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Thursday, May 05, 2005


Here are the totals from the Ethics website

Hahn for Mayor 2005:
2005 2nd Pre-Run Off
2005 1st Pre-Run Off

Total raised: $1,171,120.16

Total spent: $581,314.62

Total left for election day: $1,114,757.26

Villaraigosa for Mayor 2005

2005 2nd Pre-Run Off
2005 1st Pre-Run Off

Total raised: $2,864,623.00

Total spent: $2,159,403.94

Total left for election day: $1,783,869.47

Antonio Villaraigosa is up 18 points, has more money, has Parks, Magic Johnson, Hertzberg and Dick Riordan.

Hahn is down 18 points, has less money and has Nate Holden, Hal Bernson and the wind of racist voters at his back.

Congratulations Antonio.

You are our Mayor -- May Los Angeles flourish under your guidance.


Anonymous Anonymous said:

A bit of a reality check, please...

Even with defections, Hahn still has as many known, prominent city, county and state pols on his endorsement list - of both major parties as ADV (regardless of how you try to make to short-stack the equation here to one side for the propaganda effect).

Despite raising nearly 3 times as much, ADV has blown tons of it during a period when people were more concerned with who would be Pope and whether L.A. will break record rainfall.

One poll (L.A. Times) had ADV up 18 points weeks ago, before his OWN scandals and dirt began to surface.

No way he is still there... his wave is coming down, Hahn's is coming up, even based on the trending of the VERY obtuse SurveyUSA insult to polling professionals.

Hahn has more "material" to speak of in his media and other outreach -- accomplishments in office in four years, vs. ADV's NO accomplishments in two years.

Hahn can use "free" media; cowardly ADV has to pay for every second on air.

Much of Hahn's IE expenditures are coming from groups universally trusted and accepted as critical to city life (police, fire, etc.) Much of ADV's IE expenditures are coming from groups held is suspicion and even disrespect by many outside the liberal left (teachers' unions, etc.) ADV's IEs are preaching to the choir, in effect.

Then there's the Richard Murelo IE campaign... which has a WHOLE life of its own in the media now and for many days to come.

May 05, 2005 8:00 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

By taking advantage of free media every other day or so -- at 30-60 minutes per, Hahn can practically close the gap on media buys in the time left before May 17.

May 05, 2005 8:01 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Is masturbation allowed on this site? If not, please erase the previous post.

For those interested in statistics, rather than wishful thinking, here are the requirements for the recall in CD 14:

Registered Voters: 81, 355
Required to recall: 15%
15% = 12,204 valid signatures

For testing purposes, one usually seeks to acquire about another 10% to 15% of the required number, as there are always signatures of people who are not registered in the district who sign anyway.

So, Eliseo will need about 15,000 signatures to be sure of forcing a recall election.

Will he be King?

Wait and see on May 7.

May 05, 2005 8:02 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The one with the most money is the most corupt. Follow the money alright! well AV why do you sit with all that money, doing and did nothing to justify your shot for the mayor seat? Yes, the media will follow how you raised the money and What Favors you lied about.

May 05, 2005 8:12 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Mayor Hahn: Thanks for playing. We have some lovely parting gifts for you.

May 05, 2005 8:31 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

ADV, thanks for Pay-for-Playing. The Miami Chamber of Commerce has some lovely opening contracts they need you to approve -- or else!

May 05, 2005 8:39 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Close to $11 million dollars it's taken to get ADV this close to being mayor of L.A., and he's still hiding from major media, running from his own sordid past, pretending his 20th century career was "just last week," speaking (or sp- sp- speaking) in bumper stickers and platitudes, stealing others ideas, and faking accomplishments.

Never have so many, sacrificed so much, for such a small potential return-on-investment. A "symbolic" Mare, with no plan, no concrete skills, no integrity, and MOST of ALL, no clue.

Obviously, the sky's the limit, when people have lowered their expectations this far.

May 05, 2005 8:47 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The question is, Who is going to turn the office light out, McOsker? Natalie? Well, Mr Hahn, look at the bright side; you will have more time to spend in San Pedro come July.

May 05, 2005 8:49 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

If ADV is the mayor, ALL the lights will go out... begin L.A.'s "dark ages" (not a "race" crack), under a dinosaur 60s radical with a bad temper, thin skin and NO direction but "out."

Might as well turn out the office lights -- ADV won't be doing any "work" there (PUH-leeeeze!)

May 05, 2005 9:04 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Bye-bye Hahn? Then bye-bye Bratton.

Maybe we can coach Willie Williams out of retirement? Throw him a bash in Vegas to celebrate?

He's more ADV's style... Affirmative NO-Action.

And ADV becomes L.A.'s first formerly Latino mayor in XXX years, and the first indicted mayor in ?? years.

Mayor "Poopy" will look pristine in comparison.

May 05, 2005 9:07 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

How many weeks has it been since many of these SAME anons were saying May 17 - based on polls, momentum, endorsements, etc. -- would be the clash of the ex-roommates, ADV v. Hertzberg in a very CLOSE race.

Didn't the L.A. Times even suggest that would probably be the outcome?

What you in-bred hacks ALWAYS fail to realize is that the VAST majority of the ink-a-voters out there are absolutely NOTHING like you... not even close.

You have NO idea what they'll do, what matters most, or what will turn them around, or keep them home when it counts most.

ADV's people are the masters of the un-mainstream thought process -- so far removed from Joe/Jose Six-pack, they might as well be from Mars.

They'd do better at predicting the outcome with a Ouija board and diving rods.

May 05, 2005 9:13 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

. . . divining rods!

May 05, 2005 9:14 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Turn out the lights? None of the names mentioned.

For that job, they will bring in a specialist, enter Gray Davis...

May 05, 2005 9:38 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Let's see, if you are Jimmy, do you pour good money after bad, or do you call it day, retire from politics and get to keep the $1.7 Million you have on had?

Well, let's see if Jimmy has any brains.

May 05, 2005 9:45 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

That's ONE, and if you were a Republican, you'd know which one it was (but you don't). But it was an amusing little mind exercise, trying to shoehorn that together. You have some obviously liberal stereotype in your mind of what Republicans are (pro-business, lower taxes, etc. none of which have anything to do with the party's basic tenets).

None of the other word games you play here has ANYTHING to do with the basic precepts of the GOP.

From Villaraigosa's history in the assembly to his ONE and only City Council proposal (which conservative MAYOR SAM dissed here, as further proof), he has plunged headlong into the big government do everything for everyone, but do it poorly and bureaucratically, just so you can SAY you so it.

You also tell what you THINK he WILL do. Based on what?

ADV hasn't kept a single, solitary promise since he filled out his L.A. City W2 form two years ago. You can't use the promises of someone who keeps no promises to forecast the future. You're adrift in his personal floundering, and political expediency is his only compass.

If you think you know what he WILL do, as opposed to what he says he WILL do, you are not a Republican -- you are a Theocrat, and ADV is your god.

That explains most of his follower's mindsets.

He "sounds" good, makes me "feel" good, and "looks" good.

Cut, print, that's a wrap. Too bad there's no script for this one except the campaign itself.

May 05, 2005 10:14 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

It's all mind games, and money games -- but the key fact remains:

Antonio Villaraigosa is a pathological liar who can't be trusted to do anything he says he'll do.

Someone prove me wrong (day 49).

End of story!

May 05, 2005 10:16 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Speaking of "Parks," Chief Parker, the firefighters/cops IE multipage slick mailers are painting him as the worst thing that ever happened to L.A. - a "disease" that Hahn saved the city from. For a large portion of the city, outside his district/South L.A., Parks' endorsement is not being portrayed as a plus, AT ALL. These mailers barely mention ADV -- but Parks is the bogey man that almost destroyed the city's security.

Fairly effective positioning for about two-thirds of the city (and not a dime of that's coming from Hahn's campaign funds).

May 05, 2005 10:22 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Tomorrow's papers I'm sure will tell a very negative story on where ADV got the money. ADv will appoint all his corrupt buddies, Alatorre, Mike Hernandez maybe even Richard Muerlo. Let's talk issues. Hahn has accomplished public safety, afforable housing, gang reduction programs, neighborhood councils more power, after school programs, business tax incentives etc. etc.

Antonio: Community clean ups (and that took 2 yrs to do)

May 05, 2005 10:24 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

There has been no reduction in crime.

The LAPD has changed their method of reporting and are comparing apples and oramges.

They used to double report many crimes.

If it was an ADW and a rape, it was counted as two crimes. Now they single report, so, the crime rate has dropped.

Figures lie and liars figure.

May 05, 2005 10:34 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

My question to all you ADV lovers is if ADV can't take care of his own district how the hell can he run the city? HE CAN'T. Crybaby couldn't even debate Hahn one on one. He can't control that temper LA Times said he still has so his handlers have said don't let ADV be in same room with Hahn.

May 05, 2005 10:43 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Hey you forgot Maxine Waters who wrote a letter (just like ADV) for all those gangster rappers she supported like Surge Knight who did time in federal prison. You forgot Danny Bakewell who told blacks to riot just a couple of months ago and burn down city. You forgot to post that ADV voted against gang members registering with local law enforcement. Yes, it sounds like ADV is for public safety. And let's not forget the 15 homicides in his own backyard that he's ignoring cause it would make him look bad cause he's never there.

May 05, 2005 11:12 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Now THAT is the delusional TOPPER of all times on this blog.

ADV will lead L.A. into being a WORLD CLASS CITY?

Unless you mean THIRD WORLD class city (Kabul, maybe? Possibly Hanoi?), then you are fucking insane.

ADV is a mental midget that any high school graduate (even LAUSD), given a chance to question him in an unscripted environment, would see through in a second. He embarrasses his own supporters with his simplistic, band-aid answers and responses, and his handlers hide him from reality and reality from him so they can continue to milk his charisma for their own financial gain.

He is propped up by his advisors, constantly scripted and unable to keep his train of thought for as long as it takes to ask a simple question.

When challenged, even slightly, he goes defensive. When unfamiliar with the subject matter, he retreats into peace, love and happiness slogans.

Even if L.A. is foolish enough to elect him, the city still doesn't deserve to be stuck in his fantasy world of "consensus" (i.e. pandering gridlock), where no one wins and everyone loses, and the committee that designs the horse ends up creating a camel -- with its humps on the sides, where NO one can ride it.

That is the "world class" of ADV.

May 05, 2005 11:23 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

"Republican for AV" seems to know more about what he`will do than ADV himself. Every media interview, report, commentary ends up inserting the same one-liner somewhere -- "ADV did not offer specifics for his plans." So how is it some minor-blog GOP activist knows more about ADV's post-election plans for the city than anyone who's interviewed him or than he's ever spoken of in public?

Mind-reader? Hardly...

People, we not only have a fake GOP, we have a ADV campaign hack pretending to be one of us, for what -- fun and practice?

Don't you hacks ever sleep? You spend all day protecting ADV from real people and the media (since you can't program ALL the answera into his pull chain and addled brain), and then troll the blog looking to fake out we mere mortals with your own agenda (pumped through ADV's empty suit).

It should be pretty clear to anyone who's seen ADV in action, that someone smarter, or at least more manipulative is pulling his chain, Svengali-like. The only question is, who is the city REALLY electing as mayor... Ace Smith, or Parke Skelton (neither one of which would REALLY be palatable to this city's voters).

Because there REALLY can't be an Antonio Villaraigosa "agenda" for L.A. Talk about a blank slate!!

May 05, 2005 11:37 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Still having wet dreams of ADV being "up" 18 points, Chief? This is the kind of delusional selective, retention of memory that causes groupies to scream "foul" when the next, sobering reality hits, and it claim someone's "tampering" with the ballot boxes.

How about half that, AT best, two weeks out, and declining at about the same rate or faster than between the last two samplings.

News media wants something far removed from a landslide -- and their focus on ADV's monkey-money-business is fixed like a laser beam on Tony's BIG pile now. He raised it - he made it a target.

SO arrogant, they took media WITH them to troll for special interest money on the East Coast.

They've flustered ADV so badly, he can't remember which one-liner he's supposed to throw out in response to what and is now improvising with gems like "I don't want to have to respond to Hahn's claims every day" -- better quit the race them, ADV, because that's what's left to you as the "play-it-safe" leader... reactive, reactive, reactive.

This is his delusional world, he thinks he can snap his fingers, like with his staff and groupies, and just change the channel that the media is concentrating on. The more he tries to avoid, the more transfixed they'll become, and the less it matters WHO endorses him next. "Why does he keep avoiding that subject they ask," as they dig deeper and deeper. It isn't about how many nails in which coffin now, boys and girls -- it's about ADV burrowing into his own, unmarked grave with the media for another 10-12 days.

He's saying "follow the money" on his Hahn-bashing ads, and the press is saying "Yeah, we ARE... YOUR money. Thanks for the idea!" Your's is fresher, more "exotic" and coming from a whole NEW cast or misfits and neo-convicts.

Can't wait for the dissection of the latest batch, followed by the exploitation - win, lose, draw - of the recall effort. NOT Hahn, bashing him, but his OWN constituents, who've gathered XX thousands of signatures -- close enough to the number of district voters than bothered to vote for him in the primary plus or minus, to make it appear he's lost HIS core group faster than African Americans turned on Hahn...

May 06, 2005 1:34 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The only reason ADV went negative first is because a reporter told me his numbers are dropping because of the Florida-gate scandal. Every time there's a news article it is mentioned. This weekend's papers should be really good. The Richard Merulo scandal is again hurting ADV. He says he's for education yet he allows his best friend to buy property meant for a school. People are really pissed about that one.

The reports also show that Villaraigosa received $6,000 in additional donations from Los Angeles developer Richard Meruelo and members of his extended family, bringing their total to $27,000. A major property owner in downtown Los Angeles, Meruelo has also made $82,711 in independent expenditures on Villaraigosa's behalf. His purchase of a 23-acre site that the Los Angeles Unified School District sought for a new high school has angered residents in the city's Glassell Park area.

May 06, 2005 6:29 AM  

Blogger PhilKrakover said:

Has Meruelo been indicted or something? Were the donations to Villaraigosa illegal? This is puzzling

I don't get it.

I know I've been away a long time, but how do donations from a developer turn into something new and different? And, illegal?

The other day I was talking to Jesse Unruh, you know, the guy who said "Money is the mother's milk of politics", about developers.

He thinks this city has gone nuts. Developers make the economy hum and create jobs. Why are they so universally criticized? They provide the jobs and the money for people to live better. If they weren't creating money and jobs, the unions would have no one to strike against and there would be no taxes paid with which to provide government services.

Put them out of business and you put government and unions out of business with them.

This city has lost its focus. I think it is time to elect a person who can create the universal desire to raise the standard of living by providing jobs. That means developers and business, like in San Francico, Chicago, New York, and yes, Miami.

Their economies are running great and people are working and making money and paying taxes and improving the quality of life for the citizens. Since when did that become a sin? I always thought jobs were good.

I'm glad I died before I had to see this city run down, especially glad since my friend Kenny Hahn's kid had his hand at the wheel while it was happening.

What a shame. I don't know how I'll be able to break the news to Kenny.

Oh, one more thing to the blogger who thinks the news is going to be great for Kenny's little boy this weekend; The LA Times will be endorsing on Sunday.

Who do you think they will endorse?

May 06, 2005 6:56 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

An opportunist
Re "Villaraigosa for mayor" (Editorial, May 1):
Yes, James Hahn has been incompetent. He has broken promises. There is corruption under his watch. He has divided communities, "putting his own petty political advantages ahead of the public interest." Yes, he has been ineffective. And yet I would still vote for him over Antonio Villaraigosa.

You say "L.A. needs a bold leader with the courage to confront the city's big problems." Yes, L.A. does desperately need that kind of leader. It isn't Hahn, the devil we know, and it very definitely is not Villaraigosa, the devil we don't know. Heaping him with optimistic accolades will not change the fact that the man is an opportunist and he couldn't care less about the people of L.A.
Millie Derose
San Fernando

Too liberal
It is an extremely sad state of affairs when the Daily News endorses a candidate who is considered too liberal for Los Angeles by another liberal (Jim Hahn). Did the Daily News forget that Antonio Villaraigosa opposed Valley secession as well? It seems like a personal vendetta against Hahn to me.
Sam Chaidez
Mission Hills

Telling association
Your May 1 editorial "Villaraigosa for mayor" did not mention his association with the ACLU as president. To a lot of us who will be voting on May 17, that association tells us a lot about Villaraigosa's character. A lot of us will stick with our current mayor, James Hahn.
Johnny Rotella
Van Nuys

May 06, 2005 7:01 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I'm shocked Tony Castro would write such a piece against ADV.
Can Hahn Steal the Thunder?
TONY CASTRO, Columnist 04.MAY.05
Trailing badly in the polls, the mayor has taken the momentum from Villaraigosa

If there was any doubt that mayoral frontrunner Antonio Villaraigosa has stumbled and opened the way for Mayor Jim Hahn to make perhaps the most dramatic comeback in Los Angeles history, it was cast aside by the remarkable April 19 Los Angeles Times editorial headlined “Antonio, Come Home.”

No great sympathizer or supporter of the Hahn administration, the Times — the endorser of Villaraigosa in 2001 and again this year — acknowledged that Villaraigosa had stammered and under-performed in a televised debate two days earlier, underscoring what has become evident during the runoff:

That, in virtually every debate, Hahn has figuratively cleaned Villaraigosa’s clock, repeatedly putting the Eastside City Councilman on the defensive and indelibly leaving open the question of what exactly has Villaraigosa accomplished in his two years on the Los Angeles City Council.

His record pales by the promises he has projected, both in that divisive 2003 council campaign in which he ousted incumbent Nick Pacheco, as well as in the rhetoric of what he claims he will do for Los Angeles, if elected mayor.

Has he even set out a Latino agenda for 21st century for his predominantly Hispanic constituency in the 14th District? Has he taken strong steps to bring improvements and changes to Roosevelt High School, which Los Angeles school district officials pin-point as one of the worst high schools in the city?

Why is it that it is only at campaign time that Villaraigosa talks about his vision for Los Angeles and about the changes he will bring? Vision and charisma are great, but they alone will not improve education in a bad school or stop gang violence in the barrio, which is perhaps what Hahn has meant when he has warned voters that being mayor requires more than "a fancy smile and a fancy suit."

May 06, 2005 7:16 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Yank, yank, yank.

"The most dramatic comeback in Los Angeles history"?

Hell, it wold be the most dramatic comeback since the resurrection.

May 06, 2005 7:39 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Alvin Parra that corrupt ADV cronie who is working with Southwest Voter registration in a desperate effort to get voters sent out a memo yesterday bribing people to win a car. If you get 10 people register you get 10 chances to win a brand new car. Southwest is suppose to be non partisan but hey, Antonio Gonazles president is best friends with ADV. They have people going out and harrassing, threatening and demanding they vote for ADV. They're using that old "He's a Latino just like you" stupid line. Residents I hear are actually slamming the door on them. Isn't it conflict of interest because Alvin is on the ADV campaign committee?

May 06, 2005 8:07 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Is that what it has come to, Antonio Gonzalez, raffling a car for voter registrations? How much different is this than Albert Robles from South Gate raffling a house? And you got the Homer Simpson of politics, Alvin Parra sending out e-mail sfor you? _ DOH!

With such a big lead, why the sense of desperation? Why has Mayor Sam been giving Hahn so much play? Is there something we don't know? What lies around the corner?

May 06, 2005 8:12 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Just to educate a few posting as Republicans for AV,

Did you know that over 32% of Los Angeles County Voters Don’t Realize They are Republicans?

Are you Republican? You may very well be…

What do you think of the following…?

Personal responsibility for our own decisions is an essential part of being an adult in America
People know better than the government how to spend their money

The security of America against her enemies is important
If someone says Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah they are being friendly not insulting to every other religion or secularist on the planet

Government assistance should provide assistance rather than dependence

A healthy America provides numerous opportunities for success such as good schools, low taxes, job training, the right to change jobs, and the ability to start and own a business. But it does not provide assurances, it is up to each citizen to use those opportunities and freedoms to convert dreams into their own view of success

People and companies’ pursuit of profit leads to the creation of jobs, new inventions, the payment of taxes, the production of needed products and services, the money needed to invest in even newer ideas, and a stronger and safer America

Schools & teachers should use their time to teach reading, writing, history, art, math, and science and do it well. If they don’t do it well, kids should be allowed to go somewhere where it is done well.

College students should not fear expressing a conservative (or liberal) perspective for fear of getting a bad grade or being degraded in front of the class (it happens more than people know)
It is possible to be pro-immigrant while being concerned about border security

We don’t all have to agree, because healthy debate strengthens America

The mention of God by someone paid by the government is not an insult to atheists, but rather a reflection (right or wrong) of the fact that the overwhelming majority of people on the planet and nearly ever founding father believed it possible something greater than us was in someway involved in creating an overwhelmingly complex yet ingeniously simple universe
There is nothing more American than someone with an innovative idea and the ability to promote it in order to improve their life and that of their family.

If you break the law, you should be held accountable

America is a wonderfully unique country with so much to offer the world

Well if much of this resonates with you, welcome to the Republican Party!
And if you would agree with some points and argue with others, you are a Republican too, since Republicans still love to debate the issues on their merit in order to make the best decisions and policy possible.
If none of it sounds right to you, check your wallet, you just might be Michael Moore.

Overheard on the Republican street…

People often say to me, “People are Republican because they are rich.” To that I say, it is your beliefs that shape your life, and Republicans fundamentally believe in personal responsibility for ones decisions and their consequences. Personally responsibility leads to honesty with yourself and those around you and taking action on your own to better your life. That is essential to a successful and fulfilling life. Thus, the first step to becoming “rich” (not just financially) is thinking (and voting) Republican. Therefore, my experience is that “People become ‘rich’ by being Republican.” Not the other way around. -- James Crean

May 06, 2005 8:45 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

"What we need is a cheerleader for the city of Los Angeles," Zine said. "Antonio not only has a pretty smile and nice hair, but he can lead us forward."

May 06, 2005 9:10 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

This is the Ad someone was talking about earlier regarding Alvin Parra and the win a car contest with the Southwest Voter...


Each 1 Reach 1 Contest
Click here to Register Online!


How do I enter?
Convince a registered voter in the City of Los Angeles to vote in the May 17 Mayoral Runoff Election. Then click the button below and complete the form that follows to enter the Each 1 Reach 1 Contest and be eligible to win the 2005 Ford Mustang!

Does my vote count to qualify for this promotion?
No. Your spouse's vote does not count either. You must get one other person (besides you or your spouse) to vote.

Do I have to tell people how to vote?
Absolutely not. This promotion is non partisan and is not intended to help any specific candidate or issue. The purpose of this promotion is to empower communities simply by getting more people to stand up and be counted through the act of voting. People should vote for whomever they believe will best represent them.

Do I have to take them to the polls?
No. You just need to convince 1 person to vote and make sure that person votes.

Where can I get additional information about this promotion?
Call 1.323.343.9299 or to read the Official Rules.

Voting is one of the most important things that we can do to improve our community.

Studies show that politicians pay attention to communities that vote. When communities vote in large numbers, people get more job opportunities, better schools, improved health care and increased community resources.
Convincing 1 of your friends to vote is one of the most important things you can do to improve your community... and have a chance to win a brand new car!

May 06, 2005 9:29 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Hey Alvie, wouldn't it just be easier if you and Simon and Theodor just gave out free cigarettes to the homeless to get them to vote? That worked for Al Gore.

Oh wait.

Never mind.

Signed, Dave.

May 06, 2005 9:51 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Who is Alvie?

May 06, 2005 10:46 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Alvie, "short" for Alvin (or a typo) -- either way, PARRA!

May 06, 2005 12:19 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Alvin Parra seems like a goog guy when you meet him, I really don't know anything else about him.

May 06, 2005 1:07 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Alvin seems like a good guy because he can't hear you! Anybody smiling and nodding comes across as a good guy. Yet, Alvin has always finished last, so maybe he is a good guy after all.

May 06, 2005 1:30 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Hey Alvin and Antonio Gonzalez, why don't you guys have everybody take a day off, give them some tacos, load them on cattle trucks and take them to the polls. Isn't that what the PRI does in Mexico?

You guys have a sorry ass candidate that can't mobilize his own people so you resort to this type of gimmickery (is that a word?). Does Tony's lack of integrity filter down to you two stooges or is this just standard operating procedure at the Southwest Voter Registration and Education Project. Willie Velazquez must be turning in his grave.

May 06, 2005 1:39 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Lots of people are turning over in their graves; this election promises to exceed all previous records for slime and grime.

Hahn, the current record holder has started already; what chutzpah! He has a passel of Grand Juries looking in his underwear, and the DA opens an inquiry on Antonio about Florida and Hahn sentences him to death in the electric chair

I hope Antonio goes back to all the plea bargains approved by Hahn when he was City Attorney.

That place leaked like a sieve.

Jim Hahn cannot say one good thing about himself (except that he is Kenny's Baby Boy); Antonio will crunch him on May 17th.

May 07, 2005 7:20 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Excuse me but Antonio has been a "do nothing councilman" for 2 yrs. You can't trust him. He's an old time gangster and LAPD officers don't want a mayor with a rap sheet. He voted against stiffer penalities for child abusers when it resulted in death. This is not the type of man this city wants to see as mayor. Explain that one to me!

May 07, 2005 9:13 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Sure, I can explain it to you, but I am not sure you can understand.

Antonio will win this election because he has the most votes.

He will be everyone's Mayor, yours, Hahn's and mine.

He has the lead, the endorsements, the ideas and plans, the money advantage and the voters.

He wins; Hahn loses.

What part now, don't you understand?

May 09, 2005 6:53 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Sure he'll win. That's what he thought in 2001. At this stage of the game he was just as over confident, arrogant etc. and HE LOST. His momentum is gone and the negative stories about to come out this week won't help especially with the Forida-gate investigations. Looks like your boy blew it again. The polls are showing its a lot closer. Hahn was behind in 2001 and he won. Get use to it!

May 09, 2005 7:10 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Antonio is going to win this election.

What part of "WIN" do you fanatics in CD 14 not understand?

All the filibustering in the world wil not change the numbers,

Take a drive to Rosarita and relax for a few days. It'll be all over soon and you can sneak back into the city and pretend it never happened.

May 09, 2005 8:40 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

It is very sad that we have to discuss the Mayor Race so negative. Yes I am for Mayor Hahn. We need to stop comparing him to him great late father, Kenneth Hahn. Jim Hahn is Jim Hahn not Kenneth Hahn. I believe he deserves another term as our Mayor. Councilman Vilaragosa seem to be a very nice person and I am quite sure he will be the Mayor eventually. If he wins tonight, that's great. But my heart is with the Mayor. One is no better than the other. Magic Johnson, Maxine Waters only speak for themselves. I respect Magic and the Mrs. Waters very much. The churches should not be involved in Political issues, be fair to all. FAME and the others should just pray for them both.

May GOD bless you all.

May 17, 2005 5:10 PM  

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