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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Open Thread for Wednesday

Recently, People En Espanol named our Mayor amongst its "50 mas bellos Latinos," the Latin version of its 100 Most Beautiful People. The Daily News covered the story with an article including the cute headline, "Look out, Banderas: There's a new Antonio in town."

Everyone from his staff to Council Member Eric Garcetti to "Fashion Guy" Larry Zarian of "Live with Regis and Kelly: and "America's Next Top Model" have their opinions on why the Mayor cuts himself such a handsome figure.

Still, a letter writer to the Daily News was not amused:
Stop encouraging him

Re "Look out, Banderas: There's a new Antonio in town" (April 28):

First, you are a newspaper, not People magazine. A story like this is not news and does not belong on the front page of a newspaper. Secondly, Antonio Villaraigosa is the mayor of Los Angeles, not a movie star. It is at the very least undignified to compare the attention he gets from "the ladies" to that Antonio Banderas gets, especially as a news story.

Villaraigosa was elected mayor to answer to the voters who elected him and for his vision of improving the city of Los Angeles. He already loves the camera and the attention he receives. I do not appreciate your newspaper encouraging this.

Mary Anna Kienholz
Granada Hills
Your thoughts?


Anonymous Anonymous said:

Getting AV to stop seeking publicity is like trying to get Bill Clinton to stop eating Ding-Dongs and chasing women.

Isn't going to happen!

May 02, 2006 10:06 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

How embarrassing!!!!! Instead of acknowledging any accomplishments (doesn't really have any) of our mayor they perceive the phasod. A nice smile in a suit. Good for that woman who wrote the letter. She states the obvious. I"m glad he didn't make the TIMES 100 list.

May 03, 2006 6:47 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Gotta love the Daily News for not being afraid to print the harsh letters unlike the conservative puff piece Times.
Legislators seek to cut benefits to illegal immigrants...Daily News

Boycott them back
I have no idea what was accomplished by Monday's "Boycott of America" by the Hispanic protesters other than they will have twice as much work to do tomorrow. I suggest we reciprocate and "boycott" all Mexican restaurants, Hispanic grocery stores, etc., this Friday ... Cinco de Mayo.
- John Reilly
Granada Hills

May 03, 2006 7:27 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I'm glad that lady spoke up! The mayor is a ugly overly photographed pendejo!

May 03, 2006 7:29 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

nothing but empty suit baby!
the valley voters should shut the hell up because they for av.

May 03, 2006 7:47 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Two things -

Bill Clinton does not eat Ding Dongs - its Krispy Kremes.

Next, well sure the Valley voted for AV but they had no choice since Hahn screwed them. It was bad medicine, but had to be done.

May 03, 2006 8:30 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

And Lord knows we got the garbage. Literally.

May 03, 2006 9:28 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Why didn't our mayor have the INS on hand Monday to arrest illegals? Is he LA's mayor or is he Mexico's mayor? People better start getting serious about his true motives before we become north Mexico! He is nothing but a mexican peacock!

May 03, 2006 9:58 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Antonio was trying really hard to stay away from those protests and he almost made it. But like an alcoholic who goes back to their drug, those old Mechista urges could not be held down.

Poor Tony, now for sure won't be the VP candidate.

May 03, 2006 10:40 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Antonio must be reading the backlash on the illegal demonstations. The traffic problem was solved on Monday and that's a very big issue here in LA and he won't be able to ignore. City council better not pass the Home Depot center for those illegals to hang out. This is the reason they keep coming and staying. Our dumb politicans keep catering to them even though they can't vote. The threat that legal registered Latinos will vote and send a message is hilarious. Look how few came out for the mayor's race, CD14 race, District 2 race and so on.

May 03, 2006 1:16 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I'm glad that our mayor made it to the top 50 most bellos, we Latinos are not just smart but attractive as well. Don't get him for that.

May 03, 2006 2:38 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

He is one ugly Mexican! The meanest face on earth. Wonder what he paid the Latinos to put him in the magazine.

I'm happy people in LA are FINALLY wising up! There would be no traffic, no crime, no filth if all the illegals were gone. But then what would Taco Villa do...he wouldn't have anyone to shove around.

He doesn't fit in with the jet set or the Washington in crowd. Did anyone see him at the WH Correspondents' Dinner in DC? He was the only Mexican and was totally ignored.

Anyone see him at the Academy Awards? He looked like something the dog dragged in. He does not fit in.

But he does fit in with 100,000 illegals in a Reconquista march!

Culture follows race! And he needs to take 'his people' and go back to Mexico. They are NOT Americans.

May 03, 2006 5:38 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

zAV is happy that all the heat is on Tony Valdez of channel 11 for his traitorous comments Monday night. Valdez must have gone to a madrasa for wannabe Mechistas. Valdez acted like a Mexican version of Lester Maddox with a TV microphone and not an ax handle with his blustery contempt for loyal Americans. The FCC should pull Channel 11's license, if they don't fire him by Friday. Rupert Murdoch needs to find a balanced news team for Channel 11.

May 03, 2006 9:57 PM  

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