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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Laura Chick Has Some More Good Things To Say About The Mayor

Our friends in the Controller's office have sent over a statement from Laura Chick that is oh so full of some silent jabs at last Mayor, while she praises the current one:
The creation of the Mayor's Finance Cabinet is another clear signal that it is a new day in City Hall. This Mayor is bringing the City's top financial managers together, under his leadership, to form a cohesive, state of the art approach for the City's finances.

The Mayor's convening of monthly general managers meetings, is probably the most striking example of how he is using the charter changes to strengthen his hand in leading this City. In the past, too often general managers have not communicated with one another except to point fingers in the blame game. We have a Mayor who is interested in results not excuses.
Assuming the General Manager meetings are not for show, indeed, there is a lot of good that can come from having them meet and communicate more. Stay tuned.


Anonymous Anonymous said:

Mayor Sam, Frank

Possibly Laura Chick read your blog on the neighborhood empowerment commenting on the mayor's budget staff member not in tune with experience.

October 04, 2005 1:14 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Can you conduct your own poll on CD 14 at this blog Mayor Sam?

October 04, 2005 1:18 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Laura Chick is a manipulative woman. All these hirings is showing is that NOTHING has changed in City Hall.

October 04, 2005 1:55 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Antonio hasn't done anything thus far but pose for the cameras. And his appointments are recycled Riordan garbage that created all the B***s*** in the first place!

Going off of the Neighborhood Councils budget issue, The Mayor's going to raise the sales tax so that it can be misused by these Unions and Political whores.

October 04, 2005 2:03 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Please Laura Chick insults women. Don't forget she signed off on a $4 million check to Fleishman Hillard and didn't even question it. Then she comes out before Rocky trying to take credit for catching over payment. She's a moron. She's also stuck deep in the closet and needs to come out. Yes, I agree with poster that AV is embarrassed his new budget director has no experience and now all 91 neighborhood councils and then some got a newsletter stating it.

October 04, 2005 2:05 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Funny I've received e-mails about how Mayor Sam tries and distracts on this blog when things get heated with negative responses about Antonio or his people. Notice how all of a sudden 3 or 4 new posts come up to distract.

October 04, 2005 2:11 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Can Laura kiss ass any more than that. Folks don't forget she cuts all the checks and verifies that payments are legitimate based on looking at the invoices for proper billing. Her dept. signed off on all the Fleishman invoices and she takes no responsibility for anything. Laura is a true believer of her own press release, why don't she and AV do something about that big giveaway to the Staple center Billionaires. The subsidy for the convention center is the biggest gift of public funds. Some one should sue the entire city council and mayor for not being responsible to the citizens and tax payers of Los Angeles. How can you justify giving away bed tax revenue and a $275 million dollar subsidy to build a hotel to a bunch of billionaires. Shouldn't the money go to hire more police or firefighters, build more playgrounds, buy books for kids, build more housing. Oh I forgt, this is payback to the Staple boys for all those free tickets to the laker games and concerts. Talk about who's buying who. The council and mayor should take their head out of their ass on this one.

October 04, 2005 4:51 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Despite what you "haters" post, her positives among this City's voters are strong. She took on Fleishman and got back that huge sum when Rocky was ready to settle for a couple million.

Chick has kicked butt and you can't stand it. Guess having "Mayor Hahn" on your resume ain't helpin' in that job search.

October 04, 2005 6:09 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Kevin Roderick wrote an exellent piece on Laura Chick, everyone should read it pronto...

I don't have permission to repaste the entire article so I will put the link here


October 04, 2005 6:48 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Yeah, and the LA Weekly loves Laura. You should all read the scathing piece they did on her. She's just as sleazy and proved it by having a private meeting at her home with the mayoral candidates giving them a memo done on city time by her staff. Sure, this is a great female role model. If she can be that backstabbing I can only imagine other things she's done and not been caught.

October 04, 2005 7:51 PM  

Blogger Walter Moore said:

Laura Chick plans to run for mayor after Villaraigosa is elected governor.

October 04, 2005 11:30 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Chick is just tough. Makes the boys cry and wish for the good ol' days when girls weren't allowed to go one-on-one with the boys.

October 05, 2005 9:13 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Stop saying Laura is a boy. She is not.

October 05, 2005 9:20 AM  

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