Latest Westside Whine

But got forbid another blog get attention and Kevin Roderick - AKA The Westside White Guy or the only blogger Sherry (Shirley) Bebitch Jeffe knows from Adam - goes apoplectic. God forbid anyone stand in his spotlight when it comes to "mainstream media" coverage of blogs.
The editor of (Anglo)LAObserved once again has his panties in a bunch over some recent coverage of the very excellent but anonymous Foothill Cities blog. You can read his posts as well as the response at Foothill Cities to learn more.
I'm not surprised, this is standard operating procedure for old Kev.
Labels: bloggers, foothill cities blog, kevin roderick, la observed, westside white guy
Good Morning Mayor Sam,
Hope your had a great time on your visit to the "STATE OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA". And let me add to that I hope the Redwoods love the "HERTZBERG HUGS" from you.
But regarding the "SCORNED WEST L.A. BLOGGER". Poor Roderick got past over by his own beloved "FISHWRAP" on an article regarding local political blogs. this coming on the heels of his betrayal by "MAYOR POLLOVILLAR", in additions to the "BITCH SLAPS" by Tony Castro, must be too much for the "MARTHA STEWARD" of the local "POLITICAL BLOGGERSPHERE".
At least Kevin doesn't suck up to Hertzberg at every opportunity, while blasting poor Jack Weiss just because Hertzberg wants his job as City Attorney.
"POOR JACK WEISS" ??? The "BOWL" must be lit early today. It goes to say that "A-HOLES" are attracted to each other.
The problem is, Roderick has bound himself by a so-called highbrow code of conduct. He's like a sexually repressed Islamic extremist; sometimes he loses it an detonates the suicide belt. Like the time he went medieval on Mailander.
This guy looks like a porno predator.
LA Observed is by far the best blog in Los Angeles and everyone knows it.
Everyone, everyone, who works for the City or is involved in city politics, or works in the media (ALL news reporters, whether TV, web or newspaper) reads his blog religiously every single day.
Mayor Sam, however, was once kinda so-so. It used to be a place where you could read some off the wall rumors about local politicians that once in a great while turn out to be true.
But now it is a shithole, half of it is filled with Zuma Dogg's 1500 word rants that don't go any deeper than repeating what is on the agenda of every single city council meeting. The other half is Zuma Dogg bragging that someone mentioned his name in a desperate campaign of self promotion with no clear motive other than not having a job.
If Mayor Sam is such a bad blog, why are you reading it and posting comments?
The city needs all of the blogs, becuase they provide information the LA Times won't.
I stare at trainwrecks too, doesn't mean they are a good thing. As the previous poster said, all this blog is now is a Dogg self promotion tool.
Higby completely screwed the pooch on this one.
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