their past they have gone up against the business as usual crowd."
Higby needs to read this article in the L.A. Times,0,5596966.column
Just days after the federal government committed $85 billion of taxpayers' money to a bailout of insurance giant AIG last month, senior execs from the troubled company headed to Southern California's ultra-swanky St. Regis Resort in Monarch Beach for a week of wining and dining top salespeople.
AIG documents earlier in the day showing that the company paid more than $440,000 for the event, including nearly $200,000 for rooms, $150,000 for meals, $23,000 in spa charges and almost $7,000 for golf outings.
The post-bailout getaway for American International Group execs is just one of a series of jaw-dropping revelations to emerge this week about the behavior of some of the companies involved in the financial crisis.
Among other things we now know:
* AIG tried to hide negative information about its condition from auditors before the bailout plan took shape, according to documents obtained by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Beverly Hills), who heads the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
* As early as March, regulators sent a letter to AIG warning the company about its lack of transparency and ability to oversee financial products.
Just caught the Obama speech on Fox and something that caught my attention was near the end where he is talking about how proud he is in us???? UM isn’t this some person who once sat calmly in the audience while his pastor said “God D@** America” and once claimed this same pastor as his great spiritual adviser?
He really will say anything to get elected. Its worse than Clinton in the 90’s.
"And don't say it's because we parents force them to."
10:20, I'm calling BS on that one. When I was in gradeschool my dad dressed me in his political gear and of course I supported his candidate. He was my Dad!
Looking back, it was mildly inappropriate. But in the age of Youtube, it's totally irresponsible to do this to kids.
If you supported McCain so would your kid, because you're her Mom.
Dittos Higby. These videos are freaking scary.
If you people can't get over your politics to see that, well you are plain naive,
When Valley Dull, Don Quackers and Joe B start their arguments with Fatboy Higby they immediately lose all credibility.
Authorities at the Urban Community Leadership Academy in Kansas City, Missouri took action after a video of the pupils, who are thought to be aged 14 and 15, emerged on YouTube.
The video, which was titled "Obama Youth – Junior Fraternity Regiment", has since been removed, but copies have been re-posted.
It shows 10 teenage boys marching into a classroom, making gestures with their arms and reciting "alpha, omega".
After coming to a halt, each in turn shouts a personal mantra associating their personal goals with Mr Obama.
The first says: "Because of Obama, I aspire to be the next doctor"; the next, "Because of Obama, I aspire to be the next lawyer".
Each then shouts Mr Obama's campaign slogan: "Yes we can", before carrying out a drill combining the recital of slogans and aggressive physical gestures. The boys then each recite a different benefit of Mr Obama's healthcare plan.
Joyce McGautha, the school's superintendent, told US media that the school did not approve of the video. She said that the teacher, who has not been named in anticipation of legal action, was suspended, and that further drill activities were stopped.
YouTube viewers were quick to criticise Mr Obama's campaign for the video's content, and to compare it to 20th century political youth movements.
One wrote: "This should scare the hell out of any freedom loving American. The Democrats, their accomplices in the media and the schools, are producing the next generation of Hitler Youth. Welcome to the People's Socialist Republic of America."
The video's emergence comes soon after that of Sing for Change, a clip in which 22 children between 5 and 12 were seen singing a song praising the Democratic presidential candidate. Critics said it was improper to make children support politicians.
Higby Writes ....
McCain and Palin
"They don't buy into the Bush-Cheney Country Club Republican corporatist/internationalist greedy approach. Both have shown that in their past they have gone up against the business as usual crowd."
How many years has the "Maverick" John McCain been in Wsahington? How many times have we read about the "Maverick" asking for tighter control on Wall Street or large corporations? You and the republicans have been against any restriction on the "free markets" on Wall Street.
Higby did you forget McCain wants to reward big corporations like AIG with more tax breaks. I guess the AIG executives taking $300 million fram a comapny going bankrupt need more tax breaks.
For John McCain and most republicans to say they are now opposed to "corporate greed" is simply laughable. hahahaha
Say good-bye to McCain when more Americans read about the REPUBLICAN thieves on Wall Street who destroyed our economy.
Obama promised to withhold funds from school districts that don't make their junior high and high schoolers serve 50 hours a year. 100 hours for college students, provided their type of service is deemed acceptable by a sprawling new Federal bureaucracy.
They're forcing 5 YEAR OLD KIDS to sing Obama campaign slogans?!?!
Kool-Aid drinking Higby,
Here is John McCain the "Maverick" stance on federal regulation of the "Country Club Republican corporatist/internationalist greedy" on Wall Street.
How many of McCain's campaign advisors are Wall Street lobbyists.
MS you have really pissed off the Hussein Obama spinner!
Obama's sheep have worked themselves up into such a frenzy that if he loses, I believe there will literally be suicides. But not before America is condemned as a racist country and Diebold is accused of rigging the election.
If Obama loses there will be riots in the streets ala when MLK was assassinated or following Rodney King.
When Valley Dull, Don Quackers and Joe B start their arguments with Fatboy Higby they immediately lose all credibility.
It is true Higby is a FatBoy we can all see this from his picture.
Does Higby have any credibility, this blog is a nothing but a circus show whose objective is more website traffic.
Does anybody still think the "third floor spinsters" are worried about the Britney Spears stories and YouTube videos seen on this blog.
Did you see this !!!!! The damn democrats did not retouch the picture of our beautiful governor Sarah Palin !!!!!
I know my boss has asked me to call Higby. We read it.
We don't like it but EVERYONE in City Hall reads this blog.
So don't be jealous. You're probably some other blog runner. Probably Zuma Dogg.
Ah, yes-- that whole "Kids are the future--Celebrate Diversity-- Take-from-the-haves-give-to-the-have- nots" mentality. I predict in less than 3 years we'll be seeing the bums downtown sporting filthy, stained turquoise HOPE and OBAMA t-shirts, just as the Littlest Commies are busy catching AIDS off a toilet seat....
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