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Saturday, October 01, 2005

Open Thread for Saturday and Sunday

Here's your open thread for the weekend! Lets see how many topics OTHER than CD14 or MAV we can talk about. You can certainly talk about this, but lets also try to be interesting. On October 1st in 331 -BC- Alexander the Great (no, not Alex Padilla) of Macedon defeated the Persian army at Gaugamela. On October 2nd in 1946, the first network TV soap opera, Faraway Hill, premiered on the Dumont network.

What are you going to do this weekend?


Anonymous Anonymous said:

This is getting comical. I got an e-mail from the Democratic Party of San Fernando to help Antonio with citywide cleanup.
Please join us and support
Mayor Villaraigosa's
City-Wide Day of Service
on October 8, at 8 a.m to 1:00 p.m.

Every single day this week people are getting e-mails begging to help. This started out with just neighborhood councils. Apparently, many of them said NO. Now Antonio is getting whoever he can. Damn, we have another week to go to get more crappy e-mails.

October 01, 2005 8:49 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

LA WEEKLY....Forgotten bones dug up by Gold Line project in Boyle Heights
Two days after digging began in Boyle Heights for the Eastside expansion of the Gold Line, workers made an unusual find. They came upon pieces of amputated arms and legs and even a coffin containing human remains.


October 01, 2005 9:42 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

how about the story in the LA Times today about the continued failures at MLK hospital. It looks like Navigant consulting hasn't done anything but charge the County millions. The health director Garthwait says "we couldn't have made it this far without them" - tell that to the poor people who have died or received inferior care because of his ineptitude and the stupdity of the Board of Supervisors.

October 01, 2005 10:27 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I read your post so quickly, I misread and thought you posted "Macedon defeated the Persian army at Guatemala..."

Buenas Noches Mayor

October 01, 2005 2:36 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

8:49 AM I'm getting tired of reading whiners posts in regards to Villaraigosa. What is wrong with getting the people involved.

You people are just jealous of the man, damn leave it alone!

October 01, 2005 2:38 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I work for the government, but how does this guy in charge of the county health department get to keep his job? Wow is he lucky. Anyone else, out...

Regarding little tony, we all know the truth about him, that's why.

October 01, 2005 3:46 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

How does that Garthwhate keep his job as health director? 1) the Board is made up of 5 morons 2) no one wants to work for them already so they are scared to fire him because they think no one else will take the job. so he sits there letting people get inferior care and wasting tax dollars. that's a hell of a strategy that the Board of Supervisors has got.

October 01, 2005 8:15 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


October 02, 2005 7:51 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

2:38 p.m.

Antonio isn't trying to "get people involved" -- its the same scam he ran as a councilmember... hold the occasional "work" day so it looks like HE's doing something, then go back to posturing, faking it, and pretending to be changing things.

FAKE Accomplishments. A week later the community looks like crap again, and Tony's off to another photo shoot.

BOGUS action. Band-Aids on permanent oozing wounds.

THIS is why the real activists and neighborhood council leaders are snubbing him. Because he creates the FALSE impression that things are getting better and it's EVEN HARDER for them to get people really involved for the long term, because Tony and his camera crew have just created the MIRAGE that things are taken care of. Why should the OTHER 99 per cent of people get out and get invoved on a REGULAR basis, they'll just wait for Antonio to come through again - media in tow, and FAKE them into thinking things are FIXED for another year.

It's FRAUD on a major scale and it CRIPPLES real activisim.

October 02, 2005 8:49 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

LA Times..Daily News...Antonio asks for Neighborhood Councils input for budget.
LA Times states 200 people attended. DN reports 400. People who actually went said it was less than 200. How dumb can you be to ask whether we need more police officers? Antonio is trying to get NC's to do his work for him. Right on the money previous poster on Antonio.

October 02, 2005 9:55 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

A battle between MTA and Los Angeles Unified over who should pay for reconfiguring a $33 million school in the path of the Gold Line extension threatens to delay construction of the commuter-rail line, at a cost of $2 million a month. MTA officials want to run the Gold Line along the western edge of Ramona Opportunity High School, taking over the playing fields, tennis courts and multipurpose room at the 240-student campus.


October 02, 2005 10:13 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

There is hope


Comming in 2006


October 02, 2005 11:20 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

10:13 You sound like an insider. Tell me, if you have knowledge of both camps, which one is doing better?

How many supporters attend Huizar's events v.s. Pacheco's?

Who has the most volunteers? (This is a big indication of real support-the amount of volunteers)

AV had an enormous amount of volunteers and he won. The candidate which cannot produce a good number of volunteers regardless of money and endorsements will lose.

October 02, 2005 11:56 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Just received the JH flier for Latinos. What a racist political piece of propaganda.

October 02, 2005 1:51 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I just got the Lifetime of service flier. Check out the front there's a picture of Jose at a very early age sucking up. I guess that was the beginning of his learning how to suck AV dick...Practice makes perfect!

October 02, 2005 1:56 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

On that Latino specific flier, Tony said that he supports JH for "his honesty and integrity."

Just like he told us here in CD14, one on one, that he just wanted to be our city councilmember...and wouldn't run for mayor.

What a pinnochio-It's time for Gippedo to destroy you!

October 02, 2005 2:08 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


October 02, 2005 2:10 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I agree. Just say NO to puppets.

October 02, 2005 2:17 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

For those of you in the know:

Name 5 accomplishments made by each of the CD14 candidates for the CD 14 area? Just 5, no more, no less.

October 02, 2005 3:05 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Pacheco did alot for CD14-but just to mention the 5 you asked for:

1. Bulky Item Pick-up, which other council districts wanted to copy. It enabled easy drop off of unwanted items to help keep our district clean.
2. Northeast Economic Development Center
3. ER Dog Park
4. Multiple Traffic Signals, one in particular on Figueroa after several accidents and death. One on Monterey Rd.
5. Multiple Stop Signs, one at cross walk at ER Elementary, plus re-directed traffic flow for student safety.

October 02, 2005 5:43 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

If this race (or any race in CD14) was about accomplishments, Pacheco would be halfway through his second term.

Accomplishments bore people, it's all about "charisma." People want a candidate they'd like to have as a friend or next door neighbor, even if he (AV) never gets anything.

It's wrong, it's stupid, it's superficial and it harms the community in the long run. But that's the fact, Jack!

October 02, 2005 6:12 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


You'd get really pissed if you knew the whole story. The original MTA Gold Line Plan called for a stop on Lorena and 1st Street - which was to be the stop for the El Mercadito, a Mexican mall with over 15,000 families visiting every weekend. But the owner of El Mercadito is a past Pacheco supporter so Gloria Molina moved this stop up the line to 3rd and Indiana - right where Ramona High School is located. She did this out of spite since she couldn't shut down El Mercadito despite having the Health Department raid it over 40 times in 2003. So, vindictive as always, Gloria took the stop away from this East L.A. landmark.

But what should really get you pissed is that the new plans for the new stop cost $23 million - and they were done by Barrio Planners who had done the original plan - not bad for xeroxing papers. This is the same Barrio Planners for which Molina's husband, Ron Martinez has had a personal services contract - okayed by Barrio Planners President and long time Molina kiss ass, Frank Villalobos.

So you see why everything is so screwed up in East L.A. - every thing is done out of spite or vindictiveness and who gives a shit about sound public policy. Congressman Edward Roybal secured the MTA subway money after serving 30 years in Congress - specifically for East L.A.. Molina has been on the MTA Board for over 15 years - and Antonio served as her proxy for a good number of these years - yet no East L.A. subway exists or will ever exist - but hundreds of millions of dollars has already been spent.

If the press did a little digging and Cooley wasn't afraid of Gloria, this scandal would make Tom DeLay look like a boy scout.

October 02, 2005 6:50 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


You forgot:

6) the Evergreen Jogging path, creating desperately needed recreational space out of nothing in Boyle Heights

7) decorative lights on the First Street Bridge, eventhough Tony the Liar took credit for this accomplishment

8) a virtually graffiti free community after securing six graffiti removal trucks for Homeboy Industries - two workers were killed during Tony the Liars term while he was busy campaigning for Kerry and mayor and the project was halted

9) the launching of the Youth Technology Center, creating a real inner city on ramp for the technological super highway which had by passed the inner city

10) saving Moon canyon from developers, ironically this is Antonio's and Molina's backyard

There is much more but I suspect the person posting asking for accomplishments was Parke Skelton hoping to get some Huizar accomplishments posted because after racking his brain for six months he can't come up with any. Anybody want to throw him a bone?

October 02, 2005 7:02 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

You got me!


October 03, 2005 12:01 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

We don't have you yet, but your definitely in our cross hairs.

October 03, 2005 9:23 AM  

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