Fabian We Hardly Knew Ye
FMB Fabian "Knucklehead" Nunez is prepping his resume this morning:
On the other hand, much to our chagrin, Fabian's FMB and BFF Tony Villar had a better night Super Tuesday. Though he may have won this battle, he has not yet won the war; Barack Obama remains strong and will continue to roadblock Shillary in her roll to the Dummycrat nomination. His super fraudelent phone tax ballot measure will no doubt be on its way to court and - along with Attorney General Moonbeam's bogus ballot title and summary for Prop 93 - inspire "truth in labeling" laws for plebiscites put to the people.
Some of the other fallout from the 93 loss means Nanny Lloyd Levine can't fall back to run for his current job (Stuart Waldman would kick his ass anyway) but now has to head out to a very likely butt whipping by ultra-lib Assemblywoman Fran Pavley in his State Senate primary battle in June.
By the way, in case you didn't know, rooster control passed in Riverside. Remember - when roosters are outlawed, only outlaws will have roosters.
California voters rejected a ballot measure to cut the time lawmakers could serve in
the Legislature by two years but give current incumbents a windfall termextension, according to early returns.
With about 96 percent of the precincts reporting, 53 percent of voters were opposed to the measure while 47 percent were in favor.
On the other hand, much to our chagrin, Fabian's FMB and BFF Tony Villar had a better night Super Tuesday. Though he may have won this battle, he has not yet won the war; Barack Obama remains strong and will continue to roadblock Shillary in her roll to the Dummycrat nomination. His super fraudelent phone tax ballot measure will no doubt be on its way to court and - along with Attorney General Moonbeam's bogus ballot title and summary for Prop 93 - inspire "truth in labeling" laws for plebiscites put to the people.
Some of the other fallout from the 93 loss means Nanny Lloyd Levine can't fall back to run for his current job (Stuart Waldman would kick his ass anyway) but now has to head out to a very likely butt whipping by ultra-lib Assemblywoman Fran Pavley in his State Senate primary battle in June.
By the way, in case you didn't know, rooster control passed in Riverside. Remember - when roosters are outlawed, only outlaws will have roosters.
Labels: Barack Obama, fabian nunez, hillary clinton, mayor antonio villaraigosa, proposition s, roosters
Antonio and Hillary lost the battle - in delegates and states.
845 to 839 in delegates - Obama's lead and he trounced her in the state tally.
Antonio is the national co-chair, not just California. So he bears some responsibility for the "shoe-in" Hillary to get pounded last night - and given her decades of running and her political machine - she got trounced.
And with regard to Latino voters - Arizona over 40% and Colorado, (where Hillary really got her ass handed to her), Obama got more than half of that Latino vote - Colorado is the only state to have a Chicano Senator - unlike California.
The momentum and money are with Obama so sorry Antonio, it looks as if Maria Elena Durazo will be our next Secretary of Labor. This will send even bigger chills up corporate America's back since Antonio is more prone to sell out than Durazo - it has something to do with integrity.
The S in Prop. S should stand for "swift boat" - this is how the measure was funded. Congratulations Tony.
Why wait? Let's send Nunez to France now!
All these predictions, Mayor Sam!
Fred Thompson!
Obama wins California!
Measure S is going down!
Fred Thompson!
Higby, and Elliott, and their ilk --
March of the Dumbasses!
I can't believe Prop S passed. We need legislation to prevent the intentional lying in these measures. Calling it a tax cut when it was a new tax should be voter fraud. What about the truth in advertising law? Can I say a store is having a 50% off sale when they really increased the prices by 50%?
I voted yesterday and the booklet was so confusing. Fortunately I did my research before I got there. You couldn't tell what you were voting for. After I voted the little dots looked odd so I took it to one of the helpers. I asked him to verify that I voted for so and so and against one proposition. He said I did.
Our city is a bunch of idiots to have voted for prop S without fully knowing what it was about. When Antonio was a councilman we talked about how the city was going to lose this tax. He said he didn't know how the city could make up for the loss. Then he has the nerve to peddle a tax "cut." If I lied to my clients like that, I'd be in jail.
Update on Obama/Clinton tally:
"The Obama campaign attached an Excel spreadsheet containing “state-by-state estimates of the pledged delegates we won last night, which total 845 for Obama and 836 for Clinton — bringing the to-date total of delegates to 908 for Obama, 884 for Clinton.”
we remember many a fond time with roosters in our youth
though a kiwi is far more satisfying
cock a doodle doo!
What was really sad is when the news channels yesterday showed all the candidates and others going to vote with their families and wives. But lil Antonio was by himself. It was really a sad sight that a man with all his power, money is all alone.
Hey, Villaraigosa played a similar commanding role in President John Kerry's victory in 2004.
Don't you remember?
John McCain is literally BEGGING democrats to nominate Hillary. When she talks "experience" he can trump her by decades.
When her surrogates plant stories about McCain having a "temper" -- well, there are WAY too many examples of the Wicked Witch of 1600 Penn. Ave. on record from the 1990s for them to even bring that up.
Old men are "distinguished" - Old women are, well . . . OLD.
Can you imagine anyone easier to beat than Billary in a nationwide election? Can you name one candidate with MORE nasty baggage -- read: BILL -- than Hillary Clinton (and how come she doesn't push the "Rodham" anymore?)
You'll be able to hold beer-chugging parties during the final weeks this fall, just watching the TV ads. "Take a drink everytime a GOP ad mentions a past "-gate" scandal or embarrassment connected with the Clintons. (Take a designated driver, though -- but not Teddy).
Fortunately for us Republicans, we can always count on the Dems to commit political suicide during the primaries. Then they get whiplash trying to rush back to the center to create a majority of the voters.
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen (removes hat and bows low with flourish):
Was it me or did I hear a rather large ker-plunk as a certain someone went off the plank? (Crew shakes head in affirmation) So I did. (Leans over side of ship) Pity. (Yawns) Carry on lads for we've holes to plug, savvy?
Hillary won yesterday you losers. Let the dumbass spinning begin.
Split decision, we got rid of Kucklenut, but we got stuck with a tax....might have been worth it.
CLINTONS MAY NOW BE USING THEIR OWN MONEY TO FINANCE HILLARY'S RUN... When asked if Clintons were dipping into their personal wealth, communications director Howard Wolfson said: 'I don't know'...Developing
It says a lot when the Republicans want Hillary to win knowing they will kick her sorry ass. I heard the dumbest quotes from women who were stupid enough to actually say they voted for Hillary because she was a woman. No opposition came out against Prop S and when the Chief was talking about police officers it showed people support law enforcement. I hope the courts go after it though.
Maybe we can get this passed for our Politicians!
A ban on judicial junkets (ABC.com, 2/4/08), i.e., those all-expense paid trips and lavish gifts funded by special interest groups, and disguised as seemingly benign "fact-finding missions" or educational seminars.
No More Junkets for Judges
Congress may soon have a chance to consider a salary increase for federal judges, with the Senate Judiciary Committee advancing a 29 percent pay raise last Thursday, the first substantial raise since 1991. Here's how the new salaries break down:
-- District court judges, from $169,300 to about $218,000
-- Circuit judges, from $179,500 to about $231,100
-- Supreme Court associate justices, from $208,100 to about $267,900
-- Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.: from $217,400 to about $279,900
But the raise may come with an added cost of its own: a ban on judicial junkets (ABC.com, 2/4/08), i.e., those all-expense paid trips and lavish gifts funded by special interest groups, and disguised as seemingly benign "fact-finding missions" or educational seminars. Critics of the junkets argue that these programs give special interest groups special access to make their case to judges and socialize with them outside of the courtroom. And even where groups don't attempt to influence judges, the junkets can give rise to an appearance of impropriety or unfairness. The new rules, added as an amendment to pay increase legislation, would cap reimbursement for a single trip to $2000, with a $20,000 maximum in travel reimbursements or gifts for a single year.
The salary increases are fairly substantial... but are they substantial enough to compensate for the lost benefits?
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Nunez finally walked the plank!
New question:
Which Mayor is dating which Korean commissioner and which CM's significant other is flapping their gums about it?
The guy I feel sorry for is the Pasadena fellow who bought all the ads for their phone tax on Mayor Sam. They got their ass kicked just as bad as Prop S.
Higby really sold him a bill of goods. How much dough did you make off that guy fatboy?
At least stupid Walter Moore wasn't dumb enough to buy ads on this shitty blog.
Walter Moore is an idiot. He's claiming victory on Prop S. Nice spin Walter. Hope no more of you clowns donate to him. Noone will vote for him. He could join DAve Elliott in front of Starbucks and beg for money.
Bill Bratton = Big Winner
Maria Durazo = Player
Fabian Nunez = Big Loser
Tony Villar = ???? - losing
SEIU = Loser
Indians = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
L.A. Residents= 66% Dumb and Stupid
Hillary = Wearing down, losing
Does anyone have a job for "MOO BOY MAVIGLIO"??
Clinton: 50.2% (7,347,971)
Obama: 49.8% (7,294,851)
There was a big conversation at a popular Latino restaurant this morning for breakfast. One person asked why another voted for Hillary and did they know Obama was for the driver's license to finally start a paper trail. The Latinos at the table all said they had no idea and then were told how Hillary flip flopped on Iraq war and the thousands of Latinos who have been killed. The conversation ended with "I should have voted for Obama."
California Secretary of State's website:
Clinton 52%
Obama 42.4%
we heard a similar conversation this morning in venice
one latino, hispano, spaniard, etc. asked another to pass the salsa
the other Latino said "what election?"
loser = higby
loser = zoooma dog
loser = red spot
winner = m trujillo
winner = hillary
winner = antonio
loser = fabian
loser = lloyd levine
fat ass = stuart
11:09- ? accuracy regarding comment:
"...then were told how Hillary flip flopped on Iraq war and the thousands of Latinos who have been killed."
As yet, we have not reached the 4,000 mark in U.S. military deaths. I don't think that over half of these are latino.
A lot of people don't know much beyond the ads, but being the pitchman with exaggerations, intentional or not, simply is a disservice if trying to inform. On the other hand, if you are trying to influence, then that's a different story.
Also, "wounded" and not "killed" could have been meant, but only a small point to some people.
I did not see that poster was the source of the comment, but lots of rumors and opinions originate on innaccuracies that some people swear to.
No where did I ever say that Prop S would lose. Check the comments. I told everyone I know, it only needs 50% -- and the language is shady -- so people will think they are voting to reduce their taxes -- not add a new one. And I never made ANY of those other predictions you refer to in 8:54 am. I may have been AGAINST Prop S, but if you check the comments, I only said it was going to pass...everyone I spoke with who reads this blog can verify that is what I told them on the phone. But that doesn't mean I didn't blog against it. Even though I didn't show up for City TV 35, radio calls or public access shows. But that's cause it was passing...so why knock your head against the wall? (Prop H needed 66%...BIG difference.)
If Measure S was a TAX CUT...why would it even be on the ballot???
Would anyone have to "VoTE" on a tax CUT????
I can't believe people were soooo stupid!
To 8:54 AM the jackass.
Fred Thompson would have made a great president. If the best guy for job always won, we wouldn't have your bobblehead toilet cleaner Antonio with an 8th grade education. And no, communist law school doesn't count.
Is everything a horse race with you bastards? You jerks are ruining our city, but AT LEAST YOU WON!!
11:46...Au contraire...the JERKS did NOT win!!!
The latest is that OBAMA has more delegates in CA than Hillary and she is going to have to dip into their cache of dirty money!
The popular vote between Obama and Hillary was less than 1000 votes between them!
Nationwide, Obama is leading! and the remaining states are heavily Black!
Villar and the Clintons are LOSING!
Shrillary is panicked and Villar better start saying his Hail Mary's!
How sweet it is!
Based on yesterday's ballot
demographics it is almost too late!
Mexico is already controling
,gaming and abusing our
elections through illegal votes!!
Polling workers do not even
attempt to verify citizenship!!
WITNESS in Los Angeles
Bet you Tony's next paycheck, Nunez will come up with some way to take the vote against his stupid ballot measure to the Courts, or come up with an emergency Senate bill where term limits is hidden in the footnotes.
Beautiful thing about a democracy, Nunez, is that the people can vote people in at an election. By keeping elected positions off the ballots for extended periods goes against these basic tenets. Terms are Democratic, no term limits is dictatorship you sordid fool.
One more sordid comment, it should be mandatory state law that any term limit measure have a requirement that no incumbant in any position can beneifit from the legislation if approved, that incumbant serves the term he/she was elected to, then the next office holder benefits from the law. This way self serving scum like Nunez, who if he grew his hair into a long flip, would in actions and appearance make a striking resemblance to Imelda Marcos.
Shoe shopping in Paris this Spring Nunez? don't think so, hard to travel when unemployed.
Guess who wants to be the new speaker now that Fabioso got the pink slip: Paul Krekorian.
Sabrina Kay?
Clinton: 50.2% (7,347,971)
Obama: 49.8% (7,294,851)
Gee and Billary kept saying she has all the experience and lying about all the non profit work she did. National papers are printing truth today.
The dirt is going to start flying on Hillary now...let's add Villar's dirt to it...and voila...the shit will hit the fan!
Obama's hands are virtually clean, but for one or two minor difficulties!
Oh...this is going to be great sport...sorta like the gladiators in the e Colliseum!
I guess Fabian's crying in his beer... or rather wine.
Did you really think Fabian didn't have an exit plan? That's why he was Speaker and you're whatever.
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