Anything catch your eye here?
Well, did you see the Garcetti-era Committee assignments? I suspect you did, you CHE insiders and fourth floor denizens. (And I suspect you're into the near-napping phase of Friday afternoon too, playing Myst in your cubicle farms...)
Anything catch your eye? How about the frosh on the PLUM? On the surface, it seems a natural fit, with Huizar's planning background. But that's on the surface. I'll bet the Mayor couldn't be happier to have a malleable freshman working in tandem with a new planning chief who understands residential and views commercial and industrial with a circumspect eye. Antonio's been in office six months, and already he's got people lined up in this area who owe him. Good luck with your plans for that new steel mill in Harbor Gateway.
ARTS, PARKS, HEALTH & AGING LaBonge Perry Cardenas
BUDGET & FINANCE Parks Greuel Huizar Smith Rosendahl
ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT Perry Garcetti Greuel LaBonge Padilla
PERSONNEL Zine Cardenas Wesson
PUBLIC SAFETY Weiss Smith Parks Zine Reyes
PUBLIC WORKS Rosendahl LaBonge Smith
RULES & ELECTIONS Garcetti Padilla Zine
TRADE, COMMERCE & TOURISM Hahn Rosendahl Weiss
TRANSPORTATION Greuel Parks LaBonge Wesson Rosendahl
BOARD OF REFERRED POWERS Hahn (e.o.) Cardenas Parks (e.o.) Reyes (e.o.) Rosendahl
AD HOC LA RIVER COMMITTEE Reyes Garcetti LaBonge Huizar Perry
AD HOC STADIUM COMMITTEE Parks Weiss Perry Garcetti Smith
AD HOC HOMELESS COMMITTEE Perry Garcetti Rosendahl
Anything catch your eye? How about the frosh on the PLUM? On the surface, it seems a natural fit, with Huizar's planning background. But that's on the surface. I'll bet the Mayor couldn't be happier to have a malleable freshman working in tandem with a new planning chief who understands residential and views commercial and industrial with a circumspect eye. Antonio's been in office six months, and already he's got people lined up in this area who owe him. Good luck with your plans for that new steel mill in Harbor Gateway.
These are Antonio's picks. How can they put that idiot Rosendahl on the powerful Budget & Finance? Whys isn't Perry on better committees? Can't believe they have Huizar on top committees with no experience. Definitely Antonio picks
It's interesting to note that 2/3rd of the PLUM Committee are people who have Masters in Urban Planning Degrees, Reyes, and Huizar, and also 2/3rds of the committee are people have always been almost (I say almost because Huizar didn't exactly support Antonio in the Council race) from the get-go supports, Huizar and Weiss and Reyes also endorsed Antonio late in the game. A malleable committee but also one with more experience in the field in some sense.
the above anonymous is a dumb ass. Rosendahl has been on Budget and Finance since he took office. He is merely keeping his seat.
Perry has a great committee. DWP is now under what used to be EQ.
I doubt these are Antonio's picks by the way. Garcetti supported Hahn in the Mayoral race-he may have put Huizar on the Committe in lieu of Cardenas because of Cardenas' ties to ex-Council President Padilla, his endorsement of Huizar (which might I admit been done to get on the good side of the Mayor), etc.
Anon 3:54 PM
Does anyone know whether the public is allowed to speak at committee meetings? Or is it just at regular Council meetings?
Anybody notice Padilla is now an environmentalist? That's a lot of green/eco. committee he's on, sounds like he's trying make up for the fact he ain't gettin key environment endorsements.
The winners are:
HAHN: getting Commerce chair
PERRY: getting DWP in her committee
ROSENDAHL: getting Public Works, Budget, Transportation
HUIZAR: getting on PLUM and Budget
The losers are:
CARDENAS - got ITGS, lost PLUM and Budget
PADILLA - Ed & Neighborhoods (all cranks)
SMITH - bumped to Intergov Relations
This proves that Huizar is the George Bush of local poltics. He's done nothing to dinstinguish himself besides NOT being Nick Pacheco. Even though he did an abominable job as a LAUSD Boardmember, he was elected due to AV's support. It appears AV is still supporting him because all insiders know he couldn't have pulled this off. Jose is the one of the weak links on the Board.
This also means Large Monica Garcia may see more money flowing her way. That being said, she's still dead on arrival because: no brains, no experience and no guts = no victory.
Go Lou and Chris.
I agree with your comments about Huizar. He isn't chairing any powerful committees. Still, he is doing something right (i.e., being AV's step-son).
I think Padilla and Cardenas got what they deserved. I guess the hype about the friendly transition from Padilla to Garcetti was just that (not like any thought differently).
Yes , We can speak during public comment at comittee meetings.
Perry didn't get good committee assignments because Antonio Villaraigosa doesn't like to be upstaged. Although Jan Perry is only a Councilmember she still is the councilmember of the great 9th district , which has Downtown in it's boundaries , at least the Downtown that counts.
Jan Perry also is sitting on her ad hoc homelessness committee. I think she may be very happy.
Defintely Villababoso picks.
With Huizaraigosa, Pillsbury dough boy Reyes, and Ethics Commission in my pocket Weiss, on the PLUM, the 18th Street cholo will shove his stupid density on our city. Fat boy Reyes is termed out,& he doesn't care if constituents don't want density. "Mini Me" Huizar has to pay back all the developers for their million dollar campaign donations. Weiss is still doing fallatio on Villaboso for skating in the Ethics Commission. That adds up to developers ruining our city.
Is Cardenas the biggest loser?
This is a pretty savvy list of assignments. Balanced in terms of pro-AV and anti-AV folks (Weiss, Parks, and Wesson head up three of the big committees, while Perry and Hahn, who every day seem to enjoy smacking the mayor around head up the two committees overseeing the Port/Airport and DWP), with Reyes, with his sometimes pro-AV/sometimes anti-AV perspective, rounding out the good committees (PLUM, in this case). No one got punished the way Padilla used to exile folks. I remember when Gruel got it good and had no good committees. Sure, Cardenas is a loser, but he still makes out nicer than I would have done if I were Garcetti--he has a committee everyone wants with Information Technology (remember when Ridley-Thomas wanted this so badly and got bumped by Ferraro for the then-newbie Padilla?). Smith loses a tiny bit maybe, but he sayed on Budget and on Public safety and on Public Works, all big committees.
Cardenas is not the biggest loser. That would be Padilla, but he's focused elsewhere. He doesn't give a hoot about committees right now (and he gained a big committee with DWP where he didn't have one before).
As a longtime city hall insider (bring it on Daily News, I'm vested), this was pretty sharp making sure no one was punished. As for Huizar, it remains to be seen if he will contribute, but I bet he'll be more helpful to Reyes than Cardenas was and PLUM now has two lawyers and a planner. Not bad.
Wesson on Housing will be interesting to watch. I predict big things from the ex-speaker there.
Lastly, which member of the city council pissed off his colleagues more this week? Rosendahl when he said that all of his colleagues are on the Playa Vista payroll or Cardenas when he called them all a rubber stamp? Way to win friends and influence people. Not that I totally disagree with their analysis, in most cases.
Thanks for the answer. Are public comments always at the start of the meetings? I was lookig at agendas for committee meetings and didn't even seen the "public comments" listed.
8:49, idiot. stunning, really. What million dollar donations? What ethics issues passed by Reyes?
You really are pretty stupid.
As for the densification issue, yes, it will be a real issue. The future of this city really needs to be envisioned and with the expected numbers of people expected to come and increase LA's population in time, we better be damned prepared.
I really don't understand your animosity towards the mayor. Maybe you're just jealous or something. But he's at least working towards something which hasn't been done in ages. You're all up in arms now because he's addressing serious issues.
Where were you in the last 4 years? Definitely not perturbed because the previous administration wasn't all about pushing the envelope and not being safe.
You want something safe? Go back to your lame ass past mayor. You want something challenging the status quo, you got it right now. And YOU are the one uncomfortable because YOU cant stand change.
You'd rather bitch and moan than do something. Understandable because you are a reactive person rather than a proactive person.
Enjoy your anon reactive mudslinging. You only show your true cowardice and stupidity.
Padilla should start praying that he wins...he's so done.
Joe Mahma
You ignorant slut ! First, develop your reading comprehension and retention skills. That way you can be butt hurt about what actually was posted. Right now the only anal retentive thing out of your posting is that you are one one Villababoso's developers. Hurt because daddy is getting right through the butt. Whaaaaaa !
Or better yet good night.... Tony!
How can Garcetti put Huizar on Budget & Finance when the LAUSD money is in such bad shape they want Chick to audit? Wasn't Jose Prez for 4 years? I like the 3 copers on Public Safety Zine, Smith, Parks. The big joke is ROSENDAHL, HUIZAR AND GREUEL ON BUDGET FINANCE. Are they crazy? Rosendahl and Huizar are the idiots in chambers these days and Eric appoints them the most powereful committee, WHY? Antonio of course.
Cardenas comes out a loser.
Daily News....Cardenas has been known to employ a procedural tactic in which he tries to get the City Council to take jurisdiction over matters decided
by the boards that oversee the DWP, airports and harbor.
I don't think Antonio wants anyone to take juridiction of DWP because it may just expose all the corruption.
One step forward and two steps back. Business as ususal. Yeh, Eric the Red stomped on a few colleagues but he still has committees of more than three members. This began, for all you new comers, as Alex's attempt to get people to like him and play with him in the sand box. It's a stupid way to assign committees. Ferraro knew how to keep control. Three members to a committee--period! In order to get those very cherry spots you walked the line he set or you got tossed. Put on crap like Govt Efficiency. Simple as that.
The skinny around the rotunda is that some of those council members lost those cherry spots because their COS's pissed off some CD 13 staff royally and this is part of the payback. There are a few COS's out there who are really despised. Bet you can guess who they are.
11:31 Answer: Rosendahl hands down!
It's not the new steel mill in Harbor Gateway we're worried about, it's the 13 EIR's stuck in the pipeline, including at leat 4 major container terminal expansions and a giant crude oil terminal, that the Port is holding over our heads like the Sword of Damocles.
If Janice Hahn doesn't stand up for our communities, a lot of people are going to die.
I give Cardenas points for not going with the other Antonio puppets. AT least he can sleep at night. Wake up LA...This is what happens when you go against the little midget, Antonio's agenda. He has total control of council.
Yup, bad move on idiot Rosendahl for blasting his collegues in the media.
I think Rosendahl is probably going to be in the Joel Wachs-Ernie Bernardi tradition -- a populist truth-teller who fights for his constituents no matter what and rails against a screwed up, corrupt system
We can only hope that 10:44 is right.
It may be a bad "political" move for Rosendahl to blast his colleagues in public for selling out to Playa Vista, but sure is nice to see someone who will stand up for his district (and all of us in my view) even when it is a bad "political" move.
Don't be naive. Rosendahl blasted his colleagues in public because that is what they do. That is how they play the game.
Everybody REALLY knew exactly how that vote was going to happen, including Rosendahl.
It's part of their game - the outraged councilmember - blasting their colleagues - other CD members "getting it" knowing they'll be doing it soon enough on a controversial vote.
I gotta give it to Jose W. Bush (aka Jose Huizar). For a do nothing Board member, he's doing remarkably well.
Jose: is it true you also invested in the Texas Rangers?
Joseph, if you think the Hahn administration's firing the black police chief because of rising crime, defeating valley succession and expanding LAX to meet the needs of growing economy was "being safe"... then you're crazy.
You should be holding the city's current leadership accountable, not giving them free passes or your blind faith.
Joe Mahma
As a Chicano, Jimmy Hahn is looking better and better.
"In a recent L.A. Times Opinion piece, the Mayor was called to task on his vision of making Los Angeles the Venice of the 21st Century by mimicking "the dense, transit-dependent cities of high-rise apartment buildings like New York, Chicago, Boston, and Paris." The attraction of L.A., the piece continues, is its "pattern of dispersion and its strong attachment to the single-family home."
The piece challenges the Mayor to, rather than "become someplace we are not," make Los Angeles a "better version of itself."
Nobody wants the Bronx but you CHANGO.
You are so right 4:32. It was the same way when then Chief Parks was voted out. The black council members could still save face with their constituents and vote for renewal while still knowing that the majority would prevail and vote out Parks. The game to avoid a rubber stamp party.
Hey 7:47,
That piece was written by Irvine Company shill Joel Kotkin, who combines economic illiteracy (how exactly does increasing the supply of housing make Los Angeles more expensive, when the CoL in Chicago is so much less than it is here?) with a complete contempt for anyone who isn't a middle-aged, middle-class, church-going parent of 3. Kotkin works for a second-rate, Manhattan Institute-wannabe think tank because he's too much of a hack to merit being hired by the various urban studies/planning programs at UCLA, USC, and UCI. He advocates a world in which the coercive power of the state is put to work to protect the "lifestyle" dreamt up in the boardrooms of giant suburban developers who don't give a shit about automobile dependence and the nasty consequences thereof in a region too dense for the car and bus yet insufficently dense for trains.
Wake up, idiots. Even if real estate prices fell 50% tomorrow this would still be a city where property ownership is available only to the very rich. NIMBYs have abused environmental protection laws in order to suppress the supply of housing, both to inflate their property values and keep out persons of high melanin content. In so doing, they've made this a city of the wealthy and the piss-poor, with everyone else banished to Palmdale.
Shouldn't there be a confessed pole sucking fag committee? when wachs was there i think there was.
Hilarious last poster. We need more insightful thoughts here such as yours. Dickhead.
We could only be so lucky to have Joel Wachs back.
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