This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
So the Daily News writes that the 405 HOV lane can get built because the state Senate adjourned for the year without telling the Assembly. They have until Friday to be in session but the Senate wanted to cut out one day early for their 4 month vacation. What kind of BS is that? Mr. Alarcon, I am supporting Maribel for Assembly!!!!
"Unfortunately, they won't be able to meet the need and these same people will find themselves on the streets of L.A.," homeless advocate Ted Hayes said, noting that the county has 270,000 homeless people that need resources. "And when their relatives back East find out how great it is here in L.A., I'm concerned about a human tsunami."
Great! Now we can depend on the MTA to finish something on time and on budget. MTAAAAAAAA to the rescue!
PS: Have they EVER built a freeway?
I heard on the radio news this morning on all the Latin Americans which are part of the missing too. News show host said these indviduals probably too afraid to seek help, instead dealt with the storm and died or missing.
What is a "Texas Hold Em' Tournament?"
I thought I was the only one who owned an ass mate'!
Hawd' to believe da City of L EY has wuan too!
Mayor Frank, you forgot to mention that the constitution of the State of California, when admitted to the union, was written in Spanish. It is on display at the capitol, that is if Ron Unz hasn't bought it yet.
Council still torn on DWP deal
LA Daily attorney says the City Council can change the terms of a proposed contract that would give lucrative raises to 8,000 workers to DWP, council members remained divided...three of the council's 13 members - Bernard Parks, Greig Smith and Dennis Zine - said they oppose the five-year contract
Are these council members as stupid as they seem? How the hell can they possibly vote YES on the pay hike now? Are they worried about those campaign contributions the union gave them? I say everyone show up to council when its on the agenda and oppose it.
DWP dilemma-this is what happens when you allow unions to contribute wads of cash to candidates.
Did Antonio pay wads of cash to get a degree from UCLA? He only had a 1.8, so how did this happen?
Mayor Sam -
Amid the criticism of your post on 9/01 you said that the response to the Katrina was "not the Fed's responsibility. Public safety is a local function."
Then the next day you wrote "I'm not going to pin the blame just yet on President Bush for the poor response, but I am going to be looking into it."
Any feedback? Seems every news outlet in the country (conservative to liberal) is pinning blame on the Feds and their lack of response.
Still think LA could handle a disaster of that magnitude on its own?
Labor thug your avatar is hilarious.
Why isn't nobody talking about the DNC cost on city tax payers?
Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that the amount of blogging posts has gone waaay down ever since the 'mayors' revealed their true identities? Just wondering.
Changing topics, former show horse commissioner Brown just got shown the door! 'Bout time!!! The first of many heads to roll.
Yes, I agree. The whole 405 HOV issue was sunk by a passive agressive manuver by Senator Richard Alarcon. Even though the 405 HOV project would be built at Union Wages, Richard wants only
the untried design-sequence scheme
by a Union that is not known for
on-time on-budget performance.
Anonymous said...
Great! Now we can depend on the MTA to finish something on time and on budget. MTAAAAAAAA to the rescue!
PS: Have they EVER built a freeway?
The Orange Line is a 14 mile long two lane road built across the San Fernando Valley. It is considered a highway for buses.
Under the watchful eye of Rick Thorpe, MTA's Capital Management Officer, the project is being delivered on-time, on-budget.
Rick Thorpe is the BEST Design-Build person in the United States. The elected officials respect him, he gets along with Labor and the
Builders like him.
And the Orange Line is NOT the first local project he has delivered On-Time, On-Budget.
Two years ago it was the Gold Line to Pasadena. Two years before that it was the Light Rail in Salt Lake City which opened perfectly for the Winter Olympics.
Under the leadership of MTA CEO Roger Snoble and Rick Thorpe, there is an excellent track record.
The gang that couldn't shoot straight left the MTA in 2000 and the place is recognized for a house in order and gets passing, not critical peer reviews.
FEMA Chief Relieved of Hurricane Duties Questions Raised About Brown's Resume.
Agree with poster that Mayor Sam has really lost a lot of traffic after the outing. Why hasn't Chief Parker aka Mike Trujillo posted?
"Study focuses on higher education
Drop in learning curve may hinder L.A. growth
By Naush Boghossian and Rachel Uranga, Staff Writers
Mexican-American children make large educational strides over their parents and grandparents, although the gains slow by the third generation - a trend that will eventually hinder economic growth in Los Angeles and other cities, a study released Thursday says..."
Trujillo hasn't posted because he probably got served. Either that or Rob Reiner cut him off.
Hey 9:40
Its 1.84 !!!!!
remember I got an A in jim class...
Snoble and Thorpe are top notch people. AV should do everything he can to keep them. They should can the whole MTA Board and those wild bags electeds. Transportation should be non-partisian.
Trujillo stopped posting way before he was outed. He had his run, he hung up his gloves and off into the sunset.
Long live the Truji.
TRU-HEEL-O LIED BIG TIME; what does that say about his "picks" and bosses?
"Sen. Richard Alarcon, D-Van Nuys, said he intended to vote for the bill but supported Perata, an Oakland Democrat, for his decision to end the session, sending a message to the Assembly that measures shouldn't be forced through at the last minute."
...and this guy wants to be speaker?
Talk about being a hypocrite, Antonio kept saying he was going to clean up city hall and could say no to his friends. Well, we're still waiting for that to happen. Seems a lot of his appointees are his political endorsers.
LA Times....In filling out the Fire Commission, Villaraigosa chose two political backers. Furillo is Southern California director of the California Nurses Assn., one of the labor groups that backed him for mayor. Friedman and Furillo contributed to him in the last election
Chick says she will run for state controller next year.
I think she would be the front-runner immediately," said Democratic consultant Rick Taylor. "First off, she's controller in Los Angeles and is very well-known. She has been a phenomenal watchdog of the taxpayers' dollars and she knows how to attract media.
Yeah, Laura is so good at her job she signed off on a check for $4 million to Fleishman Hillard without even questioning what it was for.
TRU-HEEL-O LIED BIG TIME; what does that say about his "picks" and bosses?
Um...nothing. Nice try though.
Anybody know how that lawsuit in San Fernando is going along? Mayor Frank talked about it weeks back, he hasn't gone back to it. This is shaping out to be pretty big.
I hear Alex Padilla's plucked candidates are being sued on the basis of Civil Rights--Anti-Semitism. It is rumored that in the windy days of the city campaign, his candidate Jose Hernandez was heard going off about Jews on his door-to-door walks canvassing (which lasted only a few minutes).
I wonder if Diane Feinstein knows about AP's ardent support of anti-Jew candidates.
Anybody know more about this?
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