Hunt/Dowd/Dogg Bitch Slap Villaraza & LA Shitty Council The F*CK Off Venice Beach. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
ITEM NO. (26) - Motion Required
CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to repealing provisions of Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) Section 42.15. (Venice Beach ILLEGAL Ban of shirts, incense, jewlery, etc.)
NEXT TIME LISTEN, BITCH! Now Villar, try and fix the illegal vending in your own backyard before you're removed from office -- and stay the F*CK of Zuma Dogg's beach or I'll bitch slap you all the way across the border.
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Great Job Guys!!
Good work ZD. Good work Matt.
Might I add, your t-shirts and incense aren't getting babies killed?
Mayor and Clowncil have some real soul searching to do.
Will they do it? Of course not.
Excellent news! I wonder when Council will wake up and realize that they need to follow their own ordinances and apply for a business license?
What business?
Why the business of ripping taxpayers off with their fee increases!
I wonder if we could get an initiative out there for the primary which would raise a special City tax on current Councilmembers and our current Mayor at 50% of gross income. It would certainly save the City a whole bunch of money, and make ripping off taxpayers a little less attractive.
You poor saps. Have you ever heard the expression, "You can't fight City Hall?
What, in your uneducated, third grade infantile minds do you really think that means?
Let me help you, Mutt and Sheila. It means, that you have won round one of fifteen.
They will be back at you in ways you never dreamed of, taxes, hours of regulation, trespassing, annoying the passers by, just wait, it is coming. Are you really so stupid to think this is the end of the fight? This is just a skirmish.
The battle will go on and it is one of attrition. Your assets are energy and a finite amount of time. Their assets are unlimited.
You will be sick that you ever dedicated this part of your life and energy to this loser.
Do one smart thing: Quit while you have a win under your belt and move on fast to another beach where the City of LA has no jurisdiction. You resume your past activities at your peril.
But, you won't listen; you are too busy partying with the bong tonight in the stinky van, that will soon be searched with a warrant for all things illegal.
The harassment is just beginning.
You've been warned.
P.S. I am not part of the City of LA nor am I in law enforcement, so this is not a threat; it is simply experience talking and trying to give you some good advice.
search away!
what they need to do is drag that senior attorney Rich Llewellyn fool into chambers and find out why they're still violating Mr Hunt. Llewellyn had the opportunity weeks ago to initiate proceedings that would reverse some of the injustices. he has not done so.
this repeal ordinance has been continued now since Aug 7.
the judge told their city attorneys Mike Nagle and Todd Leung that he would strike down the nominal utility language way back on Jan 16.
all they've done is f*ck us round since then. I hope they continue further. every act of defiance proves our point that they trampled and continue to trample all over people's rights, even in the face of judicial advice to the contrary.
8:07, I've not been in a flame battle with a blogger, but there's always a first time for everything.
I take exceptional offense to being called a poor sap, with the follow-up comment that you can't fight city hall.
You have a real problem on your hands; that problem is me. I happen to work in City Hall; you, by your own admission, do not. Have you never heard of the expression that unasked for advice is worth nothing, especially bad advice?
Do not try my patience, 8:07!
Zuma, I think this is great news! Keep up the good work! I wonder when 8:07 is going to realize that the current council has a finite amount of time (re: term limits).
If Jose Huizar would only care enough about the 14th to deal with the illgal vendors. That will never happen.
He could not care even if it would help get him re elected.
Maybe you should collect taxes from the other vendors on Venice because that does not get any attention from the politicians of Los Angeles.
Don't fight city hall just work around the system like the Latino gang bangers who killed the baby over in the Westlake area did. But do NOT kill a baby because that will get the politicians attention, just shoot straight and kill only adults that will go un-noticed by city hall.
Very estute!
The Nation of Aztlan – This video featuring Antonio Villaraigosa, Fabian Nunez, Joe Baca, and Art Torres.
My letter to Ed Reyes
I would like to know if you previously knew about 18th street gang members extorting money from the street vendors in the Westlake area. And why do you allow all the vendors to operate on the city sidewalks without any type of license. When did this become legal in the city of Los Angeles?
What do you plan to do now that a baby was killed by the gang members using extreme violence to collect “taxes” from the street vendors?
You are responsible for allowing this condition to exist on Sixth street, you have ignored this problem long enough you need to take immediate action. Remove all the illegal street vendors from your district.
And you need to support the Police and not make then seem like the enemy to the rest of the community. The gang unit of the LAPD should NOT have to disclose their personal finances to the city, the gang police are not the criminals. You should be worried about the 18th street gang who are the drug dealers, thieves and killers in Los Angles. You better educate yourself about the 18th street gang, they are the largest and most violent of gangs. Go visit Belmont High School and ask the campus police about the gang problems in and around the schools.
You can be sure I will be working overtime to make sure you are NOT elected if you do not take immediate action and clean up the streets in your district.
Good post. Reyes, Huizar and even Antonio has some responsibility of the killing cause the community has been telling them for years about the illegal vending and extortion. Yet, they expect cops to do their dirty work. If they came out and said in Spanish illegal vending is against the law and dangerous the vendors would listen. How do they expect as stupid ass Reyes said the cops to clean up the mess when the Latino politicans tell the illegals its ok to be here? Get off your sorry butts and start to spread the word. Put up signs in Spanish and be proactive instead of passing the buck on blame. Huizar promised when he was campaigning to do something about illegal vendors. Not only has he not done a damn thing about that but hasn't done anything in his district except for Eagle Rock. He's another Do Nothing councilman
I'm about to make sure that asshole Ed Reyes gets the publicity he deserves on this.
I think I hate Ed Reyes more than anyone at City Hall. Can we simply show up in chambers and drag his ass out of the building and dump him on the other side of the border?
Mr. Dogg,
The "Item" says that they are considering repealing PROVISIONS of Section 42.15, and not repealing the whole ordinance. Look at the ordinance and some of it seems legally unenforceable. But overall, I don't think that you'll be able to sell goods, from a table (stationary selling location), on the Venice boardwalk (which is like a sidewalk).
Here's part of the ordinance:
(Title and Section Amended by Ord. No. 177,337, Eff. 3/25/06.)
No person shall engage in vending activity upon any public beach lands or beach properties adjoining the waterfront of the Pacific Ocean, or upon any immediately adjacent boardwalk, sidewalk or public way between the southerly boundary of the City of Santa Monica and the northerly boundary of the City of El Segundo and between the northwesterly boundary of the City of Santa Monica and the northwesterly boundary of the City of Los Angeles.
---- and a later portion here:
(e) Permit Required for Exempted Activities. (Amended by Ord. No. 177,440, Eff. 5/14/06, Oper. 3/25/06.) No person or organization engaging in activities specifically exempted from the provisions of the first paragraph of this section by Subsection (c) shall set up a display table, easel or other furniture or place any item to be used in connection with the exempted activity on the property described in this section unless that person or organization holds a valid "Public Expression Participant Permit" issued pursuant to the program adopted by the Board of Recreation and Park Commissioners on October 1, 2003, as that program may be amended from time to time. ... end of ordinance portions.
First off, the Boardwalk is just a sidewalk, an easement for egress (ie.) to allow the people to walk through. A sidewalk is not "owned" by the city, but is owned by the lot owner, eg. the business the owns the store. Sure, the lot may be zoned commercial, but it doesn't mean that any "joe" can set up a table and conduct business "his sidewalk", the sidewalk in front of his business.
But, if a person is walking along the Boardwalk, holding balloons for sale, stops and sells one, and then starts walking again, the City can't stop that (it's clearly a freedom of speach issue). Same for people with pushcarts, can't enforce that (unless it's a food sale, where health risks are involved). It does seem that this ordinance is unenforceable in this case.
And what's going on with this "Permit stipulation? How can the City issue permits to allow sales activities on someone else's private property (even if it is their sidewalk, ie. Boardwalk)?
Still, the Cops can stop and detain any salesperson who the Cops consider a nuisance. But, if the salesperson keeps moving along the Boardwalk, then it doesn't seem to fit the mold of a "standard business". How can they legally be stopped from selling or performing?
Thanks for the analysis! I just had a moment to scan it. Only thing I'm not sure about: The vendors at venice do not set up on the "sidewalk" (dark grey gravel type boardwalk), but on the smooth (light grey) "free speech zone/vending zone" that is between the sidewalk and the sand/beach.
It is marked off/divided with numbers. So I think you may be talking "apples and mangos" on this.
If someone were to cross into the actual boardwalk and set up a table...HELL YEAH...they're in violation. If you keep moving...then you SHOULD be ok as you mentioned.
"Luis Silva, 19, was arrested Sunday and charged today by the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office with five felony counts including murder, attempted murder and attempted extortion. If convicted on all counts, Silva could receive the death penalty or life without parole in state prison."
Great, another wanna be thug-murderer who will be brought to our over burdened Prison system. I think they need to publically circumcise that doggy dick Beaner right at MacArthur Park so that:
1) He'll assimilate to the USA
2) A public and physical reminder that the US doesn't mess around
3) Teaches the other doggy dick cholos not to commit crimes or they'll be stripped of their man"hood".
Consider the new amended ordinance 42.15 as an "incoming", Zumma and Butt Boy.
It is the first in a long iine of adjustments that will require you to expend maximum effort and time to try to fight.
But, since the two of you and your City Hall buddy know better, just keep pounding your heads on the concrete.
After all, it might not be as hard today as it was yesterday, right?
In other words, YOU LOST? Maybe people won't watch American Idol next season. Maybe Celine Dion won't sing good tomorrow. Maybe you should show up at a Superbowl victory party and declare that next year, someone else MIGHT win.
I think you are living you life to the fullest locked in your bitter, loser mindset.
AND YOU ARE A LOSER. Remember that, Loser.
Right. I am a loser. I live in a big house, have a vacation house, drive a fancy new car, make close to $1,000,000 a year and have a great family and a full life.
You, on the other hand, live in a van with an incense seller guy, rarely bathe, wear the same stinky clothes and stinky hat every day, and take the bus to speak for two minutes a day (sometimes as much as ten or twelve in total) while no one listens. You are the laughing stock of everyone downtown, from City Hall to the Hall of Administration to LAUSD Headquarters.
If you didn't have pictures of Higby with a dead girl or a live boy no one would know who you are.
Damn, I'm such a loser!
LOL, now, that's funny.
ZD, tell us it isn't so!!
7:38 - if what you say is true (which I doubt by the way) you really are a loser. You are obsessed with all things Zuma! Go to the beach in your fancy car a chill out for chrissakes.
Now we see Zuma can dish it out but he can't take it!
Now you know?!?!? O.K.!
p.s.: What did I dish out that I couldn't take?
8:42 pm
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