Meet "Marketing Warfare" Strategy Authors Al Ries & Jack Trout
***** UPDATE *****
Dr. W. Edwards Deming, Tony Robbins and "Ries & Trout" are the three most influential consultants (the team of "Ries & Trout" counting as one) in the legislative mind of Big ZD.

Al Ries and Jack Trout were the first authors/consultants to jump off the bookshelf, when I was just getting started in radio, and they have done more to shape my strategic thinking than anything else. They are international legends in the radio industry, and industry in general -- consulting the "who's who" of Fortune 500 companies and their brands including Proctor & Gamble and just about every top of mind brand that you can think of (or their competitor).
Their other books include, "Positioning: The Battle for the Mind", "Bottom Up Marketing", "Focus", "22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", Origin of Brands among other marketing staples.
Again, if you are reading this, ZD feels you will have a major strategy and creativity breakthrough after reading this material based on their concepts.

And not to name drop, but yes...ZD has spent numerous hours over the years interview Mr. Ries and Mr. Trout, on-air and in industry trade publications, and you can rest assured, both authors are very pleased with this representation of their material, and what is about to be presented actually sent a HUGE wave throughout the radio and record industry to the point where it is now a given that these strategies are being implemented. Again, as you read this, I'm sure you will be able to apply it to your career, as well.
Ries website
Trout website
THE "22 IMMUTABLE LAWS OF MARKETING" (Based on the book of the same name):
by Al Ries & Jack Trout
1. THE LAW OF LEADERSHIP: It is better to be first than it is to be better.
2. THE LAW OF CATEGORY: If you cannot be first in a category, set up a new category you can be first in.
3. THE LAW OF THE MIND: It's better to be first in the mind than to be first in the marketplace.
4. THE LAW OF PERCEPTION: Marketing is not a battle of products, it's a battle of perceptions.
contact: or call (310) 928-7544 if you need further application for your product, service or campaign.
Some people may be wondering why ZD has made the sudden shift into this realm of material at this time.
After spending the past year and three months attacking the fraud, waste and abuse one issue at a time, a lot has indeed changed (and thank you City Hall for accepting the public input and reacting with some very positive and encouraging changes). As ZD’s eyes were opened up, he opened a few other people’s eyes up, as well and when the community complains about CM staffers sitting on Neighborhood Council boards; and community members address the 912 commission and the conflict is resolved, that’s a good sign.
And the community is activated at just the right time, as the electronic media (youtube, blogs and internet research) has finally become so easy to use and accessible to the masses enough to make an impact. And ZD finally believes his own hype regarding the degree and effectiveness of this electronic media impact.
And there are the same experts and leaders in the community who helped mentor ZD and helped provide him all the info that has been blasted on TV, radio, blogs, youtube, newspapers and all the accompanying networking/word of mouth are following up on these issues at the local community level and they call in and email all the latest and I am staying on top of all these issues.
And it is quite apparent that these community leaders are following through on all these issues and concerns and are on top of all the new shadiness coming down the pike.
So at this juncture, with many moving wheels in good hand of ZD’s fellow community activists throughout the city and with the feeling of “summer vacation” in the air, I feel I have to get some of this “consulting” material out there for all proponents and opponents, from all parties, on both sides of the rope, throughout the city to at least have the opportunity to read.
Not that any of this is going to make you be able to sing like Steve Perry, rap like Snoop Dogg, scan an agenda and instantly find the bamboozle and spit it out like the Federal Express “fast-talker” guy: But again, everyone reading this blog is in some sort of leadership position in the city, whether you work inside City Hall, the media, other Citywide departments and agencies and community members who actively participate in the city. And all this material is intended to do, is help you become a better strategic thinker, communicator, more instinctive, more creative, innovative and effective. This is how you improve quality and efficiency and how you reduce waste and lower total cost, leaving more time and money to further innovate and improve the quality of life. (How you “fix the problems in your office, community and the city.
So now that I have the platform, as even my opponents have been pleading with me to realize that I have, so I may feel compelled to try and “rise to the occasion” (even more); if I am actually in this to create positive change at a transforming and lasting level, I feel that I must share the inspiring world-class information I have gathered and synthesized from the internationally-demanded consultants themselves during through attendance of their seminars, audio programs, books, video programs and personal interviews.
The system is either broken or in desperate need of repair (city and schools). This is how you fix the system. Don’t worry about how it all ties together. All I ask is that you at least read this material that people pay $50,000 an hour for this EXACT information. The authors who have contributed to these blog posts have been translated in different languages. If you have ever wondered what kind of information and research the major Fortune 500 companies, Presidents (of United States) and the billionaire corporate executives running the biggest companies in the world are reading and listening to, I have been blogging it over the past couple days and will continue to, until get it all out.
And the thought of the spinfly opponents having equal access to all my hundreds, if not thousands of hours of research and my world-class (easy to understand) synthesis that has been so widely praised by these international experts themselves does not bother me in the least. Deming says, “There is nothing worse than bad competition.” And we are all suffering from the same problems, together (stuck in the same traffic, same unsafe streets, same hopeless future until we transform the education process, same inefficiencies that cause inconvenient delays and cause the waste to drive up cost and the tax hikes, fees and price increases are passed on to us all. Plus, a lot of people will already be familiar with a lot of this material, because again; it’s all legendary, internationally recognized stuff, so the whole world already knows about it. But it’s always good to read it again, with today’s challenges, targets and goals in mind. And I’m sure a lot of people may have heard about some of these people I am referencing, but maybe haven’t had a chance to see what it is actually saying.
And for those of you who may be wondering how this material has been received by the experts I am claiming, the following comments are not to rub it in, but to hopefully allow you to feel good about what you are reading.
2 May 1992
Dear Mr. Elliott, [aka: ZD]
I thank you for your FAX letter dated 2 May 1992. I agree with your statement that (DE/ZD’s statement) is an example of attempt to produce quality by inspection. Grading of pupils in school is another example of attempts to produce quality by inspection. As a way of life, it does not work. I appreciate much the attachment that you sent. It is well done. I thank you and remain
Sincerely yours,
W. Edwards Deming
"I too, as I am sure you know, am a Deming fan. I think your synthesis of his work is fabulous!" - Anthony Robbins/Chairman, RRI
"I thought you did a very, very nice job taking our basic ideas and really extending them in ways that I thought are very interesting." - Al Ries/Marketing Warfare, Bottom Up Marketing, Positioning, Focus, Origin of Brands.
Great article!” – Jack Trout/Marketing Warfare, Strategy, Positioning (alright, he really said, "Dave")
“I enjoyed your ‘quality quiz’…Let’s sit and speak sometime soon.” – Bob Pittman/Time Warner, Inc. [He did have me over to his office and he was quite accommodating!]
So I hope you enjoy some of the information I was immersed in before my “community activism”, when ZD was involved in “corporate activism”. I’ve been using all this stuff against you in my guerilla warfare campaign for a year and three months. I think it is time to level the playing field.
A lot of my frustration with City Hall has been "how come ZD sees this and you don't" syndrome.
And I always say, "Maybe if you read (Deming/Robbins/Ries/etc)..."
So here it is. I started posting it over the weekend and will continue to re-type it all up and post enough to get the ball rolling so you can help me to be less cranky.
Dr. W. Edwards Deming, Tony Robbins and "Ries & Trout" are the three most influential consultants (the team of "Ries & Trout" counting as one) in the legislative mind of Big ZD.

Al Ries and Jack Trout were the first authors/consultants to jump off the bookshelf, when I was just getting started in radio, and they have done more to shape my strategic thinking than anything else. They are international legends in the radio industry, and industry in general -- consulting the "who's who" of Fortune 500 companies and their brands including Proctor & Gamble and just about every top of mind brand that you can think of (or their competitor).
Their other books include, "Positioning: The Battle for the Mind", "Bottom Up Marketing", "Focus", "22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", Origin of Brands among other marketing staples.
Again, if you are reading this, ZD feels you will have a major strategy and creativity breakthrough after reading this material based on their concepts.

And not to name drop, but yes...ZD has spent numerous hours over the years interview Mr. Ries and Mr. Trout, on-air and in industry trade publications, and you can rest assured, both authors are very pleased with this representation of their material, and what is about to be presented actually sent a HUGE wave throughout the radio and record industry to the point where it is now a given that these strategies are being implemented. Again, as you read this, I'm sure you will be able to apply it to your career, as well.
Ries website
Trout website
THE "22 IMMUTABLE LAWS OF MARKETING" (Based on the book of the same name):
by Al Ries & Jack Trout
1. THE LAW OF LEADERSHIP: It is better to be first than it is to be better.
2. THE LAW OF CATEGORY: If you cannot be first in a category, set up a new category you can be first in.
3. THE LAW OF THE MIND: It's better to be first in the mind than to be first in the marketplace.
4. THE LAW OF PERCEPTION: Marketing is not a battle of products, it's a battle of perceptions.
contact: or call (310) 928-7544 if you need further application for your product, service or campaign.
Some people may be wondering why ZD has made the sudden shift into this realm of material at this time.
After spending the past year and three months attacking the fraud, waste and abuse one issue at a time, a lot has indeed changed (and thank you City Hall for accepting the public input and reacting with some very positive and encouraging changes). As ZD’s eyes were opened up, he opened a few other people’s eyes up, as well and when the community complains about CM staffers sitting on Neighborhood Council boards; and community members address the 912 commission and the conflict is resolved, that’s a good sign.
And the community is activated at just the right time, as the electronic media (youtube, blogs and internet research) has finally become so easy to use and accessible to the masses enough to make an impact. And ZD finally believes his own hype regarding the degree and effectiveness of this electronic media impact.
And there are the same experts and leaders in the community who helped mentor ZD and helped provide him all the info that has been blasted on TV, radio, blogs, youtube, newspapers and all the accompanying networking/word of mouth are following up on these issues at the local community level and they call in and email all the latest and I am staying on top of all these issues.
And it is quite apparent that these community leaders are following through on all these issues and concerns and are on top of all the new shadiness coming down the pike.
So at this juncture, with many moving wheels in good hand of ZD’s fellow community activists throughout the city and with the feeling of “summer vacation” in the air, I feel I have to get some of this “consulting” material out there for all proponents and opponents, from all parties, on both sides of the rope, throughout the city to at least have the opportunity to read.
Not that any of this is going to make you be able to sing like Steve Perry, rap like Snoop Dogg, scan an agenda and instantly find the bamboozle and spit it out like the Federal Express “fast-talker” guy: But again, everyone reading this blog is in some sort of leadership position in the city, whether you work inside City Hall, the media, other Citywide departments and agencies and community members who actively participate in the city. And all this material is intended to do, is help you become a better strategic thinker, communicator, more instinctive, more creative, innovative and effective. This is how you improve quality and efficiency and how you reduce waste and lower total cost, leaving more time and money to further innovate and improve the quality of life. (How you “fix the problems in your office, community and the city.
So now that I have the platform, as even my opponents have been pleading with me to realize that I have, so I may feel compelled to try and “rise to the occasion” (even more); if I am actually in this to create positive change at a transforming and lasting level, I feel that I must share the inspiring world-class information I have gathered and synthesized from the internationally-demanded consultants themselves during through attendance of their seminars, audio programs, books, video programs and personal interviews.
The system is either broken or in desperate need of repair (city and schools). This is how you fix the system. Don’t worry about how it all ties together. All I ask is that you at least read this material that people pay $50,000 an hour for this EXACT information. The authors who have contributed to these blog posts have been translated in different languages. If you have ever wondered what kind of information and research the major Fortune 500 companies, Presidents (of United States) and the billionaire corporate executives running the biggest companies in the world are reading and listening to, I have been blogging it over the past couple days and will continue to, until get it all out.
And the thought of the spinfly opponents having equal access to all my hundreds, if not thousands of hours of research and my world-class (easy to understand) synthesis that has been so widely praised by these international experts themselves does not bother me in the least. Deming says, “There is nothing worse than bad competition.” And we are all suffering from the same problems, together (stuck in the same traffic, same unsafe streets, same hopeless future until we transform the education process, same inefficiencies that cause inconvenient delays and cause the waste to drive up cost and the tax hikes, fees and price increases are passed on to us all. Plus, a lot of people will already be familiar with a lot of this material, because again; it’s all legendary, internationally recognized stuff, so the whole world already knows about it. But it’s always good to read it again, with today’s challenges, targets and goals in mind. And I’m sure a lot of people may have heard about some of these people I am referencing, but maybe haven’t had a chance to see what it is actually saying.
And for those of you who may be wondering how this material has been received by the experts I am claiming, the following comments are not to rub it in, but to hopefully allow you to feel good about what you are reading.
2 May 1992
Dear Mr. Elliott, [aka: ZD]
I thank you for your FAX letter dated 2 May 1992. I agree with your statement that (DE/ZD’s statement) is an example of attempt to produce quality by inspection. Grading of pupils in school is another example of attempts to produce quality by inspection. As a way of life, it does not work. I appreciate much the attachment that you sent. It is well done. I thank you and remain
Sincerely yours,
W. Edwards Deming
"I too, as I am sure you know, am a Deming fan. I think your synthesis of his work is fabulous!" - Anthony Robbins/Chairman, RRI
"I thought you did a very, very nice job taking our basic ideas and really extending them in ways that I thought are very interesting." - Al Ries/Marketing Warfare, Bottom Up Marketing, Positioning, Focus, Origin of Brands.
Great article!” – Jack Trout/Marketing Warfare, Strategy, Positioning (alright, he really said, "Dave")
“I enjoyed your ‘quality quiz’…Let’s sit and speak sometime soon.” – Bob Pittman/Time Warner, Inc. [He did have me over to his office and he was quite accommodating!]
So I hope you enjoy some of the information I was immersed in before my “community activism”, when ZD was involved in “corporate activism”. I’ve been using all this stuff against you in my guerilla warfare campaign for a year and three months. I think it is time to level the playing field.
A lot of my frustration with City Hall has been "how come ZD sees this and you don't" syndrome.
And I always say, "Maybe if you read (Deming/Robbins/Ries/etc)..."
So here it is. I started posting it over the weekend and will continue to re-type it all up and post enough to get the ball rolling so you can help me to be less cranky.
Always great to read your blog and then read your comment on your blog, Zooms! Keep up the great work!
just moved the comment to the main thread...just typed it in here. (Click "read more" of main thread.)
Maybe you should wait twenty or thirty seconds before you make a comment, cause there is an editing process catching my massive typos and in this case, wanting the comment to appear in the thread.
Chill bro. I know the second letter of your first name is "i", not that it has anything to do with it...but what does have to do with it is that you are a sad, sad loser. Look at the angles you are spinning on? Pretty weak.
Oh, oops, so sorry Mr. Dogg!
Didn't mean to jump the gun before you start deleting, uh, editing comments.
Hey, how come those two geezers in the photos aren't wearing shades and gross knit caps with their mouths wide open? Don't they know how to market themselves??
No editing. Just an additional paragraph added, I'm sure you can confirm to everyone.
I am not marketing this material, simply presenting it for anyone who chooses to read it and take from it what they will.
People don't even have to read it at all. However, my market research shows a significant percentage of leaders (who are sickened by ZD's previous postings) will secretly be printing this stuff off and email it around to their associates and staff...
And although at the end of the day, I'll still be crawling into my van to sleep, at least I'll sleep better knowing I pushed as hard as I could to present what I believe to be the most effective concepts and methods to those who are in the leadership positions to affect change.
Doesn't anyone see the futility of this?
A fool loser offering advise to winners?
ZD's name should be Jack Hoff, that's about all he does with these postings that further waste our time.
How can anyone take this fool seriously?
"legislative mind" ??
This isn't my advice. It's the advice of Al Ries and Jack Trout. (Again with the low-reading comprehension on your part. See Anthony Robbins on "filters"/deletions. (I'll type it up and post it for you.)
You don't have to take me seriously: But you SHOULD take the 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries and Jack Trout very seriously, because I think the last thing you can call the people who you mention are "winners".
Check public perception/reality. Ries & Trout cover that too.
As a matter of are under arrest...
For violating all 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing.
Sorry to waste your time...I know I knocked on your door at 2:36 am, tied and gagged you, forced your eyes open like in Clockwood Orange and made you read every word.
I know you are completely powerless and are so compelled to read every sentence crafted by ZD, so effectively, that you cannot help yourself. And for that, I apologize, inferior-strategy loser.
No testimonials of epiphanies?
I am shocked.
Seriously, does Zuma Dogg realize how many thousands of marketing books are out there?
There ARE a lot of marketing books out there. So what. This is a synthesis of marketing, quality management and Ericksonion clinical hypnotherapy/NLP.
And no matter how many marketing books are out there, Ries & Trout represent a certain niche of marketing that is unique, because they created the concepts based on Su Tzu "Art of War" and it doesn't matter how many marketing books are out there, these guys are probably the world's most sought after and renouned authors, so if you are going to read one of the thousands, these guys are as good as anyone else, right? Check their clients on their website.
Bro, people realize you are reduces to very think, weak attacks on my credibility these days.
If you are minimizing these guys for being one in a thousand, why not attack their concepts for lack of uniqueness, or shoot holes in their concepts.
I know your job is to try and "get" zd tripping up and post stuff to try and undermine my content through personal attacks and name calling, but I HOPE you actually think these guys are cool, cause bro, it's not like I have anything to gain off my promotion of them, especially since i am offering the material to opponents who can use it against me...i mean common, do a google search, check their website, make some random calls to ANY ad agency or Fortune 500 president. Ask Bill Clinton, your idol...i mean at some point you kind of have to admit 5 million Elvis fans can't be wrong.
And, you are denying the blog the true spirit of actual debate, because you have a lot of opposing things to say, but nothing substantive on the issues?
I'll call your bluff Zooma Dog...
What industry trade publications did you conduct these interviews in? I would like to check it out.
8:03,Zuma Dog I don't believe anyone is "attacking their concept for lack of uniqueness," just why you believe you should be their messenger considering the current condition (living out of a van, begging for gas money to go to city council meetsings, etc.) of your life.
Interview with the mentioned authors and material based on their books and seminars were published weekly in Billboard Magazine and their sister publications when I was Director of Charts for the BPI company in it's 1515 Broadway headquarters.
My interviews with Ries and Trout were published in Radio and Records (R&R) and Hitmakers.
The Deming article, that Deming himself faxed a reply saying, "I agree with your comments...thank you, well done" was published in the international magazine "Quality Digest".
When he faxed the letter, I was stoked, of course, but didn't really have any idea how unique it was for someone to get a positive letter from the guy out of no where like that. A lot of people had me fax them the letter cause they thought it was B.S. (Which told me a lot, especially after they told me they couldn't believe it.)
So those are the main things. Billboard, Radio and Records, Hitmakers (the top weekly trades read by the entire radio and record industry, and the Deming article printed in "Quality Digest" where everyone thought I was some 70 year old, was very rewarding.
And letters from Robbins, Deming, Ries, Trout, Pittman and the Q.Digest publisher was like some kind of surreal dream.
Zuma Dog, thanks for the reply. How about your writings in trade journals, how about dates or issue numbers so I can look them up.
Excuse me for not having the issue the issue numbers and dates memorized. However, I have some hard copy print outs, somewhere. If you are interested in the content, it is all going to be posted on the blogs.
If you are trying to verify, you can call the trades and see if they can find them for you. (Most of it was around '93, '93, as far as the actual publication in trades.
I want to scan the Deming letter, so maybe I can scan any hard copies of the articles...cause that would be cool to have on the net.
Meanwhile, is the issue that you doubt my claims? Cause that would be hilarious. Bro, I'm kind of toning down the praise I recieved over my you want me to have to feel compelled to keep proving to you all the accolaids, and start posting all the quotes from all the people? Then pick a few key words like, "best", "genuis", "greatest", then pick a number between one and a hundred, and I'll post that number of comments from people regarding the work of DE/ZD.
"My compliments and gratitude for your very fine article. I liked your explanation of some of Deming's more controversial points." - Donald L. Dewar, Publisher/Quality Digest
[BRO...the f-ing publisher of the trade called "Quality Digest"...THE trade that specialized in the topic...he's seen all the top stuff from Blanchard, Peters, Deming, Drucker, ISO 9000. (And not too many letters from Deming, like the one I got, out there either.) During one interview for a major radio corporation, I didn't get the job because I had the Deming quote on my resume, and she said, "Well, very nice credentials, but (started asking about the Deming quote) and concluded, "I just don't think there is any way Deming said that."
[So she obvious felt it was actually "unbelieveable", so she obvious would have been pretty impressed, had she believed I'm sure I would have gotten the job...but I DIDN'T get the national broadcast position, that could have had me in a nice millionaire lifestyle, today...because she thought I made up the quote and lied about it.] WELL...ISN'T THAT JUST F-CKING GREAT!!! I HOPE YOU HAD A HELL OF A PISS, ARNOLD?!?!
That smug bitch threw blew me off so quick, cause she was so f*cking positive Deming doesn't go around sending off letters like that to people...usually just a bunch of red ink corrections. IT'S THE CURSE OF ZD!!!
(And to everyone else...sorry about the extra forcefully confident reply...but these losers deserve me to jam it down their throat, cause these anonymous bigshots can't stand the tought of Anthony Robbins "bowing down" to Big ZD on his stage in front of 2000 people, and an audience watching across the country in movie theaters via closed circuit satellite feed.
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