Why City Hall Keeps Spending Your Money On Gang Programs

The answer is the same one that explains all actions by the career politicians at City Hall: money.
Here's my favorite passage of the latest article in the L.A. Times regarding how useless the City's gang programs are:
"In addition, 172 political contributions were made to city politicians by executives and employees of 20 of the 26 contractors for L.A. Bridges I and II. The contributions totaled $48,500, including $7,200 to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and smaller amounts to council members Wendy Greuel, Janice Hahn, Bill Rosendahl, Jose Huizar, Jan Perry, Ed Reyes and Bernard Parks."
Sick of Greuel? Write-in DAVID CAIN for CITY COUNCIL
Get rid of all the ILLEGAL ALIENS!!
Get rid of all the ILLEGAL ALIENS!!
Get rid of all the ILLEGAL ALIENS!!
Get rid of all the ILLEGAL ALIENS!!
Get rid of all the ILLEGAL ALIENS!!
Get rid of all the ILLEGAL ALIENS!!
Get rid of all the ILLEGAL ALIENS!!
Get rid of all the ILLEGAL ALIENS!!
Get rid of all the ILLEGAL ALIENS!!
Get rid of all the ILLEGAL ALIENS!!
Get rid of all the ILLEGAL ALIENS!!
What a bunch of assholes!!!! Now we know why clowncil is giving money to these gang programs. LA Bridges has been known to hire felon gang bangers to run their program and clowncil keeps giving them money. They need to AUDIT all of them and Father Gang Banger Boyle LA Times reported last week just got $650,000. Wonder how much of that money went to politicans.
Where was Laura Chick when this was going on? Gang bangers are getting taxpayer money for a useless program while she's going after a PR firm in a billing dispute to weaken Jim Hahn. Her decisions are political and the press gives her a free ride. Come on, McGreevey.
Meanwhile, the Breeze reports today that LAX has multi-million contract problems with computer companies. Somebody else did the audit. Kennard gets a sweetheart deal.
Laura Chick N Shit sure can audit the depts. that get good publicity for her but where is her sorry butt on these gang programs???? We all need to go after her and ask what the hell is she doing? I hope the LA Times goes after the other gang programs cause I want to see how many more political campaign donations they have given clowncil.
How much do you want to bet that Janice, Greuel and Perry are so dumb they will still have the nerve to ask for a parcel tax for more money for gang programs ($50 million more) even after reading this story on LA Bridges?
Pssst! Archie...
Maybe a better nickname would be "Mentor 1.4".
I find it an interesting coincidence is that his GPA and his former district are almost alike, were it not for a misplaced decimal.
Walter, we need to get Zuma on board and yell and scream to get Laura Chick to audit the gang programs. How much you want to be there is wayyyyyyyyy more corruption going on and clowncil doesn't want it uncovered?
This is time being wasted. The want to have an anaylsis first to figure out how to audit the gang programs. Are clowncil members this dumb? Damn right they are.
From January 26th
THEREFORE MOVE that the CAO, Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA), City Controller, and Community Development Department be requested to report to Council within 30 days on what steps need to be taken to initiate an analysis of currently funded gang prevention and intervention programs to be completed by the summer of 2007.
Is there any reason to refrain from disbanding ALL the programs and diverting the money to more police and jails?
It seems to me the best program to keep a young person -- or an old one, for that matter -- out of trouble is a j-o-b. And I mean a REAL job, not one of those made-up, pretend "program" jobs. You do the job, you get paid. You commit crimes, you go to jail. Do we really need to go any "deeper" than that?
Walter will never happen. The gang bangers pretend to have a real job and on the side are still dealing drugs to make lots of money. Look what happened to the guy in the Valley Mario Corona who everyone thought was such a great intervention guy who turned his life around. Was busted with one pound of meth.
The city council likes to keep themselves busy. Since they can not create jobs by attracting new businesses to hire these kids with no direction.
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