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Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Did you know that ALL registered voters in ALL fifteen districts may help do their part in the much needed JACK WEISS RECALL effort by helping to collect signatures?

And if you live anywhere in the City of Los Angeles you should feel the urgent need to defend yourself against this greedy, compulsive, over-developing, gridlock-causing, ethically-challenged besmirch to the City.

Because, not only are you affected by his reckless abandon (his smog and traffic congestion is no longer only affects his district but, the entire city -- as Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa shady-facilitator inside Council chambers. Yank Weiss, you kill mayoral influence and majority control of City Council.

And the mayor is screwing you in whatever backyard you live (check today's "Solid Waste Removal" fee to accompany last year's "Trash Collection fee"...plus, how do you like the way the rest of the City is going under Viagraosa ? The City of Los Angeles has become a national joke because of Antonio. (See: Tonight Show)

And now, Jack Weiss is so blinded by his own arrogance, he has the PR disaster Villaraigrosa, run the "Jackass Weiss For Shitty City Attorney" campaign effort.

Yes, Jack Weiss is running for City Attorney, while being recalled, and Mr. Tonight Show Mayor Villaraigosa is his Campaign Manager!!! (LOL!) That's two...who is the third “Stooge” in all of this?

Meanwhile, I am not at all concerned that Antonio is being spread too thin (even as the rising superstar that he used to be) with all the time and effort he is spending as mayoral puppet master at LAUSD as he prepares to run his own cluster (f*ck) of low performing schools; Hillary Clinton's Campaign Co-Chair (and image associator in the voter’s mind) plus...oh yeah; he's kinda mayor (if you call being mayor having Robin Kramer run the show, while Tony stands in front of camera lenses like Mickey Mouse being mayor. (Well at least like he used to be able to.)

So if you are a registered voter ANYWHERE in the City of Los Angeles, help wrap a tourniquet on the wound across this City that is developer's pal and Antonio's "go to guy" in Council chambers, Jack Weiss. (Aka: Jackass Weiss...and he sure is: A Jackass. And you would have to be a shameless, pompous Jackass to do to 4 million people what Jack just did.)

Go to RecallJackWeiss.com and find out why you need to help collect signatures no matter where you live in the City.


Not only did Ethics rule that this effort is a "campaign", not an "initiative". (As an initiative, the effort may have raised as much money as you want from any individual. As a campaign, you are limited to accepting $500 per person.)

ZD has been told that Weiss is raising his own money to combat this five year career killing community recall rally. (That's how long Weiss will have to sit in the penalty box before he can run for elected office to hop on the corporate gravy train at any cost to the community, once again, if the people triumph over shadiness with a recall victory.)

And although the recall effort fundraising efforts are limited to $500; Latham & Watkins and all the developers in town have huge staffs of people, that just so happen -- so, so many just happen to support Jack Weiss at $500 a pop in elections, and perhaps in his recall defense fund. (Do an ethics search for "Latham" and see how many people pop up. And L&W are Antonio's main backers, and I do believe Hillary never would have been first lady without them. Right, Bill and Hillary?)

So first, it's no surprise that Ethics decided it's a "campaign" when it is not; any court would overturn this; but by then it will be too late (and they know this).



Remember people, this is the City of Los Angeles under the rule of Antonio Villaraigosa and Jack Weiss is his cohort: So if you try and exercise your freedom of speech or attempt to recall a Councilmember who people feel is a threat to sound judgment and common sense – you just might be taught a lesson by the public. (Politicians DO represent the public don't they? So this investigation using city time and money into the recall, must be in the public's best interest.

So if you don't want to feel threatened, just sit back and let the politicians do the work they were sent to do. Privatize the public money, and make sure to take a bite of out every piece of the pie.

Click here to help do your part to save the city.
ZumaTimes.com: LA City coverage


Anonymous Anonymous said:

Get real, you fool.

All you do is hurt the recall by misleading the other idiots who will go out and get signatures and not check districts.

Once they are sent to the registrar, they will be reviewed, and, if out of district, would cause the recall to fail.

But you are such a novice and uneducated fool that you don't care.

This recall has ZERO chance of success, and the three people who read your drivel and think it is real will not put the effort over the top.

You are a useless imitation Don Quixote, who tilts at windmills that he cannot overturn.

Go get a real life, crybaby loser.

August 08, 2007 2:05 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I myself have submitted to the Ethics Commission a number of falsehoods and lies that remain uncorrected, despite their being made aware of them. More than you could know, that I would eve reveal: clearly intentional and malicious. So shut up, moron, you've no idea who those recall people are.

August 08, 2007 5:00 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Good for you Zuma informing the people. There are Jack Weiss recall signs up all over. There's one prominently hanging right on Olympic Blvd. where thousands travel everyday to go to work. The haters are afraid the word is getting out and thanks to blogs people are becoming informed.

August 08, 2007 6:25 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

"Haters," 6:25?

I don't have a dog in this fight -- but it seems obvious to me the "haters" are the ones hating Jack Weiss!

August 08, 2007 6:58 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Zuma, here's a bet for you - I'll bet you $500 that the recall willnot be successful against your retirement.

If you win, I'll pay it through paypal; if I win, you get the Hell of Mayor Sam's blog and never come back again.

How's that look, chickenshit, crybaby loser?

August 08, 2007 7:56 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Zuma you are being used by the pro-Weiss people. Did they hit up your penpal button?

August 08, 2007 8:18 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


August 08, 2007 8:39 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

First of all, the article is not about the chances of success of the campaign. It isn't a "handicapping" article. People don't report, or not report on campaingns and elections based on someone's opinion on the outcome.

The media covered AB 1381, even though the entire universe knew it would be ruled illegal. (Sorry for using the word "Universe" as in "Universal".)

Secondly, as mentioned before, and you hope I mention it again, so you can try and take it out of context; if people don't want Jack Weiss to be a Councilmember, they sure as HELL do not want him to be Villianagosa's Shitty City Attorney, either.

And although they say, "any publicity is good publicity" -- I doubt the Jackass or his campaign manager/PR human anvil would agree.

Secondly, why would you think I would need to be paid to write this story? I should have paid the person who provided me with this information. Even though I didn't ask for, or receive any measure of gift or guile.

But since you mention it, if you liked the coverage of the story that cost me $15 in computer time, go to zumatimes.com and click the paypal link! THANKS FOR REMINDING ME!

August 08, 2007 10:20 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I like it when zumadog writes "zumadog has learned that it appears..."
Yeah, what a bit of learning when you write "it appears" for when your learning proves to be false you can backtrack. How villaragoso-ish of you.

August 08, 2007 10:26 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

As a LA City resident not from CD5, I think this recall is bullshit. Jack Weiss is the exact same person today that the voters overwhelmingly re-elected in 2005. You may think he is a douchebag, but he is the same doucebag as he was when you voted for him in March of 2005.

I don't want to pay for CD5 to have a recall election when nothing changed. That's bullshit. I would rather have more cops, more street resurfacing, more tree trimming - hell, I would rather have more special events than a recall election when nothing new has come out about the guy.

You voted for him, no you live with him.

August 08, 2007 10:45 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Remember people reading this...10:45am would like to remind you, does NOT live in the 5th district, as he always will remind you of something like this in hopes of proving he is not an agendized spinner. (And not a very good one, obviously.) EX: Sorry Sean Hannity, I voted for George Bush and my name is Ed Repulican, but even I am against (blank). A common tactic employed by this person who will now become outraged at my accusation that he isn't just a random blogger.


to clarify, i said, "it appears that Weiss put pressure on ethics"...because ZD "learned" that ethics DID notify the recall initiative that they were being investigated. I do not know for a fact if Weiss' crew put pressure on ethics, so I said "appears" based on the FACT that the initiative is being investigated.

And we talk about illogical arguments and "filters", "distortions" and "deletions", and appearing in 10:45am's post, is "generalizations".

The propoganda spinner said, "Jack Weiss is the exact same person today that the voters overwhelmingly re-elected in 2005."

So what? That doesn't mean the voters were aware of all his corruption at the time, and his constituents have had the chance to experience the negative impact of his pompous disregard for his district's best interest.

Now they have seen the rotten fruits of his shady labors.

MORE TO COME...THIS GUY JACK WEISS HAS SOME ROOM TO TALK!!! HE'S GOT A GUY LIKE ANTONIO (with his chequered past and continued violation of Federal law (see AB 1381 and the city's housing policy which is being investigated by the district attorney's office) -- and some of the people and tactics Villaraigosa employs behind the scenes??? YIKES! That's guy Weiss is rolling with? I mean maybe Weiss admires Anotonio for his "family values" platform that he ran on! (LOL!)

August 08, 2007 11:35 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Wait a minute here, who are you to critize the Mayor, ZD? How are your family values?

Or, what family? Been to church lately? Ever? When were you last employed and paid taxes?

You live in a stinky van with Matt and eat junk food and bathe and shave infrequently. You beg for food and gas and coffee, and now computer money, and you are criticizing someone else's habits?

Go buy a mirror and take good look at your shiny head, unshaven, raggedy visage.

And then, shut the fuck up.

August 08, 2007 1:05 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

1.05. Zuma Dog is not our Mayor and whatever his personal mores are is his business.

10.45 A recall is an instrument of democracy. So, what we are to do as a public if Politician A comes along promising the world at election time and then, once elected, screws his constituents. It happens a lot. A recall is legitimate. The expense of elections are altogether another problem. Elections mailers cost money. Ads in a campaign or initiative are expensive. Staffing elections cost us tax money. But recalling a "bought" politician is priceless.

August 08, 2007 4:02 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

the idiot recall people have zev mad at them for using his name to allege that he supports them, when in fact he's a longtime friend of weiss, and is furious at this unethical misuse of his name and comments for their political purposes. those fools have put nothing but lies and falsehoods in their promos and website, but dragging another powerful politician into their dirty tactics was the final straw.

August 08, 2007 4:16 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


Recalls should only be used when someone has been doing something illegal.

Davis, Antonio and Weiss have done nothing illegal.

August 08, 2007 4:20 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

So, ZD, what about the bet? Are you going to take the bet?

Are you confident that Weiss is going down, or are you just blowing smoke as usual?

You spend too much time in the van with Matt and the bong and not enough time learning about life and politics.

The man is right; the recall is going nowhere, and now that Zev is pissed about the false references to his support, it will dissapate to nothing, as people will be afraid to sign up fearing Zev's wrath.

What a bunch of amateurs.

I'll double the bet, defeated crybaby loser. But, you won't take it because you know you're a loser.

Rememeber, you read it FIRST here.

August 08, 2007 4:44 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


Are you kidding me!?!?! Did I campaign for elected office on a family morals platform then...well...become a national laughing stock on the Tonight Show over the breaking of that campaign promise. (Ha! He even had to break THAT promise. I mean, if you can't get the subway built, or the people off skid row, or the cops hired or projects completed over beuracracy and politics -- that's one thing. There should be no excuse for a "family morals" platform to be broken.

So yeah, whatever my situation, I didn't campaign on the premise that I was completley the opposite.

You know all your wafer thin spin just annoys me and I end up getting cranky and end up being driven by that emotion, and then I have the energy to go post a new thread I didn't want to work on today.

I was just about to try and watch some YouTube music videos, or something fun to take my mind off the type of leader the mayor is, the types of people he associates with, the things he is doing that would be of interest to Federal investigators and the actions (and inactions) he is taking that will have a haunting effect on generations to come. ALL OUT OF GREED, COMPULSION AND PERSONAL DEMONS. Pull up your zipper and start leaving a legacy! Only thing, you're surrounded by all the wrong people.

Man, if you would either hit me up on the facts, provide some new information or opposing spin on the issue, it doesn't unleash the dogg.

So if you can't do that (weak ass personal, distorted bs)...just stop commenting and maybe I wouldn't have even posted this week.


August 08, 2007 4:50 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


Recall Jack ASS Wise.
Then we recall Richard AlarCON,
FONY Tony Cardenas, Liar Rocky Delgadillo, Midget Mayor Villalinas, Fat Denise Zine and Red Honky Tom Labonge.

August 08, 2007 6:43 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:



By saying, "I'll double the bet...Rememeber, you read it FIRST here. (regarding the chances of the recall effort).

Where in the piece do I express an opinion regarding the outcome?

But the author is trying to give the illusion that I am on the wrong side of the issue, when the thread has nothing to do with "chances".

Bro, are you able to follow the advice you reject (Ries & Trout/Sun Tzu) and argue on a stength, not a weakness? It's the only way you can score a point in the mind of the consumer.

August 08, 2007 6:49 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

In response to "August 08, 2007 4:20 Anonymous said... that Weiss have done nothing illegal."

Weiss has done plenty of illegal and unethical Coup d'état's. People are not digging deep enough and you are focusing in the wrong places. Get an independent audit on the bastard!

August 09, 2007 12:57 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

You sound pretty desperate that your nasty, wasteful and unethical campaign is going nowhere, and people are seeing you for the "reactionary whiners" that West L A Online's Jim Burch calls you, and the "me-me-me" old fogey superior-feeling separatists that L A Observed nailed you as.

No one but a bunch of spiteful old reactionary whiners and narcisists like you would ever START a political campaign like this, full of lies and intentional smears as you well know (and so do the papers if you push them to expose you), without FIRST having proof that something unethical has been done.

So you don't like Century City and traffic, BFD. Westfield's neighbors in Sherman Oaks, Topanga and elsewhere have the same issues, but you are the nastiest, stupidist and most REACTIONARY BUNCH OF WHINERS WHO, UNLIKE THE REST OF THEM, REFUSE TO WORK WITH THE MALL DEVELOPERS AND YOUR COUNCILMEMBER.

You're so arrogant, you dragged Zev into this and made him furious, too. Just how STUPID are you people in your "me-me-me" demands as "reactionary whiners?"

August 09, 2007 1:38 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

A "Coup d'Etat" means an overthrow of the government, you illiterate and pseudo Francophone - Francoophobe.

What governments has he overthrown, exactly?

Sign me up, in that case, for the next one.

August 09, 2007 4:50 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I cannot believe how seriously you all take this blog.
The "Coup" comment was clearly sarcastic. Some slow people will never understand these types of comments, because they are all blinded by their egos and love of intelligence they believe to hold. Do me a favor and read a book on metaphors or political whisper campaigns to understand that comment jack ass. But seriously, if you want to find who this JACK ASS has been kissing up to pressure an independent audit on his ass and all his misdeads will surface. I PROMISE!

August 10, 2007 1:34 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Reality check is in order. The use of the recall is not limited to illegal acts. It just allows voters to get rid of someone before their term is up. They rarely succeed (except for small city school boards.) There won't be any audit of Jack Weiss. What it would be about, anyway? If the recall supporters get enough signatures to force an election,which I seriously doubt, Weiss will win easily. Not because he deserves to win, but because he will raise a ton of money from developers to which he will be even more beholden to. And then, what will have been accomplished?

August 10, 2007 7:08 PM  

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