YouTube Video: Tony Robbins LIVE – Master Hypnotherapy Practitioner/Campaign Spinner [Loser Paid Spinflys Learn From The Master You Wish You Were!]
Tony Robbins LIVE – Master Hypnotherapy Practitioner, in Action, Spreading Goodwill and Creating Value, While Up-selling You On His Next Seminar At The Same Time -- And There’s Nothing Wrong With That in A "Win-Win" Capitalist Society
by Zuma Dogg
With the Tony Robbins LIVE in Long Beach full page ad on page 29 of this week’s LA Weekly, and Zuma Dogg’s full page article on the page 30 flipside, I consider it nothing less than a quantum event, and don’t try and talk me out of it.
See, first there was Deming. Then, one night, while watching the Robbins infomercial back in the 90’s, I noticed some “Deming-speak” in the pitch, so I picked up the phone the next day and called Robbins Research International, in San Diego, to inquire into any Deming connection.
Sure enough (as if they would have denied a chance to create rapport with a potential client on the hook, I mean phone), they did indeed satisfy ZD that Robbins was reflecting a Deming-style message within his own. And they sent me off a cassette (medium of the time) from an actual seminar. I loved it, and was at the four-day event in Irvine a couple weeks later.
And to make a long story short, at one of the events, when I was resisting it the most, the giant, shady huckster ran a “Neuro-Associative-Conditioning” (NAC) pattern on me (Robbins’ moniker for his own system, similar to NLP, both of which are based on Ericksonian clinical hypnotherapy) – broke my limiting pattern – and unleashed the singing, dancing, emotion-driven performer who ended up using it in front of TV 35 cameras instead of Comedy Central cameras.
So when I saw his billboard in Venice, announcing his August Long Beach appearance (four-day weekend event), I called to see if I could pump Tony for a free ticket.
Then the next day, BAM, I’m calling back to say check the other side of the page of your full page LA Weekly ad. (So I’m calling that a quantum event. And don’t try and talk me out of it.)
Anyway, I just did a Google search for some “Tony Robbins” videos, and I found a really fantastic example of him doing some SERIOUS “practitioning” (known as “spin” to you politicians and paid mercenaries) for Al Gore and an audience of some corporate big shots at some Google conference, or something.
First of all, it’s great to have recent, great quality video of Tony on “Google Video” and “YouTube” and it reminded me how entertaining it is to observe Tony working his magic at two levels, at the same time:
Whenever Tony steps on the stage, he is delivering the product he promises and is providing you with a priceless service that only Tony Robbins can deliver – and provides you with much more value than expected (most fans would agree).
While at the same time, he is putting you in a “peak state” (most desirable frame of mind) to feel like pulling out your credit card and putting down a deposit on his next seminar, the same way Disneyland makes you feel like buying a bunch of their products while you are still in the park.
And because Robbins deals in “emotions”, “states of mind”, “knowledge” and “concepts” -- many of which he admittedly synthesized from many, many other top experts (just like ZD is proud to admit to), not in a hard product or service, his whole product is the delivery.
And I feel Robbins, if nothing else, is the single most entertaining and compelling stage performer anywhere. And he does it in a process that removes your limiting beliefs and conditions your subconscious mind for success, empowers you, unleashes effortless creativity; while he is simultaneously creating the perfect market conditions to "give yourself permission" to make the decision (while still in the peak state he worked so hard to whip you into), to say, "Yes" to yourself and to the sales person. (And again...he isn't tying anyone down, isn't reaching into your wallet with his own hands, isn't locking the doors, isn't doing anything but speaking from the stage. If you go to a good restaurant, you want to go back. If you like a movie, you'll wanna see the sequel. If you have a nice vacation in a certain spot, you may want to return the following year. But for some reasons (fear, ego, jealousy and insecurity) a certain percentage of these bigshots just cannot get over the fact that Tony gets paid (a lot) for his world-class, marathon performances.
They just can't figure out what the big deal is. And they just feel so sorry for all those suckers who are having the best four of the best days of their life and start immediatley experiencing an improved quality of your life in all areas.
The event itself, is nothing more than the most effective group hypnotherapy session on the planet (and everyone benefits by scale of the event and large amount of people). He's reframing every possible limiting belief or negative association that may be preventing you from achieving your maximum potential, until he eventually "hits your home"; addresses your issue and interrupts the old, un-empowering pattern/belief (mixed signals you send to yourself and others when communicating) and replaces them in your mind with a new, empowering pattern that triggers you into congruent action.
See, luckily for us, Tony is able to achieve all his entrepreneurial goals and fulfill whatever his needs are, by selling “good” in the marketplace.
In a global, capitalist economy; where corporations place a high value on the knowledge and type of results that Tony seems to be delivering, at least perceptually to people (cause he hasn’t sold one ticket that wasn’t through positive word of mouth, and at HIS prices, that ain’t easy when you don’t walk out of the room with a shopping bag or tangible item) Tony is the master of his domain and seems to do just fine servicing his profitable and rewarding niche.
So while he is sending you out of the room in whatever peak state/range of emotion that somehow makes you to feel that it is worth the price of admission, and more importantly an entire weekend’s worth of time, he is also removing the same limiting beliefs and creating the same good feelings, that puts you in the proper “frame of mind” to make you wanna BEG his salespeople to LET you sign up for his next seminar.
And in this video, Tony is appearing for one of his short corporate keynote speeches (and although anyone paying the expensive price tag for his 20-30 minute appearance will tell you the cost was a meaningless joke compared to the experience) – to Tony, it’s just another opportunity to get in front of a bunch of “all the right people” to try and up-sell them to his own agenda...his seminars and even more profitable consulting sessions. And people seem to think it's worth it, no matter how much they are paying.
So as long as you can afford the ticket, and aren’t taking out a mortgage on your house; or cleaning out your kids college fund to attend one of his higher-priced events...clear the calendar and allow yourself to be hypnotized into loving Tony Robbins and when you go back to the real world the following Monday, you’ll suddenly notice all types of improvements in your life, at many levels, that you weren’t even aware you were being conditioned for.
For example, you may have showed up to see Tony Robbins to help you come up with a financial strategy for your business, and you end up losing fifty pounds in four months while he was addressing that issue and you weren’t even noticing.
Or you show up at the event with your kid because of discipline problems and you end up losing the desire to smoke, reduce an addictive behavior, or start having better feelings for you in-laws.
I know many of the people reading this are so f-ing suspicious and skeptical of Tony Robbins: I DON’T NEED HIM!!! HE’S NOT SO SMART!!! HE'S NOT SAYING ANYTHING NEW!!! I’M WAY MORE POWERFUL THAN HE IS…I WORK FOR “SO AND SO!!!”
SO WHAT??? You don’t say that to yourself before you walk into Staples Center to see the Lakers, or you don’t begrudge Springsteen cause everyone loves him and he’s making so much money, or whatever. It's the secure people who can walk into the room, sit down and say, "You better entertain the heck out of me, it better be more fun than Spring Break, a bigger party than New Years Eve, my life better magically change in everyway possible -- AND YOU BETTER MAKE SURE IT'S YOUR BEST EVENT EVER, ROBBINS -- AND AT LEAST ONE MINUTE MORE THAN YOU LAST EVENT!!! YOU WORK FOR ME BUDDY...YOU SAID YOU WANTED TO BE MY COACH...START WORKING PAL!!! Why not say to yourself, "Ha! Robbins that fool...doesn't he realize he's just a big empower monkey up there on that stage." So let yourself be the organ grinder and let the monkey do all the work for you. Man, I feel sorry for Tony. He does all the work, and everyone walks out of the room with all the improvements.
And in Tony’s case, even the most hardcore disbelievers who are dragged into the room by parents, or bosses who FORCE employees to attend the four-day event...OR ELSE... usually walk away experiencing some kind of exciting life-changing breakthrough that massively improves the quality of their life in every way.
Now in some cases, Tony’s events are a luxury you cannot afford. And just like some Grateful Deadheads can get too caught up in band's culture and traveling roadshow, so can some fans of Tony.
But to most people reading this, the only thing previously preventing you enjoying a weekend with Tony Robbins, isn’t a financial barrier. (You'd bet $500 in Vegas if you felt it would improve your life in all areas, no matter how well you are already doing.)
But perhaps the price (and who is getting it) is what has been preventing you from simply giving in and enjoying the event like the best Bruce Springsteen concert or Broadway play ever, that just may reframe your subconscious mind to allow you to communicate with your self and others in a way that enhances all areas of your life (physical, financial, spiritually, emotionally) and causes you to feel the type of pride and joy in everything you do that effortlessly allows you to look back a month or two later and notice measurable results, be it in pounds, dollars or esteem. And you can’t put a price on that.
I hope you start the event and all the benefits it will bring to you, now, by making the decision to allow yourself to attend the seminar and enjoy Tony at face value, without worrying about what he is getting out of it. There’s a reason people are flying in from all over the country and all over the world for this event. And why are you forcing yourself to be the "odd man out". Why are you imposing "Cinderella" conditions on yourself, when everyone is having a ball? When you can walk into the room -- and instead of feeling that YOU are there for HIM (that he might be getting the better end of the deal) but, HE is there for YOU, then you have already gotten your money's worth. Find out for yourself.
This YouTube video shows how he is selling you for the next seminar, while conditioning the room for “higher levels of achievement”. I don’t expect you to see it all the first time through…call me or email if you want me to try and explain the subtext to you). Pay special attention to the end when he “runs out of time”. And everytime a graphic comes up, he’s conditioning you for a “purchase” frame of mind. The whole thing is to put you in a purchasing frame of mind. So what…he’s a one man campaign machine, and to the mayor sam crowd…I have been begging you to check him out at this level.
THAT’S IT…FINAL NOTICE…FROM HERE ON IN YOU HAVE TO PAY ME $500 an hour to point it out to you and explain it to you.
ZD is trying to have city and state politicians master the skill that Tony is pracitcing and teaching: How to achieve two mutually beneficial outcomes with one effort. When he's running his processes from the stage, he's giving you what you want, so you can give him what he wants. And what seems like an expensive ticket on the way in the door, isn't even a thought on the way out the door.
And now, through the magic of YouTube, to those of you who have never attended a Robbins's not exactly your typical convention room seminar. Fasten your seat belt for one of the more intense moments:
Official Zuma Dogg website
by Zuma Dogg
With the Tony Robbins LIVE in Long Beach full page ad on page 29 of this week’s LA Weekly, and Zuma Dogg’s full page article on the page 30 flipside, I consider it nothing less than a quantum event, and don’t try and talk me out of it.
See, first there was Deming. Then, one night, while watching the Robbins infomercial back in the 90’s, I noticed some “Deming-speak” in the pitch, so I picked up the phone the next day and called Robbins Research International, in San Diego, to inquire into any Deming connection.
Sure enough (as if they would have denied a chance to create rapport with a potential client on the hook, I mean phone), they did indeed satisfy ZD that Robbins was reflecting a Deming-style message within his own. And they sent me off a cassette (medium of the time) from an actual seminar. I loved it, and was at the four-day event in Irvine a couple weeks later.
And to make a long story short, at one of the events, when I was resisting it the most, the giant, shady huckster ran a “Neuro-Associative-Conditioning” (NAC) pattern on me (Robbins’ moniker for his own system, similar to NLP, both of which are based on Ericksonian clinical hypnotherapy) – broke my limiting pattern – and unleashed the singing, dancing, emotion-driven performer who ended up using it in front of TV 35 cameras instead of Comedy Central cameras.
So when I saw his billboard in Venice, announcing his August Long Beach appearance (four-day weekend event), I called to see if I could pump Tony for a free ticket.
Then the next day, BAM, I’m calling back to say check the other side of the page of your full page LA Weekly ad. (So I’m calling that a quantum event. And don’t try and talk me out of it.)
Anyway, I just did a Google search for some “Tony Robbins” videos, and I found a really fantastic example of him doing some SERIOUS “practitioning” (known as “spin” to you politicians and paid mercenaries) for Al Gore and an audience of some corporate big shots at some Google conference, or something.
First of all, it’s great to have recent, great quality video of Tony on “Google Video” and “YouTube” and it reminded me how entertaining it is to observe Tony working his magic at two levels, at the same time:
Whenever Tony steps on the stage, he is delivering the product he promises and is providing you with a priceless service that only Tony Robbins can deliver – and provides you with much more value than expected (most fans would agree).
While at the same time, he is putting you in a “peak state” (most desirable frame of mind) to feel like pulling out your credit card and putting down a deposit on his next seminar, the same way Disneyland makes you feel like buying a bunch of their products while you are still in the park.
And because Robbins deals in “emotions”, “states of mind”, “knowledge” and “concepts” -- many of which he admittedly synthesized from many, many other top experts (just like ZD is proud to admit to), not in a hard product or service, his whole product is the delivery.
And I feel Robbins, if nothing else, is the single most entertaining and compelling stage performer anywhere. And he does it in a process that removes your limiting beliefs and conditions your subconscious mind for success, empowers you, unleashes effortless creativity; while he is simultaneously creating the perfect market conditions to "give yourself permission" to make the decision (while still in the peak state he worked so hard to whip you into), to say, "Yes" to yourself and to the sales person. (And again...he isn't tying anyone down, isn't reaching into your wallet with his own hands, isn't locking the doors, isn't doing anything but speaking from the stage. If you go to a good restaurant, you want to go back. If you like a movie, you'll wanna see the sequel. If you have a nice vacation in a certain spot, you may want to return the following year. But for some reasons (fear, ego, jealousy and insecurity) a certain percentage of these bigshots just cannot get over the fact that Tony gets paid (a lot) for his world-class, marathon performances.
They just can't figure out what the big deal is. And they just feel so sorry for all those suckers who are having the best four of the best days of their life and start immediatley experiencing an improved quality of your life in all areas.
The event itself, is nothing more than the most effective group hypnotherapy session on the planet (and everyone benefits by scale of the event and large amount of people). He's reframing every possible limiting belief or negative association that may be preventing you from achieving your maximum potential, until he eventually "hits your home"; addresses your issue and interrupts the old, un-empowering pattern/belief (mixed signals you send to yourself and others when communicating) and replaces them in your mind with a new, empowering pattern that triggers you into congruent action.
See, luckily for us, Tony is able to achieve all his entrepreneurial goals and fulfill whatever his needs are, by selling “good” in the marketplace.
In a global, capitalist economy; where corporations place a high value on the knowledge and type of results that Tony seems to be delivering, at least perceptually to people (cause he hasn’t sold one ticket that wasn’t through positive word of mouth, and at HIS prices, that ain’t easy when you don’t walk out of the room with a shopping bag or tangible item) Tony is the master of his domain and seems to do just fine servicing his profitable and rewarding niche.
So while he is sending you out of the room in whatever peak state/range of emotion that somehow makes you to feel that it is worth the price of admission, and more importantly an entire weekend’s worth of time, he is also removing the same limiting beliefs and creating the same good feelings, that puts you in the proper “frame of mind” to make you wanna BEG his salespeople to LET you sign up for his next seminar.
And in this video, Tony is appearing for one of his short corporate keynote speeches (and although anyone paying the expensive price tag for his 20-30 minute appearance will tell you the cost was a meaningless joke compared to the experience) – to Tony, it’s just another opportunity to get in front of a bunch of “all the right people” to try and up-sell them to his own agenda...his seminars and even more profitable consulting sessions. And people seem to think it's worth it, no matter how much they are paying.
So as long as you can afford the ticket, and aren’t taking out a mortgage on your house; or cleaning out your kids college fund to attend one of his higher-priced events...clear the calendar and allow yourself to be hypnotized into loving Tony Robbins and when you go back to the real world the following Monday, you’ll suddenly notice all types of improvements in your life, at many levels, that you weren’t even aware you were being conditioned for.
For example, you may have showed up to see Tony Robbins to help you come up with a financial strategy for your business, and you end up losing fifty pounds in four months while he was addressing that issue and you weren’t even noticing.
Or you show up at the event with your kid because of discipline problems and you end up losing the desire to smoke, reduce an addictive behavior, or start having better feelings for you in-laws.
I know many of the people reading this are so f-ing suspicious and skeptical of Tony Robbins: I DON’T NEED HIM!!! HE’S NOT SO SMART!!! HE'S NOT SAYING ANYTHING NEW!!! I’M WAY MORE POWERFUL THAN HE IS…I WORK FOR “SO AND SO!!!”
SO WHAT??? You don’t say that to yourself before you walk into Staples Center to see the Lakers, or you don’t begrudge Springsteen cause everyone loves him and he’s making so much money, or whatever. It's the secure people who can walk into the room, sit down and say, "You better entertain the heck out of me, it better be more fun than Spring Break, a bigger party than New Years Eve, my life better magically change in everyway possible -- AND YOU BETTER MAKE SURE IT'S YOUR BEST EVENT EVER, ROBBINS -- AND AT LEAST ONE MINUTE MORE THAN YOU LAST EVENT!!! YOU WORK FOR ME BUDDY...YOU SAID YOU WANTED TO BE MY COACH...START WORKING PAL!!! Why not say to yourself, "Ha! Robbins that fool...doesn't he realize he's just a big empower monkey up there on that stage." So let yourself be the organ grinder and let the monkey do all the work for you. Man, I feel sorry for Tony. He does all the work, and everyone walks out of the room with all the improvements.
And in Tony’s case, even the most hardcore disbelievers who are dragged into the room by parents, or bosses who FORCE employees to attend the four-day event...OR ELSE... usually walk away experiencing some kind of exciting life-changing breakthrough that massively improves the quality of their life in every way.
Now in some cases, Tony’s events are a luxury you cannot afford. And just like some Grateful Deadheads can get too caught up in band's culture and traveling roadshow, so can some fans of Tony.
But to most people reading this, the only thing previously preventing you enjoying a weekend with Tony Robbins, isn’t a financial barrier. (You'd bet $500 in Vegas if you felt it would improve your life in all areas, no matter how well you are already doing.)
But perhaps the price (and who is getting it) is what has been preventing you from simply giving in and enjoying the event like the best Bruce Springsteen concert or Broadway play ever, that just may reframe your subconscious mind to allow you to communicate with your self and others in a way that enhances all areas of your life (physical, financial, spiritually, emotionally) and causes you to feel the type of pride and joy in everything you do that effortlessly allows you to look back a month or two later and notice measurable results, be it in pounds, dollars or esteem. And you can’t put a price on that.
I hope you start the event and all the benefits it will bring to you, now, by making the decision to allow yourself to attend the seminar and enjoy Tony at face value, without worrying about what he is getting out of it. There’s a reason people are flying in from all over the country and all over the world for this event. And why are you forcing yourself to be the "odd man out". Why are you imposing "Cinderella" conditions on yourself, when everyone is having a ball? When you can walk into the room -- and instead of feeling that YOU are there for HIM (that he might be getting the better end of the deal) but, HE is there for YOU, then you have already gotten your money's worth. Find out for yourself.
This YouTube video shows how he is selling you for the next seminar, while conditioning the room for “higher levels of achievement”. I don’t expect you to see it all the first time through…call me or email if you want me to try and explain the subtext to you). Pay special attention to the end when he “runs out of time”. And everytime a graphic comes up, he’s conditioning you for a “purchase” frame of mind. The whole thing is to put you in a purchasing frame of mind. So what…he’s a one man campaign machine, and to the mayor sam crowd…I have been begging you to check him out at this level.
THAT’S IT…FINAL NOTICE…FROM HERE ON IN YOU HAVE TO PAY ME $500 an hour to point it out to you and explain it to you.
ZD is trying to have city and state politicians master the skill that Tony is pracitcing and teaching: How to achieve two mutually beneficial outcomes with one effort. When he's running his processes from the stage, he's giving you what you want, so you can give him what he wants. And what seems like an expensive ticket on the way in the door, isn't even a thought on the way out the door.
And now, through the magic of YouTube, to those of you who have never attended a Robbins's not exactly your typical convention room seminar. Fasten your seat belt for one of the more intense moments:
Official Zuma Dogg website
At least you're trying to share something positive here, whether or not people like Robbins. don't worry if your "ratings" go down for a while with a less trashy subject-matter: you may end up finding endorsements and be better off bringing positive vibes. -- Isn't that what you guys were/are supposed to be doing on Venice Beach, with your incense and shea butter and all that stuff?
ZD continues to show us what a starfucker he is...
If you havent got something to contribute to this blog stop writing and insulting the rest of us with your filth!
7:55: I'm afraid the person is just reacting to over a year of zuma and the clowns who have written here trash-talking and bashing the Mayor (WAY before this scandal broke, then it just made the dogs even more rabid) AND a number of others, all of whom got nasty, infantile-vicious names: an endless stream of vitriol and bile, usually without any reason, that continues to this day.
There has been an attendant discord at City Hall and elsewhere, which has disrupted the ability of CM's to focus on those constituents who approach them for help in a civil manner, and it has spilled over into this blog (which wouldn't exist and neither would Zuma, by his own admission of the obvious), if he hadn't kept hogging public- paid Ch. 35 time, misusing rules designed to give the public open and REASONABLE access to their reps in order to promote HIMSELF as some sort of rabble-rousing Eminem star.
This blog has disrupted the lives of people who do have lives, for the entertainment of vitriol-spewing dregs and the looky- loos who then heard about this site and logged on to see the slugfest, sort of like a dogfight.
So, Zuma and his cohorts have built up a lot of negative karma here and in person with their actions, and it is reverberating back to them.
I hope Zuma take this to heart.
Zuma will have no idea what you are talking about.
He is a split personality disruptive force that resides in the body of another loser, Dave Elliott.
Talking to him in a civil manner is like talking to a wall.
Like our Islamofascist brothers, the only thing he understands is force, so he'll be getting it in spades.
Pretty soon, he'll become as tiresome at LAUSD as at Council, and they won't hesititate to eject his smelly, foul butt from the premises.
Remember, you heard it here, first.
1:05 Ditto!
11:26 okidokie sabrina kay.
Philkrakover aka Greg, shut up!
Who dat? Greg ? ? ?
What are you talking about? You are melting down, bro.
Look at are blaming everything on everything around you. A feeling of powerlessness. A sense that everyone is controlling everything around you. You are sounding like a paranoid sinking ship!?!?
August 10-13, Long Beach Convention Center.
11:26 window of opportunity has passed. Next player pleeeze
Phil: You're of course right about Zuma, as he has piped in to note. But I knew I'd be wasting my time talking to him; it's really for the savable ones who log on here, who may not want to descend into the rabid- dog vitriol hell of his fellow losers and jump off before it's too late.
I'm not a sucker for gurus like Zuma, those of us who think for ourselves never are; but clearly, whatever it is that Robbins makes a lot of money teaching losers to do, it can't be turning themselves into this sort of insane, reality- denying megalomaniac. (Before you can move on, you have to face the karma you've left behind -- again, this is not just for Zuma, because as an individual, he doesn't matter until he takes responsibility.)
By the way, I'm not some spinner or city employee, if they do exist; I'm a teacher and healer, and if I were like Z, I'd drop names of some celeb clients -- but I never would.
Ooooooooh, I'm sorry...
Can Mayor Daniel come back?
I think his certifiable 5150 rantings are starting to look really good.
zuma: everything you say about Robbins: the prep and staff and time and money that goes into each production; the way in which he's too tied down to do what he wants -- the media coverage, the judgment he gets on each miniscule item -- all of that can be said of the CM's and Mayor, except they make important decisions that really matter to people. (And think of the grueling and expensive elections it took to get there.)
Would Robbins allow you to stand up during a meeting and disrupt his carefully prepared "performance?"
No, our elected officials do, because they are elected: but if you think of the responsibilities and logistical aspects, they are awesome.
By the way, I worked on the huge team producing the Olympics.
Zuma, WHAT did you do with your own 2:00 post, that 2:18 replied to? Did you decide it's too long a rant and removed it, or moved it somewhere?
Why are you hacking yourself?
"I'm not a sucker for gurus...those of us who think for ourselves never are."
Just because you take in knowledge and information from outside sources (consultants, research, education, training) does not mean you do not think for yourself.
And besides providing the private consulting session (in the group/event setting), he is also "coaching" the event and making sure everyone does all the reps on all the machines.
Is there anything wrong with people using coaches and trainers? Michael Jordan had a coach. Olympic athletes need coaches to help them get to the finish line as quickly as possible.
If you feel like a sucker and feel someone is trying to tell you what to think, well I see how fear and ignorance has probably prevented you from some of (even higher) success and achievement you should be currently enjoying.
Your "emotional trap" has sabotaged your success in the past, and has directly or indirectly, prevented you from being where you really wish you were, hasn't it.
You can say I am calling the kettle black, and I will go as far as to say, "it takes one to know one".
But I got over that one, a long time ago. Long enough that the first time I attended one of his events, I bounced from the seminar (unemployed at the time) to a NYC radio station within a week or too. It turned out to being the experience of a lifetime that I had always dreamed of...and it was as much fun as I could have possibly had.
So that was worth $500.
Then, at another of his seminars a couple years later -- the "behind the scenes, sealed-lipped, off mic, off camera by choice executive; who wasn't in the mood for all the diversionary "Robbins happy,, joy community non-sense" for suckers.
But, somehow that day, he used the force against me, unleashed the outgoing public performer and I've been singing Whitney Houston, on-camera, inside the Santa Monica library -- and willing to express myself, publicly, in over-the-top ways that most people would rather die than be forced to do in public ever since. [We're only talking about singing, dancing and acting like a fool. But most people would still choose death than risk/fear of such public humiliation.]
So now, it would be nice to get into the room for a little Robbins hypnotherapy to help me take the congruent actions to improve the quality of my life in some other areas ZD has been neglecting that has been preventing me from being where I would like to be.
[And we all know what those things are.]
However, the past six years on public access as "comedy" ZD, and even more so, the past year and three months in community activism has topped the experience of my radio career. (So THAT was worth $500.)
You know the way a lot of people get to laugh their ass off at that sucker Zuma Dogg; who knocks himself out to show up at City Hall and blog and call radio -- and we get to sit back and be entertained by his "tap dancing ass" while he drives himself into the ground? Well, ZD GETS TO USE TONY ROBBINS LIKE THAT!!!
I'm laughing my ass off at that sucker Tony Robbins. Do you know what a HUMUNGOUS PAIN IN THE BUTT IT IS TO PULL OFF THESE EVENTS?
Don't be fooled...he hasn't pulled on off yet that didn't force him to use all his "state management" on himself.
And LOL!!! Especially all his staffers and management that are running around, working round the clock...trying to keep the event running on time, when you are dealing with all these people, and the operating costs are always more than Tony would like, at the end of the day, I would imagine.
ZD gets to stroll right into the room, soak it all in...the crowd, the music, the excitement...
Then Tony has to stand there...for hours and hours on end, knocking himself out...trying to top his last performance because that's the human nature that drives Tony to do one more seminar, or ZD to do one more public comment/radio call even if you don't feel like it, inside.
Meanwhile, he can't leave the stage. He can't leave for lunch ten minutes early. He can't come back into the room a half hour late.
He can't appear to be dis-associated to the event and appear to be running through the performance, even though it's his 8 millionth seminar and the logistics have been especially challenging at that location. (Same with Springsteen or Justin Timberlake)
So I hope I can be in attendance in Long Beach to watch Tony have to knock himself out for all those suckers who don’t know any better.
Because again, ZD likes both levels...the seminar for the content and coaching/training/group hypnotherapy session itself (and all those benefits)...
and the "show behind the show" of the super-hard sell that is going on at all times that most people are not even aware of.
And once you realize this (usually through a "jedi master" telling a young luke skywalker, like in City politics) get to leave the kitchen with the cookbook.
You may have heard me mention Tony among Deming, Ries and others a few times, but I never really went into it, and revealed in depth how TR unleashed ZD...and although it is fun to tell that story and give him a lot of credit for being such a great "coach" (i like to call it clinical hypnotherapist) -- but I shouldn't give him too much credit, and he doesn't want too much credit.
After all, he could never sing and dance as good as me!!!
But daaaaaaaaaaamn, can't Kelly Clarkson thank American Idol and give them some credit for her (personal and career) breakthrough. No one's trying to say that Simon Cowell sang the songs for her...Kelly Clarkson would have been just as talented and as good of a singer, with or without American Idol.
But look at all the benefit that both parties enjoyed when Kelly decided to show up for the auditions. I’m sure there are at least one or two other people just as good, or better than Kelly Clarkson, who had a lot of reasons (limiting beliefs) that kept them away from the auditions that day. They were home watching on TV complaining how they are so much better than Kelly Clarkson and would easily beat her.
You’re so worried you’re gonna walk into the room, Tony’s gonna “tell you what to thing” and “force you to hand over all decision making processes to him”, and give ten percent of your money to him, and put “Robbins For World Leader” signs in your window and force you to push his agenda.
When all the guy is trying to do is make you feel so good about getting a shot in the arm, that you don’t even notice what happened. And while he’s at it, he gives you a lollipop on the way out, so you will remember you had a good time and will want to come back for an oil change.
But I know you are a low-self esteem, weak minded, low-reading comprehension, non-perceptive, vulnerable, not in control of the mayor sam blog, therefore you are not in control of your life, chip on your shoulder, no sense of community spirit mercenary. So of course you wouldn’t be comfortable in anything but a Dark Vader helmet.
Hence, the curse. Luckily, you can still take it off. Otherwise, I guess ZD, Bill Clinton, Al Gore and all those suckers who are being told what to think are bigger people than you. See, you wouldn’t understand, but when you are secure in your niche in society, the concerns that you have do not even cross your mind. It’s like saying, I’m not going to walk through the park, that three year old might try and bully me. O.K.! That’s not really a concern for most people.
Zuma, now I realize why you removed the 2:00 post: After 2:18 made his comments, you decided your post wasn't negative enough to begin with so you removed it, added all that weird last stuff from talking about Kelly Clarkson on down, and decided to bash the person. This is the worst kind of fraudulent re-editing, what the really desperate do to place the words of the other side totally out of context. It is just sad. Wonder if you will delete this, too.
i deleted and reposted cause of some typos that were confusing and i added some stuff.
the 2:47pm post is the final version.
so that basically covers it all. i know the people who actually dig tony will spin against him here, cause that's what spinflys do.
But from here on in, rather than talk about tony, i'm gonna go write something that applies his tone to city hall and the community.
that's the point of it all. not to talk about tony and have losers like the spinflys here elevate him to guru status...
but to apply what he is teaching to your everyday life.
And these days, I am concerned about the effects that fraud, waste and abuse is having on the community and its spirit.
So let's see if ZD can walk the talk and create a thread the haters will still attack...
but at least will secretly agree with.
words were added, not deleted. do you not see the kelly clarkson story still? is something wrong with your neuro-associative pathways?
i'm not reading comments, then taking down my posts to add responses. if there is a time lapse, in case you didn't know, I type in real time. And sometimes it takes a few minutes to create a comment? What is wrong with you?
The reason I added the "slams" was because I realized that was the motivating force that would "re-frame" you properly to allow yourself to make any and all future decisions for the right, empowering reasons. Because you freely choose one way or the other.
And some people are motivated by this strategy. And since I am spending a lot of time trying to help take a Darth Vader helmet off someone who doesn't want to take it off...I remembered, "leverage" and "toward/away" motivation strategies.
THANKS TONY! I hope it didn't work because the person who's pattern I am trying to break is my opponent, and I know if you work with them, they will be better opposition, and I may be neutralized...and they have more resources than I do anyway...
But like Batman, Spiderman, Zuma Dogg or Tony can't be like a Green Dot charter. You can't decide to let one fire burn over another one. All fires are created equal. If you are a firefighter and you see a fire, you put it out. You don't ask questions about the people inside before you act. It's call compassion. People try to "ACT" with compassion, but it feels a lot better when you HAVE compassion.
It's the difference between giving a begger on the street a quarter so you don't go to hell...and giving the begger the quarter because you want to help a person in crisis.
You are not doing it for you, you are doing it for them.
if you see the bum ask three people before you for a quarter, if you feel compassion (instead of hatred and judgement), you are pulling the quarter out of your pocket and quietly handing it to the person, before they even have to ask.
Not wait until they ask, give them a disaproving stare and say, "I don't have that much either, I hope you don't spend it on booze", then give them the quarter anyway, just to shame them or so you don't go to hell.
Mn, you are seriously ill; go see a doctor and start taking some meds.
Really, you are on the road to crack-up city.
Zuma ... don't let those losers get to you. All the personal attacks mean you are successful and have been successful. The negative karma crack was unbelievable. Karma is what got the mayor. AV actually thought a Mayor from LA could be governor. Won't happen now for sure. Yes! Thank you karma! Thank you Zuma "Under" Dogg too!
Well, Anon, I quite agree that ZD is a pretty hopeless case.
Others may be educatable, but as Professor Edman once said "Teaching is the casting of false pearls before real swine."
At least ZD validates one half of the equation.
Zuma, try this.
Good morning Los Angeles, my name is Zuma Dogg. There are a lot of important people watching this; both here in Council chambers, on both sides of the ropes; from both political parties.
People watching on TV in City Hall; people watching throughout the City who work for the city in one capacity or the other; all the news and media reporters watching; and of course, the most influential leaders of the community watching right at home.
Because if you are watching the City Council meeting on TV 35, then you obviously value your mind and your time beyond what Spike TV or even “quote unquote” news channels are willing to offer.
You are taking the time to stay informed which is a good thing to do since you also have the right to vote.
And we all have one thing in common, right now. We are all living here together, in Los Angeles, among each other and we all have an important role to play within the community, even if you aren’t sure what it is.
But one thing I’m sure everyone can agree on: Wouldn’t you like to have the best day of your life today? And if it can’t be the “best” day of your life, wouldn’t you at least like to have today be the best possible day, better than it is currently set to be?
I know you ALWAYS wake up and strive to make today the best day it can be…FOR YOU!
But then somehow, something always seems to interfere with the plan. When you are stuck in rush hour traffic, it’s human nature to get mad everyone else stuck in traffic who is making you wait.
But those are the people who have to do their job, so you can do yours. And some of those people had to be in that traffic, so you could go see the Lakers at Staples Center or go see a movie.
So I guess we’re really all on the same team. One team. Cause the kinds of problems we are stuck with, we experience together; no matter what political side you are on, what media outlet you work for, or no matter what you socio-economic class.
If the ship sinks, we are all going down together. And if the City moves in the right direction and becomes a much better place, then we will all be dancing in the streets together, enjoying the quality of life improvements.
And there always seems to be a little disagreement, now and then as to how to achieve the goal.
But there are some things we can all do in the meantime to help improve the quality of all our lives, because at the end of the day, that’s what all of this is supposed to be about.
You see, too many times people wait for that perfect magic moment to take action, or start a project or decide to start making a difference.
I just have to wait until they overturn AB 2007. I’m waiting for them to pass that ordinance. Hire more people in that department first. Wait till the next elections. Add that amendment. Prevent that measure. Lock up the bad people, first. Put up the fences, first. Pass a law to stop this. Repeal the law that prevents that.
But as you go about your day, I know there are things that catch you attention that you can quietly do to make a difference and help uplift the community and society throughout the day.
Common sense is a good place to start. I know a lot of people are frustrated because they see the problems, but their bosses don’t want to listen because they are too busy, or think you are too stupid.
Zuma Dogg is empowering all people in the City of Los Angeles to simply start using your own good common sense to get the job done correctly, even if your boss is an idiot who caused the problem in the first place.
I know there are a lot of people watching who have all the answers and know what to do. Just start doing it. If you see the clock at Van Nuys is broken, don’t wait until the clock repair guy makes his annual clock repair rounds, pick up the phone, call 311 and say, I’ve been watching the council meeting for three weeks and the clock is still broke at van nuys.
Let’s just say the city council passed an ordinance to make today the best possible day it can be in the city of los angeles.
And no matter what, everyone had to play along with the game to see just how much better the city of los angeles could be for all of the people working and living in the city simply by becoming aware of all the things you can do to help improve the quality of your life and others as you go about your day.
What about all the things you can easily be doing better on the job if you just decided to start using common sense to get the job done, even though it is your bosses fault in the first place?
Imagine everyone else around the city at the exact same time, thinking of all things they can do in on the job, in their position as an elected official or resident of the community that could easily make a noticeable difference throughout the course of the day and maybe we’ll all end up getting home ten minutes earlier and a little less stressed out than the day before, because not only easier for you to do a job more efficiently using common sense, but the person on the receiving end benefits as well, so both people’s stress level goes down, the job gets done more quickly and efficiently and everyone gets to start doing what they really want to do, a little bit sooner, and a little bit longer.
And I’m sure if you look around you can think of someone who you admire for all they have achieved in the timeframe they have achieved it. Be it an Olympic athlete, your favorite guitar player, award winning actor or best-selling author. I have a feeling they are making very productive use of their time. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet a lot of the people I have admired over the years (mostly musicians, executives and authors) and they all have one thing in common…
They all make very productive use of their time. And there is a difference between feeling that you are busy (swamped) and making productive use of your time.
Something that really helped get some leverage on ZD was seeing his actor and rock star friends start and complete projects, go on tour, win the awards and buy the new house, while I was sitting at home watching on TV.
So you can laugh at ZD for not having any money, but at least I don’t sit around watching Wheel of Fortune or play Xbox or watch sports on TV all weekend. That’s why I started to do the public access show, that led to the community activism that has been quite a rewarding experience.
I was trying to make some contacts in the entertainment industry to approve the ideas I had for a show, which would therefore validate the creativity with the official “green light” seal of approval.
Meanwhile, after waiting one day too many for a return phone call, I took the camera to Venice Beach and just started filming and airing it on public access.
If I had waited for someone to give me permission to express myself and validate my comedy, I would still be at home waiting to film the first segment. Meanwhile, although Comedy Central will still reject me to this day, did that make them right? When you look at the level of recognition I have enjoyed over the past six, seven years – well that’s a train I’m glad I didn’t miss because I was waiting for an official “Green light”/ validation for some executive who has had a million flops since rejecting Zuma Dogg.
I’m sure there are some things you have been waiting to start until someone gives you official permission to be the most awesome person you can be.
Just because someone says you are not right for the job, or aren’t good enough for the team or the cast, doesn’t mean they are right. Just because someone tells you that you are wrong, doesn’t mean that you are wrong.
So I know there are a lot of people who aren’t being all that they can be and are dragging the system down instead of helping to move it along, because they are mad at the system and are waiting for that magic moment when the starts line up with the moon to start having the best day of their life.
Man…I let years pass by waiting for that magic moment. There hasn’t been a good day yet for me to take a trip downtown to city hall for public comment. Man, I’m still not ready for my first comment. There’s more to research, I’m not rested enough, the traffic is too bad, I’m too hungry, I’ m not getting paid, it’s only five minutes for a several hour trip, what if no one is watching today and of course, I simply just don’t feel like it:
But as I look back a year and three months later, I’m kinda glad I didn’t’ wait for that perfect moment and just started.
There are people sitting in this room who are waiting and could be doing more. And I know we have differences on many issues, but I know there are people in this room who could be doing much more in their own community. There are people who are hiding behind others and not stepping up and being the leaders they know they can be. Everyone holds back and tries to keep from being wrong, instead of rising to the challenge of being an innovative leader and being right.
The city is in a crisis situation and there is no time for the type of walking on eggshell, lack of common sense, hiding behind the next guy, don’t ask me it’s the other person's job mentality.
As you go about your day, imagine that it is make today the best day it can be day, then act accordingly.
If everyone does it, it will be.
Thank you,
Zuma Dogg
6:31: WOW!!! Never thought anyone could be more long-winded than Zuma.
But just what is your agenda, and who do you work for? You want to keep the 2-term limits, hate the current reps, yet have the pollyannaish tone of a Robbins fan... You must have some agenda, spending this much time writing a (swansong?) for Zuma Dogg.
I have to admit one thing: although I can't make sense of your logic (at least the grammar is better than Zuma's), and you can't out-argue anyone since they can't follow you and you're inconsistent, you sure can wear anyone else out.
Nutcases do attract, don't they? Is this what it's like attending a Tony Robbins seminar?
Zuma, start reading this two minutes at a time or on the radio.
Dear Los Angeles City Council,
We all know a big part of your job involves a lot of legislation, administration and agenda items that takes up a good amount of your time, whether ZD shows up that day, or not.
And I’ve spent the past year and three months focusing on that aspect of the process.
However, there is much more to being an elected official than your “yes” or “no” vote on an agenda item.
I know you recently spent two days at a retreat, allowing you the opportunity to roll up your sleeves, loosen your ties and discuss your district’s needs and goals for the next year.
I think it would be exciting if Council took the equal amount of time and spent two meetings, televised live across the city, to address the citizens of Los Angeles and use the opportunity to directly address their constituents with a “State of the District”.
Use the opportunity to let people know about new services being provided to them by the City, what services are on the way and what problems you are aware of that you will be addressing.
And I’d like to remind everyone watching, that as gas prices increase, and traffic congestion increases, look for occasions where the bus makes more sense. Maybe you drive part of the way, and jump on the bus the rest of the way. If you are going to the beach on the weekend, try taking the bus for the first time. When you factor in the price of gas, parking and the stress of driving, sometimes the bus makes more sense, even if you drive a Rolls Royce or Mercedes Benz.
Parents: School is starting again, before you know it and you may have heard the mayor will be working more closely with the new LAUSD school board and new superintendent David Brewer.
It’s going to be a long, uphill battle. The school system didn’t break overnight, and it can’t be fixed overnight. However, we can get started, right away. And we have gotten started.
The school board is going to do more to make sure the students who need the most special attention will be getting that added attention. More resources will be spent making sure teachers are best prepared to do their job through additional training and re-educating. Children who need more attention learning English will receive the attention. And information is being gathered and measures are being put in place that will allow the school district to better evaluate future results that will lead to higher teacher and system accountability.
But the school administration isn’t the only part of the system that needs fixing. Parents need to do more to better prepare their children to allow the schools to do their job of education.
Too much time is spent each day on discipline and basic skills and behavior problems that result from parental neglect.
Parents can help fix the school system without leaving home.
Simply accept and added level of responsibility and become active participants in their children’s lives. You can judge what a young kid says, and how they behave by the standards imposed on them by the parents. It’s tough to say “no” to your kids, when other parents say, “Yes”, or don’t say anything at all, because the kids are left un-attended.
Too many parents think it is the schools and teachers job to instill dignity, respect and discipline into their kids. BUT IT IS NOT. That is the parents’ job. The schools job is to educate kids. Help fix LAUSD by fixing your kids, so the school can do its job. (Teach them how to read, write, add, etc.) Asking your kid, “How was school today? Did you do your homework?”, is not taking responsibility for your child’s education.
I know it’s tough to be a parent to your kid, these days. The high cost of housing, taxes and gas makes it hard to make ends meet, and both parents (if there are even both parents at home) have to work long hours, and travel through long traffic-jammed commutes, for not enough pay, at the end of the day.
And at the end of that day, It’s much easier to say, “yes”, than argue a long protracted battle over how late a kid can stay out, or how many hours they can use myspace, youtube, ipod, xbox, or even regular old TV. And it doesn’t help when other parents refuse to do a thing to help instill discipline, morals or standards in their kids.
But you must rise to the challenge and be the leaders and role models in your kids’ lives. Parents don't rely on the City to be your kids’ babysitters after school. Rely on each other. Spend more time talking to each other about after school activities. Do more for each other. Talk about what your kids are and are not allowed to say and do. Try and convince other parents to go along with the higher standard, so all the kids that play together lift each other up, instead of drag each other down.
So that's ONE thing the community can do to fix the schools (besides reducing classroom size, paying teachers more so we can recruit new ones, after school programs, safer streets and other things that are out of your control):
Take on more responsibility to do the job you asked for when you had a kid. Be a mentor -- to your own kids. You cannot leave the job of raising your kids and teaching them responsibility and values needed to keep them in school, graduating and productive members of society we need them to be to a school system. That’s not THEIR job, it’s YOURS. Take on the challenge. It will be almost as enriching and rewarding of an experience as myspace or YouTube.
By city council taking a retreat, it allowed me to reflect on what I would have said at the retreat.
I think Councilmembers are missing out on a real opportunity to take the power of those City TV 35 cameras and use it for more than dog and pony show photo opportunities and campaign grandstanding. Councilmembers are sounding and looking like Top 40 deejays, during the grunge rock era. A little corny and no ones buying it.
So from here on out, in order to try and provide you with the example of the type of leadership talk that is needed to transform our community and help bring it out of the crisis; every time ZD steps to the mic, for general public comment (and whenever possible during agenda items, he hopes to use the opportunity to try and out Tony Robbins, Tony Robbins. In other words, try and use the two minutes to run a citywide hypnotherapy session that replaces old, un-empowering beliefs that preventing people from making the positive contributions we need as a community and replace them with the new, empowering beliefs. And once the viewers have been reframed to allow their subconscious mind to congruently communicate with their conscious mind, you eliminate the mixed signal you send to yourself and others. Then add a little emotion down the neuro-superhighway and you create the passion that drives you and triggers you into taking action.
And I challenge my media cast mates, all fifteen members of City Council and Mayor Villaraigosa to join me in the challenge.
Thank You,
Zuma Dogg
Public Advocate of the Community
I like Zuma Dog. After reading his words I feel much better about myself. If not for an education, loving parents and a chance in life I could be Zuma Dog.
More Effective City Hall PR
by Zuma Dogg
Of course it is an elected officials job to put the best spin on the city at all times. I think Councilmember Richard Alarcon does the best job of representing his position during public discussions. (He passes the ZD/Robbins litmus test. And ZD say Richard is very, very good. And that’s not a slam. I may disagree with his policy, and I’m not saying whether I do, or do not; I’m just saying whether the guy has practiced NAC/NLP or not, he instinctively “has it”.)
But City Council and the mayor is constantly making ZD’s head explode with terrible linguistics. These dear, sweet politicians are trying so hard to put the best foot forward, but they always end up putting it in their mouth, without even knowing.
The most important thing I learned from mi amigo Tony Robbins, that I am able to use on a day to day basis, is the stuff on language patterns.
For example, if a kid is going up to bat you can shout from the stands, “Don’t strike out!!!” Or, you can say, “Go get a hit!!!” Both exhortations are well-intended comments to try and produce the same result (success).
However, by saying, “Don’t strike out”, all the kid does is get nervous, worry about striking out, imagines himself striking out and has a higher chance of striking out. By saying, “Get a hit”, the mind sends a different picture, and therefore different signal to the body, and you increase the chances producing the desired outcome (of a hit).
Similarly, I know the mayor and City Council are always trying to put the best face on the city and try and prove to the constituents that a solution is on the way.
However, it’s all in how you frame the issue through proper wording.
And I’ll change the names to protect the offenders:
CM 1: “Los Angeles is the gang crime capital of the world.” Now, I know the CM was trying to get people passionate about the issue to try and trigger the community into action. However, this “don’t strike out” version never should have been uttered. How about (and you have to make it a little negative/real sounding, can’t make it sound like Disneyland, or you lose credibility, so how about), “We all deserve the right to feel safe in our own neighborhoods.” (And take it from there.)
CM 2: “I know we have some people who are very apprehensive in the Valley. “What does it mean for us?”
Don’t set up the positive things you are about to say, with a negative suggestion (embedded command). It makes people say, “Oh yeah, it’s bad for the Valley.” The proper “framing” would be to simply say the good things it means for the Valley and the people who were asking the questions will know you are addressing their concerns – and all the less observant will simply feel good about what you are saying. That’s not to say you should hide the fact that a hospital is going to be built on toxic quicksand. But don’t embed a negative image when even ZD doesn’t think it is necessary.
CM 3: And one of the reasons that I support this and I am voting for this today, is not just on the project…I’m voting for this project because we need affordable housing in this City; and that is even a higher priority.
Uh oh…CM just embedded the message that something isn’t congruent in CM’s message…something is fishy…plus you are saying, “WE NEED AFFORDABLE HOUSING AND IT IS EVEN A HIGHER PRIORITY” while approving a very expensive luxury project. There’s no need to say all that. How about, “The great thing about this project is that it includes some of the affordable housing that is such a high priority for the city, so this was one way to get some built.”
CM 4: “You know, Downtown gets beat-up a lot”. (Who paid you to say that, San Diego Chamber of Commerce?) There was no need to add that superlative.
AMERICAN EXPRESS asked its entrepreneurial clients whom they would select to help them take their business to the next level, if price were no object. Without any lists being provided, they came up with the following six responses:
1. Bill Gates
2. Donald Trump
3. Warren Buffett
4. Lee Iacocca
5. Ross Perot
6. Tony Robbins
Don't worry about the haters. They're just jealous because you have a platform and they don't.
Keep at it, and live with passion.
Mayor Sam,
I am a longtime fan of your reporting and editorial efforts.
I am disgusted at the utter drivel and crap currently on your blog.
I mean, the ZD stream-of-consciousness was funny for a while. But now you have hanger-ons and ZD clones sharing the spotlight.
There are over at least 3500 wasted words in this posting alone.
ZD sounds like he's typing through plumes of bong smoke.
Ex-reader until some civility is gained.
Edit prior to posting.
Everything was done for a reason today. I am well aware of the volume.
This is a thread about Tony Robbins, what the hell are you even reading it for and go crybaby somewhere else you crybaby. I mean,'re so upset because Zuma Dogg wasted words on his own thread about something you don't even care about...
Bro, it isn't gonna work. I wish your school board was as transparant as your spin.
And when losers are approximating how many words I wasted and it's in the 3500 range, I WIN!
First of all, where's my dinner already. Second of all, you've been threatening to leave for a year're worse than the CMs who reluctantly approve with a heavy heart one more zoning variance.
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