Voter Rights Summary
The Obama folks were nice enough to send out this information via email. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not implying that anything SNEAKY or SHADY will go down at any of the polls tomorrow. ::cough::VILLARNUCKLEHEAD DISTRICT::cough::
I’m just sayin’!!
So I thought I should share; it’s good karma. Anyway … here they are in their glorious entirety:
Precinct captains and observers may play an important role for the campaign at polling places that do not have an attorney monitor observing the facilities. Below is a summary of a voter's rights, and you may be instrumental in protecting these rights if you observe any of these rules not being followed at a polling place. You may not interact directly with the voter and the poll worker, however. You should note down what you see that violates any of these rights, and quietly mention it to the poll manager. If the problem is not rectified, call the CA Obama Election Protection Hotline.
Voters have the right to cast a provisional ballot if their name is not listed on the voting rolls. However, if a voter is at the wrong polling location and has time to get to the correct polling location, we encourage them to go to the correct location instead of casting a provisional ballot. If the voter can't get to the correct location before poll closing (8pm), he or she should request a provisional ballot.
Voters have the right to cast a ballot if they are present and in line at the polling place prior to the close of the polls (no earlier than 8pm).
Voters have the right to vote in the Democratic primary if they are not registered with any political party. (Decline to State) To do so, they should indicate that they are voting in the Democratic primary. If their ballot asks which primary they are voting in, they must mark "Democratic" for the vote to be counted in the Democratic primary.
Voters have the right to cast a secret ballot free from intimidation. Signs, banners, and passing out pamphlets or cards for any candidate or ballot initiative are not permitted within 100 feet of the polling place, and by no means inside the polling place.
Voters have the right to receive a new ballot if, prior to casting their ballot, they believe they have made a mistake.
Voters have the right to assistance in casting their ballots, if they are unable to vote without assistance. Voters may take someone into the booth with them to assist.
Voters have the right to return a completed vote-by-mail ballot to any precinct in their county.
Voters have the right to bring children under the age of 18 years with them into the voting booth if the children are under their care.
Those new voters who registered to vote by mail may be asked to show ID. The voter rolls will indicate which voters are subject to this requirement. Other voters should not be asked to show any ID. For those voters who do need to show ID, many forms of ID, including many without a photo, are acceptable. Some examples of acceptable photo ID are: driver's licenses or IDs from any state, student IDs with photo, health club IDs with photo. Some examples of acceptable non-photo ID are: a recently dated utility bill or bank statement, or the official sample ballot from this election that was mailed to the voter. If you are at a location that is requiring all voters to show ID, or is insisting only on photo ID, call the Election Protection Hotline immediately.
Polling locations must open by 7am and cannot close before 8pm. If a polling location runs out of ballots or other supplies, supplies must be replaced immediately. If you are at a location that runs out of ballots, has not opened at 7am, or is attempting to close before 8pm, call the Election Protection hotline immediately.
Exit pollers are permitted to be closer to the polls than people engaging in canvassing or visibility. Unless you have been specifically directed to do so by a campaign staff member, you should not attempt to collect exit poll information yourself at the polling place.
LOS ANGELES: (310) 801-9546 or (310) 779-0816
SAN FRANCISCO/BAY AREA: (415) 606-6043
0AKLAND/EAST BAY: (510) 520-5025
SAN DIEGO: (619) 770-7105
Attorneys will be monitoring these phone lines all day on Election Day. Please call to report any problems at a poll or any conduct that seems inconsistent with the rules above. (However, if all is well, no need to report this to the hotline, so we can keep the phone lines free for others who may have concerns to report. Thank you for your cooperation
No, thank YOU! Being informed is beautiful thing.
I’m just sayin’!!
So I thought I should share; it’s good karma. Anyway … here they are in their glorious entirety:
Precinct captains and observers may play an important role for the campaign at polling places that do not have an attorney monitor observing the facilities. Below is a summary of a voter's rights, and you may be instrumental in protecting these rights if you observe any of these rules not being followed at a polling place. You may not interact directly with the voter and the poll worker, however. You should note down what you see that violates any of these rights, and quietly mention it to the poll manager. If the problem is not rectified, call the CA Obama Election Protection Hotline.
Voters have the right to cast a provisional ballot if their name is not listed on the voting rolls. However, if a voter is at the wrong polling location and has time to get to the correct polling location, we encourage them to go to the correct location instead of casting a provisional ballot. If the voter can't get to the correct location before poll closing (8pm), he or she should request a provisional ballot.
Voters have the right to cast a ballot if they are present and in line at the polling place prior to the close of the polls (no earlier than 8pm).
Voters have the right to vote in the Democratic primary if they are not registered with any political party. (Decline to State) To do so, they should indicate that they are voting in the Democratic primary. If their ballot asks which primary they are voting in, they must mark "Democratic" for the vote to be counted in the Democratic primary.
Voters have the right to cast a secret ballot free from intimidation. Signs, banners, and passing out pamphlets or cards for any candidate or ballot initiative are not permitted within 100 feet of the polling place, and by no means inside the polling place.
Voters have the right to receive a new ballot if, prior to casting their ballot, they believe they have made a mistake.
Voters have the right to assistance in casting their ballots, if they are unable to vote without assistance. Voters may take someone into the booth with them to assist.
Voters have the right to return a completed vote-by-mail ballot to any precinct in their county.
Voters have the right to bring children under the age of 18 years with them into the voting booth if the children are under their care.
Those new voters who registered to vote by mail may be asked to show ID. The voter rolls will indicate which voters are subject to this requirement. Other voters should not be asked to show any ID. For those voters who do need to show ID, many forms of ID, including many without a photo, are acceptable. Some examples of acceptable photo ID are: driver's licenses or IDs from any state, student IDs with photo, health club IDs with photo. Some examples of acceptable non-photo ID are: a recently dated utility bill or bank statement, or the official sample ballot from this election that was mailed to the voter. If you are at a location that is requiring all voters to show ID, or is insisting only on photo ID, call the Election Protection Hotline immediately.
Polling locations must open by 7am and cannot close before 8pm. If a polling location runs out of ballots or other supplies, supplies must be replaced immediately. If you are at a location that runs out of ballots, has not opened at 7am, or is attempting to close before 8pm, call the Election Protection hotline immediately.
Exit pollers are permitted to be closer to the polls than people engaging in canvassing or visibility. Unless you have been specifically directed to do so by a campaign staff member, you should not attempt to collect exit poll information yourself at the polling place.
LOS ANGELES: (310) 801-9546 or (310) 779-0816
SAN FRANCISCO/BAY AREA: (415) 606-6043
0AKLAND/EAST BAY: (510) 520-5025
SAN DIEGO: (619) 770-7105
Attorneys will be monitoring these phone lines all day on Election Day. Please call to report any problems at a poll or any conduct that seems inconsistent with the rules above. (However, if all is well, no need to report this to the hotline, so we can keep the phone lines free for others who may have concerns to report. Thank you for your cooperation
No, thank YOU! Being informed is beautiful thing.
Labels: 2008 Presidential Election, voter fraud
you must have a typo there, girl, that you should call the hotline if polling place isn't open by 7 pm -- you meant, am?
dang, so a health club ID or utility bill is good enough to vote. Wonder how carefully those are crosschecked later.
So much for those who accuse Antonio of encouraging illegals to vote, though -- sounds like Obama's doing it himself, and no wonder, the way he's promised illegals driver's licenses to get the La Opinion endorsement, while Hillary wouldn't because she knows the public isn't in favor of it.
That boy Obama, he ain't had no daddy to raise him right, he' do anything to get a vote, believe it.
That makes me think: how cumz it's such a good thing he raised by a single mama, and with Antonio, fact that his daddy supposedly left home is such a bad and horrible thing? How you spell HIPOCRITIKAL, anyway.
Yah, way to go Hill -- screw those driver's licenses for illegals!
Dang, homegirl, I LIKE THE "GARNISHING MY WAGES FOR YOUR HEALTHCARE PLAN" platform waaay better!
And quite honestly, I think the Voter Rights Summary is a reminder to ALL voters of what is allowed and what isn't. Just so's everyone is clear. And transparent. On both sides.
That would be the fair way to win an election. Oh right, you wouldn't know anything about that, now would ya? ;)
Nothin like falsehood in advertising, Doll -- yeah, Hill and Antonio, they be all ova ya ass, garnisheein' them wages for healthcare.
Make so' Obama people, dey get dem illegal drivin licenses now, else how dey be votin'? And heck, people will so think dat makes dem legal, so dey can be gettin all dem benefits dey need fo dey kids and all. O if dey stop takin drivin licenses cuz dey not be trustin em, den yo's ain't gonna be worth nothing too, right Doll? Den you and Mr Doll, youze be needing somtin else, be comin' into da city wid yu gaz guzzling vehicles, and all.
It so is funny you think everybody who knows Obama aint' got no experience, is why he gotta make experience sound like leprosy, is wid HIllary. I ain't knowin' her, and she so wouldn't be aksing my ass ta be shilling fo' her, you feelin' me, Doll? I's just don't like when people, dey be actin' all stupid, and not thinkin' fo' demselves. Evem Oprah, she come all da way here to Los Angelees, ta tell da ladies, "you free, you be allowed to think fo' yoselves."
Now ain't dat sumthin, yes Ma'am.
Awesome post!!!! Great information!! Valley Doll is my favorite on this site aside from Higby.
Yup better watch those precints where Latino communities are and where Antonio has bus loads of illegals vote.
Let me know when all the bus's are ready to take all the thousands of illegals to vote.
I'm not going to vote but I need a ride to first and townsend at 7pm
Get real
What about the right to canvas the neighborhood; collect all the absentee ballots; then fill em all out with, "Schillary" and "Yes on S & 93"? The mayor would like to make an amendment, please!
Hey news flash from the LA Herald Express! There is an insidious Republican conspiricy to send dozens of bus's to every old folks home to gather up the old senile white people and hypnotize them to vote Republican or thier Liberace music will be replaced by Tom Jones live in Vegas.
And thousands of absentee ballots will be taken along and filled out by ghosts during the bus's stop at Forest Lawn Cemetary.
It's a giant conspiracy ! Really!
Anonymous said:
Awesome post!!!! Great information!! Valley Doll is my favorite on this site aside from Higby.
Awww ... thanks!
(psssst, your check is in the mail)
Fellow ghosts! Don quixote has discovered our plan!! We must fill out those ballots pronto! Remember, vote NO on 93 and S!
The board of elections failed to deliver voting equipment to polling places ALL OVER LOS ANGELES... Developing
^ Blame the County - it's their responsibility this election.
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