Road Rage of the Political Kind
Today driving home for work another driver flipped me the bird. Actually, to tell it accurately, he beeped twice (like from an Aamco commercial) and then raised his right hand towards his interior dome light and gave me the bird. I was cruising along at 65, the speed of traffic, in the 2nd lane, and he passed me in the fast lane and did the obscene gesture.
Now what did I do to cause this? I certainly hadn’t cut anyone off because I had been following behind a line of cars for at least 5 miles. Perhaps it was the fact that I have both a McCain and Yes-on-8 bumper sticker on my car. Perhaps this guy was displeased with my choice of decoration.
The driver was a white male, probably in his 30’s, and must have been fairly tall, because there wasn’t much headroom left. He was driving a light blue late model BMW coupe and after gesturing, floored it at to at least 80. Perhaps he was concerned I’d chase after him in my humble 4-cylinder.
I’ve been trying to come to some conclusions about what this event meant if any.
Is this guy wealthy because he drives a new BMW? Perhaps, but it could have been borrowed, or he’s just made a decision to spend all his money on his car.
Is he for Obama? I don’t know, he could be for Nadir for that matter.
Is he gay? Perhaps, but he didn’t give me a limp-wristed finger.
Is he a law breaker? Yes, he floored it to 80 MPH
Is he full of rage? YES, this was a pre-meditated move far different from flipping someone the bird who causes you road rage from being cut-off. He may do it to every McCain or Yes-on-8 bumper stickered car he sees.
Was this a move to intimidate me? YES, as a big man, he’s probably use to intimidating people. After all, it’s not a kind, considerate man who generally starts flipping people the bird at a moment's notice. It takes the right personality.
I first put a McCain sticker on my car about a month ago, within the first 5 days I was cut-off on the freeway onramp by a young black girl in a new compact car that was behind me at the approach signal and deliberately went around me to cut me off. Oh, and she had an Obama sticker on the bumper.
I’ve been very conscious of having those stickers on my car and have been very careful to drive as courteously as possible. I wouldn’t ordinarily cut people off anyway, but now I go out of my way to be a good example of a considerate driver so that I don’t reflect poorly on the candidate I’m supporting.
Yesterday I went to the Dodgers/Phillies game with my brother who drove us in his unmarked rental car. After the game (with 56,000 in attendance) we were cut-off by 2 inconsiderate drivers butting in front of us to get out of the jammed parking lot. Wow, they saved 20 whole seconds! They both had Obama stickers on their cars.
Dennis Prager often suggests this bet and so far no takers: A person carrying a sign with a Republican slogan in a Democratic stronghold area will receive far more insults than a Democrat with his sign in a Republican stronghold. I guess everyone knows it to be true.
McCain supporters and Republicans have got to be ever vigilant to renew their convictions. Don’t let the bullies get you down; they make lots of noise and obscenities to dissuade you – far more noise than our side ever would. We can shut them up with our votes.
Will I remove my bumper stickers? No, I won't be bullied.
Now what did I do to cause this? I certainly hadn’t cut anyone off because I had been following behind a line of cars for at least 5 miles. Perhaps it was the fact that I have both a McCain and Yes-on-8 bumper sticker on my car. Perhaps this guy was displeased with my choice of decoration.
The driver was a white male, probably in his 30’s, and must have been fairly tall, because there wasn’t much headroom left. He was driving a light blue late model BMW coupe and after gesturing, floored it at to at least 80. Perhaps he was concerned I’d chase after him in my humble 4-cylinder.
I’ve been trying to come to some conclusions about what this event meant if any.
Is this guy wealthy because he drives a new BMW? Perhaps, but it could have been borrowed, or he’s just made a decision to spend all his money on his car.
Is he for Obama? I don’t know, he could be for Nadir for that matter.
Is he gay? Perhaps, but he didn’t give me a limp-wristed finger.
Is he a law breaker? Yes, he floored it to 80 MPH
Is he full of rage? YES, this was a pre-meditated move far different from flipping someone the bird who causes you road rage from being cut-off. He may do it to every McCain or Yes-on-8 bumper stickered car he sees.
Was this a move to intimidate me? YES, as a big man, he’s probably use to intimidating people. After all, it’s not a kind, considerate man who generally starts flipping people the bird at a moment's notice. It takes the right personality.
I first put a McCain sticker on my car about a month ago, within the first 5 days I was cut-off on the freeway onramp by a young black girl in a new compact car that was behind me at the approach signal and deliberately went around me to cut me off. Oh, and she had an Obama sticker on the bumper.
I’ve been very conscious of having those stickers on my car and have been very careful to drive as courteously as possible. I wouldn’t ordinarily cut people off anyway, but now I go out of my way to be a good example of a considerate driver so that I don’t reflect poorly on the candidate I’m supporting.
Yesterday I went to the Dodgers/Phillies game with my brother who drove us in his unmarked rental car. After the game (with 56,000 in attendance) we were cut-off by 2 inconsiderate drivers butting in front of us to get out of the jammed parking lot. Wow, they saved 20 whole seconds! They both had Obama stickers on their cars.
Dennis Prager often suggests this bet and so far no takers: A person carrying a sign with a Republican slogan in a Democratic stronghold area will receive far more insults than a Democrat with his sign in a Republican stronghold. I guess everyone knows it to be true.
McCain supporters and Republicans have got to be ever vigilant to renew their convictions. Don’t let the bullies get you down; they make lots of noise and obscenities to dissuade you – far more noise than our side ever would. We can shut them up with our votes.
Will I remove my bumper stickers? No, I won't be bullied.
I am a closeted conservative and it has made me understand why some gay people choose to stay in the closet. I'd rather keep it to myself than deal with the waves of hate from my "liberal" friends. Funny...I am supposed to be the one with a closed mind!
You won't be bullied?. Did anyone ever get out of the car and physically attack you? I didn't think so. Stop being such a wimp!
If you ever see a 6-foot blonde with tattoos who could probably kick your scawny crybaby ass giving you the finger for your Yes on 8 sticker, you'd better do more than 80 when you run away, because the last thing this lady fears is speed.
I seriously hate the whole bloody lot of you. Hate begets hate, so I guess I'm just 'begetting' off of you. And you should know that I'm not actually for gay marriage. What I'm against is Prop Hate.
Currently, gays and lesbians have the legal right to marry in California. Not only do you want to write bigotry into the state constitution, you want to do so to correct what you view as a long-standing mistake: not putting it in there long ago. It's just plain wrong.
And don't even get me started on the court case in which Yes on 8 SUED the state to change the ballot description of the measure from 'eliminates the right to marry...' to something more friendly-sounding. They lost. Fuck you Jeff Flint!
big cities breed group think bullying. dennis prager is right on this one.
It could be worse than signs on you car, If you put a McCain or Yes on 8 sign in front of your house you are risking getting "egged" or even a brick through your window. Anyone who denies that there is more civility of disagreement the further right you go politically is living in a fantasy world.
Check this out:
Though I am adamantly against Prop 8, I don't believe that everyone who is in favor of it hates homosexuals.
This is one of the issues where I have to fight my right wing friends who are otherwise simpatico with me on the issues of taxes, big government, the war in Iraq, etc.
There for sure is an element of hate on the Yes on 8 fringe as we see an element of hate on the No side.
There are many individuals who are supporting 8 because they just don't know any different or better. It's unfortunate, but I figure I can change their mind with love rather than hate.
That being said no one should be the recipient of hate because of their views, even if they are ones I find repugnant.
Hate breeds hate and respect brings respect. I've heard some very hateful things come from some Democrats towards Sarah Palin and the same from some Republicans towards Obama.
Knock it off folks.
I'm your huckleberry, Spinosa...
you will either apologize to the writer of this article, or face the consequences of such refusal.
I find it extremely odd that liberal Democrats say they're completely in favor of freedom of speech... unless one offers a viewpoint contrary to the liberal Democratic ideaology. Rather than to defend someone's right to air an opposing view, the liberal Democrats will attack the one (or ones) declaring said opposing view. This is hardly freedom of speech, and does nothing to advance the cause of those who espouse Democratic ideals.
The conservative Republican, on the other hand, understands the principle of freedom of speech as written in the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution. If someone offers an opposing view, that's freedom of speech, according to conservative Republican ideaology. The unfortunate result is that sometimes, the conservative Republican is villified for standing up for their principles.
Show me a person on the street who is intolerant of others' opinions, and I'll show you a liberal Democrat.
Free speech intended to limit speech is intolerable. I don't tolerate intolerance either. Yes, that means I'm against free speech. Sure it does.
The problem comes when free speech is the only justification for saying certain things. I'm sorry folks, but if your first defense of an un-winnable argument is to chalk your comments up to free speech, well then you have non argument.
That might also explain why the Yes on 8 people continue to lie to win. The (again) current law does NOT change the status of any churches or schools.
In fact, what they neglect to tell you at all is that if they had just agreed to enhance civil union benefits, many of us who don't necessarily want to call it marriage might have come out against Prop 8 as being unnecessary grandstanding, and for the 'Yes' folks it is. This was all orchestrated. Open your eyes, open your mind. Do you have any idea how much money is involved in wedge issues like this? Flint is certainly lining his pockets promoting McCain and his socially regressive agenda.
So if you're for Prop 8 to the point where you feel a need to announce it everywhere you drive, then I'm sorry, but you're ignorant, either for not knowing liberty or hating gays. Hey, doesn't your holy book advocating stoning us? Holy shit! Why yes it does!
Vote Barr/Root 2008 for real change - a government that lets you live your life. How refreshing! I'm not a liberal. Surprise!
This comment has been removed by the author.
I look at it this way: If Prop. 8 passes, gays and lesbians will work to overturn it the way they did on the original Proposition. They shouldn't be such crybabies. Maybe they should move to Vermont, Massachusetts, or Connecticut.
Oh? It's not warm there? Tough! I've noticed California gets downright chilly during the winter months too... and I've noticed something: Never mind all this talk about global warming - global cooling is what we're going to be worrying about, and soon!
Global Cooling sources:
The Old Farmer's Almanac: 2009 edition.
Science News: August 30, 2008.
Oh, and apologies for the many typos. Besides using a broken keyboard, I'm also exhausted.
Sarah doesn't need to apologize to Bort, he can take it.
If they can respectfully agree to disagree that's fine.
I know people who don't like gays or their lifestyle. I know people who don't like Christians or their lifestyle.
What folks need to understand is you live your own life. If someone hates you, oh well.
Besides, Sarah ain't no liberal Democrat. :)
Huh? Typos? Geez, I'm slipping... I didn't see any.
I considered putting a McCain sticker on my car. But I'm like the only Republican in my "gated" community of about 600 people. We have those BMWs and Benzs with the Obama stickers. I don't want to take a chance.
I will however put a Walter Moore sticker on my car if he brings one to our fourth anniversary party!
It's absolutely true that liberals, especially here in LA, are the rudest and smuggest people. Hollywood libs won't even attend a dinner party oftentimes if they know a Republican will be there, and no one will sit with them at dinner or even pretend to be polite if they show up by "accident."
Look at the nasty tone on their blogs, from people like Marc Cooper, even the Obama fanatics who regularly comment on WitnessLA.
They even teach and encourage their kids to be rude. Back on 2000 my daughter was in First grade in a westside public school, one of the few decent elementary schools people actually still send their kids to. When the teacher asked whose family was voting how, she was the only one who raised her hand for Bush. I felt Gore was a phony, dull as plywood and would raise our taxes to further his environmental and other schemes. Although I didn't like Bush, I'm not a big-government, big-taxing liberal and can't stand the egotistical phonies who the Democrats are putting up these days. (Like Obama.)
She got so much meanness on the playground from the other kids, and it carried back into the classroom while the teacher ignored it. Next day, one boy brought a picture of Bush to school and stomped on it in class while the kids and teacher laughed. My daughter cried and learned you can never express you real feelings or opinions to "liberals" who are anything but.
P.S. to previous comment: Higby's indignation about liberal rudeness would carry more weight if he didn't champion that nasty, smelly creature Zooma Mutt. Who attracts a potty- mouthed Matt and they've set the new low barre for the other commenters trooping into city hall and turning public comment into a farce of "how rude can we be to the Councilmembers without breaking the law." Cute game, not, and it's meant that they're not listened to anymore.
Since their comments tend to be what pass for more conservative, like for Jamiel's Law, anti-tax and such, they have marginalized all of those points of view.
(And on this blog, there's that Haikula person who's combative with all the commenters. Nice.)
Who are all these new burros popping up on this blog, with their long-winded musings?
'Hey, doesn't your holy book advocating stoning us?'
... this is one of the funnier typos from my brain working faster than this beaten-down ass computer. 'If you can't laugh at yourself...'
10:45 - That is very unfortunate. I know people who happen to be conservative who are very hateful. I know liberals who are very loving. But my experience on the whole is that least here in LA a lot of liberals are just so arrogant, hateful and suffer from Palin Derangment Syndrome. What happened to tolerance?
10:53 - there was no need for you to post your comment three times.
Anyway, I was waiting for you to get around to somehow involve Zuma Dogg in all this.
Thanks for having ZDS (Zuma Derangement Syndrome).
I need to go to bed now.
anon 10:45 -
She got so much meanness on the playground from the other kids, and it carried back into the classroom while the teacher ignored it. Next day, one boy brought a picture of Bush to school and stomped on it in class while the kids and teacher laughed. My daughter cried and learned you can never express you real feelings or opinions to "liberals" who are anything but.
That sucks for your kid, but I seriously lack sympathy for you. I specifically remember a time not too long ago when those against the Iraq War were treated similarly. Did you really not see it coming?
In fact, being anti-war was so unpopular just a few years ago that it is precisely why Obama, one of very few senators to vote against Iraq, became the perfect adversary for the so-called 'maverick' John McCain, whom I used to admire quite a bit before he sold out.
You as a parent should understand that you should never coach an innocent child into a situation where they will likely be shunned. In this case, she defended the man and his policies that have destroyed the fundamental nature of our country during a time when about 80% of her peers angrily disagree, according to polls. She's awfully young for presidential Stockholm Syndrome, don'tcha think?
'a lot of liberals are just so arrogant, hateful and suffer from Palin Derangment Syndrome. What happened to tolerance?'
Honestly, it because Palin scares the shit out of liberals and libertarians, such as myself. With any luck, she'll die in office before McCain. Sorry, but DUDE! Where's my liberty? Where's my country?
Sarah Michelle Spinoza is exactly the kind of nasty "liberal" this post is about. To say she's not sorry for a kid having that happen to her in kindergarten, in a public school no less which is teaching "tolerance" on every PC subject, is just sick. And NO, I don't remember any Republicans stomping on pictures of Gore to taunt the one child in a class whose family was voting for him.
Trying to make a crazy comparison to opposing the Gulf War is just that -- what the hell are you talking about, moron? Some people who were angry that "liberals" weren't supporting the troops is somehow analogous to this? To a kid saying her family is supporting ANOTHER CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT?
You're showing again that utter lack of logic, that fanatacism that you think excuses ANY nastiness to anyone who's not marching in step with "the right" one. No wonder Obama's posters and t-shirts were modeled on Che's which was modeled on Stalin's, Castro's and other dictators.
If Obama wins, it's only because, first, the leftwing of the Dem party working with their fellow travelers in the press sabbotaged Hillary from the start. Then because McCain's run such a poor campaign and frankly, was the wrong choice: the Republican party's strength is supposed to be the economy whereas he's someone who's always said he's no economist. But if Obama wins the country will be in turmoil for years from the center-right and from their economic policies.
'You're showing again that utter lack of logic, that fanatacism that you think excuses ANY nastiness to anyone who's not marching in step with "the right" one.'
First of all, who the hell is "'the right' one?" You mean Obama? Newsflash: I'm not voting for him, dummy.
You truly find my opinion more illogical than intentionally 'martyrizing' a child, do you? I said I did feel bad for the child, but I don't feel bad for the parent who seems to be bragging about the chastisement of their child for political gain, especially considering again that 80% of people openly disapprove of the Bush Administration. Chastisement was a forgone conclusion here. Either this parent can praise his/her child's strength or hold her up as a victim, but they can't do both.
How can you possibly argue that anyone, adult or child, who disagreed with Bush circa 2003 wouldn't have been treated much the same way? Do you really believe the neo-cons are that tolerant of free speech when they're trying to profitize the internet, circumvent FISA, and are once again using Karl Rove and his tactics to intentionally divide the electorate?
You're letting it work, by the way. Great job, tool. Way to show that traditional Rethug 'compassionate conservatism.'
Obama didn't vote against the Iraq War. He was an Illinois Congressman at the time.
Obama likes to say he "stood up against the war" but he had no voice or vote at the time. Maybe he stood up in his backyard to oppose the war.
Or maybe he pulled a Rosendahl and stood up in favor of a non-binding resolution.
Either way it's a misleading statement on his part. People like McCain and Hillary had to make the tough decision, Obama didn't.
I get cut off almost everyday by crazy L.A. drivers, it must be that I don't have any bumper stickers on my car.
Anbody who works in downtown and lives in Burbak gets cut-off every day as they merge from the 110fwy to 5 fwy, NO bumper sticker required.
With any luck, she'll die in office before McCain.
Good grief.
Obama didn't vote against the Iraq War. He was an Illinois Congressman at the time.'
Sorry about the inaccuracy, but I stand by the principal.
To Sarah Michelle Spinoza, the psycho bitch (on yesterday's post -- I don't check back here much, people like you being the reason and now you've got a thread of your own with no comments allowed I see, a new low for Higby):
How dare you accuse me of "intentionally martyring a child," psycho bitch? She was in a class of kindergarten kids who were asked by the teacher whose family was voting for which presidential candidate and answered.
You expected her to lie and choose the "correct" candidate, so as not to be bullied and attacked by other kids with the tacit approval of the teacher?
And NO, the fact that some Republicans were angry at those who opposed the Iraq war does NOT remotely justify this or have any relevance whatsoever to the situation.
I'm not even a Republican, but an Independent and didn't support the Iraq war, psycho bitch. It was like now, a choice between the least worst/ profligate tax-and- spend candidate. Just turned out that after 9/11 Bush rushed into the War, but that wasn't a platform he ran on, psycho-bitch.
And the point was in relation to the thread of nasty liberals, psycho-bitch. Get a grip.
(Higby, are you so desperate for hits you're having "that one" posting? Makes me long for the days of Valley Ditz if she and Haikula are what you can dredge up for females.)
SMS said:
And NO, I don't remember any Republicans stomping on pictures of Gore to taunt the one child in a class whose family was voting for him.
I'm trying to figure out WHERE (especially here in L.A.) on Earth you could have a school that was all Bush with only one lone Gore supporter? I don't think so. Maybe a private Christian school, but nowhere else.
I love Los Angeles and the liberal part of it is one of my favorites.
Wow. Closed minds are tough nuts to crack.
'You expected her to lie and choose the "correct" candidate, so as not to be bullied and attacked by other kids with the tacit approval of the teacher?'
No, I expected her parents to spend more time teaching her that sometimes the world is cruel and you need to be careful in what you say, especially considering their unpopular political views. You should learn that lesson as well.
'I don't check back here much, people like you being the reason and now you've got a thread of your own with no comments allowed I see, a new low for Higby...'
I shut off the comments to the threads. Me. I did it. If you have a problem, take it up with me. Frankly, the way you're behaving justifies my temporary caution.
That's right, I'll allow comments soon enough, but I need you all focused on the issues, so my self-introductory articles are not up for discussion.
Do you have a problem with that? Too fucking bad. I'm not stifling your speech, I'm simply refusing to be the subject.
'I'm not even a Republican, but an Independent and didn't support the Iraq war, psycho bitch.'
I don't give a shit about your political inclinations. You drew conclusions about me, so now I have you. Deal with it. It was caused by your own arrogance.
Welcome to my world.
You don't "have me," or anyone, psycho-bitch SMS.
You expected me to teach my 5-year old that in order to answer the teacher's question about who we were voting for for President of the United States, she should EXPECT to be bullied and treated abusively by the kids with tacit approval of the teacher? THAT is your understanding of what America is supposed to be like, to a small child? Man, you must have had one hell of a messed up childhood to turn out as you did.
The rest of your post is just plain illogical and with every attempt to justify yourself, you just get dumber and dumber.
You're crazy and don't worry about closing off your comments, you're too much of an idiot to bother reading. I just skipped over your post, so rant on, psycho-bitch.
Hey moron -
'I don't give a shit about your political inclinations. You drew conclusions about me, so now I have you.'
... so now I have (drawn conclusions about) you, I don't claim to 'have you.'
But I do now, don't I? Keep taking that bait though. You amuse me.
Despite all your rage you're still just a rat in a cage, but only the truth shall set you free. Vote No on Prop 8. There is no valid excuse not to.
SMS, you are a sick bitch. Stick to your own threads so we can avoid you. But you're like Zuma Dogg, barging in on everyone else's because no one wants to read you.
Sick psycho-bitch, you ought to hide in a worm-infested place lower than a cave, make it straight to a graveyard and hope even the maggots will want your nasty, lumpy old carcass. (Wear a granny girdle with a belly like that, too -- strutting your stuffing in a slinky silk dress is typical of your lack of awareness.)
To keep saying the stuff you do about a child in that situation, about my crime in not teaching her that she should just expect bullying and nastiness for voting for a different candidate for frigging president of the United States, is literally sociopathic.
Even Higby's road rage nut in the BMW would -- that it was the teacher's JOB to teach the other kids about how to behave in a civil democracy, makes you far worse than any of the nuts who've ever commented let alone blogged here. You've proved everything you were trying to argue against by your sick comments and behavior.
Get help, and stay off the roads. Definitely stay away from kids.
Your posting included the following: "Is he gay? Perhaps, but he didn’t give me a limp-wristed finger..."
This phrase alone shows your bigotry. Grow up.
'...that it was the teacher's JOB to teach the other kids about how to behave in a civil democracy...'
Spoken like a true liberal. So... depend on the government much?
I'm sorry I hit a nerve. Go cry to your 'nanny state' and stop lecturing us about your so-called 'independence.'
Don't let the door hit ya where your good lord split ya!
No, no Sarah. Not spoken like a true liberal. "I'm" a true liberal and I do not expect or welcome teachers teaching my children civil democracy. I don't consider it their JOB. In fact, I would like to handle that myself.
Besides the person who continues to call you a psycho bitch over and over was the Bush voter!
Now that you disagreed with him, he'll never leave you alone but who cares? The smart people here will be nicer. We just are.
Now Haikooky is a different story. We don't believe that is even a woman yet, much less one with that kooky story and her ridiculous responses to posters.
She/he/it is the psycho bitch. I have no idea what you did that would warrant that. Well, except for that Libertarian claim. ;)
2:11 and psycho-bitch SMS show what this blog attracts as a general rule. The scum of the earth. Please lord may you never reproduce, more larvae.
anon 2:11 -
Sorry for confusing the two of you. Maybe you should select a pseudonym? Otherwise, all you anons are just faces in a crowd to us.
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