Fraud, Waste and Abuse Takes The Day Off: Los Angeles City Council Meeting Is Cancelled for Today, Luckily!
Whew! The pueblos get a bonus day -- free of the fraudulently negligent or purposefully intended organized corruption, as today's Los Angeles City Council meeting is cancelled so that the coffer sabatoging specialists may attend various events, including services for an LAPD officer. [Please don't pile on the comments about the necessisty of cancelling the meeting for this reason.]
So the next meeting should be extra fun, as all the items for today are added to the beneficial "Dog and Pony Show Parade" (otherwise known as Friday morning council meetings) -- along with all the regularly scheduled public fund takeover attempts.
VERY BAD THINGS ARE HAPPENING IN THIS CITY AT THE HANDS OF ELECTED OFFICIALS, AND THEIR PRIVATE PALS. LET'S START WITH THE PRIVATIZATION OF PUBLIC MONEY AND NON-PROFIT RACKET! (Does the District Attorney's office read Mayor Sam? What names will Zuma Dogg's shady searchers attach to ZD's amigos on Spring Street?) Shady searchers...start your search engines!!!
Even if we could and would identify the people and the business that are shady, corrupt,
and all the other words, who has the intestinal furtitude to bring the information to the people who will charge the bad guys with something? Not our Mayor, not our Councilmen, not the District Attorney. We need the State and Federal investigation under the RICO laws. Who has the cajones?
Well, that's easy, none other than our Hero, the ubiquitous Zuma Dogg himself!
Who else can read the LA Times, The Daily News and other local papers and, Presto, Chango! immediately re-invent the the news, the facts and the behind the scenes deals, etc. (and, often the wheel, itself)
Our local Hero, sort of a poor man's Al Gore, has clearly had a hand in uncovering every major fraud, shady, behind the scenes arrangement, and appointment made by every elected official. His computer programs have revolutionalized corruptness searches. His helping Al invent the Internet doubtless has come into play here.
How did we ever get along without him? That is the question for us to ponder.
And, while we do, let's consider him for replacement of our D.A., Mayor, 5th District Councilman and Controller. Look at the money we will be saving on salaries alone, as our Hero assumes all jobs for but a single donation to Paypal into his account.
So, vote for Zuma Dogg, in the next election.
He's our Hero!!!
Do you send comments like that to all the other media outlets you mention cover all these stories, too?
I am curious if you can point out what was re-invented? Seems pretty straightforward to me. The meeting was cancelled.
And by the way, can you please post LA Times' or Daily News' announcement of the Council meeting cancellation? I know you are accusing me of reading other newspapers and "re-inventing" the news...but the reason I found out, is because I called City Hall to see if the meeting was cancelled, before I hopped on the bus. Glad I did. Coincidentally, the first time I decide to call first, just in case, was the first time it was cancelled as I was about to make my trip.
So if you can, please post the announcement in the other papers about the meeting cancellation.
And call the clerks office to see if ZD called this morning to verify my claim. It was around the 8am hour. She'll tell you I was surprised by the coincidence that it was actually cancelled the first time I called to check first.
And remember, send your same letter about reinventing the wheel/al gore shiznit to every outlet, every time more than one covers the same story, loser.
And I'll be sure to call to your attention all the stories I have posted on Mayor Sam days, weeks and months before you read it everywhere else.
LA Times story on housing strategy/density plan with Mark Pisano
ZD story on housing strategy/density plan with Mark Pisano Part 1
ZD story on housing strategy/density plan with Mark Pisano Part 2
"Start your search engines"
The posts are mind boggling. You must have an army out there of searchers.
Suggest they search Dave Elliott's income tax filings for the last five years.
Hey, remember ZD posted the story about subprime lending/foreclosures and everyone popped off at the mouth in ingnorance?
Did you read the papers this week? Do an intenet search for the topic.
Here's the ZD story from three months ago that proves you losers wrong. Did I copy this story from newspapers three months before they came out, losers?
ZD subprime lending/foreclosure story from three months ago.
Not that it wasn't already an issue...but it didn't get a whole lot of coverage around here, and defeated losers told me I didn't know what I was talking about. So if nothing else, I recognized the problem when it was brought to my attention as something we would be dealing with over the summer.
I'll just read about it in your opposition research piece on ZD that you have been working on. Got a whole team on the case, huh! Not easy to find the right IT person to encrypt the files, though, is it!
ZD deaiing with forclosures?
Do you have a mortgage on your van or something?
Don't make us laugh, you fool.
Does one have to be part of/involved in the story in order to report on it?
Is that how it works?
You actually need to have a modicum of education to understand what you are reporting; that's why they have journalism schools, to teach proper language and rules, ethics and a wide range of liberal arts.
Just reading a few populists like Deming, Sun Tzu, and listening to Tony without really knowing what they are saying and how it appropriately applies is nothing but starfucking and psuedo intellectualism. Any poseurlike you can fool the fools for a while, but those of us with educations see through your inexperience and lack of comprehension in a nanosecond.
You are nothing but a wanna be that cannot keep up with the demands of the job.
Go somewhere else and sell your stupid tee shirts and incense and quit trying to be a real journalist like DZ.
You aren't.
Besides, we already have Zanhiser and don't need you to translate for us.
Hey, that post was coherent!
Who wrote it?
Wow! You guys need a mediator.
However, it sems that the commentator has a point. I've never seen a blog where the blogger has such thin skin that he has to answer every single criticism with a response. What insecurity!
Mr. Dogg, or whatever your name is, you need some therapy. Stop spending all your time respondng to these guys and go see a qualified therapist. You need help.
WAS IT A REVEALING COMMENT BY MAYOR ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA when he said he talks to Mirthala Salinas everyday and announced the fact that he continues to have a relationship with Ms. Salinas, adding, "I'm not going into the details of it and I'm certainly not going to propose to you or through you. So why don't we leave it at that," says Villaraigosa.
ZD feels it actually WAS a good PR move for the mayor to admit publicly that he continues to speaks with, and still has a relationship with the Mirthala! (See Ries & Trout.) However, if we "see" Milton Erickson or Richard Bandler would they say the mayor has sent some subconcious information regarding a proposal?
a) "We continue to have a relationship." [O.K., that means a proposal could be in the future. As opposed to if they were not seeing each other anymore, which would pretty much mean, no chance of proposal. So it's a possibility.]
b) "I'm not going into the details of it and I'm certainly not going to propose to you or through you. So why don't we leave it at that," says Villaraigosa.
That's a little more information than you needed to reveal at that point, however, in response to, "the mayor was asked if he plans to marry Salinas."
The subconcious mind can be oh too revealing. Defense mechanisms to cover the guilt/pressure one may be feeling over a situation can be telling. Maybe the pressure of trying to keep a secrets, so you send subconcious "tells" to the audience. Why would you blurt out, "I'm certainly not going to propose THROUGH YOU." (Is Antonio's subconcious saying, "Yes, I'm going to propose, but this certainly isn't the time or place." I mean, why not just say, "No, we don't have any plans to marry." Or something humorous like, "I said we continue to have a relationship, not planning on getting married." (Which is a much more strategic answer. But the mayor is not surrounded by the kind of people who think least not effectively.
Personally, I think the mayor may have just been expressing his subconcious desire to propose and have a happy ending to this frustrating situation. I mean, there is nothing wrong with that...who wouldn't want a happy ending to a situation like this?
Point is, common mayor...start enjoying the creative challenge of using more effective communication strategy. You gave away WAY more than necessary on that one.
see...I'm getting better. I had 5:27pm typed up in a thread and as I was sliding the mouse toward "send", I simply hit, "save draft"; and copied and pasted it into the comment section again. (waaaaaay less visibility.)
BUT...I know you will end up ruining this one step forward, causing me to fall two steps back.
I wish you didn't...I don't like the added "intensified energy pattern" that is associated with intensifying the amplification of the message.
12:52: You didn't really mean "Presto, Chango?" did you. That's kind of sacriligious in light of the fact that Zuma's bible, Bottoms Up Marketing, helped turned around Prego Pasta sauce -- and hence, reading it qualifies him as a political expert, in his opinion.
So, be careful! You need to say, "Chango, Prego!" That sounds more Italian and authentic, anyway.
said..."Bottoms Up Marketing, helped turned around Prego Pasta sauce -- and hence, reading it qualifies him as a political expert, in his opinion." you have revealed yourself as an utter igonorant dummy and I have no problem calling you that in the most literal sense.
Are you serious??? You do not understand the theory of a case study to help you base decisions?
Why even read Sun Tzu "Art of War" then, since no one is fighting a war in that era? I mean you are supposed to read it, then apply it to your own situation. Seriously, maybe I am giving you too much credit. And now I am being serious, cause I have to remember...not everyone has the ability to see things this way. Otherwise, there would be no need for authors and consultants in general.
So if you really don't get it, I should be appologizing, rather than calling you a dummy. Again, it is frustrating to see things others don't.
Try reading the books and maybe you would become more able to make these applications yourself.
Zuma, all your endless ramblings and postings about others' subconscious minds are especially ironic in light of the fact that you don't have one.
Your subconscious is your conscious, and the occasional "blurting out" normal people make when their superego fails to suppress the ego or the Id, is your everyday abnormal.
This is just a little free analysis from a Freudian shrink. But go get the therapy you need, anyway.
Dang that clerk at City Hall for being the one honest person there!
She should have told zuma dogg that the meeting was on an usual -- would have been quite a show to see him rant and rage at no one for FORCING HIM TO TAKE THE BUS DOWNTOWN.
6:09pm...LOL! (You are so right! Can you believe something compelled me to call first today, for the first time ever.)
If you are the chair of a big non-profit the city funnels money into, is the chair of that non-profit supposed to be donating money to the councilmembers who approve that money?
4:35 PM You said a mouthful blowhole.
5:02pm and others who have noted an elevated level of response to the propoganda-spinners...
I am spending a little extra time to demonstrate to folks the lies and propoganda tactics these desparate losers employ.
And when you complain about all my responses, that is merely a guilt manipulation tactic to allow them to pile on lies and propoganda tactics as I have outlined over the past couple days unchallenged.
Kind of like the coward who likes to throw punches and complaining when the other guy holds up his hands to block.
It's a propoganda tactic.
and to say, you already have DZ and don't need me to translate, when my thread contained stuff not in that story is another cheap, thinly veiled trick. So I guess only one writer can cover a story, or else the other guy is translating it. OK!
Bro, I used to think you were doing this stuff on purpose. However, it is possible that you simply are not the sharpest key on the notepad.
ZumaDog blurted out - "The subconcious mind can be oh too revealing. Defense mechanisms to cover the guilt/pressure one may be feeling over a situation can be telling. Maybe the pressure of trying to keep a secrets, so you send subconcious "tells" to the audience."
Besides being all the things you that bring such wealth, respect and fame, you are also a therapist. Who knew.
ZD did break one important story first, or at least, I heard it here first: KCAL is reporting that Mia Farrow wants to be taken hostage in Darfur, so that someone whose life she values more than her own will be freed in her place.
But hey, whatever happened to the idea put forth that ZD should offer himself up as a professional hostage, since he has nothing to lose -- no home, family, job, money or any useful purpose whatsover -- and that would be the one way in which he could make a contribution to society?
not funny 8.27
using the incredibly tragic situation in Darfur to try and score cheap points against ZD.
The Mia Farrow/Darfur story is real, a fact, you idiot. Not meant to be funny. Nor was the post.
KHARTOUM, Sudan (Associated Press) -- Mia Farrow has offered to give up her freedom so that an ailing Darfur rebel leader can get safe passage out of a hospital, according to a letter the actress wrote to Sudan's president and posted on her Web site.
Suleiman Jamous, a moderate who has been a key link between Darfur rebels and aid workers in the war-torn Sudanese region, needs to leave the country for further medical care, Farrow, 62, said in the letter to President Omar al-Bashir, dated Sunday.
Jamous, suffering from abdominal problems, has been at a U.N. hospital outside Darfur. The U.N. has said he is free to leave, but he fears arrest or government reprisals if he does.
"As you are undoubtedly aware, Mr. Jamous is in need of a medical procedure that cannot be carried out in Kadugli," wrote Farrow, who has traveled to Darfur as a UNICEF goodwill ambassador and signed her letter with that title.
"I am therefore offering to take Mr. Jamous's place, to exchange my freedom for his in the knowledge of his importance to the civilians of Darfur and in the conviction that he will apply his energies toward creating the just and lasting peace that the Sudanese people deserve and hope for," she wrote.
OK, then send Matt Dowd and Zuma Dogg to Darfur. For free.
They could sing and dance and the bad guys would just let everyone go and run into the sea to get away.
What a bunch of low life hypocrites clowncil members are. They dont' give a shit about LAPD officers when they're alive and constantly attack and criticize their every action yet they ahve the audacity to show up to their funerals!!%&^*&(*( LAPD officers don't want these lame asses at their funerals guaranteed. Why do they go to pretend to care about the lives of officers and to be in front of the cameras? JERKS!!!!! THEY DON'T WANT YOU THERE SO DON'T GO.
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