Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Friday
Though the majority of Republicans appear to support the effort to deny rights to same-sex couples, Proposition 8, there is a growing GOP effort to oppose the measure. At the same time local Republicans are criticizing the leadership of the County GOP organization for sponsoring an event against marriage choice at a time when the party's focus should be on electing Republicans to local office. We've said it before, but booting County Party Chair Linda Boyd is long overdue.
Evidently we've put an end to crime in Los Angeles, we've filled all the potholes, we've brought lots and lots of high paying jobs to the city and we've balanced the budget. Because besides banning plastic bags and fast food in Los Angeles, the City Council took to that veritable scourge of society, banning smoking at outdoor farmers markets.
If you live in one of LA's tony hillside or canyon areas, you better not be voting for John McCain or more importantly, don't put up a sign supporting the Republican Presidential candidate. Not only will local liberals deface your sign, the City will tell you to take it down - despite Supreme Court rulings that say a City cannot prohibit political speech on private property.
I didn't catch this earlier, but when John McCain announced Sarah Palin as his pick for his running mate, his daughter, blogger Meghan McCain blogged the event with lots of behind the scenes photos of the announcement event.
Labels: censorship, farmers markets, fast food, john mccain, la weekly, linda boyd, mayor antonio villaraigosa, meghan mccain, plastic bags, proposition 8, sarah palin, smoking, walter moore
The McDonald piece nailed Villar to the cross! It was a masterpiece and showed everyone the REAL Tony Villar...shyster and
con-man extraordinaire!
I hope that by the time the people at Trussaud's are finished with the wax version of Villar, it will show him sitting in a prison cell...complete with bars and prison stripes! That would really draw a huge crowd to the museum!!!
Let me see if I help Higby increase his web-site Hit Count, since that is main goal.
The 11% Mayor!
Is the city as broken as it was after the Rodney King riots? Stop trafficking in cheap shot cliches and explain yourself. Convince us for once in your pathetic life. announces that George Putnam died at 3:20 a.m. this morning at age 94.
RIP George.
In LA 90041
I believe the Mayor himself has declared the city is;
-In a budget crisis
-Has an education crisis
-Needs extra money to deal with the onslaught of gang violence
-Has a housing crisis
-Needs immigration reform
-Needs to develop "green" jobs
-Has a transportation crisis
And he apparently is spending eleven percent of his time addressing those urgent issues.
Meanwhile, he is amassing a huge war chest, has hatchet men in Ace Smith and Mike Trujillo building up dossiers on any potential opponents in the next election, and no one of any signifigance is stepping up to the challenge for fear of having their career and/or personal life ruined.
Which meanns four more years of "eleven percent" attention to the issues......At least the security detail gets to go on nice trips.
Banana republic here we come! No crisis here.
That really was a GREAT piece by the LA Weekly and Mr. Patrick Range McDonald. There aren't many true journalists left in LA. Thank God he is one of them.
Good morning Laides and Gentlemen (removes hat and bows low with flourish):
We would like to know who Ms. Time is for His Has Been Nibbs spends, if you will, many quarter hours having "Robin Time". (Winks) Fifteen minutes is all that is necessary for either fame or the deed that perhaps secures it, savvy?
It looks like Zuma Dogg's blog isn't blocked any more, if was ever blocked at all.
Big surprise.
I see the LA Weekly article scared the mayor straight. This morning he has shown up at city hall to oversee a vital meeting of the city council. Rest easy citizens of Los Angeles, the mayor has taken charge of the council meeting. I'm sure they are all working on the many problems facing this city. What? Oh... Really? My bad, he's just kicking off Latino Heritage Month with a mariachi band and Eva Longoria.
Christ Almighty, 8:19am.
Get your facts straight. Ace Smith dumped Villaraigosa months ago.
He moved to the Jerry Brown campaign which, I go on record as saying, will be the winning team. Haikula was right about the Biden Palin picks.
I forgot to sign in on my name, on the post that is adjacent to this one.
But that's me. Ace Smith left Villaraigosa months ago. He's with Jerry Brown's campaign, and Brown will win.
I'm not concerned with Villar becoming Governor...he will lose his ass...but we can't let him have another 4 years in LA!
I can't understand why no one has thrown their hat in the ring! Is it because everyone knows Villar has registered every single illegal alien in LA??? All 2 million of them??? Are they all doing absentee ballots???
What's going on here??? Has Villar threatened everyone??? I don't get it!
Isn't Ace Smith and Parque involved with Measure R? I think that might tide them over until the mayoral race kicks in. in fact, it might be a good way to give them extra money. Isn't there less limits on Measures as compared to office campaigns?
Having Ace in town is a real asset for the Mayor. Ace could still "profile" anyone the Mayor wanted because the will largely be funding and endorsing Measure R. I think anyone, particularly a Democrat, understands the effectiveness of an Ace smear campaign. Obama is struggling with his handiwork during the primaries.
I'm glad he's working with Brown who's known for his dedication to actually forcing change within government, but Ace made his name and fortune propping up Antonio. I think he'll gladly stand in the shadows of the Mayor regardless of Antonio's performance. Ace could ultimately control LA like Rove did DC. with just one more victim.
Is there any evidence that the City ordered that the sign be taken down, or is this just someone passing along a rumor?
Is there a City ordinance that limits the size of signs that people can put on their property regardless of their content?
If there isn't, I think I could make some quick bucks my renting space on my property for some commercial or political signs.
That will freak out those anti-billboard people. We'll just put the billboards on people's lawns and the sides of their houses if they have good exposure.
It's 11:54 am and the mayor is still "honoring" people at city hall. I guess there is nothing more pressing today.
You guys are idiots. Haiku is a FOO! LATimes reported a few days ago Ace Smith is running Villar's re-election campaign. Ace didn't dump Villar.
How stupid Matt Szabo is as a pr hatchet man. He should have advised his lame ass client Villaraigosa to start doing more important things and stop all the dancing and parading with all the photo ops. The LA Weekly piece is all about that. This shows the arrogance of a true Narcissitic loser. Thousands are hoping for the Karma he truly deserves starts to kick in. Antonio has a repuation for ruining careers, threats, etc. to anyone who opposes what he does. He's like the emperior with no clothes. We're waiting for the day someone has the balls to tell him.
Oh, Oh, Just heard Mayor Tony online say we've just had "the safest summer since 1967."
It's ALWAYS about Tony and "we came together", meaning HIS ideas.
The B.S. detector always goes to full alert when Tony starts to make quantify improvements and supposed progress- and it goes to overload whenever "statistics" are cited by him or his stooges, I mean staff.
The mayor mentioned "we need jobs for these young people."
Well, Tony, in case you forgot how life in L.A. evolved, there used to be after-school job opportunities in the 60's and into the 70's. There used to be summer jobs and coming from college in the 70's, there were numerous jobs for that season and again for the Christmas shopping season.
With the increase in immigration, mainly illegal immigration, it all disappeared- why hire a kid for part-time and summer when you get somebody all the time for about the same money?
THIS is just another elephant in a crowded room of elephants that politicians FAIL TO ACKNOWLEDGE but it IS what happened. NOW they wonder why no jobs exist for teens and older, that is, if they even are old enough to remember- maybe they are not and they think it always was this way.
The teens were the collateral damage of the illegal immigration population boom. Other reasons for fewer jobs can be less industry in L.A. as it is being zoned out with every new project coming in. A harsh business climate, anti-business laws like Huizar's menu law and other anti-business efforts to tax more just make it easier to relocate in cities more friendly to business and only a few miles away.
And Tony continues to "dream" on about "accomplishments"- maybe he should get a hold of the "LA WEEKLY" and read it. He's better off not writing anything down so at least he leaves himself wiggle room for excuses- why write anything down, he's not doing anything useful anyway.
Physically he might need some prompts. Tony’s public speaking is getting quite unsteady, his voice shaky and he falls back on platitudes and ironic phrasing, as today- about the Beach Boys’ Brian Wilson presentation for today, "This is as good as it gets." Well, isn’t that the truth, and Heaven help us all.
Opinion In L.A.
5:56 - I'd actually like to reduce my hits by one.
If all you are here to do is complain about the blog, I am sure you can find somewhere else to go.
In fact, why don't you partner with Don Quixote and start the Mayor Sam Sucks blog?
Otherwise get a life and stop worrying so much about what a little blog is doing.
I stand by the comment: Ace Smith is no longer working on the Villaraigosa for Governor campaign.
Think about it: he isn't even RUNNING for Governor anymore! Why would the #1 consultant in the area work for a campaign that is dead in the water? He is working for Jerry Brown's campaign.
Here's a haiku for you, Dopey:
LA Times is wrong!
Listen to your Haikula!
I know what is up!
Haikula's blogging partner asks that you pay less attention to the LA Times. It is on the skids like last night's chili.
Why not indict Villar on RICO charges and/or a myriad of other criminal charges related to his utter incompetence...AND GIVE IMMUNITY TO EVERYONE IN CITY HALL IN EXCHANGE FOR TESTIFYING AGAINST HIM????
Why is anyone afraid of this little, sleazy Mexican mickey mouse??? He's a devout coward!!! He RUNS, not walks, from reporters!!!
There is enough evidence to bring down the entire city council, so why don't they get smart and turn on the Mafia chieftain???? We might even consider giving them a nice financial reward!
I have a crush on HaikuLA.
Antonio is the first Mayor in the history of LA to take credit for the drop in CRIME. HELLLOOOOO not once has he given credit to the people who deserve it and that's the cops. His stupid program Summer Nights was good because they had tons of cops patrolling and were told it was a priority to make sure nothing happened. Notice how Antonio is using LAPD all the time showing up to open houses all of a sudden. This gang banger cholo Mayor hated cops and still hangs out with his old hommies. He's not fooling anyone. He pretends to fit in with the rich and powerful but sadly, he's the joke of the entire city.
the 7/11 mayor. he works seven days a week and eleven hours a day, but he's open 365 day.
I loved the last part of the letter to LA GOP Chairman Linda Boyd:
"Under your leadership, not one Legislative or Congressional seat has changed from Democrat to
Republican. Maybe it’s time for a new strategy—or new leadership."
And if she had kept her campaign promise to run a Republican for every partisan office, then perhaps there might have been a chance to kick Congresswoman Laura Richardson out of office. The media storm against her would have helped tremendously.
12 SEPTEMBER 2008: This report may be be breaking news of immense national political importance as a direct result of what the NEIN Blog has previously described as “The Palin Effect.”
According to a an exclusive source close to the Northeast Intelligence Network, the possibility exists for a major change to the Democrat presidential campaign of Barack Obama. Our source, citing other highly reliable sources, states that Senator Joe Biden will withdraw as the Democrat Vice-Presidential candidate, possibly due to some imminent medical emergency. These sources go on to state that negotiations have occured between Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to replace Senator Biden on the ticket with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.
With time drawing short to election day and given the tremendous impact to the presidential race by Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, a potential political paradigm shift of this magnitude is not out of the question. Recent commentary by Senator Biden suggesting that Hillary should have been Obama’s VEEP nominee might actually betray a Democrat strategy which has been forming within the DNC in recent days to preclude what appears at this point to be a potential electoral defeat at the polls on November 4, 2008.
George Putnam died at 3:20 a.m. this morning at age 94.
He gave us pleasure, understanding and mental gymnasticsfor many years. Thank you George. Good Bless
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