Rev Jax: Israel Lower Priority Under Obama
One of the reaons I don't trust Obama - his positions/record on Israel. And this doesn't help.
Speaking at an international conference in France, civil rights leader Reverend Jesse Jackson told participants that in an Obama White House supporters of Israel will have less influence than in previous administrations.
Despite past disputes and battles with the Democratic Presidential nominee Jackson, who was the first major African-American candidate for President in 1984, claimed a long and close association with Obama.
Maybe Sarah Silverman might want to call off that schlep to see all the bubbies and zadies in Florida before it's too late.
Speaking at an international conference in France, civil rights leader Reverend Jesse Jackson told participants that in an Obama White House supporters of Israel will have less influence than in previous administrations.
The most important change would occur in the Middle East, where "decades of putting Israel's interests first" would end.
Jackson believes that, although "Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades" remain strong, they'll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House.
Despite past disputes and battles with the Democratic Presidential nominee Jackson, who was the first major African-American candidate for President in 1984, claimed a long and close association with Obama.
Obama has been "a neighbor or, better still, a member of the family." Jackson's son has been a close friend of Obama for years, and Jackson's daughter went to school with Obama's wife Michelle.
"We helped him start his career," says Jackson. "And then we were always there to help him move ahead. He is the continuation of our struggle for justice not only for the black people but also for all those who have been wronged."
Maybe Sarah Silverman might want to call off that schlep to see all the bubbies and zadies in Florida before it's too late.
Labels: Barack Obama, Israel, jesse jackson, sarah silverman, zionism
Higby is spinning like a motorized top, Higby keep putting out as many stories as humanly possible and see if anything will stick.
I am also a very friend of Barack Hussien Obama and I told Obmaa to place a high tax on Bagels and the Blogging Burros and he agreed. Me and my good friend Obama might also socialize this blog of burros. (new burro tax coming)
Higby be afraid very afraid me and my good friend Barack Hussein Obama are coming after the FatBastard and th rest of the bagel eating burros. lol
Lighten up DQ. Your invitation's in the mail, and yes there will be frijoles on the buffet.
Seriously? You're measuring Obama's support of Israel by what Jesse Jackson says??
Don Quixote at 1:40 is so obvious. You're not anonymous, DQ. Be a man and sign your comments.
Your source is Jesse Jackson? Higby! Isn't this what they call desperation on your part?
If Obama is elected, Jackson's position as a spokesperson for the African Amercian community drops a notch.
He will also lose a great deal of that which agitators need, a foil. He has it now in the Republican administration in the White House, but it won't be so easy next year.
McCain Transition Chief Aided Saddam In Lobbying Effort
William Timmons, the Washington lobbyist who John McCain has named to head his presidential transition team, aided an influence effort on behalf of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to ease international sanctions against his regime.
The two lobbyists who Timmons worked closely with over a five year period on the lobbying campaign later either pleaded guilty to or were convicted of federal criminal charges that they had acted as unregistered agents of Saddam Hussein's government.
During the same period beginning in 1992, Timmons worked closely with the two lobbyists, Samir Vincent and Tongsun Park, on a previously unreported prospective deal with the Iraqis in which they hoped to be awarded a contract to purchase and resell Iraqi oil. Timmons, Vincent, and Park stood to share at least $45 million if the business deal went through.
Timmons' activities occurred in the years following the first Gulf War, when Washington considered Iraq to be a rogue enemy state and a sponsor of terrorism. His dealings on behalf of the deceased Iraqi leader stand in stark contrast to the views his current employer held at the time.
John McCain strongly supported the 1991 military action against Iraq, and as recently as Sunday described Saddam Hussein as a one-time menace to the region who had "stated categorically that he would acquire weapons of mass destruction, and he would use them wherever he could."
But we who drive out to the burbs on holidays all know that dirty white trash fundie Christians are actually, when among their own families, the biggest Jew-haters of all, so this is one really conflicted position for them. Maybe this erroneous spin-job will even score some votes for Obama in Orange KKKounty.
I wonder when Jesse became an Obama policy spokesman? I missed the memo.
Here's a note to politicians who choose to put lobbyists in high profile positions in their campaign (not just John McCain): vet them first.
It wasn't bad enough that man named by McCain to head his transition team (find people to fill the key positions), Williams Timmons, was a lobbyist for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Now it is being reported that he also was part of an effort to help Saddam Hussein ease international sanctions against his regime in Iraq.
The lobbyists he worked with either pleaded guilty to or were convicted of federal criminal charges that they acted as unregistered agents for Saddam's government.
Then there was the secret deal with Iraq to be awared a contract to purchase and resell Iraqi oil which would have netted Timmons and 2 others $45 million.
This link details the sorid story.
Time reports that McCain's aides warned him against such a controversial figure as Timmons.
Kid's rule! Pick Obama.
250,000 kids from grades 1 thru 12 voted for president on paper ballots, and "elected" Obama 57% to 39%.
Since 1940, the kids have only been wrong twice: pickng Dewey over Truman in 1948, and Nixon over JFK. That means they have a 40 year winning streak.
RedState co-founder and conservative blogger writes that he can't bring himself to vote for McCain.
"Do I believe in John McCain? Not as much as I used to. Do I believe in Sarah Palin? Despite my early enthusiasm for her, now not at all. Do I believe in the national Republican Party? Not in the slightest — even though I see no meaningful alternative to it. So, my choice for President in 2008, scrawled in my ballot as an act of futile protest, is Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana."
Jesse formed Obama. A lot of blacks don't like the Jews. Jesse's already proven that.
MailHandler and DQ think it's racist that the US has a border fence. Ask DQ what the mee-hee-canos do to the Salvadorans on their southern border.
Intrade investors are indicating an Obama landslide with Obama capturing 364 electoral votes, well more than the 270 needed to win.
Obama has a 10 point lead in a national Washington Post-ABC News poll taken Oct. 8-11. That's up from a 4 point lead at the end of last month.
This method has been more accurate than polls in last elections because people are actually risking their own money on what they expect will happen as opposed to what they want to happen.
Here's the reason the McCain campaign is sinking and has few options left.
According to a USA Today/Gallup poll 84% predict that the economy will get worse.
That's a simple, clear, and motivating message. It is fortified every time someone gets their 401(k) statement in the mail and they see how their future has been affected.
McCain needs an equally powerful and simple counterforce, and it won't be some complicated economic plan filled with mind-numbing numbers.
63% said they don't think McCain, if elected, can stop it. 31% think he could.
50% think Obama could fix it. 44% don't.
Voters will blame the Republican administration. McCain is a Republican. He's in deep do-do.
Barack Obama, with his spindly little neck, big-foreheaded child-like face and pointy dark liver lips, looks like any 5 year old could beat him at arm wrestling him with one arm tied behind his back. However,that doesn't mean Mr.Half-black isn't incredibly dangerous. He's the candidate supported by HAMASS(sp?)for crissake! And if he wins the election, his 8 year-old brain will be way too busy handing out toys, candy, health care and home loans to indigent losers and illegal aliens to bother about the fate of one of our closest allies.
Jeepers Higby!! Valley Doll and Don Quioxote tag teamed your article. You should know better than to raise valid questions about Obama's foreign policy.
How come I can't comment about the OC post???
3:56 This whole "black man as president" thing really upsets you doesn't it? I haven't heard that kind of hatred dribble out someone since I was last down South.
Very creative. Notable Americans were asked to suggest one-liner zingers for both candidates to use in Wednesday's debate.
Whaddya expect from a closet Muslim?? Of course he's going to be pro-Arab!
Expect the Middle East wars to come to a neighborhood near you! Ever wonder why Obama said he wants a trained army of domestic fighters in the US???
It's cheaper to wage wars on our own soil!
To Rita of Sunland
Gawd...those "dark liver colored lips" are soooo gross. I never noticed dark liver lips on Colin Powell, for instance. But Obama's are disgusting! Yuckey, Yuck!
Looks like Higby get more comments and web-site hits from people who don't like his message and blog. Oh wait it's probably all those "Third Floor Spinsters".
Jessie is full of it. It's not easy for any African American politician to be a supporter of the State of Israel and Barack has stood up on that issue numerous times. His top foreign policy advisor Dennis Ross says he is a strong supporter and I think that counts for more than anything Reverend Jetstream says. Jessie is just projecting his dreams on Barack, but the reality is that he means what he says and we are electing a "Scoop Jackson" Democrat as President and some people just can't believe that an African American can think like that.
In 1984 I was standing out front of the Mayfair Market in West Hollywood at 12:00 at night a few days before the election, passing out flyers for Walter Mondale.
A kind of scary acting guy came up to me and said "I will not vote for Walter Mondale until he repudiates the anti-semite Jesse Jackson."
That guy was JDL leader Irv Rubin.
Irv did his shopping and then came back out and aplogized for yelling, saying that he admired me for doing something that I believed in and that he would otherwise vote for Mondale but that Mondale never criticized Jackson for his anti-semitic comments during the primary campaign.
So, will Barack Obama repudiate Jesse Jackson? The guy isn't doing him any favors and obviously doesn't like Obama.
Obama could go a long way to fully denounce Jackson.
He won't do that because the Obamas have a family connection with the Jackson children.
DQ @ 2:43 - I happen to be a fundamentalist Christian who recognizes that without Judaism, there would be no Christianity. I have no patience with those who espouse anti-Semitic views. I believe instead, in the Abrahamic Covenant. Perhaps you should dust off that Bible of yours and read it for yourself in Genesis chapter 12, verse 3.
The reactionaries on the far right will not be happy to see this in print (read: various white supremacist groups), Thus, my unique blog identity.
Obama Opens A 40 Point Lead
Asians Hate McCain
9 in 10 Conservative Bloggers Think Palin Is A Butt Munch
Veterans And Seniors Wish McCain Was Never Born
McCain Hates Puppies;topStoryHeadline
Puppies Hate McCain
Incoming fire has the right of way. So if you're a whole record, move out of the way, unless you wish to become a broken record!
One of the strategies used in battle is to divide the enemy, turn them against each other, and destroy their will to continue.
The list of Republicans who have jumped ship continues. This has to be a great concern to some Republican candidates for governor and legislature. They already had to distance themselves from Bush. Now they have to distance themselves from McBush.
Now this report:
Republican Mickey Edwards, formerly a congressman from Oklahoma, was the latest deserter.
He said, "Today, thanks to a campaign apparently managed by Moe, Curly, and Larry, he comes across as erratic (Obama's word, but it fits), impulsive, befuddled, and ill-tempered, and apparently unable to utter any words other than 'surge' and 'earmarks.'" Edwards also plays the blame game very explicitly: "If Obama gets a big win, it will be McCain himself, and the Three Stooges calling the shots at his headquarters who will deserve whatever blame is attached for transforming a viable and energetic Obama campaign into a steamroller grinding the Republican Party into the ground."
Beg to differ, 4:18-- I'd have no problem w/a black president as long as that black president was diametrically opposed to radical(gawd, guess I have to capitalize the damned word) Islam, and was willing to become pro-active in their support for Israel. In addition, I would hope that this proverbial, hypothetical black president (or any U.S. pres. of any race, for that matter) would prioritize the security of our southern border and scoff at the silly notion of amnesty, social services, health care, and anchor-baby birth rights for illegal aliens. I think Condalezza Rice would make a SUPERLATIVE U.S. president. You know who I can't stand? Farakhan-esque traitors like Rev. Wright and all the reparation freaks. Yeah, my ancestors had slaves--- in Georgia and Texas-- So what? DEAL WITH IT. (And if it makes you feel any better, I can't even find a good PLUMMER nowadays!!) Chances are, your ancestors had subordinates too-- regardless of your lineage. But back to B.O.-- he continually shows nothing but contempt for white America. In fact, I bet he sees Biden as just a necessary Caucasian stepping stone on his big roll towards the White House. (Hmmm... he might wanna change that to the Half-White House, huh?) Note to 5:11: You misquoted me. I would never use the word "colored!" AAARRRGGHHH!!
And when was the last time you wore that hood?
According to your requirements, you would be an Obama supporter. He denounces radical Islam, supports Israel, wasn't the guy who proposal amensty and a guest worker program for illegal immigrants, and separated himself from Rev. Wright.
Hey, 9:47-- When was the last time YOU attended a May Day or Million Mammy, uh, I mean, Million MAN march, threw a frozen bottle of "number#1" at a S.W.A.T. officer or tagged a telephone pole? Guess you don't want to see thru B.O.'s subversive associations that clearly expose him as a racially-motivated socialist, exclusively serving himself and those he perceives to be "his people.". No, he didn't help author the McCain-Kennedy bill, but he definately supports drivers' licenses for illegal aliens, welfare, free healthcare, all the tax-payer funded goodies he can ascertain, i.e. "spreading the wealth." But how I loved seeing the little man squirm on the "Gotcha Hotseat" as he half-heartedly distanced his campaign. from the big-mouthed Bible brother!(These days Wright is most certainly G--damning Stanley Kurtz!) Alas, 9:47, you insist upon mainlining that leftist Kool-aid. You know how to make it? Pour contents into a melting pot. Just add tax-payer dollars and wallow.
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