"Photo that Mayor does not want you to see"
The "AFFAIR OF ACCESS" continues to give. is posting a photo of a "CITY HALL CEREMONY" where the "POLITCO FORMERLY KNOWN AS ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA, tony villar", is giving a PROCLAMATION to TELMUNDO Channel 52 General Manager Manuel Abud.
This November 9, 2005 ceremony came a couple of days after the now infamous "HI, I'M ANTONIO" encounter at the then, MIRTHALA place of residence in Sherman Oaks.
What is becoming a big question in this "AFFAIR OF ACCESS", is whether Mayor Villaraigosa was, and still is, using the functions of city government to provide for a "ENTITY OF CONVIENCE".
Hypotheical, Telemundo provided Mirthala to Mayor, then he gives "EXCLUSIVE" on the responce to the title of what will go down as the signature phrase of the "ONE HIT WONDER ADMINISTRATION", "WE CLEAN YOUR TOILETS!!!".
Digging further, as KCAL David Bryant said a couple of weeks back, The "FREE RIDE" from the local media is over. Now the "PRINT and VISUAL MEDIA" needs to join with the "BLOGGERSPHERE" in bring to lite more examples of "SEX FOR PLAY".
This November 9, 2005 ceremony came a couple of days after the now infamous "HI, I'M ANTONIO" encounter at the then, MIRTHALA place of residence in Sherman Oaks.
What is becoming a big question in this "AFFAIR OF ACCESS", is whether Mayor Villaraigosa was, and still is, using the functions of city government to provide for a "ENTITY OF CONVIENCE".
Hypotheical, Telemundo provided Mirthala to Mayor, then he gives "EXCLUSIVE" on the responce to the title of what will go down as the signature phrase of the "ONE HIT WONDER ADMINISTRATION", "WE CLEAN YOUR TOILETS!!!".
Digging further, as KCAL David Bryant said a couple of weeks back, The "FREE RIDE" from the local media is over. Now the "PRINT and VISUAL MEDIA" needs to join with the "BLOGGERSPHERE" in bring to lite more examples of "SEX FOR PLAY".
Who does the exclusive Spanish language broadcast of the 16th of Sept. ceremony at City Hall? Does it happen to be Telemundo? If so, did they happen to start anytime recently?
This story just keeps getting bigger. I hope the media does their job and keeps digging. Clearly, Villaraigosa has been less than forthright with the citizens of Los Angeles.
What story? You keep milking this, like dogs with a bone, but there's nothing new here, try as you might.
And having reporters quoting each other to justify their behavior, is no better than when politicians cover up for each other. In fact, worse: politicians are heavily scrutinized, while it's the media that's gotten a free ride and developed an arrogance that has made them go too far, showing the world what actors they are. That little scurrying rat Unger woman, clearly rehearsed the charge AND her pseudo-wounded screeching: only the media themselves can't see that they can't hold the butts of the politicians to the fire for every tiny thing, then act like they're very much above the law.
No story here, except that the news slimes covering up for each other claiming "public interest" exposed as a big, fat, hypocritical farce.
There are no bigger egos and frauds than the media, especially on tv.
red-spot, are you shock that starbuck will open shop in T.J., Mexico before Boyle Heights?
Your defensiveness further illustrates why this story will not go away. Still waiting for the mayor to make the "you won't have Tony Villar to kick around anymore" speech.
MEMO TO "1:33 PM".
Considering that their are no "MIDDLE CLASS FAMILIES", unless you count the three living under one roof. Then I am not surprise. But i did get hit up for "CHICKLETS" sales the other day on the corner of "DE SOTO Y CHAVEZ". Chicklets franchising is the way to go in "T.J. HEIGHTS". BTW, I hate that Liberal, Elitist, Starbucks Coffee. Caffeine is bad for you. Wonder why LIBERALS can't think of correct solutions to .
1:32...... Is that you Szabo??? or is it Sean Clegg.. or maybe even Villar himself?????
1:48: Pathetic. You must be a disciple of idiot-dogg, who tells you to turn everything back on the speaker. But zuma just comes off as an illogical fool, and so do you. If you like, here's the boomerang back:
Word around the city is NO ONE WANTED ANTONIO at their National Night Out but like he is known to do shows up and takes over for his own photo op. He's a selfish one. A lot of people tried to avoid having him show up and ruin everything with all his baggage. Guess Antonio had his people find someone to take him.
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is scheduled to attend the Southeast Community Police Station's celebration and speak in Sun Valley at the Stonehurst Recreation Center
I was shocked this was in Hazardous Impact...Daily Variety.
4. MIRTHALA SALINAS: REPORTING FOR BOOTY...Designated caregiver: Florida Evans from "Maude."
The suspended Telemundo journalist, recently revealed to be the paramour of L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and several other top politicos, needs a little "anchor management," and the no-nonsense maid with an ethical streak a mile wide is just the truth-teller to explain why one doesn't date the man one is covering (and vice versa). As a bonus, Florida's life outside of work qualifies her to warn about the consequences of too many "Good Times."
A couple observations from a dead reporter:
-- The ERSNews photo doesn't advance the story an inch.
-- The mayor's press staff should have anticipated the press scrum at the port and never allowed the incident to happen.
-- Unger must of have trained with the NBA. She was looking for a technical.
-- Laurel Erickson of KNBC is clearly over compensating for the fact that Salinas worked for a sister station -- and it's hard for Erickson to over compensate.
-- The mayor should be happy that Linda Breakstone is no longer on the air.
-- The mayor needs to develop a strategy and stick to it. He's clearly flailing. His marriage was dissolving and he had an affair. Now he's getting a divorce. It's not at all unusual.
-- Telemundo did a disservice to everyone involved by doing a shitty investigation. If Salinas actually had a habit of bedding sources, she should have been fired. If her bosses knew about it and even exploited those relationships, they should have been fired. Then they should have made the investigation public.
-- Salinas needs to find a job in another market, or resign. Her position in the LA press corps -- such as it is -- is untenable.
I guess Villaraigosa has only had a positive effect on the Senator. Since he has endorsed Senator Clinton has the best numbers yet:
"Democratic Primary: In a Democratic Primary in California today, 08/06/07, Hillary Clinton gets 51% of the vote, her strongest showing in the 6 monthly tracking polls conducted so far by SurveyUSA, and the first time Clinton has finished above 50%. Barack Obama runs a distant 2nd, at 27%, largely unchanged from Obama's finish in previous SurveyUSA polls. John Edwards has flatlined in California, at 14% today, unchanged from June and July. Clinton now leads among female Demcratic primary voters by 41 points. She gets 62% of female votes in an 8-person field. In May and June, Obama ran ahead of Clinton among male Democrats, but in July and again today in August, Clinton leads among men by 4 points. Clinton has never led in California by fewer than 13 points in 6 SurveyUSA tracking polls, and today lads by 24 points."
Good points 4.05 but on one I think you are a wrong. Failing marriage and you have an affair and get divorced. It does happen all the time. But this is a little different.
Antonio has had many affairs during his marriage and, as you know, Corinna has filed for divorce before.
It also appears that the Mayor only went public, after lieing for a period of time, when he knew Corinna was filing for divorce. All the time he was campaigning, as a happy family man, he wasn't. It was all show. The mayor lied when he campaigned in CD14 and stated absolutely categorically that he wouldn't run for Mayor. This is the reality: He only ran for CD14 so he could run for Mayor from a base. He LIED. The weight loss excuse and denial of anything untoward with his marriage was also a LIE. In an LA Magazine profile, the Mayor said that after he became mayor, in his first meeting with general mangers, he admitted he wasn't a conscientious councilman. But in the Mayoral campaign he wanted everybody to believe he was the best councilmember ever. He just lies all the time and for so many years people bought everything he said, especially the LA Times. Things may be changing now.
I don't know where to post this question, but I keep hearing that a big democrat donor of the mayor's campaign in 05 and a sacramento lobbyist "sold" Ms. Salinas her studio city condo thanks to the mayor. Isn't that graft?
Saw that mess on the other thread. No way to post. If that is Mary Cummins, she sure is a nutso.
In the interest of maintaining order here. I have removed the Thread.
I guess that settles the question of who tried to ruin Mayor Sam the last time, when he had to go to moderated comments. Everyone said it was Mary Cummins and we now have the proof. What she going to do when Ed Boks' witnesses come forth at court. Get up
and stop them from testifying by doing a filibuster by quoting a Wikipedia page over and over?
Please put it back Red Spot. This is a big story that needs to be told. How the deputy mayor Jim Bickhart flogged his unemployed loony girlfriend on the city, the union, the LAAS workers, how he lied and protected this nut to the detriment of the city, himself, the workers. ALL.
Thanks. And thanks for the space, regardless of how Mary Cummins sought to ruin it.
Thought consider, but it was screwing up my computer along with others.
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No more mention of the Cummins Situation please. BTW, Barry Bonds broke Henry Aaron record tonight.
This is the story.
What has Telemundo done for the city of LA to deserve that city proclamation in 2005? For being the personal propaganda machine for Tony Villar, or for providing Salinas to politicians including Tony Villar for romantic relationships?
On the other hand, Alicia Unger and Azteca America are much more deserving of such proclamations from our city.
Alicia Unger and other reporters at the port that day have sent a clear and collective message:
A Soviet or communist Cuban style "news conference" or any one way propaganda program such as the one planned by the mayor’s office at the port that day, is absolutely not acceptable in our city if we want to remain a democracy.
Our city should thank these other reporters at the port that day with proclamations.
If our elected officials want to speak publicly, our reporters can and should be allowed to ask tough questions and the elected officials have to respond. Or, the elected officials can choose to hide and shut up.
That ersnews photo serves to commemorate:
1. Access for Romance?
MAV appeared to be giving out certain mayoral information and mayoral access, which are things that belong to the PUBLIC, to Salinas exclusively, in exchange for a romantic relationship which is for MAV's PERSONAL enjoyment. At least it gives such an appearance. If they were innocently falling in love, they should have stopped the "business" relationship much earlier.
Seems to be stealing from the PUBLIC for PERSONAL gain.
2. Romance for Access?
Salinas on the other hand seemed to be using romance to exchange for certain exclusive mayoral access and information that could give her the edge over other reporters, and help her advance her career (possibly also help the TV station if the managers were in it together). Again, at least it gives such an appearance. If they were innocently falling in love, they should have stopped the "business" relationship much earlier.
Again, it seems to be stealing from the PUBLIC for PERSONAL gain.
Certain mayoral access and information (that can be released) belong to the public and should be given to the public, often through all reporters, in a fair and even handed manner. Those information and access are not Tony Villar’s private properties for him to withhold and sell at will in exchange for romance or sex.
Tony Villar’s affair is therefore quite different from other politician’s.
Amazing how the mayoral flunkees keep defending the joke of a mayor that Villaraigosa is. Memo to the overpaid, underworked public-sector morons who work in City Hall: your boss is a national embarrassment. Don't believe me, call your out-of-state friends (if you have any) and ask them what they know and think about Villaraigosa.
And this story is important for what reason? Wake me when something really important turns up....
On the plus side---because of this Antonio mess, Rocky has been given the biggest reprieve in history--we seem to have forgotten him but perhaps not forgiven him. . .
Rocky. Let his car insurance lapse, then had his water turned off. And blames it on his wife. What next?
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