We Are All Americans
"The things that unite us. America’s past of which we’re so proud. Our hopes and aspirations for the future of the world and this much loved country. These things far outweigh what little divides us. And so tonight we reaffirm that Jew and gentile, we are one nation under God; that black and white, we are one nation indivisible; that Republican and Democrat, we are all Americans. Tonight, with heart and hand, through whatever trial and travail, we pledge ourselves to each other and to the cause of human freedom, the cause that has given light to this land and hope to the world."
President Ronald Reagan
Aboard U.S.S. John F. Kennedy (CV-67)
New York Harbor
July 4, 1986
President Ronald Reagan
Aboard U.S.S. John F. Kennedy (CV-67)
New York Harbor
July 4, 1986
Labels: fourth of july, Ronald Reagan
Mexicans certainly dispute that we're all "proud of our past," they've done nothing but diss it, from outlawing Christopher Columbus day in Calif. (he didn't "discover" people who weren't lost, except to Europeans and other "anglos" like the Spaniards and Portuguese, then they came to oppress the Indians, whose tribal cultures Mexicans falsley lay claim to) -- just ask Pueblo de Semillas about that (but don't ask them about English lit, the Constitution, math or the War of Indepedence).
Some radical blacks will just tell you about slavery, not the fights and marches to end it, and how quickly blacks have become totally assimilated into our culture. In fact, with affirmative action, the Latinos, Indians and blacks have a much easiesr time getting into colleges and are courted for scholarships, and have taken over (sunk, in L A) our public school systems.
But still, many won't tell you about how principle of Equal Rights in our Constitution made all these social revolutions possible, mitigating against those who fought change (men of color actually achieved equality before white women). That's not what many of our public schools are teaching them, but the politics and mentality of victimization and hating the "anglo." Many liberal whites join in and teach them that, in essence supporting the bigotry of truly racist and totalitarian nations like China, Iran and N korea and Cuba, Guatemala and eve Mexico, against our own, even today.
Happy 4th of July.
We were here first! I do not recognize your Independence.
Who cares whose independence you do or don't recognize. Count your blessings that civilized people came to move you aside and establish a viable society lest the land you claim to have precedence to would be the shitstorm Northern Mexico is right now. Who cares what you do or don't recognize and piss on Cinco de Mayo tambien..
Yeah. And, that fool Matt isn't an American, either.
As for his pal the misplaced wanna be dog, the jury is still out. Personally, I htink he's an alien from another planet.
There is no "pure" Mexican. Their beginning heiritage is Indian and they have been integrated with every country who has conquered them ever since the beginning of their (culture?). The way they discriminate against their orginal inhabitants, the founders of their country, is criminal! They should give Mexico back to the Indians, after all,they are the original inhabitants, they were there first! God Bless the USA.
Anyone who doesn't love our country should leave - now!
2pm, unless you are "Native American," i.e. Indians, your people were not here first.
By the way, YOU were not here first. People who lived here centuries ago, who have virtually no ties to you whatsoever, were here first.
YOU have claim to NOTHING. Besides, those people did nothing to develop the country. It was the white folks who took it, built it, and made it into the free-est land in the entire world.
It's the people who love being "victims" who are left behind. All the opportunity in the world is available to YOU, provided that you stop whining about your lot in life. There are plenty of others who have much less than YOU.
It's all about YOU, isn't it?
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
you've got to get rid of that pop-up for brinks, whatever they'd selling -- that's the only ad on any site that blows up Firefox firewall, must be trying to avoid it and Firefox shuts down the whole system. It's some kind of poison pill.
God damn, when is someone going to post a FRESH string here????
It's now July 6, so why is the last string from July 4???
Didn't this group of doofuses have ANYTHING to publish on July 5th?
I give Steve Lopez a lot of credit for being ballsy and writing this stuff.
Steve Lopez:
Chicago's Daley could teach Villaraigosa a few things
12:13 - it is a holiday weekend.
Introduction to the California Taxpayer Protection Act
Dear California Friends,
I want to call your attention to a statewide initiative that may change the debate on the automatic citizenship that is wrongly bestowed upon children born to illegal aliens and foreign visitors in the United States. The initiative -- The California Taxpayer Protection Act -- is being planned for the June 2010 California ballot. This may seem like a distant point on the horizon, but it’s really not when you consider the herculean efforts necessary to secure a spot on the ballot in the state.
Initiative Background
The initiative is sponsored by Taxpayer Revolution and authored by Ted Hilton, a scholar of Constitutional Law and expert on the 14th Amendment's original intent. The measure has three major provisions that would:
• Create a second type of California birth certificate for children born to illegal aliens and others who are not permanent residents. The current certificate would be limited to children with at least one parent who submits an affidavit stating that he or she is a citizen or a permanent legal resident (Social Security Number verified);
• Restricts illegal alien parents from applying for child-only CalWORKS benefits (TANF) for their U.S. born child by requiring specific identification of all applicants; and
• Limit public benefits to only citizens and qualified aliens, and require identification (passport or driver’s license, and a verified social security number) during the application process.
Birth mothers who are not citizens or legal residents would be required to: apply for a birth certificate in person; provide complete identity including means of support; submit three passport type photographs; and be fingerprinted. All of this information would be provided to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Such mothers also would pay an additional fee of $75 and not be automatically issued a Social Security Number for the child.
Qualifying the Initiative
To qualify for the ballot, the initiative requires 433,971 signatures. Since a cushion is needed for security, the proponents are seeking a total of 550,000. The last month to begin signature gathering, which must occur over a five-month period, is June 2009. However, experts believe that the best five-month period for gathering signatures is February through June.
If only Reagan really meant those words. Good speech writer though. Kudos to him/her.
Iraq is using their new-found freedoms in unexpected ways: pimping out low-riders. Who says that the major and sole contribution of ELA to the world isn't important? (That's what Rachel Urganga's article in the Daily News could come up with as East L A's claim to cultural fame, es la verdad.)
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