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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Notes from Yesterday’s Immigration March

By Jennifer Solis

None of the march participants I interviewed said they were worried about a wall on the border. The real concern is the adoption of a verifiable identification card, which would make it impossible to work at anything but in the underground economy.

They are also convinced that despite that current high profile of the immigration issue in the media, most Americans don’t really care about illegal immigration, as proved by the lack of visible opposition to the recent marches and rallies to grant amnesty. The Minutemen and other “patriotic” groups are viewed as “fringe” annoyances.

Most of the speeches were in Spanish, but the most popular chant was obviously for the ears of politicians: “Today we march, tomorrow we vote!” A large white sheet with black lettering proclaimed, “The Sleeping Giant Is Awake.”

The Los Angeles school district (LAUSD) reported a 27-percent absentee rate today. Last year there were about 10-percent missing. The school district issued a statement in the morning that students would not be marked truant today. That conflicts with an announcement by the State Superintendent of Schools, who stated that schools should enforce attendance.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was scheduled to attend the National Football League meeting in Dallas to try to recruit a team for Los Angeles. How about calling them the “L.A. Illegals?” L.A. football fans have long since said they don’t care about having a local team, since they can now watch double headers every Sunday on television.

The mayor’s arm was twisted by march organizers to make good on his promise to speak at the afternoon rally, and he gave a three-minute address at 6 o’clock, at Wilshire and LaBrea, the end of the four mile MacArthur Park march. He said that police estimated 400,000 attended the afternoon festivities.

The Los Angeles produce market along Seventh was almost completely shut down for the day. One of the largest wholesalers had allowed their employees to vote whether to be open, and they voted to take off Monday. This decision started a chain reaction of closures of the smaller suppliers, and except for a few deliveries, the market area was deserted. The economic loss has been estimated at $2.1-million.

Commuters were pleasantly surprised by the light traffic coming to work downtown, but many businesses had to close early so their workers would not get caught by the march gridlock near Wilshire Boulevard.

The underlying theme of every pro-immigration slogan, sign or chant is, “We have the right to be here.” This belief has been reinforced by Mexico’s president Vincente Fox, who says, “There are no illegals,” and an historical perspective that the southwest United States really belongs to Mexico, and was stolen a century and a half ago.

The pro-immigration activists’ argument has also been sustained by both state and federal courts, which have ordered that, once here, the undocumented have the “right” to obtain free medical care, education and health services. The immigrants along the march say all they want is an “opportunity.”

There were almost no counter-protesters along the line of the march, but a couple of people held signs saying “Enforce Immigration Laws.” Another woman sat quietly on the grass at MacArthur Park next to a sign, “American Citizens Respect American Laws.” She was interviewed by several reporters who passed by.

“My family is suffering right now as a direct result of these illegals. We can’t afford to compete with them, for housing, jobs, education and health care. The clinic I used to go to has closed. They lost their funding because they were overwhelmed. Free health care for illegals shut it down. Now neither my little boy or I have any health care.”

Whatever happens, this is one of the few social issues that will not be solved by simply spending more money. This confuses the hell out of our politicians.


Anonymous Anonymous said:

Out of 12 mil here in US only 1 mil protested. That's bad. Antonio said "Today we are proud Americans" He wasn't talking to the crowd cause the vast majority were illegals. Traffic was just like when the Olympics came to LA back in the 90s. These protests WERE NOT PEACEFUL.They acted like criminals....Drudgereport.com

8 p.m., some of the 800 to 1,200 protesters began throwing rocks and bottles at deputies, sheriff's Lt. Phil Brust said. 200 officers from police departments in Carlsbad, Chula Vista, Coronado, El Cajon, Escondido, La Mesa, National City, Oceanside and the California Highway Patrol formed riot lines and marched toward the demonstrators, telling them to disperse

Santa Ana…..Police asked other law enforcement agencies for help this afternoon after a group of 1,500 protesters jammed traffic on Bristol Street near 1st Street and Edinger Avenue

Astonishing local media not reporting the facts. No newspapers printed these violent outburst.

May 02, 2006 10:28 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Here's a nice truth for you Archie

There once was a racist named Mick
And he told NC "Pen letter for me"

The NC signed his letter
And now found he's no better
Because the NC listened to racist pig is Michael "Mick" McMguire

Mick and his outside croonies
anti march
anti vendors
anti immigrants
anti tax
anti government

What do we see?

Hatred at latino community residents in El Sereno.

May 02, 2006 10:49 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


Take your meds

May 02, 2006 10:53 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Liberal? Wrong again!

Try again.


May 02, 2006 11:08 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Illegals are costing US taxpayers ONE BILLION DOLLARS A DAY!!!! Are they stupid enough to think that they can bring down the economy by not working. The only way to bring down the economy is to let them stay here.

America will never forget the images of all those anti-American thugs marching on our soil. Desecrating our flag and national anthem.

Get out of our country, pronto! You lice-ridden cockroaches! How dare you demand ANYTHING! ILLEGALS HAVE NO RIGHTS!!!!!!! Get it? NO RIGHTS!!!!!!

And take your fat, ugly, retarded brats with you!

May 02, 2006 11:28 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

let's begin with you archie and send you back to La La Land.

May 02, 2006 11:29 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Once again the selfish Mexicans have to raise the "racist card". I have yet to understand where this sense of entitlement comes from: You come to this country as a trespasser. You work illegally at below market wages. You pay no taxes yet fully partake of every service those taxes pay for. You know it's illegal to drive without a license, registration or insurance but you do it anyway. But even worse, you use words like DEMAND and RIGHTS despite the fact you aren't supposed to be here at all. As far back as 2003, LA County was sounding the alarm over illegals being the cause of clinic closures, and the shuttering of at least 2 trauma centers. They just couldn't keep up with the demands for services. The numbers at that time showed that 85% of clinic patients were hispanic. The numbers also showed a nearly 300% increase in patients between 1990 and 2000. In other words, not long after the last amnesty. We will be bankrupt and no one will payer a higher cost than the poor and the lower middle-class. We have American citizens who need services and aren't getting them because of Mexicans. You call it racist to keep you out. I call it my patriotic duty.

And for those who say there weren't many "counter protests", it's because WE WERE AT WORK.

May 02, 2006 11:39 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Mayor Sam, why did you give Jennifer Solis access to post on here. I know your a lazy gringo but damn, you can't just let any old HS kid write here. Her stuff is just as long as Mailander's stuff, and trivial at that. It's obvious she has an agenda (similar to yours with Alger) but damn.

May 02, 2006 11:39 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

OK Archie what multiple personality is this, 101?

102 French revolutionist
103 cook

May 02, 2006 11:47 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I just read what has to be the biggest piece of liberal media BS I've ever read. Patrick May in San Jose Mercury News claims it would cost this country a fortune if the illegals LEFT. He actually says that non-profits would have to close their doors since illegals make up such a huge portion of their "clients". Exactly how is that A BAD THING, MR. MAY? Non-profits are supported by donations and grants. So if charitable dollars don't have to pay to feed the 7th kid of a Guatemalan maid, that means those dollars can buy a wheelchair for a disabled veteran or put a senior with Alzheimer's in an adult day care center. Please everyone, send this nut an email at pmay@mercurynews.com. Look online for his article, you'll get a big laugh out of the part where he claims a hospital rep told him illegals only make up 3% of the ER visitors. Hilarious stuff.

May 02, 2006 11:48 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

We can all thank our mayor for the flood of more illegals who will come to LA. By his actions he's sending the message LA is a sanctuary. Finally media showing footage of the idiots breaking store windows at Latino owned businesses in MacArthur Park. The organizers should pay for that. They were throwing rocks and bottles at cops but hey they're not criminals. I give credit to the students the reporters interviewed who stayed in school. They were articulate, smart and made sense. They stated their parents risked coming to US so they could get a better education and how would it look if they skipped school. They also stated they weren't followers. Good for them.

May 02, 2006 12:28 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Will someone tell these illegals they CAN'T VOTE. Unless they demand as a right being illegal as well.

'Today We March, Tomorrow We Vote'

May 02, 2006 12:39 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Im anm anglo. Watched the march on Wilshire near Koreatown for about an hour from 5-6pm. It was completely peaceful. It seemed mostly poor and middle class latinos-didnt see too many rich looking people. Lots of families, lots of kids. Lots of people just wanting some respect. I thought it was great!
I think the people who marched, and our elcted leaders have got to pressure and help the Mexican govt get its act together. It seems like the mexican govt should be a target of these demonstations.
The only 'solution' to the immigration problem is to have the Mexican govt get their act together and create a country where the citizens dont want to leave. Why is everyone so accepting of mexicos situation?

May 02, 2006 2:06 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Mayor sam can you delete archie and his lovers posts.

The posts have nothing to do with Immigration march.

The march was a waste of tax dollars. Immigrants should learn English first, vote, and apply for citizenship.

May 02, 2006 2:20 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Wasn't Archie sitcom character? Huh? Don't get it.

May 02, 2006 2:40 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


Can Mayor Villaraigosa and multitudes of victims sue you for libel and slander on Mayor Sam?

Inquiring minds want to know.

May 02, 2006 2:41 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


Too bad a few bad apples screwed up the march. Local news have been showing the idiots breaking windows and vandalizing Latino businesses near MacArthur Park. Why didn't the illegals protest in their own country? If a million of them marched yesterday do they not think that would have made a difference in Mexico? NO, instead the come here and demand, demand, demand and its backfiring. They have pissed off so many Americans e-mails are flying to the House.

May 02, 2006 3:46 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Why is Antonio having a citywide community day clean up on a Sunday and on Cinco De Mayo weekend? Can't he think of something with more substance then making residents pick up a broom and sweep? They say they will be cleaning LAUSD schools. Don't the schools have janitors that we pay for?

May 02, 2006 4:35 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Not to defend AV, but the cleanup is more along the lines of fixing, painting, etc. Another reason not to have illegals here. Their kids fill the schools, demand bi-lingual teachers (who get extra pay), the rest of our kids are crammed into classrooms built for half as many kids. Our kids have to waste hour after hour as lesson must be repeated in Spanish, the illegal kids taking up extra time because they are so behind. Money that could have been used to maintain the schools is now being used on illegals kids. The very fact the classrooms are as crowded as they are should be reason enough to demand the stop of illegals. We don't have the resources to pay for Mexico's mistakes and I for one am sick of paying taxes through the nose to pay for Mexico's arrogance.

May 02, 2006 5:23 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Seriously, has anyone come up with any kind of Mexican boycott? I've never been to Mexico - I assume it must be the armpit of the Earth - but if anyone has ideas about boycotting Mexican products I'd be interested. Also, is there any reason we can't start billing Mexico for the services their citizens are using?

May 02, 2006 5:27 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The US buys products from Mexico and corp. uses their cheap labor. We need to find out which US companies outsource to Mexico and boycott their products.

Will someone tell our city council members what the word ILLEGAL MEANS. They passed this in committee today. They're leasing a building for the illegals who stand outside Home Depots on our tax dollars, then they wonder why they keep coming to LA. E-mail your council members and tell them hell NO. It will need to go to council floor for full vote.

06-0887 CD3 Motion(Zine-Wesson) relative to the Department of General Services negotiating and executing a lease agreement with Home Depot and the City of
Los Angeles for a one-year term with a rent of $1 per year, and the sublease agreement between the City and the Instituto de educacion Popular del Sur de
California to operate a day laborer center at 21218 Roscoe Boulevard.

May 02, 2006 7:13 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Too bad Antonio didn't make the TIMES 100 list. Gossip out of New York is the illegal immigration hurt him.

May 02, 2006 7:27 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

He got snubbed BIG TIME at the WH Correspondents' Dinner in Washington Sat. nite.

Everyone knows what a "Reconquista" is now! Thank God. And thanks to all the coverage of the marches.

Americans now know about Javier Rodriquez, Larry Lopez, Jose Guiterrez, Louis Guiterrez, and all the marxist, commie Mexican reconquistas. And AV is one of them!

He tried to run away from LA on Monday, but he couldn't hide. That rally speech really did him in. Americans hate him and everything he stands for.

May 03, 2006 5:07 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

He got snubbed BIG TIME at the WH Correspondents' Dinner in Washington Sat. nite.

Everyone knows what a "Reconquista" is now! Thank God. And thanks to all the coverage of the marches.

Americans now know about Javier Rodriquez, Larry Lopez, Jose Guiterrez, Louis Guiterrez, and all the marxist, commie Mexican reconquistas. And AV is one of them!

He tried to run away from LA on Monday, but he couldn't hide. That rally speech really did him in. Americans hate him and everything he stands for.

May 03, 2006 5:08 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

OK Libertarian wolf.

Grab your B**ch and forget politics.

May 03, 2006 10:37 PM  

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