This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Nice! Now who pays for the parade?
I heard AEG is going to reimburse the city for the Michael Jackson memorial. Now let's see, who was pushing for that? Jan Perry? Nope.
Eric Garshady? Nope. Wendy Grewl? Nope. Mayor V? Nope. City Attorney?
They are the National Champions of the National Basketball Association.
There is no world basketball conference.
11:21 must be a truther
If you have any doubts that America's NBA champs ARE, effectively, the "world" champions, just try tuning in to the next Summer Olympics.
The only non-U.S. teams that even end up looking respectable are those who ALSO have one or more U.S. NBA foreign-born players on their teams.
9:53, you are so obvious and sad. Carmen the Clown as people call him had NO legal basis for his shakedown and still can't provide that or any financial data to support the $6 million he claimed. It's why anyone who knows the law and limits of the city charter, opposes his shameless power-grab hooking up with that other grudge-master Gil Cedillo.
If AEG is working out something to avoid the embarrassment of the whole thing, it's because the shameless grandstanding on the issue of Tritanich, Zine and your rightwing bunch of rocking-chair teabaggers, made the city and LAPD look bad with all the attention. When the cops did a GREAT job, preventing even ONE incident like we saw last night, which also could have been a lot worse had they not prepared.
11;04 AM - smoke another J-bone.
Who cares about the game as long as it brings tax dollars to the city coffer and the tax payers don't have to pay for the Parade
but who will probably be stuck paying for the violence that it gives the vandels the opportunity for to create.
I don't know who pays for the parade but from what I understand the amount estimated doesn't even pay for half of the overtime of LAPD and LAFD, who coincidently had two Board of Public Works commissioners riding on their firetrucks. What business do commissioners of the board of public works have riding in a parade? Talk about waste of taxpayer dollars for those two bozo's salaries.
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