City of Los Angeles Faces $600-$700 Million Budget Deficit Despite New Prop S Tax

Hey Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Zuma Dogg's Batcomputer just crunched the City of Los Angeles' budget and it came up short $600-$700 million -- even with the new Prop S money.
Hope the City's bond rating doesn't drop over this. (Especially with the bond insurance crisis!)
Hey Laura Chick, perhaps an audit? Or, get Karen Sisson (Cheif Administrative Office) on the phone, Antonio. (She must know this already, if ZD's Batcomputer knows.)
LACER PENSION FUND ALERT: I hope LACER wasn't over-extended in risky investments tied to construction companies who are now stuck with a bunch of vacant housing units that are sinking in value as I type this. (Plus, whatever other investments I hope they didn't have, that I hope didn't take a huge hit in January.)
I hope the State doesn't have to end up bailing out these pension funds, since the bond insurers are having problems of their own; and the people planning on this retirement money will be outraged that all of this has been going on if this has happened. The party is over for all these risky financial deals, like subprimes and whatnot.
CITIZENS' ALERT: Community Outrage in Lincoln Heights over Las Villas Project. CM Ed Reyes wants to approve a liquor license too close to home, I mean school, for the rest of the community's comfort. But what does Ed Reyes care about that?
Reminder that tomorrow there is a strategy meeting for those interested in finding out more about "Las Villas" and how to oppose their obtainment of a Beer and Wine License Variance and Gaming Variance.
Where: Sacred Heart Auditorium
Address: 2109 Sichel St, Los Angeles, CA 90031
When: Thursday February 7, 2008
What Time: 7:00 PM
Phone: (323) 223-7571
Extra: Don't might be one "achoo" too short, and Kleenex stock may tank because you're gonna use one less tissue next year. The entire world economy fell apart today in the media. If Wall Street were a cat, it would be a scarrdie-cat.
Labels: mayor antonio villaraigosa
*Isn't the woman behind this Ed Reyes girlfriend? Isn't she the one Ed Reyes gave over $1 million for this project? There's already too many damn liquor stores in poor Latino communities and they don't need another one. I notice this establishment keeps talking about children. Why would you want to have alchol where children will be?
A while ago there were some random sounding postings about this, about two sisters Alicia and Teresa who were using their "big boobies" to get all kinds of businessmen including Reyes to fund this project. It's next to a school, someone said, and besides gambling will have children's arcade games. Never made much sense, but Reyes seems to be behind it. Who are those two women, is one of them the alleged girlfriend of Reyes, too? They were made to both sound like they had lots of male friends. Are there any tax dollars at stake? Reyes recently made a big thing about denying a liquor license to another business that claimed it would have to shut down. Frankly, most of us don't pay attention to what goes on over there, it may as well be in Mexico, but if it's our tax dollars and laws violated...
Has anyone noticed how sleazy, shabby, greasy, and goofy Villar is looking these days????
My God, he looks like one of those wetbacks at the DLS's!
Pretty shocking!
In pushing through the giveaway to developers called AB1818, which lets them push low income housing of any size and scale in any neighborhood -- favored in today's Council by Perry, who said she's speaking for Reyes and Parks, too, and Alarcon is all in favor -- it was clear it's the blacks and Hispanics in the low income hoods vs. the others.
Rosendahl, LaBonge, the Valley people (Zine, Smith, Greuel) even Janice Hahn, and Weiss in committee but he didn't speak out much today, maybe because Reyes already went ballistic on him to the L A Times about other issues, and they're at odds over Reyes wanting highrises to be built without parking in pricey neighborhoods) were really angry about selling out their areas for the sake of phony political correctness.
According to a resident observer in CityWatch, Reyes gave Zev's rep only ONE MINUTE TO COMMENT at PLUM on this -- Zev wrote a letter claiming the city is making the state bill even worse than it had to. (Hey, zuma and crazy matt and hunt, how's that for public comment? YOu're the ones who should get a minute max per month.
Make that a Year...)
Whenever Reyes doesn't get what he wants, he plays the race and "rich people are mean" card, to push his socialist redistribution of the city taxpayer funds and housing stock. Also look at Las Lomas, where it's him and Alarcon pushing for it against the will of the communities and Smith.
And what Reyes wants is inevitably bad for the hardest hit taxpayers, the middle and (barely) upper middle classes struggling to hold onto their quality of life in LA.
This mess in Lincoln Heights is the tip of the iceberg. Look out when he does anything outside of his CD.
Why are we allowing these scumbag Mexicans the privilege of holding office in our country????
They should all go back to Mexico...where they would fit right in with all the corruption to the South!
I'm sick and tired of all of the EZ's in this town! And Reyes, and Villar, and Nunez...all trashy Mexican scumbags!
Oh! as if the mayor cares about your thought, he is busy funding the devil's advocates for elections, and what-ever-is-remaining needs to go to those walk-in immigrants, afer all they are all mayor's relatives isn't it?
So you all whites out there, work your butts off, try to bring up your economy and congrats you elect mayor to suck all your hard earned money into the bottomless pits of mexico.
bravo! bravo!! bravo!!! keep it up you are all doing outstanding.
4.11 said " Has anyone noticed how sleazy, shabby, greasy, and goofy Villar is looking these days???? "
we say no, we haven't noticed.
he always looked like that to us.
bunch of anonymous whining gabachos talking smack, hey the mexicans got you losers by the short hairs, get real or get lost
Idaho beckons
Sorry, had to delete this one, because it claims I said Prop S was NOT going to pass, when all I ever said was that it was going to pass becasue it only needed 50% and the ballot language made it seem as though it were a tax cut, instead of a new tax -- and that your average joe voter would think they were voting for a reduction. Everyone reading this who I have spoken to about Prop S, knows that I felt that way -- and no where did I post that I thought Prop S would be defeated. So I had to delete this:
A crybaby who still owes me a fish sandwich eating buddy said, "Wait a minute!! Prop S passed?
How could it? Didn't they know that Dave Elliot was against it and predicted it would fail?"
(and you better not be such a crybaby that you mean when I sang, Proposition S Going Down, because it rhymed with "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town").
I may have been against it, and blogged against it...but you never saw me post that it would be defeated...just the opposite -- and EVERYONE who I spoke with and emailed with on this topic knows that's what I said.
SO POST UP, OR SHUT UP. MEANWHILE...the city is short $600-$700 million.
And for using cheap propoganda spin tactics here...I'M GONNA MAKE YOU EAT CROW, PAL! Have fun cleaning up my mess! But try and post your way out of it! (That always works!) I ASSURE YOU, YOU WILL BE REACHING OUT TO ME AGAIN TO STOP! KEEP CRYING, LOSER!
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