Bratton for Hahn
Full Disclosure Network has some interesting material on their blog and TV show about how the LAPD chief - particularly now Bill Bratton - has become a mouthpiece for the Mayor. Full Disclosure traces the geneis of this situation to the Rodney King era reforms and other changes to LAPD policy over the years.
Now that Hal Netkin is supporting Bratton's boy Hahn, has the Chief apologized for telling Californians opposed to Special Order 40 and illegal immigration to "leave the state?"
Now that Hal Netkin is supporting Bratton's boy Hahn, has the Chief apologized for telling Californians opposed to Special Order 40 and illegal immigration to "leave the state?"
This is positively shocking and exceedingly poor form.
Maybe in New York, but traditionally our Police Chief does not take sides in an election.
This one clearly doesn't get it.
Why divide the city before Antonio even gets unpacked and moved into Room 300?
This bodes ill for Bratton, but Antonio is a big enough person to not punish the LAPD.
Rickey, don't look for an invitation to the inauguration...
"This is positively shocking and exceedingly poor form." What the hell are you talking about. What is poor form is forcing a Chief of Police to take sides because of the candidate the left wing chose to run. Don't you think Bratton knows about Tony's criminal past and public positions he has taken? What is poor form is having a candidate who opposes or supports gang injunctions depending onthe crowd he's addressing - how do you think the nation's most effective policeman would react to this?
Hahn took a huge political risk to bring in Bratton. A risk Tony wouldn't even consider. The numbers don't lie, crime is down everywhere but the 14th District.
Why shouldn't Bratton go to bat for his boss. If Tony wins, Bratton is gone.
You speak as is Netkin's support of Hahn is some new deal -- something critical to the race. He was for Hahn 4 years ago, and is MAINLY against ADV.
His support of Hahn is like Mayor Sam's support of ADV.
Nothing to brag about, only course they feel they can follow, and no big deal... get off it -- it's just a cheap shot at being divisive.
If you want to know WHICH candidate causes division in L.A. -- just look at how ADV's broken promises, dirty dealings and inabaility to get anything done in CD14 has polarized his own district.
What's happened there, with the rabid anger on both sides, will work it's way into all aspects of city life with a pandering pol like ADV as mayor.
Hahn has some support among all cross-sections of the city -- even those claimed as ADV's core.
ADV has SEVERAL cross-sections of the city that consider him poison.
That's not the profile of a uniter, or someone who "brings people to the table" -- another of his "tic" like mantras than hold no truth.
OKAY, admittedly, after 7-8 weeks of this, I'm just doing it now to watch the heads of irrational Tony groupies spin and hiss and steam (since no one wll EVER actually accept the challenge), but the reactions are SO much funnier and hysterically angry than any bad South Park ripoff...
Unchallenged Premise Remains:
Antonio Villaraigosa is a pathological liar who can't be trusted to do anything he says.
Someone prove me wrong (Day 51).
End of story!
Hmmm, priorities, priorities. Here's a keen example:
(from L.A. Observed)
"Today's street theater: Villaraigosa tours potholes in Toluca Lake, while Hahn stands at San Fernando Road and Division Street to symbolically call on Villaraigosa donor Richard Meruelo to stop blocking a high school there.'
Front end re-alignments for SUV in the Valley vs. even high dropout rates for minority youth in overcrowded PUBLIC schools in ADV's backyard.
Who's priorities are in order?
Who's using the "bully pulpit" to address problems with education?
Who's just attacking incumbent mayor on a petty pocketbook issue.
For the rest of this week, guaranteed, ADV will avoid his own district like the plague, and ONLY attack Hahn. He has stopped trying to defend his incompetence in City Council, and thinks it's unimportant that HE stole $300,000 in city salary, OR that his buddy stole a shot at a better high school education for 3,000 Eastside kids.
I hope those same high school dropouts end up being the poorly paid night attendants on duty when YOU finally end up at the Socialist Old Folks home in a couple decades, ADV. THAT would finally be justice...
Just for the record. I am withdrawing my support of James K. Hahn because he has put up campaign signs all over East LA that not only have some sentence on it in Spanish that I and other true American can not read!!!!, BUT the sign is ALSO in the colors of the MEXICAN FLAG!!!
That is so dumb. You are upset, gee what's next we can't say the word "anonymous" you might get upset again. Can't paint my car green you might dislike it. People from the neighborhood that are diverse, when informally speaking to them at this weekends event in Lincoln Heights, didn't say anything negative about the signs. Not all asked were spanish speaking, it waws 50/50, and there were positive comments. For someone like me that was voting for AV, now I am voting for Hahn.
You Attention Deficit Villaraigosa lovers are desperate because we all know the polls have closed in on Antonio. THERE ARE NO SIGNS WITH MEXICAN FLAG COLORS IDIOT! This is the type of bullshit ADV people try to spin. It wouldn't surprise me if they put them out there and blame Hahn people just like they tried to blame Hahn for the recall. ADV lovers even reporters have said are extremely immature, uneducated, hostile and violent. They can't debate the issues and in fact can't tell you what ADV has done. This article is bullshit Mayor Sam. Bratton has not been political but a proactive Chief and you try to spin AGAIN FOR ANTONIO. ADV has all these people spinning for him and he's still losing points.
If you're upset that Bratton is campaigning for Hahn, don't get mad at me, take it up with Full Disclosure.
Or you can also go gargle with horse manure, jackass.
Bratton is not campaigning for Hahn. He's stating facts. Illegal immigration is a federal problem not LAPD's. If you knew anything about it you wouldn't have posted this article.
If I was handling the Hahn campaign I would make the following commercial with these scenes:
Scene 1: Very hardcore looking, multiple tattooed gang members harassing a family in the park. The police show up to try and do something to protect the family only to be stopped by AV who shows up in time to protect the gang members.
Scene 2: A sleazy, unshaven old man is observing some kids playing on the swings in the park. He pulls out a handful of candy and heads over to the kids. Next you see him walking away holding a little girls hand as she licks a candy sucker. A close up of the man's shirt reveals a button that reads "Vote For Antonio V. for mayor".
Scene 3: Group of L.A.P.D. uniformed officers are with Antonio shooting an endorsement commercial. The director yells, cut! That's a wrap! As the officers walk away the camera zooms in on the back of the officers collars to reveal "Acme Costume Rentals" as these are not real L.A.P.D. officers but non-union actors.
Cut to Mayor Hahn shooting his commercial with the real L.A.P.D. officers endorsing him.
These three commercial scenes will have a tremendous impact. The commercials about Antonio taking Miami money are burnt out and nobody cares anymore. The voters know ALL politicians take questionable campaign contributions and only give it back when they are caught like AV just did. I suggest the Hahn campaign concentrate on getting some new
hard hitting commercials that will resonate with the
undecideds otherwise he and all on his staff are going to be looking for work come next Wednesday morning
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