Prominent Sunland-Tujunga Activists Announce Endorsement in CD 2 Special Election
Prominent Sunland-Tujunga community leaders have announced their endorsement in the CD 2 Special Election to complete the remainder of now City Controller Wendy Greuel's term on the City Council.
September 15, 2009
Dear Council District 2 Residents,
On September 22nd, 2009, we will have the opportunity to cast an important vote. We will choose who will represent us at the Los Angeles City Council in the Council District 2 seat. This is such an important vote, we the undersigned, feel we must come forward and announce our choice to you, our fellow community members. As diverse as we are, we have united behind one candidate and ask you to also consider voting for Tamar Galatzan.
We are impressed with Tamar’s honesty, dedication and her desire to serve the people of Sunland-Tujunga and CD2. We need someone who can hit the ground running, and Tamar’s experience as a prosecutor coupled with her knowledge of city departments and procedures will create a strong tool in the arsenal to protect our open space and way of life. We need a fighter with integrity and backbone and Tamar is that person. We have each spoken individually with many of our fellow stakeholders in Sunland-Tujunga and it is clear that Tamar Galatzan has strong support in our community.
Tamar’s public appearances at various candidate forums and her appearances at Neighborhood Council meetings have shown she is very aware of the important and unique issues of our community. Tamar has the ability to ‘straight talk’ and connects with any and all constituents in CD2. Tamar has shown her commitment to our community during the devastating fires by:
• Personally phoning the mayor to try to authorize overtime for rescue staff
• Ensuring that Verdugo Hills High School was opened and accessible for evacuees
• Working with KLCS to broadcast vital information about evacuation facilities
• Providing guidance for local residents to appropriate emergency services
• Ensuring that Verdugo Hills High School was opened and accessible for evacuees
• Working with KLCS to broadcast vital information about evacuation facilities
• Providing guidance for local residents to appropriate emergency services
We do acknowledge and recognize a few of the other candidates as very knowledgeable, intelligent and viable candidates for the CD2 seat. But overall, we believe Tamar has the best understanding of what it will take to make our streets safer, our schools better and improve the quality of life for all of us in CD 2.
Some of the signees include,
Joe Barrett, Sunland-Tujunga Alliance (STA) Co-Founder
Chairman of No Home Depot Campaign
Chairman of No Home Depot Campaign
Abby Diamond, STA Co-Founder
Secretary of No Home Depot Campaign
Secretary of No Home Depot Campaign
Dan McManus, President
Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council (STNC)
Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council (STNC)
Tomi Lyn Bowling, Chairman
STNC Land Use Committee
STNC Land Use Committee
Ed Novy, STNC Board Member
Here is a link to the entire letter with the names of the endorsers.
Your thoughts...............................
** Link here to Ron Kaye's report in "OurLA" on today's Sunland-Tujunga developments.
Labels: cd2 special election, joe barrett, tamar galatzan
I think she should stay on the school board. A lot of money and hard work was expended to put her there and she quits in the third inning. This job-hopping has to stop.
She really has little to do with Sunland-Tujunga anyway. She makes a couple of phone calls and you guys think thats newsworthy.
Be honest - You are scared to death of Krekorian and Essel and would make a deal with the devil to ensure they aren't elected.
Biggest Bunch of Bullshit.
Tamar is using you like she used those that got her elected to the school board. She calls it backbone. I call it biting the hand that feeds you. You better hope those attack ads Essel's using works. Tamar is gonna turn her back so fast youll think you have whiplash.
did she divorce Brendan Huffman yesterday?
or are these guys smoking crack.
I suspect the latter....
how the f#@# you can go from No Home Depot, to Mrs Home Depot, in the space of a couple months is wayyyy beyond this commentator.
Wow! Great move on their part! These are the same folks that took down Home Depot, so I know that they know what they are doing! Let's see how this plays out!
Is this the same Matt Dowd who stood up for Home Depot's bussed in supporters at the City Council Hearing?
Gonna laugh my ass off when the first thing she does when she gets approve a Home Depot in S-T. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!
"Prominent Sunland-Tujunga Activists'?
More like
"Naive Dumb Sunland -Tujunga Puppets".
... so sad so sad such a sad sad situation. only getting more and more absurd....
Way to go Tamar!! You have the big MO and we know you will cross the finish line. You got them scared and in panic. Be prepared tomorrow for their desperate attacks and bold lies.
Well, we know Tamar has 6 votes locked up.
Damn, ZD was counting on those votes to put hiom over 10.
Tomorrow? I think there will be silence tomorrow. A lot of people worked very hard on the HD campaign.
I know I'll be recovering from the painful kick to the groin.
A lot of good will has been burned today. A lot of trust wiped out. If Tamar should by chance make it to the run-off, I'll caste a vote for whomever is running against her. Tamar, Essel, Krekorian. "The All-pro team."
Very disappointed. Revenge at the ballot box is my only weapon for this deceit.
You are voting for Tamar because she used her LAUSD position to phone the mayor and to use the LAUSD TV station? There must be something else in play because that is the lamest reasoning I have ever heard.
Prominent Sunland-Tujunga activists? According to them you mean?
It looks like Tamar wrote the statement herself. Poor people of S-T. They're the Mayberry of L.A. Looks like Joe is the new Barney Fyfe.
Looks like Krekorian & Essel's crybaby spinners are in the house!
Some "prominent activists" YOU guys turned out to be-- Joe, Tomi and Dan-- you're playing right into HD's hands! They still own the lease, y'know. Hey Dan-- maybe you and Vic Castro wanna meet for breakfast w/ Home Depot again--oops! I mean, Tamar. How dare you fools allow yourselves to be "star-struck" by ANY one of "The Big Three!" Idiots, one and all.
I read through all the comments and it seems as if ALL the anonymous comments were written by the same person!
Coming from you Rita, I'll take that as a compliment.
Oh. My. Gawd.
LOL. Well, okay.... good luck with that one!
Who will you all blog-bang when the CD2 race is finally over? Will the losers be back in 2 years to challenge the winner -- will this race just go on and on/
Someone I was speaking to just compared reading this blog to Internet porn. Probably about the right level of morality.
Joe, you are a dumb schmuck on this one. How did you sway Abby? Oh yeah - the same way Brendan controls Tamar.
nice, but too little too late.
I take it this is the illegal "S-T NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL" endorsement that some nitwit pre-anounced yesterday, here.
If local political savvy was bubble gum, the blog writers here wouldn't collectively own enough to blow a champagne bubble.
(I'm STILL waiting for Mayor Sam's prediction to come true about Jimmy Hahn being indicted 5-6 years ago).
The bulk of thoughtless, crass responses here show a fundamental lack of understanding and gross misinterpretation... but at least they're funny.
Life at the Improv!
I'm not supposed to say anything and understand and be the bigger person. We'll see how long THAT lasts at the forum tomorrow.
Well, at least it's not like a bunch of people with a lot of money endorsed Tamar- that was the other election, right?
Well, it's only an NC group, and with so much information out, that should still be an intereting election.
in cd-14
I just want to remind everyone that this endorsement is not a NC endorsement. This endorsement comes from members of the S-T community, some on the NC, some not.
They are not all on the Neighborhood Council and even if they were, they can express any opinion they want, as indivisuals,and as long as they don't do it as a representative of the STNC.
Individualism is what makes the world interesting and we don't have to understand their choices or accept them as our own. No one should care how anyone else votes
because we all have only one vote that we can excerise at the polls.
This is just another Hacopian trick to split the anti-Krekorian vote.
OMG! This is HUGE for Tamar. The S-T Activists were widely expected to endorse Joe Easvi, what could have happened to upset that?
At least the S-T Activists will actually get out of bed and vote, unlike the Young Dems who are too busy or too tired or just to stupid to remember election day, so Tamar has got at least 50 or 60 votes with this major endorsement.
Relax, Chris and Paul, the run off is yours now.
Nobody cares. This will sway few votes. I suppose this is news becuase of Tamar's lack of endorsements. But really, c'mon, she could talk a good game how she has no relation to her husbands home depot affair, but shes endorsed by the Chamber of Commerce, which means she is in the pocket of a select few select corporate interests who will be calling the shots if she gets elected. Believe it.
8:46, sadly true about the Young Dems. They make calls and show up for group events if they're fun but don't use absentee ballots and are too lazy to show up and vote. Even when the results started coming in for Jack, while the other side, the talk radio and Walter Moore crowds, had a last-minute push to the polls. Weiss actually did a lot better with the early results, lots of people from CD5 and the Jewish community, the westside liberals in general, but then lost with the late surge.
Probably same with union people, too, tired from working all day while the old retired conservative folk had all the time in the world.
Prominent activists? Please, I recognize 2 names and that's it.
I just lost all respect for both of you. The rest I couldn't care less about.
I will work harder and harder and harder now. I didn't plan on coming to your neighborhood out of my district, but I will now.
Now I have to give up pushing for my grassroots candidate so I can concentrate on Paul's race. I hope that makes you all happy.
You get what you deserve. A fucking Home Depot and I hope you do. Joe, you should be ASHAMED of yourself. Absolutely ashamed.
God, I'm livid. I used to love that area of CD 2. Now I think you're cave-in losers.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. I bet Brendan Huffman is orgasmic tonight.
You're losers. I'm disgusted.
Abby doesn't look so hot as a potential candidate now, does she Michael? If she'll cave in a fucking primary election, she could never handle the seat. And neither can Tamar Galatzan.
Lord, I've lost all respect for you.
I am stunned and speechless. I wouldn't miss the forum tomorrow now if my life depended on it. I am actually going to cancel my previous engagement and I won't be speaking to Abby or Joe. You'll know who I am when you see my icy glare.
You guys suck.
S-T as a unified community can influence anything in CD2- they have the numbers.
Though if she makes it to the runoff, they must have a strategy to reach VOTERS- phone boiler rooms, precinct walks, mail, mail, mail- and $contributions$.
There will finally be a polarized issue in the campaign- she IS the native child.
But here's the cool part. If they do manage to get Tamar elected, they will also have the power to DUMP her in 18 months if she neglects them.
Imagine with only $12,000 they can send out 3 mailers claiming "WE WERE WRONG."
Teacher says, "Pay attention, Tamar."
Don't pre-determine the outcome of the race in Sunland-Tujunga by only a handfull of people. The rest are not sheep. Nothing is cut and dry at this time. Only the polls will do the talking in S-T!
I chose to endorse Tamar because I spent a great deal of time with most of the candidates, giving them a tour of S-T and explaining our issues. Tamar "got it" from the beginning and impressed me and others. I like her neighborhood prosecutor background and her understanding of the processes involved in dealing with the City. It was a difficult decision to make, but it was not made without a lot of research and questioning. I don't think I steered anyone wrong in the No Home Depot Campaign, and I don't think I am steering anyone wrong now.
Don't ZD on us and defend against every criticism. No need.
Like the song says-
"Some girls don't like guys like me-
But some girls do."
Jobs! Jobs!! Jobs!!!
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I agree with 9:11
It's not about next week or the December runoff- It's about March, 2011.
9:11 The S-T community used to be united but not any longer. The Majority of voters will go to the grassroots candidates as a show of defiance. This isn't going to snag any Essel or Krekorian voters. Tamar will go back to the School Board and the "Prominent Activists" will fade away.VICA gets their revenge.
Home Depot still has the lease and maybe in two years when the area is split up and assigned to CD7, Alarcon will see that Home Depot gets justice.
It's a shame because the Golf Course support will suffer for this treachery.
Get Tamar out of here. She is manipulative and awful! She is a cheat and will go behind your back any day! You can't trust her!!
The runoff is all Essel and Krekorian now. Tamar you just lost!
Joe at 918 doesn't understand he was smooth talked by a slick politician. It doesn't matter what Tamar says when she is tap dancing for your vote. I hope Tamar wins so Joe will learn his lesson.
Sunland Tujunga has dozens of prominent community leaders. A few support Tamar. So?
9:40 Benson is the only candidate that can be counted on to save the golf course. She has a proven record of sphere heading environmental issues and concerns for many years.
I wouldn't trust anyone who is married to Brendon Hoffman. The S-T people who are supporting Gatzlan are novices and don't understand politicians and how they operate. Eventually,they will have egg on their face for backing a quitter who is not even loyal to her husband in public. Shame on her for airing her dirty laundry for personal gain. I wonder if he publicly disses her as well.
How can you support someone outside of your community when you have a homegrown candidate living in Shadow Hills? Mary Benson is the only candidate from anywhere in the north end of CD2, she is smarter than all three of the biggees, she cares about the rural lifestyle and the open space, and she is the one who was out there in person helping on the spot in the community -the only one of the candidates who showed up to help the fire evacuees.
If it hadn't been for Mary Benson, animal control still would not be here.
I'll take the home-girl any time over the two career climbing quitters and the developer's friend.
Who's the guy in the picture on the right? His name is never mentioned. He must be one of the Prominent Community Leaders. We just don't know who he is. His endorsement is about as worthwhile as the rest.
Tamar Galatzan
(Member, LAUSD Board of Education)
Studio City, CA 91604
Tamar Galatzan
Council Member - District 2
1319268 - Tamar Galatzan for City Council 2009
B - Loan Received
[Period: 01/01/09-08/08/09]
[Election: 09/22/09]
No one ever heard of Joe Barret or Abbie Diamond until Home Depot had been around for about a year. Because of the help of hundreds of Sunland Tujunga people, they eventually shared in the communitys defeat of Home Depot. But they take credit for doing it all by themselves.
That does not make them my leaders.
Adam O'Neill
(Real Estate Developer, The Angeles Group, LLC)
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tamar Galatzan
Council Member - District 2
1319268 - Tamar Galatzan for City Council 2009
A - Monetary Contribution Received
(IND - Individual)
[Period: 08/09/09-09/05/09]
[Election: 09/22/09]
All those reasons about the fire - wasn't she already running at that point? That's kind of a weak sales pitch in my view.
My question is what did she do for you BEFORE she announced she was running (at least officially). Fight Home Depot? Hmm, I don't remember Tamar doing that but maybe she did.
Mary Benson did though!
Krekorian really cares the most about the Armenian genocide - check his assembly record, but he doesn't seem to give a damn about his job as Assemblyman. Could it be the $178,000 salary that motivates?
Essel cares a lot for developers, development financiers, the CRA and is supported by Dale Thrush. How much does she make now?
Tamar does not care about her LAUSD job. Is it the salary? But she cares about Brandon Huffman, her husband, the same guy who came to Mount Gleason Middle School and argued adamantly in behalf of Home Depot. Where were Abby and Joe on that momentous day?
Question? If you are president or board member of a neighborhood council, can you use your title or position when you endorse a candidate?
Question? If you are an officer of a 501C4, can you as such endorse a political candidate?
Tamar Galatzan stinks. She's no more a S-T person than she is a prosecutor or a school board member. She uses those positions to make herself look good, but what does she do? Nothing.
It's no surprise that she's one of the Mayor of Failure's shills in this race. Like the Mayor, she's full of politically correct double speak. The Mayor claims a million trees, she claims 300 cases. Both are so obviously untrue, but she and he don't care. They've got the unions behind them.
Essel and Galatzan are bought and paid for by special interests, neither has an ounce of credibility, but at least you can see them for what they are and vote for someone else.
Galatzan, despite this hardly headline worthy endorsement, is something else altogether; a phony Jack Weiss protege who bangs a loud drum, and proves the adage that empty vessels make the most noise.
I hope the handful of voters in Studio City that will decide this election see the glossy mailers Galatzan is funding from her LAUSD office holders account, will vote for ABG - anyone but Galatzan.
You are absolutely right, Michael. Mary Benson fought hard to get rid of Home Depot, and she fought hard to save the Verdugo Hills Golf Course, and she has advocated for the Rim of the Valley and the Los Angles Trail systems, and she fought to get equine licensed to strength the equestrian community in LA, and she has been there for Sunland Tujunga over and over again for many years. Why would anyone who knows her and her record not support her?
Mary Benson is well known all over the northern communities of CD2 as always being there, always willing to take a stand, dependable, available, and diligently working in our behalf for years.
Yes, Michael, thank you, you are so very right.
People oughta check their facts. The foundation that owns the KMart property are the ones negotiating for a potential new tenant. HD is out of the picture. And last I heard Huffman no longer works for VICA. Every candidate comes with baggage, you gotta sort through and figure out whose baggage you can work with. The grassroots candidates are defeating each other by staying in the race. They should've honed their numbers down to one or two candidates.
Is that what you are doing, Joe? Steering?
If you had said bullying, I might not have wondered since bulls without balls are steers, and it took balls to endorse Brandon Hoffman's wife.
Hummm! Picture posed for and taken at the Watermelon Festival, but announcement held for days, weeks, a month?
Why did you prominent community activists hold your endorsements secret?
I don't think I'm going to comment any more on this thread. I don't want to give the "prominent activists" any kudos.
You're right Michael. Mary Benson helped fight Home Depot and Tamar Galatzan wasn't around. It doesn't matter what you say about her being "her own woman" with her own mind and her own ideas.
I will give you example after example after example of some city employee married couples who "have no pillow talk about upcoming issues". Oh I just want to start naming names.
I think I'm bothered that I lost my respect for Abby and Joe B's intelligence.
But they are very new to politics and the way LA runs. Like one of the posters said, we didn't know who they were before Home Depot and probably won't hear from them in the future.
They couldn't and didn't do HD alone, and there is no reason to think that they could be experienced enough to try to "talk some sense into someone" or to change their minds about endorsing.
I would like to hear from Mary Benson about what she thinks of this.
I think these "leaders" were being a bit shortsighted with this endorsement.
I talked to one of the other candidates about this, and they mentioned that the S-T people probably should have stayed out of it until after Tuesday.
Why would you risk damaging a decades-long friendship with Mary to endorse Tamar
...who could possibly turn around and not even make the runoff?
Loyalty is important in politics.
These S-T leaders might be looked at a little bit differently after this.
Dale Thrush supports Essel?? Figures. He looks like a funeral director who's just a little TOO cheerful on the job--and I downright depise Mr.Smiley-face-- Jim Dantona--yeah, that's the one. But c'mon, let's not ever forget the tremendous gift Joe Barrett and Abby Diamond gave all of us in S-T by spear-heading the No2HD campaign. Sure, we have political differences, and I admit sometimes I enjoy pointing out those differences in my own inimitable tasteless fashion. But Joe and Abby are GREAT PEOPLE-- don't forget that!
Great move defeating Home Depot; all you did was play right into the hands of ACORN and SEIU, the unholy Axis of Evil.
Your efforts have cost the city revenue and the people jobs and benefited just a few cranky neighbors.
You CD 2 folks are gaggle of geese who can't get out of your own way; you deserve whoever you get.
I hope it is the Al Franken of Los Angeles, the Clown Prince himself, Malibu David Saltsman. It will set CD2 back 20 years at least.
Tamar opposed SEIU in going against the majority on giving cafeteria workers who work as little as 3 hrs/ day full healthcare benefits. She got a lot of grief on that one, and wrath of Tony who was courting them. But the unions are loyal only as long as you vote their way: look at how loyal they are to Tony now. So people claiming she's beholdten to SEIU are so wrong. They've backing Krekorian. IBEW is behind Essel.
I'm not saying either of them will necessarily be beholden or vote their way: they're a source of money and a major constituency for any politician, we can't advocate that union members NOT be listened to. The whole notion that someone getting as little as $500-1000 from a person or special interest, being "beholden" as has been alleged in recent campaigns, is just stupid. Look at a person's history, at the social values that have determined their career so far. Not their phony promises.
The Chamber of Commerce has endorsed Tamar. That tells you everything. If you want to stop the always increasing development in Sunland Tujunga, you had better not support or vote for Tamar or development is what you will get.
Who can you control as CM? Tamar? Chris? Paul? Hell no!
Better vote for the hometown girl, Mary Benson, if you have any hope of cooperation with the new CD2 CM!
Abby and Joe will have some trouble controlling anyone after this endorsement!
11:31 Are you saying that people who make phony promises have social values????
I personally fully endorse Ms. Mary Benson to represent our community and Council District 2. Ms. Benson has the leadership experience and community roots that aree sadly absent from LA city hall.
I am Ricky Grubb, and this is my endorsment.
My qualifications?
I currently serve as the elected environmental representitive of the Sunland Tujunga Neighborhood Council.
Who endorsed the politician? What were their qualifications?
11:51 pm "And last I heard Huffman no longer works for VICA."
Correct! Huffman resigned shortly after Wendy Greuel declared she was running for Controller.
Now why would Huffman do that? Do you suppose he and his wife, Tamar, thought it would hurt her chances? Is it possible she is much closer to agreeing with hubby than she will ever admit?
And why would they come to the conclusion that his association with VICA and the United Chamber of Commerce for the SFV might hurt her? Could it be because VICA is a subsidiary of the Economic Alliance which is an organization totally dedicated to developing any and everything in sight in the SFV?
Yes, of course, that is why Brandon immediately resigned after Wendy declared.
Tamar had enough problems with hubby since he fought for Home Depot in Sunland Tujunga. She could try to dissemble around that issue but not around his connections to developers and their organizations.
Did anyone notice during one of the public forums TG's answer when asked if she would acquise to develments CD2 didn't want Her answer was she would recuse herself from voting on such developments in District 2.
Joe B., you took the easy way out. Trying to tie yourself to "the least of the worse" is just another form of political corruption, not a form of political realism. Your endorsement and way of thinking is part of the political problem, hold your hand out and beg for political scraps and fawn and thank them over correct decisions.
The correct route would have been to endorse the underdog (anybody but Zuma DOgg) and then fight the good fight when necessary.
The Home Depot and City of LA that must spend a few million again to fill the seat of Tamar after the Mayor just spent those millions to get her elected to the school board, must be thrilled that "prominent activists" in S/T don't remember the candidate that actually came up with and helped to follow through with the strategy that stopped Home Depot.
Mary Benson is smarter that most candidates, better informed and always willing and ready to help US and has been for 20 years. Why can't we stick together just once and do the smart thing for our area?
Prominent community activists are supporting a professional politican who will immediately cost the City of LA a couple of million bucks for a special election to replace her on the School Board where Villaraigosa just spent several million getting her elected to support him. Just because she will turn on the Mayor doesn't mean that she will turn on us if it suits her. Does it?
What the matter, "prominent", we actually have a chance to elect someone who cares about us, is smart as a whip, knows her way aro und City Hall and has been looking out for us for 20 years. Mary Benson. I have not heard one pewrsosn say they prefer someone else, but I have heard them say she won't get enough votes. If you don't vote for our homey she won't get elected. Duh!!!
My God, Joe, I thought you were a smart guy.I'm surprised you got through the personal Tamar "secret service and actually spoke to her majesty. Give me the home girl who gives a damn about me and my home community and stick the pro politicians. They are ego maniacs who serve only the god of power and bucks.
Funny how a candidate like Benson is suddenly taking credit for the No Home Depot campaign. History rewrites itself once again. We all know who is really responsible for
the defeat of Home Depot, and based on their recommendation, I am voting for Tamar.
Oh, so Mary Benson "came up" with the strategy to stop Home Depot.
You'll say anything to get someone to vote for her.
Isn't it interesting how very sensative our NoToHomeDepot Activists of Prominence are to the reality that there were hundreds of Sunland Tujunga community members who worked to beat Home Depot and how they hate the reality that Mary Benson was one of them. She's your neighbor, Joe.
And there sure was no Tamar amongst those community fighters - only her hubby Brandon fighting for Home Depot.
Red Herring Alert! You said that Mary Benson "came Up" with the strategy to beat Home Depot. Now you are spinning the discussion another way. And no, I am not Joe B.
11:02 Which blog is it that said that Mary Benson "came up" with the strategy to beat Home Depot? I have read every blog and I can't find such a reference.
If you are not Joe, you sure sound like him! And I am not the one who has been arguing with you. I don't argue with liars.
I think we should have an election and vote on who it was that actually stopped Home Depot. Joe B., or Mary Benson. It was definitely one or the other. We need to figure out who, so we know who to give credit to. Of course the actual deciding factor was the economy.
Mary did suggest a plan to beat Home Depot. The plans were held close to the chest...and they worked! Oh, ye of such little faith!
Mary also has also worked and researched to save the Verdugo Hills Golf Course and sits on that committee.
She has been very helpful and submitted comments to the DEIR.
The Benson spinners need to drop the Home Depot credit to Mary. She never came up with a plan and everyone knows it. Don't give her credit where it is not due.
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