Another Villaraigosa Affair?

When we receive anonymous tips we have to take them with grain of salt. Even though many of them do come true.
So the latest tidbit to grace my e-mailbox could turn out to be totally bogus - or it could be the next chapter in the soap opera emanating from the third floor of LA City Hall. Perhaps the MSM might want to take a gander.
The story goes that the "girlfriend" of a particular member of the City Council has "disclosed" that it was none other than Mirthala Salinas herself who allegedly leaked news of the affair she was having with the Mayor. Salinas' motivation? The Mayor had allegedly already moved on to a new relationship with an unnamed Korean female developer - and as they say "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." (One of our readers posted a similar claim.)
And apparently it was the rumored relationship with the developer - and not necessarily Salinas - that was the final straw for Corina Raigosa, prompting her to file for divorce
Time will tell.
Click read more for the latest sordid details in VillarWatch 2007.
Telemundo has placed Salinas on leave pending an investigation as to whether Salinas breached journalistic ethics by having an affair with Villaraigosa. Hmm, I think we could all answer that!
Here's a counter to the theory above on who leaked the Salinas-Villar affair. One reader alleges it was the wife of Assembly Speaker and former Salinas lover Fabian Nunez. (Of course that doesn't necessarily excuse the alleged Korean developer.)
Mayor V may be Mirthala's sloppy seconds in more ways than one. Records show that Salinas donated to the campaign of the Mayor's 2001 mayoral primary opponent - Xavier Becerra - and no records of her donating to Villaraigosa at the time are coming up. Interesting in that Becerra fits her pattern too. Well we won't go there just yet.
And finally, Mirthala is not the first journalist to bang someone she was covering. reminds us that CNBC financial reporter (and major hottie) Maria Bartiromo was having an affair with a Citibank exec. It might give some hope to Mirthala that Maria was not fired for the dalliance.
Labels: fabian nunez, mayor antonio villaraigosa, Mirthala Salinas, summer of love, xavier becerra
HOORAY!!!!!!! for Corina. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Not for Corina. Shame me twice (that I can prove) good-bye. Hats off to you lady.
As a hispanic woman I wont be voting for your ex, and like hell one of his trollops will living in the governor’s mansion or as senators “shack up/wife” with even more kids.
"Recent revelations disillusion mayor's constituency
Los Angeles Times, CA - 2 hours ago
I'm confused," said the trim Boyle Heights jewelry store owner, lamenting recent revelations of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's affair with a Telemundo"
"A Latino star shines less brightly
Los Angeles Times, CA - 8 minutes ago
I'm confused," said the Boyle Heights jewelry store owner, lamenting recent revelations of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's affair with a Telemundo newscaster."
"Recent revelations disillusion mayor's constituency"=THE TRUTH!
""A Latino star shines less brightly"=THE SPIN
Mayor Tony's career is over. It's not this affair but the one in 1994. Where he screwed his best friend's wife. Who was also his campaign manager. Villaraigosa was godfather to their children, and his wife was undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.
[Black and white photo of Villaraigos, looks unflattering, "scary" music plays]
Voice: Mayor Tony's wife was undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, but Mayor Tony didn't let that stop him. He had an affair. With his best friend's wife. Who worked for him as his campaign manager. They had three children, and Mayor Tony was godfather to them all.
[Picture of couple, tears apart.]
Voice: After the affair, the couple split up. If even his wife and best friend can't trust Mayor Tony, can you? Imagine how he'll screw you.
[Paid for by Friends of Candidate X]
This writes itself. Mayor Tony has plenty of rivals, he and Gavin Newsome can go out on the town trolling for other men's wives. Cause they'll have plenty of free time.
I know Mirthala. Leaking the information is her MO but it's usually to the wife and not the press.
I do not know if she leaked it to the press this time around but I would not be surprised if she made sure Corina found out about it.
She did that to the Iranian Doctor's wife and to someone else I know. She is quite vindictive that way.
This time though, she is reaping all the bad Karma that for so many years she has sowed.
Couldn't happen to a more deserving person.
has she been spotted yet? saw a reporter going to her home, but she was not there and the paper (LA Times) left outside her door. Ironically, she and MAV were on the cover
who is the Iranian doctor? and when was he in the picture?
Seems the LA Times got a phone call?
Why do they continue to kowtow to this guy? Can't they see the writing on the wall?
LA Times couldn't scoop a story if it crashed through their front doors and smoldered for three hours in the lobby.
I'm sick of the Hispanic moralizing over this: If he can't stay in his marriage, he can't be a good Mayor, because the Catholic church tells us so -- stay in hell here on earth and your reward will be girls playing harps in heaven...We live in America, our Euro-centric values have moved past this decades ago.
Corina admitted no stomach for politics, it is a hard life, and it's clear they had no chemistry.
But if this is true he is going to have real problems with Salinas, maybe why he disclosed her to the press, instead of saying, the affair was over? Surely finding out that her sleeping with Nunez, Padilla (and Bacerra too?) wouldn't look good to the public, would have made him think twice about dumping her before she caused this gossip.
But now he'd better not even think of bringing the Korean into the mix or any new woman. Dump Salinas and take the heat if she's blackmailing cuz that woman can cause trouble down the line. Any woman who sleeps her way to the top would herself dump you if you got into real political trouble. Then after a period of time, find a nice woman you can take home to your kids.
Damn the people who say stay single cuz you'll always be married to Corina, but a woman can be hot and not make Michelle Delgadillo look like an innocent dolt by comparison. (Maybe Rocky is paying Salinas to take the heat off him?)
The Iranian doctor thing is from a few threads back. Another home Salinas wrecked once upon a time. . . nothing too explosive, all things considered
The Nunez story was gross enough
I'm still here.
The Doctor thing was fizzling in 2001. That's when the Tv anchor who was engaged came into the picture.
Let's just say his engagement was suddenly cancelled after Mirthala made herself known.
As for Becerra, someone needs to call his office and get a comment.
There's a story there too.
1:05 am
I wouldn't be shocked if Mirthala leaked this. I've known her for a few years and never seemed to me as a nice person but if she leaked it then she should have known that she is going to lose her job. I can't imagine that Telemundo will keep her for too long. KNBC fired one of their reporters for an affair with a producer. This to me is worse...she has slept withe three people she was assigned to "cover."
Steve Lopez's 7/6 advice column to the Mayor is going easy? He's harder than he ever was on Rocky. Ends with advice from an 84-yr-old woman which is about as crude as you can get in a family paper without being censored.
I agree with last comment, that Rocky is paying Salinas to take the heat off of him and his unethical wife.
Who was the TV anchor that she was with? Ruined his engagement right? I lived back East at the time and never quite found out. Can you tell me?
I heard on the news that Mirthala is out of the country...I don't think she is. She is giving comments via her PR rep quite quickly. I wonder who her "PR rep" is? Hmmm...
The TV anchor thing wasn't public and he's off the air now. It was probably one of her most "discreet" relationships.
Didn't last long though probably because the thrill of chasing a taken man was over.
She really hurt those involved though.
That's really sad. I hope the TV anchor has found some happiness after all that. It teaches you a lesson to get involved with people like Mirthala. She sounds like the type that is attracted by power...but if she things she is the next first lady of LA...she might have another thing coming. Doubt it if the mayor will stick around too long.
I can't believe she was with Fabian and Alex, too. Quite frankly, she is not all that pretty in person. What did they see in her? God knows.
Do you think she was with Becerra too? That would be way too much...but hey, I am sure she has eyed Jose Huizar as well. He's kind of hot...I am surprised she didn't go there first. :)
So why does Salinas live in the heavily white Sherman Oaks? Why not in a neighborhood with some more "Latin spice?"
You can only sleep your way to the middle...
Talk about a woman scorned if Salinas loses her job over this then she'll really be pissed at Antonio. All of us have had our share of dumb mistakes and choices. But YOU GROW UP AND LEARN and we all know you do something like this and KARMA IS A BITCH. Interesting Szabo is telling media Antonio has taken vacation days off. Men are so stupid and think with their dick instead of their brains. Remember Gary Hart, Henry Cisneros, Clinton, etc. Are men so desperate to get laid they put everything on the line? And if you're going to be that stupid and cheat at least go with someone who's worth it and has class.
LA Slimes continues to be a trash paper and spins for AV. But you gotta love the last quote in Steve Lopez column today.
....Makes sense, but I prefer the diagnosis by an 84-year-old Latina who called and asked me to pass it along to the mayor:
"Tell him that his brains are between his legs, and there's not too much there."
It's a Whore-a-thon!!!!
The only way Villaraigosa is leaving office is if he is voted out. I can't wait to hear more about the Korean affair. I'm amazed his wife and children ever saw him.
EEEeeeeeoooooooo! Can you say "smarmy"? These people are as gross as it gets!
Ha Ha Ha Ha! This is all toooooo good! Don't you just love watching nasty, self-obsessed, corrupt, vile, power mad "human" garbage spin out of control and plummet into a downward spiral of annihilation, consumed by their own evil deeds?
Damn, I wish I could be a fly on the wall that could instantly beam from one location to another, watching all of the sweating, raging, stomping, ranting, raving, plotting and scheming, and desperation of each one of this sordid cast of characters!!
If more slutty liaisons and/or pregnancies come out of the woodwork on Villar and gang, it will definitely be time for him to play the Roger Mahoney/"I admit I have a problem"/abject repentance/"I'm going into spiritual counseling" card to try to pull his pathetic ass out of the fire! The real many lemmings will believe the act?
Oh, screw the TV anchor. He's no better than Mirthala. And as skanky as it might be if Mirthala was the one to tip off the bride to be, she had the right to know the guy was cheating on her. And no, he doesn't deserve any happiness. Guys like him never change.
12:14 am
...Because they are a filthy, lying propaganda machine - like all newspapers, mainstream TV news, local and otherwise... Want them to go away? Cancel your subscription - no readers = no advertising = bye bye! Turn off the lying propaganda "news" shows! Stop being a willing victim and begin searching out some truth!
"Scandal is affecting mayor's job"
"Scandal is affecting mayor's job"
Yes, that is another important point! These people must all be walking petri dishes teeming with disease! YUCK! DANGER WILL ROBINSON! STAY CLEAR! STAY CLEAR!
The funniest (grossest and most pathetic) part of the while Mirthala affair is that the AV had SLOPPY THIRDS after Fabian and Padilla.
Way to go, Mayor.
I would not even breath the same air of the room that he is in!!!
Don't you jerks have anything better to do than revel in his unhappiness?
Have you forgotten the bad old days of Jimmy Hahn and his bagman Troy Edwards getting happy endings?
There is no corruption in this administration, and the city is alive and growing; he is a good leader and is keeping his promises for jobs, cranes and a better life.
Leave him be to his private life.
Go get a life of your own.
July 06, 2007 7:40 AM
Gee, what city are you living in? OZ?
Read that Daily News opinion piece posted above - he doesn't have a "private" life, and certainly no right to a degraded one when in public office ... get over the Clinton smoke ... CHARACTER COUNTS!
You guys don't get it! They ALL used Salinas, just like she used them! But Tony Villar REALLY crossed the line! His lust for the cameras will hopefully be his downfall!
Villar is a textbook case of a sociopath! He is incapable of loving anyone!
1.) He USED Corina to scam the public with the phony FAMILY MAN thing; he USED Corina to get control of LAUSD...MY WIFE IS A TEACHER!
2.) He USED Salinas to get his scary looking face and elephant ears on tv 24/7;
3.) The Korean developer fits right into his destroy the city and make the developers richer plan.
4.) And then there's HILLARY! He kissed her butt, licked her boots, and she fell for it! WHAT A HUGE, HUGE, HUGE MISTAKE FOR HILLARY!
Here is another example of a man thinking with his dick. Not only has he destroyed his family or self-respect he may have had, all for a piece of ass, but he's damaged Los Angeles politics on a national level too. As for the "reporter" ... HE WAS A MARRIED MAN ... you don't piss in someone else’s garden. As for being professional ha ha ha. If you were being a "professional" you would not have had an affair with a married man.
We here in Los Angeles should be demanding for Villaraigosa's to resign. Not so much for thinking with his dick, but for thinking with his dick while on tax payer’s dime. Think about it. I've seen stories that Villaraigosa only sleeps 4 hours day blah blah blah. Well he had to find the time to bang the babe while doing city business because according to his "people" the mayor is a tireless advocate for Los Angeles. If he's so busy, when did he have the time to screw around? Riddle me that!!!!
As for the soon to be ex-wife ... go for the vein baby. Ripe his heart out and stomp on it. This is a community property state, so go for your 50% and then some.
Focus people, this is Antonio's fuck up - literally - and we were told over and over again that this would happen. Ricardo Torres hit it on the head when he said that Antonio was "a man of little integrity and even less character." I wonder if Ricardo has any stock tips for me? THIS MIRTHALA WOMAN IS 2 TO 3 YEARS YOUNGER THAN ANTONIO'S FIRST SON THAT HE GAVE UP FOR ADOPTION!
And the Korean woman is not the only other woman out there. Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac and Tony is just playing games, just like he did when he was a teenager - but instead of reds that he used to slip into girls drinks, he has now opted for take out and wine. I guess with whores you don't need to exert yourself too much. Now we know why all the fuss about those breath mints at city hall - have you ever smelled kimchi breath?
Don't you jerks have anything better to do than revel in his lying, cheating, philandering, betrayals.
Have you forgotten the bad old days of Antonio Villaraigosa and 1994 affair with his friend's wife and getting happy endings?
There corruption in this administration, and the city is ripped and taxpayers bled; he is a bad leader and is keeping has not kept his promises for jobs, cranes and a better life.
Recall Villaraigosa, Boycott Telemundo.
Will Villaraigosa get a life of?
7:40=staffer afraid to lose job
Ha ha! Yeah, Hillary is kind of a sleaze magnet, isn't she? Must be something about HER! Hmmmmm.....
Hey JERK 7:40AM
Janelle Erickson
Joe Ramallo
Jimmy Blackman
Ohhh yeaaa, L.A TIMES STAFF
Horndog Mayor Has Hillary in a Bind (scroll down)
"They're highly motivated to find a way to justify keeping him," agrees a strategist from another campaign. "Where they are going to find themselves in a tough situation is if Mrs. Villaraigosa goes to the mat the way [Rudy] Giuliani's wife did. If she gets militant about the divorce, they are going to be in an incredibly awkward situation."
For now, Clinton's best response is probably to do nothing, says a former Democratic consultant. "The Clintons don't stick with people who become liabilities, but to get rid of him would invite comparisons they don't want," he says. "Bottom line, she's a bigger punchline if she throws him off."
Horndog Mayor Has Hillary in a Bind
But others aren't holding back. The latest scandal in the city is all over the talk radio waves.
"But today, we now have no doubt whatsoever that this mayor is an out and out liar and a cad. We learn that this Mirthala Salinas is a non-journalist and a (expletive)," John Ziegler, a KFI Radio talk show host, said.
July 06, 2007 8:12 AM
Uh-oh ... political liability! Look out Mrs. Mayor ... don't fly on any planes and be very, very careful where you go ... don't go alone....
You must be one of those pathetic little men surrounding Antonio who can't sustain a marriage or keep a vow because afterall, atonement is a yearly ritual. Isn't that right Jimmy, Parke, Steve Grey Barkin - or is it just Barkin now, you had a similar hang up with your name after you got divorced, how are you counseling Antonio to handle it? Antonio is so caught up in trying to be Jewish that he threw out all Mexican family values to get to the promised land. Isn't that the modern Jewish thing to do, all those marriages framed by therapists telling you that you should think of yourself first - it is only your happiness that counts. I wonder if Tonito and Natalia agree with this, Corina obviously doesn't.
Antonio sold out his family, friends and community - Parke, even your slick mailers can't stop this from getting into the history books. And we all knew it was coming.
8:16 wtf? ELABORATE.
lausd grad
L.A.'s million dollar court payouts a burning concern
Black, lesbian firefighter who won $6.2 million settlement added $2,500 Thursday to be paid by her supervisor
8:16=jimmy blackman.
Jimmy, why did the mayor clear his schedule for 4 days, beginning yesterday?
And what's up with the mayor's senior people and their secret meetings this week?
"Don't you jerks have anything better to do than revel in his unhappiness?"
You think when his wife was at home knowing he was with one of his bimbos and he was getting his knob polished the mayor wasn't relishing in his wife's unhappiness?
And let's be real here: If he is unhappy, it's because he's been exposed. He has proved by his history that given a chance to do it all over again, he would act the same.
Mayor Sam,
Where is Mayor Villar? HIDING...OOOOH HE SCARED?
"Scandal is affecting mayor's job"
Villaraigosa, Villaraigosa, Villaraigosa, Villaraigosa, Villaraigosa, Villaraigosa
July 06, 2007 8:21 AM
If you wedge people like the Clintons too tightly between a rock and a hard place sometimes it could be more expeditious for you to simply cease to exist - you are playing in the big leagues with them ... imagine the tragedy if Mrs. Mayor and even, heaven forbid, her children were lost in a plane crash, car crash ... not only do you instantly generate massive sympathy, but you eliminate this pesky problem:
"Where they are going to find themselves in a tough situation is if Mrs. Villaraigosa goes to the mat the way [Rudy] Giuliani's wife did. If she gets militant about the divorce, they are going to be in an incredibly awkward situation."
Suddenly the Big Chihuahua is more an object of sympathy than scorn and he regains a good deal of his political capital for them ... problem solved!
Wouldn't be the first time a convenient accident or suicide occurred ...
Lost Weight
Los Angeles Democratic Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said in January that the reason he was no longer wearing his wedding ring was that he had lost weight exercising — and was having it resized.
Friday, May 27, 2005 12:25 a.m. EDT
L.A. Mayor: Mexico Will Shape My Policies
Los Angeles Mayor-elect Antonio Villaraigosa said Wednesday that Mexico will play an important role in shaping his policies, reports Mexico's El Universal Online.
cheated while wife fought cancer
broken bridges "sham" gang program
hector marroquin
horacio vignali
Floridagate:Travel Traders
Meruelo Scandal
Steve Carmona (x-riordan boy, mob boy)
George Luk
George Torres
Club 740
Staple Center Loan Fraud
Sister "da Judge" Appointed by Arnie
80 Neighborhood Watches
Quote: "I won't run for Mayor"
Quote: "ring no longer fit because he'd lost weight"
Martha le comadre
Numero Uno Grocery
Father Boyle + Organized Crime
what the? whatta happenno with floridagate?
The letter emerged less than two weeks after Villaraigosa returned $47,000 in donations from employees of two Florida companies and their relatives.
On Sept. 27, 2004, Villaraigosa had dinner with Sean Anderson, the president of Travel Traders, one of the Florida companies, and Art M. Gastelum, a lobbyist who represents Los Angeles International Airport concessionaires. Villaraigosa said they did not talk about the airport.
The day after Anderson dined with Villaraigosa, employees of S.E. Florida Investments, which is affiliated with Anderson's firm, contributed $10,000 to Villaraigosa. Their relatives gave $3,000.
Villaraigosa collected an additional $34,000 for his mayoral campaign from employees of Travel Traders and S.E. Florida Investments and their relatives.
Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley opened a preliminary inquiry April 29 into whether the $47,000 had been laundered.
Does anyone out there know if the Floridagate investigation can go to the Attorney General since it involves the airports and another state.
I'm asking because I don't know, I am just curious if anyone kind enough can answer, thanks.
At May 09, 2005 9:57 AM, Anonymous said...
Again, confirming Tony's deviant behavior. The one that should get off of "it or her" is Tony. DO you think that those Spanish commercials with Tony the Family man will resonate - the Latino community knows this guy. No matter how many signs Tony lovers tear down, people will vote thier conscious. What is that tally of eastside supporters - zero! Every Times bio on Tony just makes these lies all the more visible.
The Los Angeles Times has run this gentle article describing Villaraigosa's marital woes. It says things like:
A spokesman would not elaborate on reasons behind the split, but the mayor and his wife, Corina, 49, a longtime teacher in the Montebello Unified School District, have struggled to keep their marriage together as he works long hours away from home....
...Villaraigosa declined at the time to discuss his marriage at length. But he acknowledged that he and Corina had weathered some difficult times, saying that "in a 20-year marriage, there are many ups and downs." And he added that his hectic job — he regularly works 15-hour days and often travels out of town on city business — had added to the strain.
Hmmmm...struggles and difficult times and strains and ups-and-downs...the kind of stuff that could happen to any hardworking man, right? Are they this generous when describing the antics of Newt Gingrich or Rudy Giuliani, I wonder?
An extensive New Yorker article is less sanguine:
On the night of the primary election [at the beginning of his political career], Villaraigosa held a victory party at the Plaza de la Raza, a Latino cultural center. Xavier Becerra, a congressman from Los Angeles, gave a speech praising the courage of Antonio and his wife, Corina, who had been battling thyroid cancer throughout the campaign.
The next morning, Corina phoned friends, asking if they had any idea where Antonio was. She learned that he had left town for a few days with the wife of one of their close friends.
Villaraigosa's supporters were outraged. The Macho Dogs held a meeting; some wanted their money back, and there was talk of recalling him. Many were appalled at his recklessness. He had run as a family man, sending out pictures of himself with Corina and their two small children. (He also has two older daughters, whom he helps support, from relationships before he was married.) Initially, Villaraigosa defended his actions, saying, "It is a matter of the heart." He eventually acknowledged his error. That did not help much with many people, including his wife, who remained estranged from him for two and a half years. "He was a pariah," Cedillo told me.
He had run as a family man, sending out pictures of himself with Corina and their two small children. He had run as a family man, sending out pictures of himself with Corina and their two small children. He had run as a family man, sending out pictures of himself with Corina and their two small children. He had run as a family man, sending out pictures of himself with Corina and their two small children.
Where's Zuma BEE-yotch hiding out lately, Mayor Sam.
He did all that crowing about how Garcetti was maybe going to be OUT as president of the council, and then he gets reelected UNANIMOUSLY by his peers (that means everyone voted FOR him, Dogg!)
Says a WHOLE hell of a lot about how poor ZD's sources are (but then, what's new).
U.S. Unable to Deport Most Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Crimes
Real estate operating company Meruelo Maddux Properties Inc. in Los Angeles fell 13 cents, or 1.6 percent, to $8.03.
About 1 percent of the petitions are filed by Fisher Island owners even though the make up only less than 0.06 of a percent of the county’s population. About 76 percent of Fisher Island properties filed appeals at least once from 2002 to 2005, according to the SEIU report.
Of 750 Fisher Island residential properties found on the county appraiser’s Web site, more than 500 appeals for the 2006 tax year are still pending before the VAB. Most are set for hearings June 27.
Appel is handling more than 90 percent of the Fisher Island petitions, Alfaro said.
Only a handful of island residents are scheduled to make personal appearances before the board. These include Miami developer Homero Meruelo and Mark D. Coe, president of Coe Capital Management in Lincolnshire, Ill. A call to Meruelo’s office reached a full mailbox Tuesday. Coe did not respond to a message before deadline.
Antonio appointed the General Manager of Animal Services. The manager Ed Boks has no college degree. He's a drop out. I think he went to one semester if that and dropped out. This guy just like Antonio tells everyone that he works 18 hours a day, barely has time to sleep. Turns out that isn't true. He was bedding down quite a few local animal rescuers. When he wasn't bedding them, he was out drinking heavily with other rescuers and City Hall people. He'd leave work at 5:00 p.m. on the dot and go drinking every night while driving a City vehicle. He'd drag himself to work late the next day. Sounds exactly like Antonio.
Here's the kicker. So Boks wants to clean up his image so he decides that it'd look better if he has a "steady girlfriend." He calls her his fiance. She moves in with him. But he's still bedding other rescuers. He hired an ex-girlfriend recently for $20,000 and has her doing a program for him. Now he just tells his live-in that he's working late on the program, when he's really over the other woman's house. On top of all of this he still leaves work at 5:00 and goes to "off-site meetings," at other women's houses. All the while his fiance is at home believing his stories. What is it with all these sociopaths in government?
I just have to say to Mayor Sam and this blog, keep up the great work. We are getting whiplash down here in the OC watching the Villaraigosa train wreck. It has all the hallmarks of a great political scandal.
Powder Blue Report
Grocer's Racketeering Case Roils LA
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Federal prosecutors describe George Torres as a discount don who murdered his rivals, intimidated his employees and bribed public officials to expand his supermarket chain.
Torres, owner of 11 Numero Uno markets in poor Los Angeles neighborhoods, pleaded not guilty Monday was ordered held without bail in a case that also implicates former civic officials. He is charged with racketeering, tax evasion and fraud.
Torres' alleged confederates, including brother Manuel Torres-Ramos, 53; son Steven Torres, 26; George Luk, 58, a member of the Los Angeles Convention and Exhibition Center Authority Commission; and Steven Carmona, 39, a former member of the Los Angeles Central Area Planning Commission, also pleaded not guilty. Manuel Torres-Ramos also remained locked up.
The 59-count federal indictment accuses Torres, 50, of ordering hits on rivals, bribing public officials who could help him get liquor licenses, staffing stores with illegal immigrants fearful of asking for raises, and moving and storing stolen meat, produce and Tang breakfast drink.
When Torres wanted to ensure a liquor license for a South Los Angeles market, he allegedly greased Carmona with Los Angeles Lakers tickets, $6,200 in tires and rims for a Cadillac and a new GMC pickup truck.
Carmona, believed to have lived in a condo owned by Torres that satisfied a residency requirement to serve on the commission, at one point left a message for the grocer asking for more: ``Is there any bling-bling?'' Carmona asked, according to court papers.
Luk, while a member of the Los Angeles Central Area Planning Commission, is suspected of also lobbying colleagues to approve Torres' liquor license.
In an April 2005 telephone conversation, Luk and Carmona decided to ask Torres to give an unidentified member of the Los Angeles City Council $10,000 to support a liquor license for another market, according to the indictment.
Phone: 703-469-2008
Villar is a low class, uneducated, extremist ethnic hustler who has embarrassed Los Angeles and California with his antics and incompetence.
If Hillary doesn't dump him, the new media will make sure that middle American knows the type of person who she is associating with.
Trust me, the more citizens learn about Villar, the more repulsed they will be.
Alan B.,
you have a good blog site.
Grocery King George Torres Fingered in Murders (Clinton, Vignali & Villaraigosa Pardongate tie)
Torres is best known as a former business associate of Horacio “Carlos” Vignali, who in the late 1990s lobbied city officials, state legislators, U.S. congressmen, former U.S. Attorney Alejandro Mayorkas and Cardinal Roger Mahony to write letters urging President Bill Clinton to grant clemency to Vignali’s drug-dealer son, Carlos Vignali Jr., leading in part to a national scandal known as “Pardongate.”
THE TORRES-VIGNALI CONNECTION is explored in detail in a congressional report that resulted from Pardongate, when revelations surfaced that President Clinton granted clemency for Carlos Vignali Jr. — convicted of drug trafficking and sentenced to 15 years in federal prison in 1995 — along with other convicted criminals and one-time international fugitive Marc Rich. The granting of clemency occurred after payments were made to Clinton’s brother-in-law, Hugh Rodham, the brother of former first lady, New York state senator and 2008 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Released in March 2002 by the congressional Committee on Government Reform, “Justice Undone: Clemency Decisions in the Clinton White House” details Hugh Rodham’s involvement in the Vignali affair, as well as the long business history Vignali once shared with George Torres.
The report takes to task top L.A. elected officials, including county Supervisor Gloria Molina, then–state Senator Richard Polanco, then–state Assemblyman Antonio Villaraigosa and U.S. Representative Xavier Becerra, among others, for lobbying on behalf of Vignali Jr., in light of his drug conviction and the fact that DEA agents long suspected Vignali Sr. to be involved in drug trafficking — along with Torres. While a member of the California state Assembly, Villaraigosa wrote the first letter on Vignali’s behalf on May 24, 1996.
In particular, L.A. Sheriff Lee Baca and former U.S. Attorney Alejandro Mayorkas were heavily criticized for lobbying for Vignali Jr.’s clemency. The report found the input of Baca and Mayorkas to the White House to be “instrumental” in the decision to grant clemency to Vignali Jr., who at his drug-trafficking trial in 1994 confirmed a close family association with Torres.
9:33 Not every Latino is a flag burning idiot!
Could Tina Choi be the Korean woman? She is/was a "developer" at Playa Vista...worked for Riordan and liked attention from powerful men in city hall...
Commissioner Tina?
Commissioners present: Tina Choi, Thomas Hudnut, Gordon Murley, ... ZONE CHANGE, pursuant to Section 12.32 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, from ...
Tina Choi?
Houston, we have liftoff!
It better not be Tina. Major conflict of Interest!
Hey, is this Tina Choi a KTLA reporter?
And he added that his hectic job — he regularly works 15-hour days and often travels out of town on city business — had added to the strain.
Yeah, 15 hour days working Mirthala is more like it. Plus, those little get aways with bestfriend's wives. Tough Life Tony!
NO MORON! That's Janet Choi.
Tina Y. Choi is a South Valley Area Planning Commissioner
here you go gumshoes
Tina Choi is registered as a lobbyist for Playa Vista. Latest filings shows no campaign contributions though.
Go back to Mayor Sam's story from yesterday and there was something on there about how female lobbyists kiss up to Mayor V.
Go back and check his schedule.
Villaraigosa Chief of Staff Jimmy Blackman said the councilman was happy to provide his calendar. "It is our hope that other city officials display the same willingness to demonstrate open, transparent government," Blackman said.
He said Villaraigosa had redacted only phone numbers and "a small number of personal family-related meetings or appointments" in the calendars.
The schedules show a public official whose days after his 2003 election were packed with meetings and public events as the former Assembly speaker sat down with city officials and community leaders and went to neighborhood meetings, cultural events and other ceremonies.
"a small number of personal family-related meetings or appointments"
"a small number of personal family-related meetings or appointments"
"a small number of personal family-related meetings or appointments"
WTF? Is it Mirthala and Bok Choi?
Antontio VillaRaigoSalinasX* is the best thing to happen to the Hillary Clinton campaign. Don't change a thing.
Guiliana support
*Hold this spot for the next bimbo!
Villaraigosa told me he worked 18 hour days, yet I heard he was leaving at 5 pm just like everyone else. Apparently he was counting the time schmoozing with rescuers and politicians, and creating, what I thought, were many innovative and positive events that were not really helping the animals.
Antontio VillaRaigoSalinasChoiNezReonX
How many of Alarcon's ex staffers work for Villaraigosa?
1) Jimmy Blackman
Antonio Villaraigosa claims that he only sleeps three or four hours a night
Let’s cut a deal with Mayor Villaraigosa. We’ll grant his outlandish request to stop prying into the real reasons for his marriage breakup, and consider his broken relationship with Corina a private matter, if he’ll start wearing an ankle bracelet around the clock.
Or, better yet, consent to having a video cam pointed at himself 24/7 to provide a lasting record of his work improving Los Angeles. The indefatigable mayor claims to sleep only three hours a night, which leaves much of the day to deal with city business outside the ordinary news cycles of the region’s media. We want to witness history in the making via our laptops.
Trust us, Mr. Mayor, we’ll be discrete
The Joy of Madness
I'm a woman who has schizophrenia. In this blog I discuss my struggles with my job and finishing my B.A. in Creative Writing. I work for a mental health consumer-driven, consumer run self-help organization.
So I will now tell you briefly about my hospital stay. I was sent from the local hospital very far from my home clsoe to LAX airport to Metropolitan Hospital in Hawthorne,CA. It is a notorious hospital for violations. How this materialized for me was that they were physically abusive in trying to coerce me into taking pills that I haven't been on for years. They tried to get me to take Risperidal, Seroquel, and Benadryl. I don't like any of them; but I was willing to take the Benadryl as I am used to taking that as a PRN. Seroquel was also being given to me at night. I found that even though I was taking heavily sedating drugs before bedtime and I was being given Risperidal in a quick release tab throughout the day before meals I still could not sleep more than 3 hours at night and then I would awaken and do a few things and go back to sleep.
I reminded him that when he spoke at the U.S.C. leadership class a student had asked about the seeming absence of balance in his life, and he had said that he needed to work on that. How was he doing?
“Right now I can’t tell you that there is a balance,” he said. “I’m going to have to find it. It’s very important. You need the nourishing for the soul, for the heart, for the brain.” Villaraigosa says he sleeps only about three or four hours a night. Staff members and his friends have worried that his frenetic pace, combined with the lack of sleep, have made it hard for him to focus. (“His brain is going off like popcorn,” one friend said.) Although the Mayor is fanatic about his workout regimen, and loves to challenge associates about who can do more pushups and situps, he suffers from recurrent back pain. After his loss in the 2001 mayoral race, he underwent extensive surgery on his spine. He had another round of surgery, unpublicized, in the fall of 2005, shortly before his trip to Asia, and he is said to have been in considerable discomfort on that trip. He has been losing weight, and on some days he has dark circles under his eyes. A few months ago, the Times reported that he had stopped wearing his wedding ring, and quoted him denying rumors that he and his wife had separated. (His aides said that the ring was slipping off his finger, because of his weight loss.) Villaraigosa also said, “In a twenty-year marriage, there are many ups and downs.” He started wearing his ring again, but rumors of marital troubles persist.
popping popcorn?
He was chagrined, he said, to read a Los Angeles Times editorial mocking the rhetoric of his State of the City speech: “ ‘Dream with me,’ the mayor called, as he did at his inauguration. But dream time is over. It’s time to go to work.”
source: newyorker
MSM disgraces itself again
Thomas Lifson
The media coverage of the news that the mayor of Los Angeles and co-chair of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign has been sleeping with a reporter is almost as disgraceful as Anthony Villaraigosa's behavior itself.
Steve Gilbert of Sweetness & Light noticed the Washington Post's take on this rather big story:
Note that, as usual when it is bad news, Mr. Villaraigosa's political affiliation is no where mentioned in the article.
Also note that the Washington Post sought to bury this in its back pages on a Friday during a holiday weekend.
Note too that the Post is treating the whole thing as a joke, giving it to an (obviously campy gay) gossip writer.
Lastly, notice that there is no mention of Mr. Villaraigosa being the national co-chairman of Hillary Clinton's campaign.
If it were a Republican presidential candidate who was famous for having a wandering spouse - that would be the front page headline above the fold.
I also note that we have a reporter sleeping with someone she covers, and nobody at the WaPo seems to think there's anything at all unusual or wrong with it. One can only conclude that Washington Post editors have no problem at all with their reporters sleeping with the subjects of their coverage.
Kudos Beth Barrett!
Best reporter in town.
No kiss ass here.
Nunez Sacrifices Labor Rights for Careerism
Wow, even Rush is talking about the midget.
If you people are going to dredge up the Vignali/Torres thing again, at least put it where it belongs: this last week, the L A Times described how Rocky pushed a sr. respected deputy, prosecutor, former Santa Monica Councilwoman for favorable treatment for Vignali, as a personal favor. Vignali a major Rocky contributor. (Maybe another reason he bashed Baca over the Hilton case was to try to make people forget his own involvement in that affair, karma caught up with him.)
As for the Mayor: must you nitwits spend your daytime hours on this? Yes, dump the Salinas woman, she's not thinking with you brain. But I"m sick of people expecting politicians to be saints and have no physical desires, sacrifice themselves for their busybody public. Meanwhile, Tony does have to stop calling news conferences to refuse to answer details: everyone just get back to work. Then after a period of time, Tony, find a nice lady to give you stability, not reinforce your image as a playboy.
People: Do you any ladies you are hot enough for Tony, smart but also can earn the respect of society? Who will keep his butt in line, and let us all get back to the issues that matter to this city?
Dream with me, LA. I'm dreaming of. . . fois gras and Koreatown.
I'd say the "other" "other" woman could very well be Tina Choi, especially if Antonio appointed her to the area planning commission. With the mayor, proximity equals opportunity. And, Tina Choi is gorgeous, but more importantly, she likes powerful men.
WHAT is wrong with YOU Mayor Antonio?.................
Why the deceit? WHat happened to good MORALS & Character? Don't they count anymore?
Sure you say you'll still work hard & do good on you job. But then, who can trust a liar?
Y su Familia..?
it's not greener over there
Hey 10:52, stop appologizing for the midget. He is the most corrupt, do nothing, shameless, publicity hound to ever occupy the office since the Shaw administration. THROW HIM OUT NOW!!!!! Recall anyone?
10.52 But I"m sick of people expecting politicians to be saints and have no physical desires, sacrifice themselves for their busybody public.
we're not expecting a saint. but ethics, a moral conscious, responsibility, loyalty, dignity and professionalism. those things are probably fair to expect from the Mayor.
What really gets me mad at the Mayor is the arrogance he displayed at the press conference. "it's a private matter that won't affect my job." Um, excuse me Tony, you work for the people, NOT the other way around. If you excercise appalling personal judgment, we have every right to question your professional judgment. Interesting how such a publicity hound is currently "on vacation".
Salinas' comment cracked me up. "Blah blah, I acted appropriately." So you think having an affair with a married man is appropriate do you. Once a ho, always a ho.
So the mystery korean women he has been having an affair with after dumping mirthala is Sabrina Kay- she is his Citywide planning commissioner!! and also owns some design company in downtown LA. she actually went on the korea trip with him and apparently stayed out with him until 4:00a.m.- of course they also stayed at the same hotel..
to 11:13 and Matt Dowd: nice to see that dissenting views, i.e., anyone not totally willing to trash the Mayor and thinking it might be fair to hold him to the standards normal people are judged by, not saints, are "welcomed," ho-ho, not.
Might as well put a disclaimer at the front of this blog, which is implied anyway: don't bother writing unless you want to agree with the haters or we'll denigrate your views, too. (Better yet, don't bother us unless you have new rumors/ names so Mayor Sam can claim a scoop, bring on the dirt!)
Duly noted.
July 06, 2007 10:52 AM
Hey! Another amoral pig heard from! (Ooops! Sorry! My apologies to pigs - THEY are intelligent animals!)
Is this the new woman?
July 06, 2007 11:25 AM
he he he ... HO! HO! HO! ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!
She butt uuuuuglyyyy
ok people
we have
mirthala salinas
Tina "bok" choy
sabrina kay
what a low life!
Confirmation of Sabrina Kay, his current citywide planning commissioner, as the KOREAN luva who stole him away from the Hott LATINA and ignited her wrath- christ it's like a ride around it's a small world. Sabrina is pretty hott. apparently, this affairs has been all over the korean newspapers for awhile..
Tone Loco and Sabrina in Shanghai.
He's got that "I've got a woody" grin there.
another one
Yup. He aspired to be Mayor of All.
11:34, PLEASE list all of the positive achievements the midget has accomplished? Other than a lot of hot air, and photo ops. Are you familiar with Mayor Frank Shaw? He was the father of pay to play in Los Angeles in the 1930's. That is why they re-drafted the city charter in 1939, to remove the problem. However, the recent re-write of the city charter put back in place all of the evils of the 1930's all over again. History repeats itself.
Why isn't LA Opinion reporting any of this? We need to start calling and e-mailing them. Good for Daily News breaking this story and I hope they're getting all the LA Slimes readers. The best statement yet I've read.
Respect yourself
Re "Villaraigosa defends relationship" (July 4):
Isn't it just a bit hypocritical for the mayor to ask us to respect his family members' privacy when he has shown them so little respect himself?
- Marshall Barth
Hmmph! The korean is nothing special either! It doesn't take much for him, does it?
What rewrite?
Wait a minute, Sabrina is a citywide planning commissioner? is there some kind of ethics law against bonking your own appointmented commissioner? apparently, Ms. Kay has been telling the korean media that she is has been his "mistress" for about politcal power over your own commissioners.. but then that would assume he was good in bed... ha! NOT
Sabrina is hot. She has a website at
Villaraigosa has no respect for the LAW. Ethics is out the door! Typical COMMUNIST mentality.
Did the Mayor have all City employees sign an Ethics Pledge when he first got to office...OH the irony :-)
so wait, does she have to recuse herself from voting on Mayor supported projects as a citywide planning commissioner because she gave him a BJ that morning??haha!!!
Mayor Sam had better get credit for this one.
Does anyone have a scoreboard of names?
Is "Prego Watch" in effect on all of them?
If you do, can you please share?
Mayor Sam needs to put up an Excel spreadsheet and update as new info comes in ... this is getting hard to keep track of!
Is anyone starting a pool?
All of you who are spending time writing here (as I am) need to also get busy writing and calling:
Hillary Clinton's Campaign - Phone: 703-469-2008
I just called and the girl who answered told me she was writing down my comments and that she would be sure to pass them on.
I told her I was an LA Voter (I am) and a Democrat (I am) and that the battle for the Presidency was going to be hard enoguh with out Clinton associating with MAV. I told her that he had run a campaign based on family values and that he violated that by having an affair for an entire year with the tv reporter.
So, get busy guys!
Hot?? Not!! But she IS SHORT ... for the Big Chihuahua that is probably a plus...
sabrina has her own webpage?? is this a " me love you long time G.I" service site a la Heidi Fleiss?? too much damn make up.. looks like a hostess for the mostess from full metal jacket.
1203, i think hillary oughta keep the guy - he's perfect for her. deceptive, power-hungry. birds of a feather. what's not love?
July 06, 2007 12:03 PM
Call Hillary and tell give them the address to this comments page online. Tell them its better than one of their bogus polls, will save them a lot of time and get them a good idea of how the peones are really reacting!
Excellent work people. We have a successful track record of hashing out the next sancha in under 150 comments. By the way- can a Korean girl qualify as a sancha? Hmmmmmmm
All commissions take an oath AND sign an ethics pledge. The City Clerk has copies.
Sabrina Kay... the mysterious me love you long time GI mistress. Mayor Sam better get credit for this discovery.. hey, does the ethics oath for commissioners include " I will not bonk any city electeds who are putting me in this commission?
La Opinion did report on the story, just not much coverage and they went easy on him. There was a blurb on the front page but the small story was three pages in. They don't like to attack their Mexican. Of course now that he's dating a Korean, that may change.
But wait! There's more.
We can't forget the rumor about MAV's affair with a member of his police detail. Does anyone know if there is more than one woman on that detail? I know one and she's pretty good looking. Taller than him. Who can resist a woman in uniform?
$100 Bok Choi
When I posted MS's name here I knew what was going on for a fact.
To whoever posted SK's name here -- do you know this for a fact?
Or did you just start searching for any Asian woman who may have travelled with MAV?
The reason the whole pregnancy rumor started was that someone, who was not in the loop, found out that Telemundo's main anchor was on maternity leave and they jumped to the conclusion that she had to be the "other" woman when she wasn't.
So before we ruin someone's reputation, let's make sure of the facts. Our posts will live on forver in cyberspace. Let's not hurt someone and their family just for the heck of it.
where can we get ahold of the korean-language newspaper where sabrina kay has been spouting off about the affair?
jesus christ don't these guys know a a scoop when they see one? they make the la times look good.
Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen (removes hat and bows low):
So, how many of you sots did your homework from yesterday's post and found out who our local Janet Jenkins is? For those of you who need a translation: Janet was the mistress that a certain English prince cheated on while cheating on his wife (named Diana) with his mistress (named Camilla), savvy?
Again, has anyone come up with the name of our local Janet Jenkins? (rolls eyes) Oh bugger, you Yanks are so DENSE sometimes!
"Scandal is affecting mayor's job"
"Scandal is affecting mayor's job"
Sabrina has admitted the affair to the Korean media, which has been covering it. The rest of us are just finding out about it.
By the way, all these other women he appears to be "dating" ... is he sharing THEM with his gang too?? Do they all have some kind of "club" going??
trujillo just crapped his pants
Cap'n Jack Cracker is at it again. Knows nothing and just talks a load of bollocks all the time. Why don't you tell us who is the local Janet Jenkins? Oooops, I forgot - you don't have a f..king clue.
More then one partner is not the best practice..You can't support and speak about AIDS, when you are sleeping around..
any idea of a specific Korean news outlet that she spoke to? that would be a bombshell !!!!
Just in on Channel 9...
MAV skipped the OFFICIAL opening of Senator Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign Headquarters in LOS ANGELES, even though he is a National Co-Chair of her campaign!!!!!!!!!!!
He's disappeared from view for the past 4 days!
Sounds like he's becoming Persona Non Gratis!!!! HOOOOOORRRRAAAAAAYYYY!
yeah, Eric Spillman (KTLA) reported on him missing from the opening this morning. not to mentioning cancelling a July 4th appearance - I always knew his publicity hounding ways would come back to bite him on the asss - good question by the way, which Korean paper did she speak to???????? that is critical.
it's a facto re: SK- Korea times -the equivalent of LA times. so the coverage said that Sabrina accompanied him on the korea trip and there was a block of time when he and she went dark.. apparently until 4:00a.m. when they came back to the hotel in the same cab... plus she's been yaking about it for several weeks now... get a clue
12:34 Cynthia Ruiz
Trujill sharted in his pants.
found the story on Korean Times in Los Angeles, page 2
WHAT!!! Now there's a RUIZ???
Unnamed Deputy
Alright! Time for the spreadsheet RIGHT NOW before this gets any deeper!!!
We have all been intrigued by Tony V and “sex and city hall”, but what this event brings to light and my concern is how does this event exemplify Los Angeles’ charismatic leader’s moral character and ability to make good decisions and judgment? Why has this event the straw that broke the camels back in causing me to lose tremendous confidence? And when Tony V states in his press conference that his is taking responsibility for his actions, what does he mean and what is going to do about this?
It is not necessarily a judgment of Tony V and his appetite for beautiful women, we all can identify with that inner passion in some capacity. What we can judge and what we take to heart is how Tony V conducts himself when faces with these types of personal challenges. We should expect him as Mayor of Los Angeles to not only be the biggest advocate and representative of the city, but we should also be able to expect him to conduct himself with the utmost honor and respect. He is the elected leader who is responsible for making the most critical decisions as it relates to the citizens of this great city.
My personal concern now is that if Tony V cannot “maintain” control with his hearts desires and inner passions, then how is he going to conduct himself when push comes to shove and Tony V’s got his back against the wall and our city’s welfare and my personal welfare is in his hands? Can we trust him? Can our city trust him? Can I trust him?
If a man can cheat on his wife and family consistently and with no regard for their welfare, then will Tony V be concern for me? Is the family the most sacred treasure we have? I can be understanding if we strayed once or had a brief moment of ____, but this does look like a pattern at this point and maybe a true identification of Tony V’s most inner and real moral character and ethics.
Why this is of importance to me is that this inability of Tony V to control himself in this area is that his weakness opens himself and our city up to be compromised. Need face time with the mayor? Well, just send a young beautiful woman. Well, in the big picture, it may be a minor issue if I was just trying to influence the mayor on a contract, or a budget item, or even building permits and entitlements but what if it this type of transgression results in a compromised judgment and decision related to national security?
Tony V snuck out without security detail to visit a mistress girlfriend with take out and a bottle of wine in tow. What would we do and how do we explain if something were to happen to him while he was out getting his rocks off without regard for his family and the citizens of Los Angeles in mind? Or, please tell me that the city and it’s citizens welfare was not in jeopardy because our fearless leader had security detail and had police escort while playing hide the sausage with a political reporter?
In his press conference, Tony V stated that his takes responsibility for his actions. I assume he stated the same when he took off with his friends wife while running for assembly. I would like to think that at some point, if his wife has had enough and is walking away… then when will the citizens of Los Angeles going to wake up and say we need to walk too?
12:03 p.m.
Thank you for posting Hillary's campaign headquarters phone #!!!
I just called them and spoke to a lovely young southern girl. I very politely told her a few of the highlights in the "career" of Tony Villar and told her that I felt he would be a huge negative in her campaign.
She took lots of notes and asked for my name and phone# in case someone wanted to contact me (sure).
I told her to google Antonio Villaraigosa if she cared about Hillary's reputation.
I asked her if they had been receiving many calls re the scandal and she sort of hemmed and hawed...but she did admit that the LA headquarters is receiving feedback.
Everyone needs to call Hillary's campaign headquarters!
Villaraigosa also counts Sabrina Kay—founder of California Design College, who has since sold the school and established a charitable foundation and other commercial ventures—as a current advisor. Kay served on transition team after Villaraigosa won the mayor’s job, and was later appointed to a key city panel on planning.
1:11 -- Why don't you post the exact link here to the Korea Times story?
I couldn't find anything.
...Viagra-Raggosa and Rock-turd! What a pair!!! Both think with nothing but their ego...Viagra-Raggose can't keep it in his pants and Rock-turd can't keep his stories straight...
Sabrina Kay is the chair and CEO of Fremont Private Investments
Anonymous said...
WHAT!!! Now there's a RUIZ???
Unnamed Deputy
Alright! Time for the spreadsheet RIGHT NOW before this gets any deeper!!!
July 06, 2007 1:12 PM
I am so happy that Hillary chose Villaraigosa as her co-chair. Just shows the ongoing hypocrisy and corruption that were rampant during her administration ain't goin' nowhere
Clean house. Fresh start. Vote Obama!
"And when Tony V states in his press conference that his is taking responsibility for his actions, what does he mean and what is going to do about this?"
I think it's in korean, no english translation, but ask any korean deputy in city hall and they will confirm the same rumor. does someone go to koreatown? m'be they have pictures of her on the newspaper?
Can someone ask Mayor Sam or someone who the Councilman's girlfriend is that tipped off Mayor Sam about the Korean?
Want a massive headache? Try making sense of this
A couple weeks after LA Fashion Week Alison Nieder reports for that LA is establishing a Fashion Advisory Council that aims to represent various reps from the LA scene. Following in the footsteps of cities like Chicago and Atlanta, LA is attempting to give a voice and a venue to an industry that often brings sought-after recognition and revenue to urban centers. No news on who has made the committee....
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa plans to set up a Fashion Advisory Council made up of a cross section of representatives of the Los Angeles fashion industry. Cynthia M. Ruiz and Sabrina Kay are helping find members of the committee, which is expected to advise the mayor on issues of importance to the fashion industry, including areas of improvement and ways to strengthen the fashion business in Los Angeles. Ruiz is the president of the Board of Public Works of the City of Los Angeles, and Kay is the chairwoman and chief executive of Fashion Umbrella LLC, a Los Angeles branding and marketing firm that helps California companies break into the Asian market through Fashion Umbrella’s LAdesigns boutiques located in department stores in Shanghai and Seoul.
????sabrina kay & cynthia ruiz???
pay to play anyone?? esp Kay ( the commissioner ) What was she on the asia trip for anyways? could it be for the affair as well as using Antonio for PR purposes? crafty gal... where is laura chick when you need her??? GOOOOOO Laura!
148 -
lets do process of elimination.
which councilmembers would not have girlfriends (straight female, married or gay man):
Hahn, Perry, Greuel, Wesson, Rosendahl
Probably do not have girlfriends (married):
Reyes, Huizar, Smith, Parks, Cardenas, LaBonge, Weiss
DO have girlfriends:
Alarcon, Zine, Garcetti
And of those three the closest to the Mayor is Zine.
Just a thought
Of course if any of the other 11 who don't have girlfriends do it throws it all off.
interesting that MS used a photo of the mayor from his china trip...did he know something?
fremont development= skay=asia trip photo with both the mayor AND zine in it with her... ick
btw, how can you own a development company and be a planning commissioner???? am I stupid here or is that a huge conflict?
Affordable Housing Commission
Stewart M. Kim
Evangeline Ordaz-Molina
Alice W. Harris
Stephanie G. Klasky-Gamer
Rev. William Epps
Pete Navarro
Lisa L. Sugino
Board of Airport Commissioners
Sandra J. Miller
Silvia Reyes-Patsaouras
Valeria C. Velasco
Fernando Torres-Gil
Joseph A. Aredas
Michael A. Lawson
Walter Zifkin
Alan Rothenberg
Area Planning Commission (APC) / Central
Young S. Kim
Lourdes Sanchez
Nancy Whang
David P. White
Franklin A. Acevedo
Chanchanit Martorell
Area Planning Commission (APC) / East Los Angeles
Fabiola Vilchez
Sharon Lowe
Patricia Alvarez-Sahagun
Luis Lopez
David Marquez
Area Planning Commission (APC) / Harbor
Gloria Ewing Lockhart
Eleanor Montano
Joeanne Valle
Camilla Townsend
Michael Ponce
Don'f forget Celine Cordero, she was with Tony V and Jimmy B and now in charged of Home Land Security. I feel Safe!!!
Celine Cordero the college commie in charge of Homeland Security? Is this a F'N JOKE?
Yup, she is a joke in her BMW!!
john kerry
Latino Outreach, Celine Cordero Jenny Carreon-Lacey
(is this the same Celine Cordero who as a Student Senator at CSULB tried to censor the student paper for not being politically correct?)
About two months ago, Adriana Martinez, a Stanford educated staffer for Antonio Villaraigosa was abruptly fired. Adriana was raised in Boyle Heights and she was student body president at Roosevelt High, the school that Antonio dropped out of. You would think this is someone that Antonio would want ot keep on staff. But rumor has it that Adriana knew too much. She was a former classmate of Jennie Carreon and some say also the target of Antonio's advances.
Adriana is a planning commisioner in the City of Alhambra and the wife of Councilman Luis Ayala, who is a current Gloria Molina deputy. She just voted to give a development contract to a convicted felon who pleaded guilty to bribery. (
Adriana and Luis met while interning for Xavier Becerra in D.C.. What did Adriana know that got her fired? Or should we ask, who did she talk to that got her fired? Could it be that Adriana confided in Corina all the Antonio drama after she got fired? A little payback perhaps?
The only one happy about the drama is Jimmy Blackman, now no one is talking about his mistress Celine Cordero or the big promotion he just gave her to run Home Land Security.
Captain, I'm not DENSE! The other woman is PATRICIA "PATY" HIGUERA.
At June 22, 2007 1:42 PM, Captain Jack Sparrow said...
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen (Bows low and kisses hand of Madame Wu):
Sots, remember a while back when I mentioned that one must be careful in tossing away day-planners and the like at the end of the year to make way for the new year? And I also mentioned that we pirates decided to help ourselves to your rubbish? Ah, now its all coming back, savvy?
There are several whos to chose from. One who had several penciled in dates with the same lass. An Asian lass who, as Madame Wu has confirmed, is one vowel short of a ho'. Then there is the lady with the shapely legs who's been passed around like weenies at a cocktail party. I believe her first name starts with a "J". And of course the ever loyal lady appointee to a commission who was referred to as "Bunny" not because she hops like one, savvy? Even the good looking chap in the Mayor's Office has had a piece of THAT one.
Sots, if I were you, I would check to see who it is who is all of a sudden taking some time off. Our own Madame Wu will be checking too. (Grins) We pirates Wu-hoo. Do you?
Celine Cordero - Board & Trustees. ... In 2004 she joined the Villaraigosa for Mayor Campaign team, on a full time basis
July 06, 2007 1:12 PM
You're still mulling over all that? Over whether he can be trusted?? That question should have been answered for you a long, long time ago ... the current mess is just icing on the whole rotten cake!
Patricia Higuera Central District Vice President Los Angeles (Includes all of 2nd DCA)
Is Patricia Higuera the pregnant one?
Which one of the SANCHA's is pregnant?
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