This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Jennerjahn shouldn't be in this list, he's never won an election!
He has come in last place in every election he has been in.
Please take down the picture of the racist, gay bashing, lying carpetbagger, Phil Jennerjahn.
Obama looks hot in the cowboy hat !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Higby, by what definition are you referring to Jennerjahn?
What has he ACCOMPLISHED as a politician that couldn't be done by a regular citizen?
OH, and several of these people are idiots, but only ONE of them is a habitual last place loser who never held a political job OR a job with a politician ever.
Yeah, but Phil Jj. does look cute in a cowboy hat.
Come on, admit it. Cute counts for something.
"I reckon so..."
Phil was bragging about his cattle roping abilities and when Joe B challenged him to a rope-off Phil tucked his tail and ran like the wussy he is.
Phil's not a politician, he's a guy that thinks he is "semi-known". Why is he on this list?
I love the one of LaBonge pointing at Janice Hahn. She looks totally clueless wearing that dunce cap. Caption: "How the Hell did I get stuck on HER float?"
Caption #2:
At the Chinese New Year Festival, LaBonge draws the short straw.
Janice and Tom are of course too dumb to realize that her "dunce cap" is also a symbol of oppression of the Chinese and Vietnamese peasantry, the rice farmers oppressed by and "taken over by" the white man, mainly colonial Brits.
The proverbial cooley hat. (And I don't mean the fat, equally bumpkin local DA.)
A white woman wearing that does more than just make her look stupid.
I wouldn't say W in a cowboy hat is a costume... W in a suit and tie is probably a costume.
He is/was a rancher.
Is it me or does Tom Labonge look like Rush Limbaugh?!!
Essel shouldn't be in this list, she's never won an election!
She lost the only election she's ever been in.
When you say "other politicians in costume" you overlook the fact that Carmen the Clown (who REALLY wears the Clown costume better, him or Phil?) ran very specifically as "the un politician." Ha-ha, clowned us.
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