Rats on a Sinking Ship?
The latest rumor in our inbox is that Bill Wardlaw is resigning from the
Hahn campaign and going neutral.
Has anyone else heard this?
That could be bad.
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Bad? You think bad?
I say disaster...the rats always know when the ship is inking before anyone else.
Room 300 will be a disaster zone; wear hazmat suits only.
Just to educate a few posting as Republicans for AV,
Did you know that over 32% of Los Angeles County Voters Don’t Realize They are Republicans?
Are you Republican? You may very well be…
What do you think of the following…?
Personal responsibility for our own decisions is an essential part of being an adult in America
People know better than the government how to spend their money
The security of America against her enemies is important
If someone says Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah they are being friendly not insulting to every other religion or secularist on the planet
Government assistance should provide assistance rather than dependence
A healthy America provides numerous opportunities for success such as good schools, low taxes, job training, the right to change jobs, and the ability to start and own a business. But it does not provide assurances, it is up to each citizen to use those opportunities and freedoms to convert dreams into their own view of success
People and companies’ pursuit of profit leads to the creation of jobs, new inventions, the payment of taxes, the production of needed products and services, the money needed to invest in even newer ideas, and a stronger and safer America
Schools & teachers should use their time to teach reading, writing, history, art, math, and science and do it well. If they don’t do it well, kids should be allowed to go somewhere where it is done well.
College students should not fear expressing a conservative (or liberal) perspective for fear of getting a bad grade or being degraded in front of the class (it happens more than people know)
It is possible to be pro-immigrant while being concerned about border security
We don’t all have to agree, because healthy debate strengthens America
The mention of God by someone paid by the government is not an insult to atheists, but rather a reflection (right or wrong) of the fact that the overwhelming majority of people on the planet and nearly ever founding father believed it possible something greater than us was in someway involved in creating an overwhelmingly complex yet ingeniously simple universe
There is nothing more American than someone with an innovative idea and the ability to promote it in order to improve their life and that of their family.
If you break the law, you should be held accountable
America is a wonderfully unique country with so much to offer the world
Well if much of this resonates with you, welcome to the Republican Party!
And if you would agree with some points and argue with others, you are a Republican too, since Republicans still love to debate the issues on their merit in order to make the best decisions and policy possible.
If none of it sounds right to you, check your wallet, you just might be Michael Moore.
Overheard on the Republican street…
People often say to me, “People are Republican because they are rich.” To that I say, it is your beliefs that shape your life, and Republicans fundamentally believe in personal responsibility for ones decisions and their consequences. Personally responsibility leads to honesty with yourself and those around you and taking action on your own to better your life. That is essential to a successful and fulfilling life. Thus, the first step to becoming “rich” (not just financially) is thinking (and voting) Republican. Therefore, my experience is that “People become ‘rich’ by being Republican.” Not the other way around. -- James Crean
Kevin Roderick has a profile of Wardlaw:
Not even that clever a way to start a rumor.
I'VE heard that the ADV campaign has become so arrogant that they've yanked their secret funding the the Sister City blog, and are going to carry their own water from here on out...
That's what I've heard... anyone else?
I believe the expression is "off" a sinking ship!
LA Times and Daily News reporters were calling around on the same rumor yesterday. Wardlaw is refusing all comment - including all day yesterday. Reporters were calling him on the half-hour.
Seems like this is something he doesn't want to "confirm or deny." Seems like if he was still with Li'l Jimmy, he wouldn't hesitate to quash this rumor. But he's avoiding reporters instead...my feeling is they are going with the boxcutter ad and Bill doesn't want any part of it.
That ad is suicide for Jim - the story will be about the racist ad v. 2, and his supporters leaving him en masse.
Wardlaw is just the beginning.
If Bill is resigning, that means Kam won out. What do you think the next hit against Tony is going to be? That Kam classic of 2001 with the crack pipe is only the tip of the iceberg. Bill doesn't want anything to do with this - he never could stand bare knuckle brawls - Kam flourishes in them.
The thing about the boxcutter ads, Lucifer, is that events, witnesses and police reports can all be corraborated and proven. If Tony were up by 5 to ten points, no need for these adds, just like Hahn stopped short in 2001 - he didn't need it. Now he does need it and any racists connotations will quickly run thin as soon as the facts are disclosed. What can Tony do, if he denies, it becomes a bigger story. If he ignores, then he confirms the story. Time for another fundraising trip, don't you think Parke.
What's so racist about highlighting a candidate's criminal past? Is it also racist to bring up the fact that he failed the bar 4 times? Anything Hahn does from here on out will be considered racists by Tonys minions - in fact, anything Hahn ever did is considered racist, that's Tony's mantra. But Kam knows this and damn the torpedoes. Watch Tony crumble.
I fully expect Hahn to come after Antonio with the La Fonda story. He has no bottom line and apparently no concern for how his one term as Mayor will be regarded by posterity.
Others with a similar lack of ethics (Richie Ross, Richard Polanco, Bill Mabie)thought they were going beat Antonio in 1994 with this hit. They gave it to the Times who put two of their best investigative reporters on it. The Times worked on it for weeks and reviewed every possible aspect. And the Times decided NOT to print it. Because there is nothing there.
If Hahn goes down this road, Wardlaw will not be the only major Hahn supporter to pull their support in revulsion.
Have at it guys.
They should just give both candidates some boxing gloves and get it over with. This election is a sham to the people.
Make up your mind(s) Hahn-haters if he "lost" already, or is he "lost" if he goes with the dreaded ad?
I thought you all said Hahn was dead and buried and decayed in the ground?
Nothing to fear from Hahn, no money, no support, no time to regain lost ground, and his people are all standing on line an Human Resources.
Stop worrying about Hahn and his ads -- and concentrate on your most critical mission now. If ADV wins, how in the WORLD can you keep him propped up and appearing to be leading the city much past his swearing in -- when he hasn't clue in the world what to do next.
When you experience what CD14 experienced and the six-month "honeymoon" turns into a 12-month "honeymoon" and then the 18 month ??? and the two-year sabbatical and then the rush to explain why nothing has changed. . . check back here in the archives.
It's ALL downhill after the election. The Emperor has no clothes, and soils himself easily!
On the other hand, respected political consultant Allan Hoffenblum and lobbyists Shirley Bebitch Jaffe and Joe Cerrell all predicted a Hahn win, basically arguing that polls are showing Hahn's black base is coming back home and even though white conservatives are pissed about secession there is no way they will vote for a latino activist who used to lobby for UTLA. I suspect this race is a lot closer than anyone realizes and that Wardlaw is not only leaving too late to help himself, he may wind up jumping off the winning ship.
Florida story is not over, little birdie told me this weekend will be a worth buying the paper.
Hint: The word used is forced, lied, and not just one singing, it's three.
I can state categorically that Bill Wardlaw is not resigning from the Hahn campaign and has not pulled his support for the Mayor. I know this because he was working on a campaign matter this morning.
I overhead something about Wardlaw taking an out of town trip starting, uh, now.
If the "ship" is "sinking" but its proven to be gaining ground on the other "ship" in the race -- what does that say about the latter's momentum... losing ground against a "sinking ship."
Doesn't bode well for ADV's nerd campaigns chieftains.
It is possible if Hahn brings up box cuttesr and such, he could get some white voters to "come home," and give him a boost, but he runs the risk of enraging the Latinos who are sick and tired of every Latino politican being framed as either an ex-gang member, a Mexican nationalist socialist or both and fires them up to come out for Antonio, whether they like him or not.
This is dangerous territory for the Mayor to tread.
Better to tout his own success, such as the crime stats that just came out. He can easily take credit for that whether he actually deserves it or not.
Help me out there, last Anon. Is it still considered "framing" if the characterizations are true?
Don't think so...
Doesn't matter if true or not (well it does but not in the context I am speaking of).
If the voters think Hahn is ganging up on ADV, they may fight back.
Look at all the bozos who voted for Clinton with cum on his pants.
Many Latinos agreed with that crack tv ad. It's not racist but reality. Do we want a mayor who has a police record, supports gang bangers, supports WHITE drug dealers and left the poor black guys (30) still in jail, opposed stiffer stentences for child abusers that resulted in a death, a do nothing counciman? The reporters I've talked to say that voters aren't stupid no matter how many negative ads ADV puts on tv. When they and the blacks get in that booth they won't vote for a Latino. With illegal immigration being at the top of everyone's issue ADV loses.
maybe i'm ignorant since i don't even live in California, but are people there really as casually racist as the people posting here? I can't even believe the stupid crap people write here.
Obviously you are ignorant since you don't live in California. Why would anyone live anywhere else that was intelligent?
Thank you for your confession... say five "Hail Antonios" and take two aspirins and call undecided voters in the morning.
To all the AV haters "in-the know":
Having Ace Smith on your team also means that you have done as much if not more op research on yourself than on your opponent. IF a box-cutter ad is in the works, I'm sure AV has a counter to it. I can just picture it now - tombstones and flowers symbolizing all the domestic abuse victims murdered after Yahn pleaded down their cases and let their abusers go free. Or decrepit apartments in which people were forced to live in and slumlords got away with during Yahn's tenure as both City Attorney and Mayor.
I'm probably just hitting the tip of the iceberg here in terms of what the AV campaign has already thought about producing. But I do know this; AV will not allow any of the shenanigans that Yahn put out last time to go answered. You make the call on what ad will repulse voters more: acquitted for an incident in which he fought back a drunk hitting on his mother or inept leadership that allowed killers to go free or slumlords to profit off the misfortune of poor people.
One last thing, AV has enough $$$ to be able to launch a full hit campaign and a full positive campaign on prime-time TV reaching millions. For all your ranting and raving, the Ken and Dufus show does not reach a quarter of the same audience that sees prime time TV on all three major stations. Yahn can not fight a two flank campaign - full positive and full negative with the time and $$$ he has left. He needs to reinvigorate his own base and he will need all his cash on hand to try to persuade folks to come back to his lackluster leadership.
"They should just give both candidates some boxing gloves and get it over with. This election is a sham to the people."
Only a stupid white boy would suggest this; Hahn would be running home to Mommy before the first round was over.
If he could still stand up.
ADV parking funds in a state senate campaign even before HIS ship set sail is what? That rat can't even stay on a ship that's NOT supposed to be sinking!
15 minutes? How poetic fake GOP guy... that's about how long ADV was in his City Council seat in CD14 before he started planning his "escape" -- how long will he give this "Mare" thing... 30 minutes, 45 tops?
What the guy did in Sacramento, YEARS ago, in a legislative body SHOULD have been a clue as to how he would perform in the city council -- it wasn't.
Being mayor is not a legislative body. You're not one of 20, 40, 80 lawmakers -- you're not even one of 15, like in the current job where he has been such a "lackluster" (L.A. Times, repeatedly), performer. . .
LACKLUSTER: lacking in sheen, BRILLIANCE (boy, ain't that the truth), or vitality. See dull, mediocre.
Repeatedly, we hear that Hahn hasn't done "enough" -- and that we should replace him with ADV -- who's done NOTHING.
Makes no sense...
The MTA strike keeps coming BACK up (but that was SETTLED within the FIRST SIX MONTHS of his CM term). Should we keep him around as mayor for 4-8 years, just IN CASE there's another major strike? MTA is important to the city -- especially to the poor and middle class, but it's not THAT important (and he could still help settle the next one as a CM... AND maybe spend some time trying to recoop the $20 million lost by the ONLY active city council committee he chairs).
What ADV has proven in two years in CD14 is that, left to his OWN devices, without other peers to steal ideas and credit from -- he HAS no devices, no fresh ideas, no massive policy or program changes that can move the city ahead... Nearly every news account of his campaign has used the word "vague" repeatedly when referring to his plans and proposals. This can be excusable is you're an outsider -- like he was in 2001, but NOW -- he's been "inside" the city for two years (part-time, anyway), and he still doesn't know enough about how the city works to make concrete proposals.
He just suggested having the "mare" take over control of the LAUSD, without ANY realization that the district includes schools in cities OUTSIDE L.A., which would never allow that to happen.
Once scrutinized, even the few proposals he does put forward always fall apart like this because he hasn't bothered to dig in, really "roll up his sleeves" and learn what CAN work.
In the final analysis, ADV is a two-year trainee that failed to learn his own job, and is far below competent at it. He is intellectually unfit to be mayor, and lacks the skills to govern even one council district or run one critical council committee effectively.
Having a mayor who can cope with a crisis like the MTA strike from time to time (assuming that is a skill he possesses, and not just more smoke), isn't worth having someone in office that can't manage the day-to-day machinery of the city, as evidenced by his failure as a councilmember to EVEN reach the level of mediocre in two years.
Previous blogger talking about Hahn running should pay attention to the neews accounts in recent weeks.
Hahn has stood up; ADV has run.
Those are facts. ADV's campaign has been cowardly, running from direct, necessary questions from the media. L.A.'s mayor can't be a coward.
Too much depends on it.
Face the facts ADV lovers. Antonio has been A DO NOTHING COUNCILMAN. No accomplishments, ZERO. He's had 2 yrs to prove himself to be a leader. He FAILED. He just talks about vision and trust. There's nothing to trust cause he's been missing in action. Yet, he took money from his best friend who bought the land for a new school. He sold LA to Miami, sits as chair of transportation and hasn't done anything about traffic, sits on Education and Neighborhood Committ. hasn't done anything abut education, doesn't go to neighborhood councils, hasn't been in his own district in months doing his job. PROMISED when he became councilman to do something about public safety not for the city but for his little district. HE FAILED. He doesn't have the mentality to think of the big picture. IF HE CAN'T EVEN TAKE CARE OF HIS LITTLE DISTRICT HE WOULD NEVER BE ABLE TO RUN A CITY.
there is no boxcutter ad. can we move on?
One more thing we can move to the next false hit on, Meruelo. He bought the land, legally, that LAUSD was too slow to act on. Mereulo is a businessman and when you see an opportunity in business you take it. He has not displaced any kids or evicted any old ladies. It's all much ado about nothing.
In regards to AV or even Huizar's involvement, there wasn't any. How could either one of them force Mereuelo to spend 30 million to buy this land or the seller, Majestic Realty I believe, to sell it. If LAUSD still wants this land they can use the power of eminent domain and have a judge decide what this land is worth. For all we know, this may be a huge loss for Meruelo since he will be told how much his land is worth and will not have the ability to negotiate.
And another thing, HE GAVE THE FLORIDA MONEY BACK BEFORE ANY INVESTIGATION EVER STARTED!!! Yahn has not and will not do the same even though he is so deep into this pay-for-play mess it’s not even funny.
Maybe it's time to think about writing in Laura Chic for mayor.
The two primary winners seem to be convincing us that neither one should be mayor.
Someone on this blog wrote "what's so racist about bringing up someone's criminal past."
Go ahead and use the box-cutter ad -- Hahn should becareful about bringing up criminal pasts though - FYI
blog away!
Quel profundo... and drive safely home, too!
Ooooh MEAT, your're scary. Be careful about bringing up criminal pasts - ha ha ha. I guess you're acknowledging that Tony does have a criminal past. And is that suppose to be a threat. Go right ahead, I'm sure Jim Hahn doesn't have any "June from the Venice Room" in his closet. He may have June in his closet, but it certainly isn't a Hahn skeleton. It's coming.
Mustang, Enrique Gasca, why are so defensive - investigations haven't even started yet. But knowing that you work for Huizar - although without any opposition, why would he still run a campaign?, he could have used that money for another $300,000 office toilet - I know you'll defend him at all cost. But you shot yourself and Huizar in the foot when you stated that LAUSD fell asleep at the wheel, well who is the driver of this vehicle, the president, Jose Huizar. More than likely, Jose put the skids on the project until Muruelo got the funding necessary to swoop in and snatch that property. And you know both Tony and Jose want to put more money in Muruelo's pocket because that's how to treat a major funder, that's from the Unruh school of politics. That's why all involved keep syaing, eminent domain the property. If you are conceding emininent domain, why buy the property in the first place - to make a profit.
BTW, Enrique Gasca, are you the one running Muruelo's I.E.?
Mustang... are you sure about that last claim (following from today's Daily Breeze):
"Hahn's campaign received, and then returned, $4,000 from employees of HMS Host, which has concessions at Los Angeles International Airport. Kuwata said the money was given back because it came in during the council's deliberations over LAX contracts."
This money was given back BEFORE it was uncovered by the media.
ADV's was given back AFTER the media alerted him... and AFTER, he had already attempted to create a wedge issue in city council over the extension of concessions to a company OTHER than those contributing to his campaign funds. The "play" had begun before the "pay" was returned... motive and intent are present.
As far as the other money being tied together in unproven claims of pay-for-play against Hahn -- innocent until proven guilty still applies here, even when you hate the mayor.
What the "payers" wanted in exchange for their money is immaterial so long as they didn't receive it, or receive indications they would. If they were stupid enough to "pay" without getting the "play" -- great. Consider it part of the lesson they needed to learn.
In the case of ADV's Florida contributions, he obviously gave them the "play" -- or at least started to, whether he kept the "pay" or not.
Not sure why all you Hahn people are so concerned about Richard Meruelo. I mean, what's he doing? Getting Republicans to vote by mail. Who's that going to help? Hahn.
If he's trying to assist the Villaraigosa campaign, he picked a damn stupid way to do it.
What was the URGENCY of ADV's money man buying the Taylor Yard site for the school. It had been sitting there for years -- it wasn't GOING anywhere, it wasn't about to SPOIL. What possible cause could be more urgent that offloading the hugely congested surrounding high schooll, and placing a new one in this crossroads area betweem CDs 1,13, & 14? Was the previous owner going backrupt, did he fire sale it? Everyone involved EXCEPT LAUSD could have waited, without harm, until the land could be put to the best civic use. But ADV's "good friend" jumped in "legally" and did a VERY bad thing to the community and the city. And I don't hear any outcry for ADV or his supporters. Why? Because attaining the power over the city is more important than serving the needs of its people, of course.
What civic minded citizen, willing to pump $100K into electing a mayor for a city he doesn't even live in (Muruelo is a Whittier resident, yes?)-- because he wants GOOD things to happen there, also takes away property needed so badly for a school. Is the guy the political equivalent of Jekyll & Hyde... one minute "helping" elect a mayor (unselfishly -- and wanting NOTHING back), and the NEXT minute locking up the only piece of viable property in the area suited for a school... because he what just HAD to build more houses. Was he "compelled" to speculate on the land, the way ADV was "compelled" to break his promise not to run for mayors -- ironically to some of the same constituents working towards have a high school there?
ADV has been preaching the gospel of good placement for future schools -- near parks, LIKE the one going in nearby at another Taylor Yard parcel. But when that opportunity came did he counsel his "good friend" not to LEGALLY rip off the school district.
He says he didn't know it was happening. So, now he does. Does he go to Muruelo and say -- please sell it back at no profit, please sell it to LAUSD for just a bit more. Please keep the IE money, instead -- we're "18 points ahead"
-- "I'd rather have a good, affordable school there, sooner, than gain another point on Hahn out of spite and overkill.
Houses can be built anywhere -- there are hundreds of open parcels not dedicated to a school location.
Was it legal? Who the fuck cares... it was a horrible thing to do at a time when the surrounding communities had worked for years to get to the stage where they could finally use that land for some civic benefit.
If you ACTUALLY believe all these transactions, purchases, and suspiciously timed contributions are unrelated -- then you must believe Muruelo is a very bad businessman.
I don't, I believe he is a bagman for something still to be uncovered, something that WILL tie into ADV, and within a year -- Villaraigosa's career will have ended from the scandal.
And he will be the last Latino mayor for another 20 years, as a result.
MEAT, PARKE, ACE, CHIEF PARKER someone please help me to understand why would ADV vote AGAINST the bill to have a stiffer penalty for child abusers when it resulted in the child's death? What could possibly be the reason? How can anyone not think a child's death is meaningful? By ADV voting NO on this just shows what a total asshole he is.
LAPD officers citywide are now saying if ADV wins they will leave LAPD. They don't want to be humiliated working for a "GANSTER MAYOR." 1,000 officers left with Parks and if even if 500 left with ADV this city will be up shit creak.
Just heard some shocking news, hope someone can confirm this. Is it true Miguel Contreras passed away this afternoon?
also heard about miguel
Just got another two calls asking about Miguel's death. When, where and how?
Are you kidding me? Miguel?
Well, Well, Well Looks like Jose Huizar is doing Antonio's dirty work for him. He sent our a survey to his district asking residents to list in order of priority issues of schools they would like to see address: after school programs, overcrowding etc. etc. Guess who he will give the surveys to? Got it Antonio. Someone is giving to media. Let's see if Antonio is stupid enough to use it? Yup, he's that stupid
Democrat: Enrique Gasca (Teacher, Montebello High School)
We pray for you Miguel, reast in peace and God Bless You Always.
The stress on Miguel was horrendous.
He and Julie were about to launch a slime campaign against his friend and it so bothered his conscience that he literally stressed out.
How the candidates handle this is crucial to the election.
Antonio will show respect; Jimmy really can't afford to do so, time is running out..
Maria Elena has always been sweet on Antonio...Stay tuned!
It's not a survey for Antonio. I think Jose is doing a fine job handing out surveys throughout his own district. If this helps Jose to be a better school board member, more power to him. Jose Huizar is the only Latino on the school board and we need him there all the time the drop out rates are so high.
Its a dirty business when you drop dead at 52. Daily News just posted it a bit ago.
Whether you loved Miguel Contreras or not, one must recognize the efforts that he made within the labor movement to improve conditions for the working class and increase the participation of minority union members in leadership roles within their respective unions. Rest in peace brother, you will surely be missed.
El Chavo
Miguel died on his way to or at Daniel Freeman in Inglewood. 10 p.m. post is spot on. He was under mega stress...
A hero, dead at 52. Miguel Contreras was a living example of the best parts of the American dream-coming from poverty to political prominence and not forgetting where he came from. He got prominence in a way few do today- by doing what he thought was right for working people day in and day out-victory for the hotel workers a recent example. Let's not talk about mayoral politics-I'm an Antonio supporter and at this point I don' give a damn how much it helps or hurts anybody. Let's just have a moment of silence and peace for a great man.
-- Charlie Carnow
Do you think that Gloria Romero is taking Miguel's passing as hard as Maria Elena Durazo?
I agree with Charlie Carnow, I am a Hahn supporter, but right now Miguel Contreras deserves our respect and a moment of silence.
God Bless You Miguel for everything you have done for working class people.
The sudden death of Miguel Contreras and the tremendous speed at which his death was reported makes me really suspicous.
I can see from the referring links u visited me again...
Miguel's death will make it impossible for the Hahn steamroller to gain any momentum at all.
Both candidates should suspend campaigning in honor of his memory.
Hahn cannot afford a moment's hesitation. His slime and smear campaign is timed to peak next week, and to take off to attend Miguel's final services will interrupt his timing.
Hahn's campaign is on life support, but Miguel dies.
Was he worried about keeping his leadership postion while straddling the race and helping Antonio behind the scenes? That had to be stressful...
This is tragically reminiscent of Lloyd Montserrat's death in 2003.
I guess the stress of honoring the L.A. County COPE vote against his buddy Tony really got to him. All those Local heads screaming at Miguel to let Hahn's mail campaign proceed are just echoes now. But I'm sure the mail will finally get out.
This frees up other unions to join with IATSE, UTLA, and the LADWP Engineers in defecting to Antonio; Miguel's wrath does not have to be feared.
New leadership cannot rally them in the next ten days.
Hahn now has one oar; maybe none if the Wardlaw rumor is true...
Wake up you guys! As sad as Miguel's death is life goes on. Knowing Antonio and his thug mentality croonies I wouldn't put it past ADV to have been pressuring poor Miguel. I will always remember when he spoke in city council about LAX expansion. He spoke with passion and didn't give a shit. He looked directly at Antonio and said, "who ever is against this project we will deal with when the time comes." He did by endorsing Hahn. I've heard now that the unions are even more pissed at Antonio for selling LA to Miami. You don't think that hits home with them? Think again
LA Times negative story on......
The Southwest Voter Registration Education Project, which says it registered 12,235 Latinos, also received a boost from challenger Antonio Villaraigosa when he appeared at a fundraising golf tournament. And one of Villaraigosa's top fundraisers helped raise money for the voter-registration drive.
The group's registration drive cost $125,000, much of which was raised through an April 1 golf tournament at which Villaraigosa appeared. State Sen. Richard Alarcon, who is backing Villaraigosa, bought $800 worth of tickets. And Villaraigosa fundraiser Ari Swiller confirmed that he raised "tens of thousands of dollars for the drive."
And this is suppose to be a non-partisan organization? I know a lot of people who said they were told to vote for Antonio when they registered at their booths. Southwest always had an Antonio campaign person with them. They basically were lobbying votes for Antonio while pretending to register people. Everyone now is putting out the word to write, call and have their 501.3 non profit status taken away because of their unfair practices. Antonio Gonzales is so desperate to get his best friend ADV in he's comprised the whole process. Now they have the nerve to raffle off a car to get more registered. There has to be something ethically wrong with that.
It's 501(c)3 previous poster and the Southwest Voter Registration and Education Project under Antonio Gonzalez has nevr acted as a non-profit. Gonzlaez uses this project as his personal pigy bank. The main benefactor of SWVREP is Gloria Molina who has sifted hundreds of thousands from her personal "discretionary" fund to SWVREP. And guess why, because Gonzalez is married to Alma Martinez, Gloria's chief of staff. Gonzalez had first dibs on Alma aftr Tony got through with her, just like Miguel and Maria Elena Durazo. This is why Gonzalez is referred to as THE WHORE by CSUN professor, Dr. Rudy Acuna, the father of Chicano Studies.
SWVREP has tried carnivals, bounties, and expensive billboards, all to no avail. $125,000 to get 12,500 registered voters - $10 per regitration, and 90% of these were probably just change of address - pathetic. If such a project were successful, the number would be up in the hundreds of thousands - 550,000 elligible Latinos will still stay home May 17th.
What concerns me is that people who were at the Lincoln Park event where SVRP had a booth, when they said they were undecided they were disrespected, dismissed and pressued and told that as Latinos they should support Antonio. They even had the nerve to have Antonio people in the booth wearing his buttons. Can someone answer whether this is against the law?
It is surely unethical given the fact that Gloria Molina's "discretionary fund" which she gets $1,000,000 every year that she can do a she pleases - Gloria has been an ineffective Supervisor for 15 years now, do the math - this is taxpayer dollars. But SWVREP will probably get away with it, just as they did for Tony in 2001 and 2003 - because technically they are supposed to be non-partisan. Although we all know that partisan can mean any given side in a campaign, SWVREP interprets this part of the law as a reference to partisan politics - you know, Republican/Democrats/Green. Since the last three Tony opponents have been Democrats - Hahn 2001, Pacheco 2003, Hahn 2005 and they have all been in non-partisan races, as the L.A. elections are conducted - they think they'll get away with it.
BTW, to launch a District Attorney investigation all that is needed is a written complaint detailing suspected illicit activities -it can even be anonymous! This comes directly from the "how to stymie political opposition" room at Gloria Molina's Office at the Kenneth Hahn County Administration Building. The current caretaker of this room is non other than Gerry Hertzberg, Huggy Bear's special little brother.
How can Alvin Parra who is on Antonio's campaign be sending memos and soliciting on behalf of SWVRP? He is also on LA32 Neighborhood Council and their bylaws state that they can't be politcal using their NC. Alvin again sends out memos soliciting as an LA 32 member on behalf of SWVRP. Someone needs to do an audit on them. I want to see how much of our taxdollars have been given to SWVRP by Molina and others including Antonio's campaign? Would that be a public information form?
Tell me, since I was not aware that I can have a District Attorney begin an investigation by writing a letter of complaint, you stated it can also be anonymous? Where do I address it to or to whom in particular? I want to write a letter of complaint on the Southwester Voter Registration and Alvin Parra for abuse and conflict of interest in the positions he is holding for this election.
Alvin Parra is known to launder money and buy up property under his siblings names. He has property up in San Bernardino with taxpayers dollars under a sister's name.
Antonio Villaraigosa associates with individuals who are out to rip off the public. This is why he relies heavily on Gonzalez, Molina, Parra, Meruelo, Hertzberg and so on... Each individual has their task, either statewide politics or local NC work, either way, he will go for the $$$$$$$$$$ and screw the people.
Anonymous 8:13 wrote:
"...were undecided they were disrespected, dismissed and pressued and told that as Latinos they should support Antonio..."
My suggestion, if anyone wants to find out to what extent this occurred, just go to the Lincoln Park one weekend, and ask people how they were treated.
You Hahn people are amazing. One of the most important leaders of your campaign dies tragically last night, and here you are, bright and early the next morning, happily smearing away. Sickening.
For you morons who think we only delete posts about Tony Villar rumors, we just deleted one about a Hahn staffer.
People, don't post shit about affairs. It will get deleted. The sad thing about this is that the rest of the post had some good points in it.
I'm reposting "Encino Ellen's" post without the offending parts.
- - - -
Tim McCosker is a clueless asshole, who let's himself be manipulated by his dumb staffers.
Natalie Rayes is so stupid, she drives her city car to political events. .... she thinks she's hot stuff. ....
Don't even get me started on Naomi Rodriguez. She is an insult to feminists everywhere, with her wild hair and cheap contacts. In my opinion, she looks like a Lincoln Heights prostitute. Though her IQ is hard-pressed to reach triple digits, she is incredibly arrogant.
10:05 ANON posted:
"You Hahn people are amazing. One of the most important leaders of your campaign dies tragically last night, and here you are, bright and early the next morning, happily smearing away. Sickening."
Yes, Miguel's death is tragic and we feel for his family, especially his young son. But, politics/labor is the field he chose and he, more than anyone, would recognize that election days are not postponed - in labor elections or election to public office. Because he passed away doesn't give Tony a green light - there are only ten days left.
Posts on this blog are directly related to recent stories in the Torrance Daily Breeze, the L.A. Times, La Opinion and the Daily News. Any moron can see that, just check out the timelines. As election day approaches, it is the blogs, not the newspapers, that will make or break either candidate - congratulations Mayor Sam, due to the miracles of the internet, somehow you've become a player. So you see, there can't be any let up.
With regard to Miguel being a key player in the campaign - that he was. But he was also under a cloud of suspicion because of his close relationship and past history with Tony. There was much grumbling among local leaders and the rank and file that Miguel wasn't dong all he could - certainly not as much as he did for Tony in 2001. It was Tony, in fact, that broke the news of Miguel's death at one of his fundraisers, it wasn't Hahn.
So yes, Miguel's death is tragic but in the scheme of electoral campaign strategies, his absence from the Hahn cmapaign is a mixed blessing. Can Labor now fully get behind Hahn with every ounce of effort - just like they did for Tony in 2001? With Butcher now becoming ever more influential, there is a much better chance of this happening.
Thank you Mayor Sam for deleting those type of posts. We've posted here before that ADV's staff without a doubt is one of the worst of any councilman in the 14th. I'm not going to be personal as the above poster but state facts. ADV's field staffers never return constituents calls, never follow up on information given to them by residents, hardly ever attend community meetings and in fact disrespect the senior citizens. ADV has not been doing his elected duties as a councilman. If he had a decent staff then his constituents wouldn't have so much to complain about. The staff could have helped the negative by being proactive and helping the residents. Instead they chose to ignore the very people who are paying their salaries.
Mayor Sam,
Since your not going to delete comments with valid points as you allowed the Hahn hater to bash his staff, here's one for the road,
Jennie Carreon-Lacey is arrogant, vain, rude, and slutty.
No mention of any one having any affairs, just the plain truth.
BTW Encino Ellens and Mayor Sam,
you both glorified in saying Lincoln Hts. prostitute, but there are none, so maybe it's a park in Encino, just stereotyping the neighborhood.
It's pathetic when the same individuals that support Villaraigosa hate the same people and neighborhoods that helped him get elected in CD 14. Not everyone in CD 14 fits your stereotype or perception of it, it justs confirms that Villaraigosa has a racist staff. They may look diverse on the outside, but full blown racism in the inside.
If only SWVREP was competent enough to actually register voters and get out the vote, then ADV's chances of being elected would increase.
The truth of the matter is they have been ineffective for years, and they only chase dollars.
What a crazy tangled web. Cedillo is withdrawing his support from Hahn on Monday.
Two reasons: He will be endorsed by ADV for CD 14 -- and ADV will resign early to help him out.
The more important reason: The Hot One Nathalie Reyes has left One Bill Gil and has been frequently seen with Prez Padilla while Gil is frolicking in Sacramento.
Boy did Gil get hung out to dry -- especially since Padilla switched to Villaraigosa last week.
Pacheco is going to clobber him in CD 14, despite support from ADV.
And why did Nathalie switch horses? Because Grandpa Gil doesn't want to have children, but strapping young buck Padilla is ready to breed. Damn those kids will have some legs.
Sounds like a classic "Compadre, watch my girlfriend while I'm in Sacramento" situation.
During the registration drive in Lincoln heights, person were treated different if they mentioned their preference was Hahn. I am voting for Villaraigosa, but I witnessed a couple who said they didn't like Villaraigosa and they were ignored. The registration drive workers did cater to Villaraigosa supporters. Their comments were negative when Hahn was mentioned and some people just walked away when they were not helped.
anon 3:06pm THAT IS BS. Again this is typical of ADV lovers. They are desperate and running scared so they make up stuff. This is the same group that posted that an indictment was coming two weeks ago. They posted Hahn didn't have a chance in March. They don't know how to articulate their thoughts so they discredit anyone not supporting ADV. Someone posted Gameboy Padilla doesn't play on the straight team. I heard that ADV volunteers actually threaten a group of Hahn campaigners walking and wanted to fight. LAPD had to be called in. Its the thug mentality. I would love to sit and debate them any day but then of course they don't know how to do that. They think violence is the answer.
The LA Times endorsed Antonio in 2001 and he still lost. The LA Times has lost major readership and I'm sure more people will stop reading. I know of at least 10 people who will be canceling their subscriptions by Monday. The only reason ADV has attack ads is because he has no accomplishments for the last 2 yrs. This morning's community clean up in El Sereno had 5 buses that were all 1/2 full bringing in outsiders.
Can we get to 100 posts here?
I sthat reallyt rue about Nathalie, Giul & Alex? Does anyoneknow that for a fact/ with proof? TOO FUNNY about Naomi. Wonder who knocked her up?
Wonder who knocked her up?
Wonder who didn't...
ADV lovers can be so crude. They are immature, classless embezzles. If you want to act like teenagers I suggest you go to a chat room. These are the type of slanderous supporters ADV has. Unbelievable that at the Watts Church Q & A for Hahn and ADV, they weren't in the same room. Word has it that thanks to the LA Times Commentary last week of Antonio's temper his handlers now refuse to have them both in the same room. They can't control ADV's temper and are afraid he'll go off on Hahn. He's acting like a crybaby and can't take the heat. ADV's numbers have gone done since the Florida-gate stories broke.
"ADV lovers can be so crude"
The fact is partisans of both candidates have dished out dirt on this form. Whether it be rumors on a State Senator or a field deputy I don't give a damn. This is called by my tradition- lashon hara the evil tongue and I don't think political discourse is served when either side goes 'talebearing' about sex and drugs. Much of this forum as well as the crap being flung during this campaign has made this race seem like a particularly lewd episode of the E! True Hollywood Story. An open question here - what are your opinions on education? What should be done about traffic? Is rail a preferrable solution, or should we rely on gradual expansions of the Rapid Bus and light rail lines? Is it possible through transit development to change the pattern of development in this city? I don't have any experience in these matters but they are damn more important than matters discussed here.
-- Charlie Carnow
Charlie here you go. Education, reducing class sizes, school safety, parental involvement, after school programs, reducing drop out rates, improving test scores. Traffic, LA should have a monorail system just like Disneyland. Can you imagine how many cars we would lose on the fwys if that happened? Antonio is chair of transportation and yet has failed to address the problem. He also sits on Education and Neighborhood Committee and again failed to address the issue. He's failed period in every aspect of being a councilman.
Daily News Commentary...why would any politician under the bright lights of an election in Los Angeles take a campaign contribution from a lawless frontier populated by political scoundrels and contract rustlers? Mayoral candidate Councilman Antonio Villaraigosa has caught some fire for receiving $47,000 in those very contributions, though he said he will give the money back.
Bribery. Kickbacks. Cover-up. Miami is always engulfed in a series of high-profile investigations of public corruption so pervasive that it is often mentioned in the same breath as New York in the days of Tammany Hall. And no department in county government has faced as much scrutiny.....
Anon 9:23,
Good idea about the monorail idea. Seattle is trying a monorail system out- I'm not sure how well it's going they've had a good amount of budget overruns, have had problems finding a contractor and the route misses alot of premium destinations. A monorail in cost is pretty much comparable to a underground subway extension because much of the tech isn't so widely used except in some limited usages (i.e disneyland and Japan has some monorail routes that make a profit- but the weakness is that most Japanese transit operations do) Personally what I think we have to do is to pick what kind of mode of transit we want (light rail, subway, or more busways) and stick with it. It's going to be a problem attracting more people to transit if they have to switch modes several times to get to their destination. Also I think we have to rethink the way we do development in this city. One way some cities have done transit is to put a lot of park and ride to have some commuters drive to a station and then ride from there. Those cities have accepted the spread out model of development we have here in Los Angeles. But I think we can reverse that-other cities have decided to instead of use the space they would have used for a park and ride lot develop the land into retail, or housing or mixed use development instead simply a parking lot. The Hollywood/Vine redline stop is getting some nice mixed use development. What I think we should do as (and if) we extend the subway or even when we start building the Expo Line is to talk to developers and other people to try to get them to sign on to build mixed use type of developments so that they open at the same time as the transportation system itself. Can you imagine how nice it would be to have a rail stop, or a busway stop, or any other stop open and then automatically have people living right by it restauraunts maybe an office building. If you can do that-we can have a very real increase in public transit and decrease in the amount of time people spend in traffic in this city. Subway extension is actually one of the main reasons I am an Antonio supporter-I know it won't happen in 4 years or 8 years-Bradley thought we would have the subway in much less time than it took-but let's put it on the table-let's commit to something we do after the Expo Line is complete.
-- Charlie Carnow
Doesn't anyone else find it interesting that John Perez, pres of Teacher's Union has now been appointed by Fabian Nunez to some position on education commission? Didn't teacher's union endorse Antonio and didn't Fabian endorse Antonio as well? Something smells fishy. Did Fabian promise Perez the position if he endorsed ADV?
The signs were fantastic, but there are individuals in a white minivan who took some down in the area. They look like thugs, but I didn't want to start anything with them, I just thought it was childish for them to take them down, if they want, they could just have put Villaraigosa signs, why censor the community.
Antonio Villaraigosa is endorsing Gil Cedillo for CD14? I don't think so. Gil will serve a little longer in Sacramento and then run for Jan Perry's seat when she is termed out.
Mayor Poopy/ADV (place your preference here) schtups goats.
All the postings are leading to that statement. The inanity and baseless rumor mongering on both sides makes me sick. Please let me know who gets there first. Hurry up! The suspense is killing me!
I know you are serious, and I agree with you about how offensive the dirt is in the posts.
However, your idea about Transit Villages is a good one, but you are not inventing the wheel here.
These developments have been underway for several years and are just waiting for completion of already designated stops.
There are some good books and articles as to how this fights "urban sprawl" that you might want to read.
The best I've read is by a fellow named Robert Freilich, something like "From Sprawl to Smart Growth".
Thank you LA Times. This has to be the worst endorsement of a candidate that I've ever read. I can't believe they are endorsing Attention Deficit Villaraigosa and at the same time slamming him. Anyone who reads this today will wonder what has he done accept helping a strike? I'm sure ADV cringed when he read this. They're basically saying that what LA Times thought he did back in 2001 is the same reason for this year. Then they point out his corruption. Good going LAT
Villaraigosa's drive, people skills and knack for coalition-building earned our endorsement in 2001. Given Hahn's lack of dynamism, those traits seem even more desirable four ho-hum years later.
He was kind of a punk," said Aurelio Rojas, who attended Cathedral with Villaraigosa and later became his friend. "We were all kids from the 'hood. Everyone had this attitude. He was a troublemaker. We all were.....In his 20s, he had two daughters out of wedlock with different women. (He obtained shared custody.) And in 1977, Villaraigosa was charged with misdemeanor assault following a brawl with a man.
Yes, this is the guy we want as our mayor and make us proud. (I'm being sarcastic)
Good point/summary 7:04 a.m. Times saying we endorsed him in 2001 (based on what he had done up to 1999), he's done pretty much nothing since and more dirt has surfaced, but we're so bored with and skeptical about Hahn, we're endorsing ADV again.
That's like telling your wife, "well if you have to have an affair and catch the clap, just make sure it isn't with that no-account bum of a brother on mine."
"Stellar" (non)endorsement. Times should have had the ovaries to just say -- "it won't matter, pick one, or pick none!"
I was shocked to read the LA Times stories on both candidates. The LA Times has become a throw away rag just like those neighborhood papers. I can't believe Sandy Banks story on Hahn and the racist tone she inputs. Its all b.s. Then you have the story on Attention Deficit Villaraigosa and it makes him again the victim because of his father. What happened to credible reporters in this city? David Z of Daily Breeze has turned out to be one of the best reporters in LA and gutsy to go after hard core stories. He humiliated Daily News and LA Times. AT least you can call him credible and not tabloid.
Removal or defacing of lawn signs isn't news with the Villaraigosa supporters -- it goes to the cult following mentality, where they're justified by being "right" in their mind. In 2003, Villaraigosa supporters -- being a bit more careful then, blocked Pacheco signs with their own... in public places. Not illegalm juts bush league. Rather than removing them, just placed Villaraigosa signs in fron of them, so the others could not be seen. During the primary this time, a large number of Bernard Parks signs were vandalized in a major business district in CD14, at the same time new Villaraigosa signa appeared. If they spent as much time placing their own signs as they did disrupting others in the area, people might actually know there's an election taking place in just over a week. Least amount of signs visible on the Eastside of any political contest in 10+ years.
Another letter that hits home to what a lot of people are thinking.
Silver-tongued rascal
Re "Villaraigosa for mayor" (Editorial, May 1):
They are both being investigated by law enforcement. But picking Antonio Villaraigosa over James Hahn may be jumping from the frying pan into the fire. If you think Special Order 40 is a bad thing, Villaraigosa's background as head of the local American Civil Liberties Union, and his ultra-liberal righteousness might take us down an even more dangerous path to further his personal and as yet unknown agenda.
At least, we know what we have in the least charismatic Jimmy. If Bill Clinton taught us anything, it's to beware the silver-tongued ... and in some cases, don't be led by example.
Bill Fleming
I read both profiles in LA Times today on candidates. Interesting that the LA Times is using the race card with Hahn. Also interesting that they both go back to college days and says everything about Hahn but failed to mention the MECHA stuff at UCLA for Antonio. They do mention the LIE that can be easily confirmed that ADV started a Black Student Union at Cathedral.
Daily Breeze says it best...Hahn argued that Villaraigosa cannot be counted to keep his word -- on Bratton, gangs and other public safety issues. To back up his claim, the mayor cited the councilman's changing views on the flexible work schedule, gang injunctions and his own political plans. Villaraigosa once opposed gang injunctions as president of the ACLU of Southern California, which went to court to stop them.
Hahn also pointed to Villaraigosa's failure to serve four full years as councilman, which he promised to do in 2003 in a campaign pledge made to colleagues, supporters and his own constituents.
"This man can't be trusted no matter what he says," Hahn added. "So, if he says he's going to keep Chief Bratton, how do we know that pledge means anything more than any other pledge that he's broken?"
One year after he was removed from his post, Parks -- now a councilman for part of south Los Angeles -- and Councilman Jack Weiss led the charge against Hahn's proposal for hiring 320 additional police officers. Arguing that the plan was too financially risky at a time of state budget cuts, Parks and Weiss helped doom the plan.
So Antonio can't blame Hahn for not getting more cops. He can blame his loser friends who voted against it. LAPD officers don't trust ADV. He made a pack with the devil (Parks) and Parks hates Bratton.
Sneaky, Sneaky, Southwest Voter Registration is raffling off a car to get more voters registered. The funny thing is they don't have on the website any of the candidates.
They ask for all your information and the information of the person you are getting to vote. No doubt that as crooked as SVRP are they will contact the people and harrass them into voting for Antonio or send them Antonio info. This is a sleazy operation. I hope that poster contacts the city attorney to investigate them
Breaking news -- in a campaign appearance at a high school, covered by KPCC public broadcasting outlet - ADV disqualified himself from the race by virture of his answer to the very last question (no, he didn't insult the name of the girls asking the question). Host Kitty Felde said they had 30 second to answer, the and student said "What does the mayor do, and how are you qualified."
Laughing at the breadth of the question, and short time to answer, ADV said; "Two most important things are: Get things done, and keep your promises" (Pretty funny, huh?)
Even among supporters, but especially among critics in CD14, it's clear... he HASN'T gotten anything done in two years. And, he's admitted to breaking the central promise of his council campaign (for "mitigating" circumstances. Plus he avoids talking about all the other promises broken).
Sorry ADV, maye 3rd time'sthe charm? The seat will be open then, and you've sure bought a lot of name recognition with those three multi-million campaigns for city office. If part of name recognition next timex doesn't also included recognition of, NOT getting things done, and NOT keeping any promises - you might stand a chance in 2009.
No doubt MEAT - Ullysees Sanchez - is the webmaster of that SWVREP website - each1reach1.org. The person who asked earlier on where to submit a complaint to the District Atorney's Office. It shoud be direct to the Public Integrity Division and they are located on Temple & Spring - or around there.
There is "whistleblower" protection for anonymous tips. If you qualify, there is also a "whistleblower reward" from a federal fund for any public monies saved. I read this guy back east got a $24 million dollar reward for ratting out a defense contractor. The reward is based on a percentage of money saved by the tip.
Since quite a bit of SWVREP money can be traced to businesses with past and active MTA contracts - this is federal money. Cooley would need to pass this up to the feds, he'll give it up like a hot potatoe. This is Gloria Molina's and Tony's prime source of fundraising. After nearly 20 years, there still isn't a subway in East L.A. - what a shame since Congressman Edward R. Roybal from East Los Angeles was the primary and main proponent pushing to get Los Angeles subway funding. No subway, but plenty of happy contractors. Start with Barrio Planners, Inc. on Beverly Blvd. in East L.A.. These guys have millions of dollars in MTA contracts and are one of the main SWVREP funders. Then, of course, there is Ron Martinez himself, Gloria's husband, who has been awarded some hefty MTA contracts under some dubious circumstances - of course Tony is at the middle of all this.
Newsflash. On TV this morning Pat Caddell joined the growing list of politico's who is predicting that Jim Hahn will win the election.
Caddell who is not supporting either candidate said he had seen polling which showed dramatic gains for Hahn and after breaking down the undecided, thought he had to be the favorite.
I should also add since this seems to be the site for repeating gossip, there is a rumor going around that the L.A. Times poll which is always a joke showed Hahn ahead and the editor was so stunned at the change that he made them retake the poll.
Do you think Antonio cancelled his Sacramento fundraiser for a reason?
How funny that your criticize Hanh’s staff. ADV staff are incompetent and some never even graduated from High School. I heard Gabby Ortiz has less education than my 9 year old daughter and has the worst attitude problem. Constituents often hear her cursing because she is too stupid to figure how to remove graffiti that her “home boys” put up.
Si se peude!!!!!
Anon you said,
"Ullysees Sanchez - is the webmaster of that SWVREP website"
Is that right? There is no way SWVREP headed by Gonzalez and with help of Alvin Parra from CHARO is allowing this conflict of interest to happen? If so, there goes my letter to the Attorney's office, and it won't be anonymous. BTW, where can I get confirmation of the above allegation?
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