"Sisters of Labor" and the negotiations for new MOU

Flying under the "radar of local politics" is the on going negotiations between the City of Los Angeles and a united group of unions.
Leading roles among the union groups are the trio of women above;
Maria Elena Durazo, leader of the County Federation of Labor. "Friend of Antonio". Widow of former Federation leader Miguel Contreras.
Annelle Grajeda, former General Manager of SEIU Local 660, now the head of the new SEIU "Super Local" that covers the Southern California region
Julie Butcher, former General Manager of Local 347, now regional director of the Los Angeles, Orange County cities regional gruop, serving under Grajeda.
With a end of September deadline looming, city unions have join together to push for salary parity with the likes of the contract given to DWP employees. In the past two years, city employees, outside of the DWP, have been given a modest 2% raise each year. But as seen with the stance by EAA, the other unions want their "piece of cake".
Big question here is how are the City Council going to pay for any new MOU's ? That answer may get "PERSONAL", as in a new "PERSONAL INCOME TAX". Insiders at City Hall report that work is underway on a proposal to tax incomes. You can assume that this will generate discussion. Stay Tune.
CityWatch - An insider look at City Hall - ViewPoint - Unions Join Up to Fight City
Labels: SEIU
Zuma Dogg may be the people's prophet..
Amerland is getting beat over the head by the CRA Commissioner who is with LAANE. Madeline Janis
Follow the story at
Income tax??? Looks like we just got out in time.
Will the last person to leave Los
Angeles please turn out the lights?
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If the city does implement an income tax I will DEFINITELY move to Iowa.
Ooops. That might give the Clowncil a further incentive.
Hell no never in a million years will the legal citizens fo this city stand for an income tax when the losers on city council have squardered millions and wasted millions on crap. I say recall every last one of them before we are taxed one more penny. Oh, they give DWP 17% raise and how many power outages did we have during the hot weeks here?
LA wasn't in this big a mess when Mayor Hahn was in office. The illegals were under control and you never heard or were they mentioned. Then come the gang banging cholo Mayor and the city has lost its lackluster and image to a bunch of low life Mexicans called politicans. Mayor Hahn left the city intact but look how Antonio and the goons on city council have ruined it.
Who is that pro-ex-Mayor Hahn who keeps piping up from the grave? Ever get tired of bemoaning those overtaxed days, which sister Janice is trying her darndest to return us to with brilliant initiatives like: the gang tax, when she has never submitted a plan, and Laura Chick hasn't completed her audit of how the current hundreds of millions have been wasted; dissing the cops right after the May 1st melee, along with Bitter Bernie, Rosendahl the emotional leftie (who wants to spend five million for us to put an ineffective anti-Iraq war statement on the ballot) Reyes and the other pro-illegals; Janice who supports Alarcon in bailing out his idiots who signed loans they couldn't repay and he says, couldn't understand because they don't read English and didn't bother with a translator.
The Hahns who suppoted MLK down the line, to the bitter end, as a racial issue, refusing to implelent the personnel changes that could have saved it, because it call poor employees what they are, as Molina finally had the guts to do, is "racism." The Janice Hahn who panders to her district by endless and huge amounts of fee waivers for block parties and non-events.
The Jim Hahn who was so invisible, all you could see was taxes raised and disappearing to his pandering to blacks. No, you didn't see a lot of Hispanics in those days... what an imbecilic statement.
He'll be welcomed back when that village idiot "the people's prophet" is his Deputy Mayor.
Let them strike until they starve to death in the street.
yeah the Mayor Hahn who gave us the #1 police chief in the nation and is now known all over the world. The Mayor who didn't act like an idiot in pandering to cameras and making a fool out of himself. A Mayor who NEVER told illegals its ok to BREAK THE LAW AND SPEAK OUT. The Mayor that had this city in a much better shape. I agree with everything you said about Janice the imbecile but pleaszssse people are now talking about how they wish they would have voted for Hahn.
Put up a thread on these idiots who thought OJ was innocent years ago, Michael Vick didn't do anything to dogs and anything with a black person even if they are a criminal its "racism" Tony Mohammed the biggest loser, Sharpeton, Jesse Jackson all of them who have done nothing for their own communities and allow hundreds of black kids get killed.
La. Protests Hark Back To '50s, '60s
(CBS) JENA, La. Thousands of chanting demonstrators filled the streets of this little Louisiana town Thursday in a massive show of support for six black teenagers initially charged with attempted murder in the beating of a white classmate....The mayor declared a state of emergency just so his city can qualify for the kinds of state resources he'll need to manage an event like this, adds Pitts.
The crowd broke into chants of "Free the Jena Six" as the Rev. Al Sharpton arrived at the local courthouse with family members of the arrested teens.
Martin Luther King III, son of the slain civil rights leader, said the scene was reminiscent of earlier civil rights struggles. He said punishment of some sort may be in order for the six defendants, but "the justice system isn't applied the same to all crimes and all people."
The six teens were charged amid racial tensions that had been growing after the local prosecutor declined to charge three white teens who hung nooses in a tree on their high school grounds. Five of the black teens were initially charged with attempted murder in the December beating, but that charge was reduced to battery for all but one, who has yet to be arraigned; the sixth was charged as a juvenile.
Why do the same black activists like Mohammed, Sharpton, Jesse always make complete asses of themselves on national tv? Those black kids beat up the white kid and that's assault.
I won't move to Iowa, but I WILL move to Burbank or Culver City or fill-in-the-blank I have half a dozen good ones to choose from. Go ahead, Clowncil -- make my day.
City needs to renegotiate ALL contracts, including those currently in effect at DWP! What ever happened to the idea of "Equal Pay For Equal Work"?
I am not sure what these goofy yentas are up to but a City Income Tax would in theory be assessed on those who "work" in the city, not based on where you live. So you residency would not matter. The City of New York has an income tax even though many live outside of NYC, like in New Jersey. In reality it would never happpen since the infrastructure to implement would have to be massive. They would have to tie into California tax returns and the Franchise Tax Board has no interest in helping out LA. More likely are higher fees and taxes on business which will just scare off more into outer cities.
Hey 557 - anyone die yet? You got it made!
557- how is that possibly legal???
Ah come on - sure Tony Villar has fucked up LA worse but it was still pretty fucked up under Hahn. Villar has taken it from shitty to more shitty. At this point who cares, lets just all move.
4:27: You start by defending old Slim Jim again, stating no positives except that he wasn't MAV and Mexican but then go on about the way the blacks are turning the mess in Jena, where a black mob tried to kill or at least beat into a coma, a white kid, into a "Jean Six" civil rights issue. (Of course the whites were wrong and should have been punished more for the nooses, but ganging up on one of them and trying to kill him does not make the perpetrators right.)
Those rednecks need a lesson in what nooses means: but why did a black kid sit under the "white" tree anyway? Was it an intended provocation? Every inner city school in L A has tables for blacks vs. Hispanics, unless there's a specific invitatation otherwise. Even good schools have tables for the popular kids, dorks, etc., and no one just crashes a table.
Maxine Waters locally leading the students, "they finally are learning what racial injustice is, what we've been fighting for all these years," like she's glad she's got another chance to drag herself out and rail against the whites. Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, the rest of the usual cast of characters -- all of Jim Hahn's people, all of whom he supported and pandered to.
You can't even be consistent.
Have to agree with MS on this one: defending a person of no accomplishment just because he's not AV is pretty dismal. Pandering to one group over another, blacks and leftie whites over Hispanics or vice versa, isn't the goal.
These service worker unions aren't just demanding more money to be on parity with the DWP, which arguably doesn't deserve the pay raise -- they need money for infrastructure, to replace those old grids that go out.
But these radical unions are demanding parity with the "overpaid" LAPD and LAFD, arguing that we'll see what it's like to have cops and firefighters when no one shows up to clean our buildings and hotels.
That's where their absurd self- importance comes in.
L A already has a business tax higher than surrounding cities. Even Beverly Hills doesn't have one, they just have a "head tax," per employee, so successful/ growing business aren't taxed the same flat rate as one with an owner and assistant. The total is much lower than flat rate. Also makes more sense because there is a certain cost per employee for use of infrastructure, whatever.
That's the legacy of Zev Y, by the way. A personal income tax would sure make working in neighboring cities more desirable still.
One reason that the labor contract negotiations are happening under the radar screen is that the committee that discusses them first meets behind closed doors.
It's called the Executive Employee Relations Committee (EERC). It include the Pres and Pres Pro Tem, the chairs of the Personnel and Budget committees, and the mayor.
The meetings are covered by the Brown Act, but unlike all of the other City Council committees you can't go to the City's web site and subscribe to be send their agendas. They don't want you to know when they're meeting and what they're talking about, which can include multi-million dollars labor contracts. To meet the minimum requirements of the Brown Act, the agendas are posted on the bulletin board in the lobby of City Hall East. That's convenience. YOu won't find them posted on the City's web site with the other agendas.
The other thing that they don't want you to know is that because the meetings are held under Brown Act rules, anyone is allowed to come and speak on any agenda item, or on any item that isn't on the agenda but which comes under the jurisdiction of the committee. Because they discuss labor and personnel matters, they are allowed to meet in closed session, but if you submit a speaker's card, they must allow you in to speak.
The agendas are arranged by the CAO's office and usually have the approval of Garcetti and the mayor.
You should show up and shock the pants off them.
3:32 pm (sept 20)...
hellz to the yeah! thanks for the update.
I thought the charter requires paying prevailing wage, not 25% above it. Who do you need to know for this gravy train?
Good point, 9:56!!! Quote it, for those who either are to lazy to look it up themselves, or get quickly confused trying to wade through the entire mess. I belong to the "quickly confused" group.
It's a sad day when so many good souls want to move away, but I am hearing this more and more lately.
Why spend $900,000 on some BOX to enjoy smog, traffic, and now, illegals worse than ever, a government that panders to them, and more taxes? Really, the sunshine only has so much value.
Arizona, Utah, Colorado. Now those are well-run states.
Dear Quickly Confused. New numbers coming. Five year contract in the works. The ladies done a good job. Love, Mom.
I also know tons of neighbors who are leaving. Not because of illegal immigrants, but because everything else is too expensive, we have the worst traffic and no public transportation and every piece of land is getting developed, even if it's 5 acres. Developers will put 50 houses on 5 acres, the planning commissioners will okay it with no infrastructure and the quality of life just gets worse. Traffic too bad? How about less development until that problem is fixed.
Clean money is the only answer.
Overpaid LAFD and LAPD. Get a clue. LAPD only got a 4% raise over 3 years moron. DWP got 17% and you can't tell me their job is at a higher risk. City council has their priorities screwed up.
The Socialist/Marxist SEIU is sowing the seeds of its own destruction by
harboring illegal aliens. Estimates
are that over half of its members are illegal aliens.What will they do when its 100%. Its criminal employers who
hire illegals that should be prosecuted and a certain american apparel owner friend of MAV with a green card should be first in the perp line.
In 2004 Assemblyman Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) tried to pass a bill (AB 1690)to authorize a local income , but the Governator said "nicht". So how could LA impose a local income tax? There is no authority for it in state law.
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