Rally for Prop 93 draws from segments of the "PANDERING ELITES"

The "PANDERING ELITE" from the right and left met in a "COLLECTIVE SPACE" at City Hall to beg for your support to keep the "WORKING MAN FROM T.J. VIA SAN DIEGO", gainfully employed as our "OFFICIAL STATE WINE TASTER".
According to the latest Fields Poll, not many of you are flocking to the polls to extend the term of the "OFFICIAL STATE WINE TASTER".
Sadly, front and center in this charade is the "KENNEDY REPUBLICAN", whose political capital will not benefit with the likes of Gray Davis, and the "POLITICO FORMERLY KNOWN AS MAYOR ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA, tony villar, in agreement with him on policy issues.
BTW, has anyone seen the "OFFICIAL STATE WINE TASTER" lately??
Labels: mayor antonio villaraigosa
Sadly, front and center in this charade is the "KENNEDY REPUBLICAN", who's political capital cannot be help with appearing with the likes of Gray Davis, and the "POLITICO FORMERLY KNOWN AS MAYOR ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA, tony villar.
What the heck are you trying to say?
"who's" = "whose"
"capital cannot be help with appearing" = ?????
After yesterdays massive show of force by the Democrat's your red spot is almost invisible, good riddance
Spin we must.
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