Real CD 9 Voters do not support Carpetbagging Latinas like Ana Cubas
Oh Plez!!!! Ana Cubas the Latina Hope for CD 9? Naught!!
Being a Female Princeton Graduate Latina, does not shield you from your enabling role, in obstructing repeated California Public Records Requests, on the status of the CD 14 CLARTS Fund.
** Blogger's note: It’s the Thursday for an important Election Day and all is quiet on the Elite Establishment Fishwrap scene. So far there are no Arnold “The Kennedy Republican” Schwartzenegger type hit pieces, to derail momentum of a non-elite establishment candidate, but the day is young.
That said, our attention this A.M., is drawn to the normally “Weekly of Record” post by the excellent writer Patrick Range McDonald regarding the forlorn, carpetbagging CD 9 Campaign of Ana Cubas. In the bloggin spirit of bring you the latest realtime information, we post this telling (and truthful response to McDonald’s missive---Scott Johnson
eagleflyby ALERT!!!! CD 9 VOTERS KNOW ANA CUBAS IS A CARPETBAGGER!!! Ana Cubas will not succeed. Why? Because Ana Cubas is not from the community and she recently moved into CD9. Let's be honest, candid and frank. The public and especially CD9 voters need to know that Ana Cubas and her former boss and her only LA City Council supporter Jose Huizar are responsible for destroying CD9. Ana Cubas helped Huizar destroy CD 9 during the Redistricting process several months ago. Last years redistricting carved out a viable part of CD9 and bingo CD 14 got it and there went the jobs and the CD 9 tax increment base for the community. Wonder why Huizar is her ONLY active City Council member supporter. Something definitely smells awful here! And NO when Ana Cubas loses the election... Huizar, you are better off not re-hiring Cubas. $147,000 per year and did absolutely nothing as your staffer and highest paid staffer in the City of LA and paid with the Clarts Fund which is illegal and unethical. (See video and former LA Weekly article at the very end of this comment).Please note and make a correction LA Weekly that Ana Cubas moved into CD 9 approximately 7 months ago and is actually from CD1. Voters don't be blinded by this Wanna-Be-Representative this week or next week at the polls. The Los Angeles Times claims she has "no vision and no plan." The L.A Times is correct on this one. Basically Cubas needs a job, but not in CD9 please! What about CD 1 where you reside?
Here is Ana Cubas in action as Huizar's Chief of Staff at a community meeting. "Starring Ana Cubas in her greatest performance."CLARTS - LA32 NHC Meeting:The LA-32 NHC requested for Councilman Jose Huizar's office to provide an accouting of the CLARTS discretionary fund. Ana Cubas, Chief of Staff, dances...LA Weekly article about Huizar and Cubas
View fifty plus minutes of Ana Cubas verbal dancing, devoid of facts.
Your thoughts and support David Roberts,
Scott Johnson in CD 14
Labels: 2013 CD 9 City Council Campaign, Ana Cubas, CLARTS Fund, CLARTSgate
You copied and pasted that from a Ron Gochez supporter...Gochez...the guy who B'nai B'rith denounced for anti-Semitism...
Considering polls have her in first, I'm not sure "real CD9 voters" is an accurate statement. Some, yes, but they're no more "real" than Cubas or Davis supporters.
Lazy 'journalism' there.
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