Flash: California Declared 'Sanctuary Zone'
The League of United Latin American Citizens has adopted a resolution to declare "California Del Norte" a sanctuary zone for immigrants. The declaration urges the Mexican government to invoke its rights under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo "to seek third-nation neutral arbitration of disputes concerning immigration laws and their enforcement.
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I don't know what that means, but 1-2 months ago when Alacon used City Hall as a host site on Health Conference of the Western American Hemisphere, it was attended by dozens of officials from all Latin America, with Mexico as the "special guest" who may as well have been the host.
Alarcon declared Los Angeles -- and of course this was all mostly in Spanish, with some English translation --
The Capitol of the Hispanic World.
AND he kept emphasizing because we don't and can't have borders among countries, WE in the US are obliged to offer free healthcare to ALL COMERS FROM LATIN AMERICA.
This is part of his and Reyes' stated "vision" for Obama's version of Universal Healthcare.
These people with local "leaders" are not just suggesting but STATING DEMANDS for this.
This attitude has been "hidden in plain sight" for years. It's just that the media is refusing to look because it sounds too strange to be true.
Stranger than real moment:
Cardenas is trying to explain in simple terms what the "License to Deal" that a gang interventionist is talking about:
"You have some people in a family hanging around on a weekend, and they love each other, but there's always one uncle in every family who maybe drinks too much and gets out of control, and this being a Mexican family,
But only maybe one can handle him."
We can all relate to that typical weekend get together, right? And this is a NICE, NORMAL scenario...
On the other hand, listening to the personal sacrifice of some of these gang intervention workers, who are paid minimally and may get no heatlh benefits etc., tells us there are some remarkable people doing that job.
Many of them are former gangbangers.
Our city needs to back them up by enforcing ICE and stopping this Sanctuary City nonsense.
NOT by raising taxes like the well- meaning speakers are telling us.
You can only tax people so much before they flee the city -- that's a common factor in the Forbes ranking of Worst Cities, and cities like Providence lose 20,000 people a year because of high taxes to pay for their high crime rates.
Belated congrats to the "ZORRO MARXIST" for the birth of his daughter.
What a bunch of Bull-Shit, we should have ICE/INS raid the next League of United Latin American Citizens meeting. Then the mexicans can demand their Hidalgo rights from Tijuana, Mexico.
The mexicans have already turned much of Los Angeles into Tijuana, we have illegal street vendors, jails full of mexican street gangs, all we need now is the mexican drug cartels executing police and politicians they can’t bribe.
Who in the hell wants a shit-hole like Tijuana here in this country.
Rosales, who heads this League, is very clever in how she presents the issue of illegal immigration, as presented by Romney and conservative Republicans: as "pitting one group of Americans against another." Well, illegal immigrants aren't "Americans" at all, sister.
She writes in her website that Romney was defeated because of his strict stance on illegal immigration, while McCain is pretty much like Clinton on this issue, so that's why he won.
Nice try, but McCain has moved more to the right as he's campaigned and contrary to her assertion, giving illegals instate tuition to college is NOT favored by the true American public.
IF "foreigners" from Idaho can't get instate rates in California or Florida, certainly ILLEGALs, who are in fact citizens of a foreign country and lawbreakers in this one, shouldn't either.
But Rosales is smooth, uses American fairness and democracy against our own best interests.
For once I have to agree with Red's turn of phrase, Alarcon as the Zorro Marxist, welcoming his new addition.
Like all the leftist Marxist Mexicans he has expensive tastes, though. He spoke in Council once of "those people who can only afford a Marshalls or a Ross," needing a safe place to shop, too. Thanks, Zorro.
Funny that he didn't say KMart or WalMart, where working class people shop, but some place people go who have some aspirations to style but "can't afford" fine retailers, poor things.
For your information, there's a Marshall's at Beverly Connection and others on the westside that get more middle class white people than they do poor people, because they know how to stretch their dollars.
It's always the most liberal pols, who love to spend other people's money, who wouldn't be caught dead buying decent clothes for less, but you get a T. Boone Pickens, and the guy wears flannel shirts from the fishing store and drives an old Buick station wagon. And always orders the $2.99 special at Friendly's.
Somebody needs to tell these dumb-ass mexicans that they lost the war. And that the U.S. has borders and to keep their uneducated and criminal mexicans south of the Rio Grande River and other southern borders.
We need to spend more money on INS/ICE work place raids, that will send the mexicans running back south of our border just like cockroaches.
When cockroaches invades your home use Raid to send them running.
"Redada" = Raid, is now my new favorite spanish word followed by "si se puede", "yes we can" deport mexicans.
The recent ICE/INS work-place raid at Micro Solutions Enterprises, made national news in the spanish news stations.
This is what the INS/ICE should be doing everyday. Getting rid of the illegal aliens who snaek across the border is not that difficult, all you need to do is deny thems jobs and deport a few hunderd every day. The message will quickly get around, that they are not welcome anymore.
The local illegal mexicans are afraid to go to Costa Mesa, they know that Costa Mesa police has no SP-40 like Los Angeles, and can arrest and deport them.
"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theatre." - Frank Zappa
It would be quaint in hindsight, if the naiveté weren't so heartbreaking: eminem's rebel army clad in black hoodies, moshing through the streets, charging up the steps and straight through the doors of the...polling station?
Oh yeah, about that. Funny thing.
Jeezus - Now he quotes Zappa! It's all too weird, man..
Talk about Tijuana! The head Reconquista in Chief, Fathead Nunez, started the invasion from Tijuana! He and his evil twin, Villar, are the two worst enemies of this State and country!
Thankfully, we are rid of ONE of the evil twins...now we just have to wait a little longer to kick the shit out of the other one!
I used to love the simpatico Mexicans who were here in the 70's...you know, the ones who were so appreciative and eager to please. They were a small, but honorable group of campesinos who would NEVER think of marching in the streets or demanding their unconstitutional 'rights!
The problem started with their kids...the ones like Nunez and Villar...the ANIMALES, the gangbangers, the anti-American assholes!
The old generation is gone...and I hate every single Mexican who has any affiliation with LaRaza or it's affiliations. That includes just about every Mexican in this city!
This is MY country and I will fight to the end to deport these second class citizens and anchor brats who are turning this city into a pile of shit!
And, btw, Cesar Chavez was 100
% ANTI-ILLEGAL ALIEN! He even went to the border to fight 'em!
These stupid Mexicans don't even know anything about their 'hero'...he would have kicked their asses out of this country! How stupid can they be????
The ULAC's logic is about 150 years too late. I've seen better heads on mugs of flat beer!
Aren't any of you disturbed by just how racist many of you sound?
Honestly, it is frightening.
It sounds like something from the No-Nothings of the 1840s or the second Ku Klux Klan and the anti-immigrant hysteria of the 1920s.
It really saddens me to see that after all these years there are still nakedly racist bigots. Even more unfortunately is that in between your collective diatribes about Villaraigosa, Alarcon and Nunez, there are some nuggets of logics and reasons. But for any reasonable person, your rantings and ravings undermind the better of your argument.
Hey, "Bleeding Heart" Anonymous-- What you perceive as 'racist hate-speak" is the frustration of law-abiding citizens aimed at local loco politcal self-serving hacks who consistantly champion all causes that reward the rampant invasion of ignorance and arrogance. We're tired of witnessing the LAUSD school board politely cow-towing to the endless parade of fat squaws w/ 4-5-6 anchor babies in any one school who invariably complain about overcrowding! And this they do through a tax-payer-funded interpreter!! "Ah," you say, stroking your neatly-trimmed graying beard, "But they're a proud people with a rich cultural heritage." Oh, yeah? Just watch these same proud people manipulate their disbelief in birth control to their stretched-out advantage at our expense. Why should we stand by silently as our quality is trashed and our income is re-distributed? We "stoop" so illegal aliens can "conquer?" I don't think so, Anonymous. And if this line of reasoning makes me a racist, I'm damn proud to be one. P.S. Enjoy the lovefest we'll undoubtedly be subjected to as Mexican pres. Calderon oils his way around L.A.!!
Well said Rita, the city of Los Angeles is on a steady decline to hell and some folks expect everyone to politely raise their hands and quietly voice their objections.
I say hell no, I prefer to kick down the door at get everyones attention now.
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