What a week this going to be !! It is not everyday that you can count on the "LA ANTONIA TIMES" to be the "BEACON OF CREATIVE THINKING". But today in the "LOWER BOWELS" of the Editorial Page, the "OP-ED SPINNSTERS" initiated the "ROCKY WATCH". This came after the City Attorney "ROLLED OUT OF THE POCKET" to scramble away from those inquiring scribes at the "OLD GREY HAG ON SPRING STREET"who wanted to ask a simple question, "WHO WAS DRIVING THE CITY OWNED YUKON ??" Thus the "ROCKY WATCH" was conceived.
In honor of this stroke of redirecting attention, err, journalistic creativity. I give you "RED SPOT INSTITUTE, TOP TEN WATCHES" for today. From the "THINK TANK HIGH ABOVE CD 14", no apologies to that "LEFTY LETTERMAN", here they are;
10. "LA ANTONIA TIMES WATCH": a forlorn watch for common sense in "OBJECTIVE JOURNALISM" at the "OLD GREY HAG ON SPRING STREET".
9. "SLIM FAST MAYOR SAM WATCH": a quicker than life watch as the "FORMERLY ROTUND FIGURE KNOWN AS MAYOR SAM" becomes an leaner, but not meaner "MAYOR SAM". GREAT JOB MICHAEL !!
8. "THE OVERNIGHTER WATCH": an eagerly awaited exercise of writing by our own Joseph Mailander.
7. "ROSIE O' GARCIA, FOOT IN MOUTH WATCH": definitely "NOT" eagerly awaited watch for "BOMBAST" from our next School Board President, "THE HORROR !"
6. "PARKE-que WATCH": eagerly awaited "SPIN RESCUE" from the creator of the "POLITICO FORMERLY KNOWN AS ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA", tony villar.
5. "BRIDGES AUDIT WATCH": this ranks up there in length with the Iranian Hostage Crisis. where is Ted Koppel to moderate this episode in "POLITICAL COWARDICE" by "ARCHIE's BABE", Controller Laura Chick.
4. "RED SPOT SPELLING WATCH": not a long wait for this watch. "DAMM.. LAUSD EDUCATION !!".
3. "WWG, OBSERVING WEST L.A. LIFE AND HIS TIMES WATCH": how long will it be before his next attempt to either get "FEMALE TRIM" (LONG WATCH). Or initiate an "BLOGGIN, SPINNING REHAB" of his buddy "tony villar". (COMING SOON).
2. "HUIZZY HUIZAR GOING ABOUT HIS WORK WATCH": according to our esteemed Councilman Jose Huizar web site, there has been no worthy news to "PRESS RELEASE" since March 8. Must be that "POST ELECTION FATIGUE".
1. "SONCHA, BABY VILLAR WATCH !!": You bloggin "CUT AND PASTERS" will have fun with this "WATCH". Help the likes of the "LA ANTONIA TIMES" and the "MOLDY GREEN SHEET" with their pursuit of the truth in finding out who was the "OTHER WOMAN" or "OTHER WOMEN", plural form. **** UPDATED TO INCLUDE BABY VILLAR ****
Please stay on topic or meet the "WRATH OF THE MODERATORS".
A "WATCH" from the past.
In honor of this stroke of redirecting attention, err, journalistic creativity. I give you "RED SPOT INSTITUTE, TOP TEN WATCHES" for today. From the "THINK TANK HIGH ABOVE CD 14", no apologies to that "LEFTY LETTERMAN", here they are;
10. "LA ANTONIA TIMES WATCH": a forlorn watch for common sense in "OBJECTIVE JOURNALISM" at the "OLD GREY HAG ON SPRING STREET".
9. "SLIM FAST MAYOR SAM WATCH": a quicker than life watch as the "FORMERLY ROTUND FIGURE KNOWN AS MAYOR SAM" becomes an leaner, but not meaner "MAYOR SAM". GREAT JOB MICHAEL !!
8. "THE OVERNIGHTER WATCH": an eagerly awaited exercise of writing by our own Joseph Mailander.
7. "ROSIE O' GARCIA, FOOT IN MOUTH WATCH": definitely "NOT" eagerly awaited watch for "BOMBAST" from our next School Board President, "THE HORROR !"
6. "PARKE-que WATCH": eagerly awaited "SPIN RESCUE" from the creator of the "POLITICO FORMERLY KNOWN AS ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA", tony villar.
5. "BRIDGES AUDIT WATCH": this ranks up there in length with the Iranian Hostage Crisis. where is Ted Koppel to moderate this episode in "POLITICAL COWARDICE" by "ARCHIE's BABE", Controller Laura Chick.
4. "RED SPOT SPELLING WATCH": not a long wait for this watch. "DAMM.. LAUSD EDUCATION !!".
3. "WWG, OBSERVING WEST L.A. LIFE AND HIS TIMES WATCH": how long will it be before his next attempt to either get "FEMALE TRIM" (LONG WATCH). Or initiate an "BLOGGIN, SPINNING REHAB" of his buddy "tony villar". (COMING SOON).
2. "HUIZZY HUIZAR GOING ABOUT HIS WORK WATCH": according to our esteemed Councilman Jose Huizar web site, there has been no worthy news to "PRESS RELEASE" since March 8. Must be that "POST ELECTION FATIGUE".
1. "SONCHA, BABY VILLAR WATCH !!": You bloggin "CUT AND PASTERS" will have fun with this "WATCH". Help the likes of the "LA ANTONIA TIMES" and the "MOLDY GREEN SHEET" with their pursuit of the truth in finding out who was the "OTHER WOMAN" or "OTHER WOMEN", plural form. **** UPDATED TO INCLUDE BABY VILLAR ****
Please stay on topic or meet the "WRATH OF THE MODERATORS".
A "WATCH" from the past.
It's a pity there's no online "Mayor Cam" in the Mayor's office which shows our current "Mayor" doing his work.
Wait a minute... he DOESN'T DO any work!!! He's too busy "conquisting" other women, or "reconquisting" other men's wives...
LA Animal Services needs a new General Manager! Read the latest press release from this failure of a Department
Red Spot, You left out the No Home Depot watch.
Stephen, next we will have the "TOP TEN WATCH CAMS". Good day to you.
NOKILL JOE, General Manager Watch ?
5:17 PM, too obvious. How about S.T. held hostage by "CONRADE JOE and JIM" ??
red spot,
There are already quite a few "I hate animal services" websites.
ex-support blog who dropped support
LAobserved.com just picked up the Delgadillo story. Delgadillo admits that his wife was driving the car. He just cut a check for the repairs. He said that he regrets not being honest bout it
How about S-T held hostage by HD?
What's a CONRADE?
That really isn't the point about Rocky, the mere two grand: he says he and his wife "didn't know" her license was suspended, and he "didn't know" she wasn't supposed to drive a city car. Hilton's excuses exactly, except from her, it sounded "dumb." Kind of sounds like that from him, too. After going after Baca for not being tougher on Hilton, is the media going to buy this as the end of it?
Why do some of the contributors to Mayor Sam, including the Mayor, appear "blogging while intoxicated?"
6:11, The Red Spot of Confusion is making a Rush Limbaugh reference.
It's a common tool when people like him can't think of anything to say.
can you come out and spin, err, play ?? Or are you taking "PARENTING CLASSES ??"
New name for Villaraigosa, in the wake of the third-child-out-of-wedlock-oh-shit-my-marriage-is-over story:
VillaraiTOASTa. ;)
Horny dumbass.
On the John and Ken show (KFI Radio), it was announced that the Mayor has a pregnant girlfriend, who's in the public eye and best of all, EVERYONE knows her. With our luck it will be some actress with a drug problem. Couldn't he just leave his wife instead of creating a scandal? And with his divorce, does his wife get her name back? What a knucklehead of a mayor. We should have left Hanh in place. At least he knew how to keep it in his pants.
the planning department/mayor's slogan: "do real planning" was probably stolen from this site
read it carefully and notice what "do real planning" means there, such as ways to involve the communities and let them help shape thier city, instead, say, for example, being told big brother knows best for Los Angelinos while camoflauguing it with meaningless feel-good bromides, eg., "elegant density" I don't know about you, but being treated like children with a priori deals with developers is my idea of citizen involvment.
In light of the revelation of another Villar on the way, our mayor didn't do much in the "Planning Department"... stay tuned!
For those who would conceal misspending taxpayers' funds, I offer them a "stop" watch; they would prefer us to stop watching and reporting their activities.
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