You Have Spoken
I've received many e-mails regarding my silence on the forgeries the Hahn campaign unleashed, as reported by the Jewish Journal.
I apologize to the Hahn campaign for believing a rabbi.
I apologize to the Hahn campaign for believing they used faked forgeries.
I apologize to the Hahn campaign for not believing it was all Joe Klein's fault.
Now the Chief has some questions regarding all of this.
The same Jewish Journal is now reporting that the number of forgeries has risen from 4 to 8.
The Jewish Journal also reports..."Weil isn't backing away from saying that he and others never signed endorsement forms. And there seems little doubt that the Hahn campaign incorrectly claimed the endorsements of leading Jews who actually preferred Hertzberg. The number of bad endorsements might surpass 30, though that number has not been independently verified. Eventually, however, Weil was persuaded that the Hahn campaign had no ill intent, nor any advance knowledge of problems with the endorsements...."
"...What still bothers Lebovics is that the Hahn campaign persistently chose to put all responsibility for the forms on longtime Hahn backer Joe Klein, a Jewish community leader who died in June 2004...."
And that goes to the heart of my question -- Why would the Hahn campaign stoop so low as to blame a man whose integrity is unapproachable? (which they even admit)
So if you continue reading the article in the Jewish Journal the story has now changed from Joe Klein to anonymous "volunteers".
"These volunteers may have simply transferred names -- and even signatures -- from 2001 endorsement forms to forms for the 2005 campaign."
So which is it? Joe Klein or volunteers, I suppose we will never truly know because Kam Kuwata has become tight lipped about the entire brouhaha.
So while the number of forgeries has risen and the Hahn campaign issues "no comment" to any and all questions regarding this they apparently have enough time to shift blame from a dead man to anonymous volunteers.
Yes readers, I do apologize, I apologize to the entire Jewish community and City of Los Angeles for having a Mayor who doesn't take responsibility for anything.
I apologize to the Hahn campaign for believing a rabbi.
I apologize to the Hahn campaign for believing they used faked forgeries.
I apologize to the Hahn campaign for not believing it was all Joe Klein's fault.
Now the Chief has some questions regarding all of this.
The same Jewish Journal is now reporting that the number of forgeries has risen from 4 to 8.
The Jewish Journal also reports..."Weil isn't backing away from saying that he and others never signed endorsement forms. And there seems little doubt that the Hahn campaign incorrectly claimed the endorsements of leading Jews who actually preferred Hertzberg. The number of bad endorsements might surpass 30, though that number has not been independently verified. Eventually, however, Weil was persuaded that the Hahn campaign had no ill intent, nor any advance knowledge of problems with the endorsements...."
"...What still bothers Lebovics is that the Hahn campaign persistently chose to put all responsibility for the forms on longtime Hahn backer Joe Klein, a Jewish community leader who died in June 2004...."
And that goes to the heart of my question -- Why would the Hahn campaign stoop so low as to blame a man whose integrity is unapproachable? (which they even admit)
So if you continue reading the article in the Jewish Journal the story has now changed from Joe Klein to anonymous "volunteers".
"These volunteers may have simply transferred names -- and even signatures -- from 2001 endorsement forms to forms for the 2005 campaign."
So which is it? Joe Klein or volunteers, I suppose we will never truly know because Kam Kuwata has become tight lipped about the entire brouhaha.
So while the number of forgeries has risen and the Hahn campaign issues "no comment" to any and all questions regarding this they apparently have enough time to shift blame from a dead man to anonymous volunteers.
Yes readers, I do apologize, I apologize to the entire Jewish community and City of Los Angeles for having a Mayor who doesn't take responsibility for anything.
Hey Chief: Where can the list of all the names published be found?
I tried to find it online, but could not. Perhaps there are others but they do not know their names were used. Can you put it in here, or a link to it?
Chief Parker you still have to make your jab. Why didn't you print this...Rabbi Steve Weil, who harshly criticized Mayor Jim Hahn's campaign last month, now says he believes that zealous Jewish community volunters, not Hahn campaign staffers, are responsible for forged signatures on endorsement forms.
LAPD beware!!! Antonio will flip flop again...Villaraigosa said he supports the 3-12 work schedule for LAPD cops, even though he was endorsed by the schedule's biggest critic, Bernard Parks, and opposed it in 2001.
I'm neither a big Hahn or Villaraigosa fan, but this blog is getting boring. If every single story is going to be about the Mayor's race, then at least find something new to talk about, preferrably issues.
Yes,Antion said this Sat he suports th 3-12 shift for LAPD. You can listen and see the debate they had on sat.
Go to Mayor Sams April post of April 5th and click the www.KCBS link all the debates can be viewed there.
CNN report showed the major crime problem Antonio will foster in the city,as he has done little in his own district.
And I'm sorry this is the best Mayor Sam can do for a pinch-hitter while on "secret business"!
Main "issue" for next six weeks is does L.A. get stuck with a do-nothing councilmember as mayor, for a few months until he gets itchie feet again. Can't be a more important issue in the city. Virtually everything in government is on hold until that's settled. No one's starting anything new, or moving anythig significant ahead until they know that outcome, because they may have to backtrack and start over, wasting time and money.
Apology NOT accepted.
If anyone believes Antonio saying he loves Bratton and will keep him on -- think again. He cleaned house 100 percent when he came into CD14, including well-loved staffers who the community (including ADV supporters), begged him to keep on. He is too think-skinned and insecure to have anyone major reporting to him he didn't hire himself.
Maybe he'll bring in the CoP of Sacramento - that PD managed to keep its mouth shut about some embarrassing things regarding him when he was in Assmebly, they'd be MUCH more loyal.
Rabbi (who made the charges) says Hahn's people NOT RESPONSIBLE.
The ones "harmed" by this non-scandals now say Hahn's people NOT RESPONSIBLE - but you say "he's not taking responsibility"
If Hahn is supposed to be RESPONSIBLE for what zealous volunteers do on their own (or even just trying to suggest what might have gone wrong -- not "blaming" Klein as you suggest), then following the same logic, YOU must now demand an apology from ADV for MEAT'S behavior, lies, and other crap here on this blog (that you slapped him for recently). Hey, he's just a zealous ADV volunteer!
When will you run another thread demanding ADV apolgize for MEAT?
Then maybe your apology will be "accepted."
You slam Hahn while at the same time apologizing. What kind of apology is that? Might as well kept your mouth shut.
How many times do we have to hear that Jim Hahn's staff, campaign people and Hahn volunteers have violated rules, ethics or laws before the guy who HIRED them takes responsibility for the people doing business in his name????? Jim Hahn is responsible for everything he approves in his name. Come on Jimmy, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You'd think Hahn volunteers forged Chief Parker's name on something...
How many times do we have to hear that ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA'S staff, campaign people and ADV volunteers have violated rules, ethics or laws before the guy who HIRED them takes responsibility for the people doing business in his name????? ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA is responsible for everything he approves in his name. Come on ANTONIO, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So 10:32 A.m. -- because you "hear" it it must be true?
I "HEAR" you're on parole for child molestation and burning down African American churches (I heard it, I SWEAR!)
When are YOU going to take responsibility for what "I hear."
I don't see the Jewish community claiming forgery for Villaraigosa's campaign endorsements. I don't see the state and federal grand juries investigating Villaraigosa for indictable offenses. I don't see reports of "Play for Pay" surrounding Villaraigosa's decision policies. Get real, Hahn's people follow by example and Jimmy has been one piece of work!
Mayor Sam owes the blogosphere an apology for letting Parker post this drivel in his name. . .
If you don't see reports of ADV pay for play, it's because you don't want to -- they've been posted here dozens of times.
Be blind, your choice, but don't ask us to close out eyes, too.
ADV just writes letter to get people who HAVE been indicted off... MUCH better than being accused of something not yet proven.
YEAH, much better. . .
Please don't close your eyes, but put a clamp on your mouth and hands...
ADV hasn't been in control of anything worth PAYING to play for yet -- just wait. He changed the name of a park for a few thousand bucks in contributions in his district.
What do you think he will do wonce he has some REAL contracts, power, etc. to sell off? Don't think because he's just been a little shark in a small, poor pond for two that his own corruption won't GROW to MEAT the capacities of being mayor of a city with multi-millions contracts to play with. He's already getting started... What the hell happened to the new HIGH SCHOOL planned for his area. Why is he looking the other way while someone speculating with that school's property slips $60K into an IE fund for his mayoral election.
Want to be seen as "clean" ADV -- tell the IE fund people NOT to run ads that benefit you with that dirty money stolen from the education prospects of kids in your own district (not yours of course, they won't got to the public high school supposed to be built on that graft-soaked property less than a mile from your house...)
Until then, you're a major corrupt figure-in-waiting.
"...put a clamp on your mouth and hands..."
Can't handle the truth (or refute it?) Take a break from the blog-kitch, panty-waist.
Thank you for confirming that Villaraigosa is not the same as Hahn (thank God). Thank you master of the obvious!
Boy, you Hahn-haters really are stuck between a rock and a hard-on (for ADV). Can't prove Hahn's dirty before the election (so keep "whining" for him to "confess"); can't prove the guy who wants to replace him will any better (or DO anything), especially based on his two years in city office so far.
Villaraigosa is NOT the same as Hahn.
Hahn has a list of accomplishments while in office, many of which benefitted CD14 -- ADV does NOT.
Hahn has a list of community leaders supporting him from CD14 -- ADV does NOT.
BIG DIfference.
City corruption, forgeries, ethics violations, campaign contributions violations. Boy, those are some accomplishments for Jimmy!
I guess after the fine example Hahn has been, it would only seem reasonable to assume that the next mayor would commit the same crimes. So let's blame all of Hahn's sins on the next guy, after all he's paved the way.
Previous Anon sputtered: "City corruption, forgeries, ethics violations, campaign contributions violations. Boy, those are some accomplishments for Jimmy!"
OH, and those are just like ANTONIO's LIST of "accomplishments" in his district -- all just RUMORS under INVESTIGATION. (How's that ongoing investigation of 80 NEW NEIGHBORHOOD WATCHES in CD14 going, Chief Parker??) That's got to be SO much easier to prove than "graft" and "corruption."
(Maybe the two candidates DO have something in common after all. . . Mayor Hahn is "rumored" to be corrupt (but, no proof). ADV is "rumored" to have served on city council for two years (but, NO PROOF!)
If it was suddenly illegal to be a city councilmember in the City of L.A., I wouldn't want the job of proving ADV "guilty" -- because there's NO PROOF he ever even TRIED to do the job!!!
"commit the same crimes" SO, you're the critical prosecution witness against Hahn that the authorities can't find.
How hypocritical is it (like Hahn said in one debate), that the rabid supporters of ACLU-ADV have pronounced Hahn guilty already -- not just before TRIAL, but before INVESTIGATION, even for things done TO him, like the F-H overbilling. Not just WAY early guilty, but blame to victim, too?
Ramona would be SO ashamed of you groupies.
SO true, past Anonymous, it's become "I swear I've done nothing wrong (in 4 years)" Hahn vs. "I swear I've done SOMETHING (in 2 years)" Villaraigosa.
Little by little, the media is catching on as much by what they DON'T say about Villaraigosa -- media hound that he is. CNN special on Eastside homicides over the weekend, NO ANTONIO. Large piece in the L.A. Times about the Southwest museum situation, NO ANTONIO.
When there's something to blame Hahn for, ADV is in front of the media before the cameras are set up. But when there's something in his own district needs fixing, he's (what?) M-I-A!
Who says they haven't found me?
Hahn does not say "They are innocent:, rather he says "Nothing has been proven".
Well, it takes time for incdictments and trials, until then, they are innocnet until proven guilty, right?
OK, then explain why you ahve summarily fired Stein, Edwards, Wong, Dowie's company and a host of others.
Do they not have to prove guilt to you, as well, Jimmy? Why did y9ou fiore these poor, innocent lambs without it being PROVEN?
You cannot have it both ways.
Hahn does not say "They are innocent:, rather he says "Nothing has been proven".
Well, it takes time for indictments and trials, until then, they are innocent until proven guilty, right?
OK, then explain why you have summarily fired Stein, Edwards, Wong, Dowie's company and a host of others.
Do they not have to prove guilt to you, as well, Jimmy? Why did you fire these poor, innocent lambs without it being PROVEN?
You cannot have it both ways.
Who are the others you are referring to, aside from Stein, Edwards, Wong and Dowie?
Simple, because no one "knows" if they are innocent or guilty... he HAS said he personally hasn't done anything wrong (you conveniently forget to post that?) Hahn hasn't hedged on his own innocence, just being careful about others (he's not a mind reader).
ADV's hedged even more -- "most investigated." Paul Mayor asks at the debate, "is there corruption in the Hahn administration?" (twice). ADV answer... "uh, uh, uh -- most investigated, most investigated."
If HAHN had KEPT these people and organizations on, you would now be saying (hypocritically), "look, he's condoning 'criminal' actions by letting them keep their jobs -- he must be corrupt, too. He should get rid of them while the inquiries are going on").
No, YOU can't have it both ways!
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