New Density Incentive That Is A Virtual Zoning Change On Coucil Agenda For Wednesday & Is Villaraigosa Creating New City Income Tax?
VILLARAIGOSA ROLLS THE POLITICAL DICE WITH L.A.'s FUTURE: With Mayor Viagraosa traveling all over the country and spending so much time away from his job as LAUSD cluster-f*cker and occasional mayor of the second biggest U.S. City to campaign so activistly for the quickly sinking Schillary Clinton Presidential dream (more like a nightmare);
when was it decided that a guy could use his position as mayor to roll the dice with the City's political future? You don't see the Mayor of New York or Chicago behaving this way. Here's the problem: What if anyone but Hillary wins? Can you imagine the political payback that will be bestowed upon the City of Los Angeles?
If McCain wins...don't you think he'll return the favor to Antonio for all his effort. The Republicans could withhold money the City and State would have otherwise been granted, if we didn't have a desperate, ego-maniacal,opportunistic, sell out the pueblos embarrassment of three-word speaking Loserosa.
(Hey time I see you; NO SHRIMP FOR YOU! And don't stop for a picture with ZD with your camera posse. I can't be seen in a photo with you, loser.)
Just sit your A.D.D. ass in your chair, in your City Hall office...stop attaching your cart to a losing horse and pissing off the rest of Washington, D.C. And you better hope you gal wins, or I don't think you'll like where the U.S. Attorney goes.
RUMOR PATROL: No, this isn't about a fashion designing mayor's a comment that almost went un-noticed by ZD:
Anonymous said: Zuma Dogg some lawyers and accountants on the third floor are working on a city personal income tax. February 12, 2008 11:09 AM
Not that ZD is one to jump on a random comment (despite what my critical spinners will try and lead you to believe), however, I was tipped to this, last fall, based on some memos someone sent me, that predicted this was still yet to come -- so this comment is probably in response to this post. SO TO CLARIFY...With Villaraigosa facing a $600-$700 budget deficit, even with Prop S money -- and dropping property values, means less property taxes for the City -- they are going to have to come up with new and creative revenue streams, like a City Personal Income Tax. (Why not just make a blanket tax where the City will allow you to keep 20% of your money, and they take the rest.)
CAPTAIN JACK MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE: Since Cpt Jack tipped ZD's ski cap to this "personal income tax", along with Mayor Sam who also blogged about this, here's an update he just posted with some other new and creative revenue streams on the way:
Captain Jack Sparrow said, "As we understand it, the prevailing sentiment amongst the sots is that since two (puts up two fingers) tax measures have been whisked onto the ballot and handily approved by a rather stupid public-at-large, why not ram as many possible taxes through as one can before someone's good will and another someone's political connections finally run out. Expect to see many new and unusual taxes such as a public school student tax (i.e., if your child attends LAUSD, you pay a head tax), a tax on your overdue library materials fine, a tax on getting a license for your pooch (and soon your pussy) and others to spring forth from that brain trust known as the Clowncil, savvy?
NEW DENSITY INCENTIVE ON LA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FOR WED 2/13/08: It's the beginning of the end. (See "Escape from New York") It's a long-ass, shady as hell new ordinance on the LA City Council agenda today. Looks like a GREAT day to be a developer with all the right connections with LAANE/CRA/Villaraigosa and his connected cohorts in the high density housing business.
It'll take a minute to type up a comedy review exposing all the shady angles, but basically, if you agree to add 10% affordable housing; a developer can increase density by 20% on your project. 20% affordable housing=35% added density "bonus" (incentive).
PLUS, the developers can now get more State and Federal grant money for these projects. And I'll re-post the threads from last summer about "there is a lot of profit to be made in the non-profit, affordable housing racket.)
Click here for today's agenda item on "density bonus" that will bring the city to a grinding halt, and create so much over crowdedness that crime is certain to skyrocket.
FEATURED COMMENT: LA'S undisputed greatest guitarist Matt Dowd said, "this one has Eli Broad written all over it. Add 20% affordable, get 35% density bonus, AND GET SUBSIDISED TOO!!!!" (Matt tipped ZD to this item and did the initial legalese analysis.)
HILLARY CLINTON: Billary should step out of the way of the Democratic nomination and step down like Romney and Edwards did. With McCain now the virtual nominee, the Democrats need to move forward, and all Clinton is going to do by hanging around is divide the party. If she cares about the country, she should do what's best for the party, and step down and let the nominees get started.
click here for zd updates throughout the day and night. shadiness never sleeps, so I can't either!
MEGA-MASTER SHADY REPORT FOR 2/13: Click here for a mega-master thread of the past two days of ZD blogging on this and other sites. All the news before it happens that's fit to print.
Labels: City faces $700 budget deficit, corina villaraigosa, hillary clinton, mayor antonio villaraigosa, new Los Angeles personal income tax, oh no..., screaming nutcases in texas, zuma dogg
Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, and Zuma Dogg (removes hat and bows low with flourish):
Zuma lad, are you about? (Looks for Zuma Dogg) Ah, there you are. I would remind you that the personal income tax issue was one that the crew and I, if you will, brought to your attention some time ago. Our comments were of course dismissed 'pon this very blog as more of Captain Jack's inane drivel. (Smiles) However, drivel is as drivel does and when drivel turns into a downpour (turns hand over and looks at nails), the sots of course immediately look to Captain Jack to sail in (makes swashbucking motions) and provide oil in the form of filched knowledge to sooth roiling waters. (Winks) That's what the pink bismuth is for, savvy?
As we understand it, the prevailing sentiment amongst the sots is that since two (puts up two fingers) tax measures have been whisked onto the ballot and handily approved by a rather stupid public-at-large, why not ram as many possible taxes through as one can before someone's good will and another someone's political connections finally run out. Expect to see many new and unusual taxes such as a public school student tax (i.e., if your child attends LAUSD, you pay a head tax), a tax on your overdue library materials fine, a tax on getting a license for your pooch (and soon your pussy) and others to spring forth from that brain trust known as the Clowncil, savvy?
And to all those who are wondering how the lads aboard the Pearl are faring, they have made port in the Caymans and are taking on supplies as well as visiting with assorted family members. If the weather holds, we expect the full crew back in Los Angeles in time to celebrate my favourite holiday in March. For even though I'm a bard, I'm still an Irishman, I am.
The density bonus item was put over to tomorrow for more detailed discussion and for a vote. No vote taken on this today....
I definitely remember you bringing it to my attention, and perhaps had some documentation sent my way via message in a bottle...i mean email.
But more importantly than the props...wanted to let you know your current roster of new and creative revenue streams is worthy of an upgrade to the main thread. Thanks!
Rosendahl,. the amateur, was also the one who tipped the cold bucket of water onto all his colleagues over this, and thus pricked the attention of this office.
he said that this ordinance goes well over and beyond the State requirements....but who would be surprised at that???
wasn't it bitter bernie who also wanted to gag all the public comment except that it happened to be protected by state and federal law too?
this one though has Eli Broad written all over it.
add 20% affordable, get 35% density bonus, AND GET SUBSIDISED TOO!!!!
What ever happened to the guy who used to blog here called Mark V? I used to like some of his stuff and I just realized I haven't seen him post for a while. Hey Mark, are you out there?
They have already attempted to raise the cost of parking in the business districts. Yeah...they say they are for the business..the only business they help are developers..and we keep paying to allow them to do it. How can we be so stupid.
Personal Income Tax: Why Not?
Y'all are all for the business / gross receipts tax, and every imaginable property tax and the unconstitutional takings by rent control.
Why not have the workers chip in for once?
Look - They have to increase the density. First they must shoo all the low income undesirables and transients out of downtown so they "gentrify" that area. Now the problem is "where do we put them?" "How about the outskirts of the city near a bus stop where they can ride into downtown and clean our toilets?"
Egalitarian Bastards!
Thank Reyes, Alarcon for that one. And where is Cardenas going to put the 50 people who gather on an average weekend afternoon at his house, in addition to the dozen who live there full-time?
Since the congestion in pricey parts of town is too horrendous already, their brilliant solution is to allow these monstrosities to be built with NO parking required.
Good thinking, huh?
They don't seem to have thought of class action lawsuits if prices of existing homes go down as a result.
Unfortunately, with values going south anyway, it will be hard to prove cause and effect -- but with enough people involved, it can be done.
But the real shame is that the HOAs and papers talk about this issue, but don't have the guts to point out that the Hispanics representing poor districts are playing Robin Hood on this and tax issues, because they're afraid of sounding racist or having genuine racists come out and "support" them.
If you check out CityWatch, there were public concerns filed today from HOA groups on the westside and Tarzana, and last week from others in the near Valley.
This bears out that these are the areas which fear they will be the most adversely affected, while the poor areas which would LOVE more housing and could benefit from it, won't be getting it. Maybe because developers don't think they can sell expensive condos side-by-side with low-income ones, in dangerous or marginal areas?
So the idea is to shove their huddled masses to these areas. Marxist redistribution.
The oligarchs in Mexico are too powerful to allow this in their cities, so they do it here. With the Mexican government claiming jurisdiction over American immigration issues. Slam-dunk.
But I honestly don't think the Mayor is part of the socialist clique anymore, which is why Reyes and Alarcon don't seem that tight with Hizzoner anymore.
He'll probably have to move out of the city to avoid the new income tax that is being crafted just to get at his massive sources of investment income we keep hearing about.
David, you keep deleting my posts, naughty boy. I think I'll have to turn you over my knoee like I used to do, until you started liking it so much and asking for more.
Instead, maybe I'll have to lock you in the closet again; it seems you never really did come all the way out.
Whatever happened to that nice boy Matt Dowd who you had such a crush on? Did he jilt you? Is that why you delete his posts all the time?
It is a bad habit, dear. You musn't do things like that, because it makes people upset and they are liable to say bad things about you.
I raised you better than that, David.
Now, go say you are sorry to Matt, then say ten Hail Marys and perform an act of contrition.
Your loving Mama
I told you 3:55 am is nuts.
These are the posts he complains that I delete. Meanwhile, what is he doing up at 3:55 in the morning posting this mental illness? (This actually makes him feel better. He needs to get it all out.) really got me good. Great points! I can see why people take so well to you. You should run for office! You're the next Obama! I think everyone who used to like me, now likes you instead! YOU DID IT!!! And now go back to watching Hannah Montana.
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