Sunland Tujunga to Issue Council Endorsment
Sources are telling us that leaders from Sunland-Tujunga will announce their choice to take the open Council Seat in CD2. Stay tuned to this blog for more details. Who is it? Well let us just say some people are going to be very happy and some others are going to be really pissed!
Labels: cd2 special election, Chris Essel, Mary Benson, paul krekorian, sunland-tujunga, tamar galatzan
As long as it is not Essel, they can endorse whomever they like.
If its not Mary Benson there will be hell to pay. Doubt its Krekorian or Essel. Could be Tamar but would be inconsistent with her husband's efforts to bring in Home Depot. Zuma Dogg? nah, probably Sheftel. They must of smoked a bowl with him.
Yea Sheftel. David Hernandez has pull up there.
Its Tamar.
Will be another bad day for Essel.
The TMW video awards are playing up how they're back in NYC
"from that place out west." Thanks to idiot Dogg and his provincial minions like Republicans Zine and Trutanich, dissin' on the services,' LA has lost this really HOT revenue generator. ANY of the maligned "big three" would know how important it is to keep jobs and tourists in LA!
Mary Benson. Essel and Tamar are female versions of Jack Weiss.
Please do not speculate. It is Tamar. Sorry to the grassroots candidates. That's just the way it is. Don't attack me, I am just trying to break it to you gently. But it did not go to hometown candidate Mary.
Is Mary Benson going to endorse Tamar now that her own Sunland Tujunga Neigborhood Council is endorsing Tamar? If she does, she should do it tonight at the Sherman Oaks debate for maximum impact.
It would be a slap in the face to the entire community
if it were Tamar. Look for lots of finger pointing
and consipracy accusations (oh there supporting
Tamar to help Louis P get on the school board). If they
don't pick from any of the true "Grassroots" candidates,
S-T will lose any credibilty with the community. Tamar
has a job (heck she has 2!!). She needs to get
the schools back on track before she can tackle the citys
problems. Your gonna have a revolution on your hands
if Tamars the choice.
As long as it is not Krekorian or Essel.
Sunland Tujunga would lose a lot of face if they endorsed those two.
It would be a real slap in the face if it isn't Benson.
Phil, it's Tamar. That means it is not Benson. Please do not lose credibility trying to handicap this. Tamar has the endorsement. You are a writer for this blog. Don't be seen as in the dark. So start commenting on the selection of Tamar, if anything.
I hope Tamar knocks Krekorian out of the runoff. With the Daily News endorsement and now S-T she's got a great shot.
I pray it is not Essel!
What an insult and a slap in the face to all the people that worked so hard to keep Home Depot out if you the support the Wife of the dude who spearheaded the effort. And whats with the Dog and Pony posting? If your gonna endorse. then friggen do it, dont tease about it. I would hope it would be Benson or Sheftel or Sanchez. NOT TAMAR!! Who ever it is, you certainly dont speak for all of Sunland-Tujunga on this issue.
At this point everyone needs to stop bickering and get behind Tamar who is the only viable candidate against Paul Krekorian, the two-bit career politician and Christine Essel, the Villar-backed machine candidate. The next 12 years are at stake people!
THERE ARE NOT 12 YEARS AT STAKE PEOPLE!!! It's a 2 year filler term. There will be ANOTHER election in 2 years. So PLEASE stop acting like we get stuck with someone in there. (Heck if it's Tamar or Paul they wont stay that long anyways cause there Jobhoppers). So elect Grassroots and lets see how they do. If in 2 years they suck, then Paul & Tamar will have finished there commitments an can run again then.
This is a blog posting about one NC endorsement out of many NCs in the district and they aren't even all united among themselves. Seems like kind of a lot of banter over such a small detail.
Drumroll please!!
After a quick review of Tamar's website, one finds these fine S-T community leaders supporting her.
Tomi-Lyn Bowling, Boardmember, Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council
Ed Novy, Boardmember, Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council
Dan McManus, President, Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council
You can paste and see at
click away dumdums!!
Srsly? You guys think its Tamar?
I can't imagine for the life of me why the fine people of Sunland-Tujunja would want anything to do with that traitor to the children of her LAUSD school board district.
The amount of time and energy we put into supporting her, attending her lame-ass "Parent Summits" (with no real change coming from them at ALL. JUST A PRE-CAMPAIGN PHOTO OP, only to have her turn her backs on us AFTER SHE SAID SHE WOULDN'T, shows her true character.
We needed her and she left us for greener pastures.
If that's the kind of person Sunland-Tujunga wants representing them, then they deserve what they get.
All of these endorsements were public ages ago. yawn
I sniffed all the candidates. Only Tamar passed the smell test. Sheftel smelled like weed and Krekorian smelled like El Pollo Loco.
I hope it's anyone but zuma dogg so we can see him burn THAT bridge too, saying that they're dumb, disloyal, disconnected to not see his self-proclaimed great talent.
Then you'll see what Zumatard is really made of. He has no ability to edit himself and will really let loose.
NC's are not allowed to endorse. This is an endorsement by community leaders who may or may not be on the NC.
This could be interesting. DONE has always said that NCs could take a position on a ballot measure, but not a candidate. No one has ever challenged DONE on that.
I hope ST does make an endorsement and forces DONE to acquiesce. It would enhance the stature of the NCs. Candidates would really have to show some respect and consider the consequences of their actions if elected.
Yes, there would still be backroom deals with municipal unions and developers, but the risks of associated with alienating activists would be higher.
I'll say it again, this endorsement is not coming from the NC specifically. It is coming from community leaders who may or may not be on the NC. Jeez!
As long as you guys don't endorse a Antonio croonie. Hey what's up with city council this week not meeting? Didn't they just get back from their summer break and they are getting paid, the highest in the nation. I just got a call asking why is council in recess all week. They are spending $75,000 tomorrow for that Illegal celebration. Don't insult us and call it Mexican Independence Day festivities. Its ILLEGAL MEANING NOT LEGAL. Mexican Americans are LEGAL citizens can vote in this country. All the illegals will be downtown cause they will have free food and stuff. Illegals like our Latino politicians have no class and no ethics.
With all due respect to my Sunland-Tujunga friends I find this appalling. After all the effort to fight Home Depot they're now supporting the wife of Mr. Home Depot and Mr. SB1818.
Though I never expected them to see these folks support my choice for various reasons I was at least expecting an honest endorsement of someone in line with their values such as Mary Benson, Sheftel, McCue, etc. All of whom could have a chance to get in a runoff.
For reasons I can not tell you I can guarantee you have endorsed the Mayor's prime candidate. I think if she wins and becomes your Councilmember you will be disappointed later.
Oh well.
Yes, Debbie, it's election season. People loose their minds and get all excited over the words and attention they are receiving from real, live LAUSD elected officials when they are out there campaigning. It's the "Leif Garrett" factor. So you have someone who felt it was "A-o.k." to hop in the mayor's $2 million getaway car and use that shady money to get in the LAUSD school board seat where she used all of YOU to leapfrog into the REAL paycheck, not some part-time money. And I guess her hubby's role at "YES on Home Depot" is something that can easily be overlooked, along with all the time parents and the ENTIRE LAUSD SCHOOL SYSTEM invested in Tamar.
ALL THE WHILE SHE WAS ONLY USING IT TO GAIN SUPPORT FOR CD2, which she knew she was doing all along, and left $60,000 in her office account that could have been used to staff, or the classroom or kids and used it for her own CD2 fliers that may, or may not be under investigation with more than just the ethics commission.
YEAH, there's reform you can trust. She should have put down "conductor" on her ballot designation because she just played, you, the community like a fiddle in her "Tamar for City Council" 2 year orchestration.
Springsteen wrote a song about how hard it is to not get snookered by these slick elected officials. "Tunnel of Love." I just sit back and enjoy the view.
I especially like how Tamar shows up for a press conference on the CD 2 water main break, AFTER it breaks. Of course I was there warning of this BEFORE it happened.
So Tamar probably is PERFECT for City Council and the people who keep electing people like her.
BUT, Zuma Dogg will still be there in chambers fighting for the voice of the community and the people, and I wonder if Tamar would have shown up to that press conference if she wasn't on the ballot next Tuesday.
"As City Councilmember, I will have the best constituent services and make sure all calls are returned with 24 hours. I will ensure the aging infrastructure will be replaced in record time, and will hire Olympic track starts to do the job faster.
I will bring jobs back to the district and will take measures to shore up the budget and close the deficit by eliminating waste and I will stand up to the unions and I am independent candidate.
My name is (fill in the blank) and I am running for city council.
I guess people forgot Tamar is "Yes on Jack Weiss." And if you have kids in her LAUSD district. Good luck starting all over. Tamar's gotta bring home the bacon.
If the CMs can endorse individually, an NC board member would be able to endorse, but unless the City Council is permitted to endorse a candidate, as a political body, the NCs similarly should would not be able to do it.
And what's the estimate for an LAUSD Special Election should Tamar win now or in the December run-off election? I think $1 million is the least these run.
Tamar seems to be doing an excellent job as a BOARD MEMBER on the LAUSD- with a grasp of reality and addressing needs, contrasted to Yolie Flores-Aguilar and Monica Garcia, each preoccupied with personal cultural-agenda-items.
If Krekorian advances at all here, the loss includes shortchanging Assembly distric constituents, causing a Special Election to fill the vacancy with attendant expenses, likely higher than an LAUSD spl. election, and he's taking the spot a knowledgeable local candidate could fill.
No one really is mentioning the grassroots people here, but there's a better assortement of choices there, and Zuma Dogg IS knowledgeable, very knowledgeable when it comes to local issues issues. I doubt he would insulate himself from inquiry as Essel has done. And most CMs now duck interviews from any media on most issues, all helping their spinners to keep us uninformed and allow them to be uncommitted until a poll tells them what's their best move.
in cd-14
September 14, 2009 9:11 AM
And it seems to me YOU liiiiived your life, like a candle in the wind. Never knowing who to cling to, when the raaaaaaaain set in.
With all due respect to my Sunland-Tujunga friends I find this appalling. After all the effort to fight Home Depot they're now supporting the wife of Mr. Home Depot and Mr. SB1818.
Aw, c'mon Mayor Sam, the lady ain't my fave person on earth, but I know I wouldn't want to be judged based on MY HUSBAND'S dealings (insert knowing laugh), we shouldn't judge her based on her misguided, lackey husband's.
Now, she has her own baggage we can bag on without attaching her hubby's. Let's focus on hers, not his. It's only fair.
Mrs. Huffleuppugus should be jugded on her own merits. Or lack thereof.
in CD 14 said: Tamar seems to be doing an excellent job as a BOARD MEMBER on the LAUSD- with a grasp of reality and addressing needs, contrasted to Yolie Flores-Aguilar and Monica Garcia, each preoccupied with personal cultural-agenda-items.
Spoken by someone with no children in her Tamar's district. Come by and visit our Computer Lab that Tamar says SHE EQUIPPED WITH NEW COMPUTERS.
We have have an aging and crispy, wood shingle roof on our school from the 60's, and we live in a risky fire-area. We have given her Chief of Staff Tom Waldman pieces of this roof as inspiration to help us.
Next time we ran into Tom and Tamar, Tom said he put that piece of wood shingle on his desk to remind him of us.
And still NOTHING. Not a "sorry, we have bigger fish to fry" or "Yes, we're on it". NOthing. So every fall when the temps go up and the winds begin to whip, we parents do constant vigils on our school OURSELVES to make sure our roof doesn't catch fire.
And don't even get me started on her Non Title I school bullshit. Because that shit still pisses me off.
So you can jump off that "Oh Tamar has done so much for the School Board" bullshit, because that's all it is.
here's my election results: [based on extensive polling in the district]
Krackhorian: 1800 votes 18%
Empty Essel : 1700 votes 17.5%
Go along Galatzen: 1900 votes 19%
Zuma Dogg: 1900 votes 19 %
Benson: 800 votes 8%
McCue: 400 votes 4%
Sanchez: 400 votes 4%
Bisani: 400 votes 4%
Essavi: 200 votes 2%
Sheftel: 500 votes 4.5%
based on 10,000 votes.
5400 split on the 'top three'
1900 for ZD name recognition.
2700 split amomg the other 6.
Zuma and Tamar in the run-off.
and that's gonna be one hell of a show...
I was just looking for the picture of Tamar with Wendy on the net, and found this when I was blogging on LAUSD losing $400 million in computers:
"Let's bring in an expert, Antonio's gal (he paid a million bucks to get her on the LAUSD school board -- and shoe-in for Wendy Greuel's CM Chair if things like this don't thwart any chances before they can happen), Tamar Galatzan (the first lady of VICA). -Zuma Dogg (2/08)
So it was well know back then this whole LAUSD gig was just a way of starting a grass roots council campaign as a machine candidates. LOL!
Some NC's already are political lobbies whose Board Members are Home Owner Assn people who joined because they have a beef with their current councilmember and the city's policies on development - so they are a conservative bunch in general and with a limited agenda. Many members disdain and marginalize people who are not homeowner assn. voices. They are funded by the city to operate, which is like funding an enemy agency.
During these types of elections some NC Board members go around to the community, using their NC Board status to campaign against the incumbent or the main candidate.
Since you can serve on a board where you work or have some other interest beside living, some people serve on more than one, and also go around and unite NC's for or against one candidate.
They hold candidate "debates" which are really rigged to serve their agenda, for or against candidates.
So in essence, forging a political lobby paid for by the city, but don't have to register as one with the Ethics Commission.
I'm not talking about S-T in particular, but it does not make sense to allow NC's to endorse as an organization.
Matt's poll must have been taken after smoking some nice candy at Sheftel's shop. How's your foul- mouthed prophet going to get anyone to go along with him on anything even if all the other candidates got hit by lightning and he got elected?
Even Zine who loved him and used him said last week, "there never was any love between me and Zuma Dogg." How does it feel, Zuma, to be so used and loved in private and egged on in public while you were doing his dirty work, but when you tell people about it, he and the Nooch deny everything?
You think it will be easier with the others?
You're headline is bogus, bait-and-switch.
NCs can't endorse, and would be foolish to try.
Nothing would harm their credibility and future operation more.
If they even tried, I'd lobby hard for their decertification.
They're supposed to be the collaborative voice of the ENTIRE community, not the whims of a handful of barely electeds.
(Plus the first thing DONE will do is freeze their NC funds -- maybe not such a bad idea if they're that dysfunctional).
Dear Desperate Reader,
In response to ZUMA DOGG saying on TV, "The love between Zuma Dogg and Dennis Zine is over as far as I'm concerned," (for the way he was treating speakers on Friday during the meeting) Councilmember Zine replied, "For the record, there was never any love between me and Zuma Dogg." Which was a play off on the "love" theme and you can see the grin. So, good one Dennis.
So sorry, Desperate. Any response Dennis made like that, either playing off on the "love" angle, or in all seriousness, was only a reactive comment to mine (as usual).
You're shooting blanks. Got anything else, MMMArilyn Monroe? Thanks for bringing it up, though, so I can tell the entire story again on how Zine moved public comment to the end of the meeting the second he sat in for Eric and the fact that Zuma Dogg doesn't play favorites and was willing to blast Dennis when he deserved it.
But I'm just chalking it up to Dennis having a cranky day since he just got back from being out of town and won't hold it against him for the rest of his term, unless it's a real trend. (Dennis on the other hand, may hate me forever. And you know the difference between whether Zine hates me or loves me? There isn't any.
BUT, he did go on camera and say, "Zuma Dogg does a lot of good for the people of Los Angeles. He's a good man."
Thanks, Dennis. Hope to be able to say the same about YOU some day. (Just kidding, Denny! You KNOW I still think you're one of the least worst councilmembers!)
Higby why do you allow Zuma to make every thread about HIM? WHY?
How does Bisani get 200 votes?
Who else hopes Zuma will go away for good in two weeks?
V-Doll I wouldn't tag you for your husband's dealings because you're not in the same shady business together.
Where was Tamar as a school board member during the No Home Depot fight? Why wasn't she speaking out against the impact on Apperson Elementary School with trucks belching diesel and driving 50 miles an hour down Foothill running over little kidlets? Obviously she couldn't cook her hubby's boss' goose.
So she's shady. And for all the other reasons you cited. But specifically with respect to Sunland Tujunga.
I love Joe and all those guys and get why they're doing this. But it's a huge mistake. They should have lined up behind Benson or at least McCue to remain consistent.
I know someone is going to say "OK HIGBY YOU FAT SLOB YOU'RE SUPPORTING KRACKWHORIAN." And that's because I think he's the best guy for the job for that district at this time. That's based on my community's experience with him as our Assemblyman. I sure wish he wasn't so damn liberal but I find him sincere and capable. However if I wasn't supporting him I sure as hell wouldn't support someone as shady as Tamar or Essel. Also neither of them are warm and fuzzy. So if it wasn't for Paul I'd have to support Zuma Dogg (who is gonna get mad at me again for saying this but I think he should be CD11 Councilman cause he knows and loves that community) or Essavi and after that probably Sheftel. Benson, McCue and Sanchez are too parochial and too anti-business. Bisani is a fun guy but come on.
I think ST is going to regret supporting Mayor V's favorite candidate. It will be like Jose Huizar for the Valley.
Higby shut up. This will give Mary Benson a job.
How could ANYONE select Tamar when she's on record as making Zooma her chief of staff?
Come on people!
Dumbass at 12:30, MARY HAS A JOB. She has a family business, retard.
Joe B is Tamar.
Cindy Cleghorn is Mary B.
Mark Siegel is Mary B maybe.
Dingbat LAUSD activist blondie is Tamar.
Rita Wally ex porn star of Sunland is Zooma.
Should be an interesting squabble, but since Joe is the most obnoxious, I'm guessing he and Tomi will browbeat the rest into going with Mrs. VICA.
Nobody phucking cares who this freak crowd picks. Most people have already voted by mail.
(who is gonna get mad at me again for saying this but I think he should be CD11 Councilman cause he knows and loves that community)
HIGBY!!! Why couldn't you have just left it at, "So if it wasn't for Paul I'd have to support Zuma Dogg."
And all the other stuff I have called for and predicted. It's not about the difference between CD 2 and CD 11. Jeeze!
But I am glad if there were Instant Voter Run-off, I'd be your #2 pick, and it wasn't someone else.
(Oh no...I just walked right into the pitfall!)
How can Benson - a business owner, be too anti-business?
No sooner??
12:11 the better question is why does Higby censor legitimate on-topic comments about his friend Zuma's run for City Council? I simply observed that Zuma might have a chance to win if he were out talking to voters instead of fighting with people on Higby's blog. Higby censored it but for some reason allowed 12:13 to comment???
It's wrong to say "Sunland-Tujunga" will issue a Council Endorsement" Only a few who may perceive they have the power to persuade others would make such a statement, if indeed they did.
Don't include me. Who I vote for is nobody's business but my own. Sunland-Tujunga has over 60,000 people in it and no one has the right to say how I am going to vote. Therefore, it would only be proper to say "some people in Sunland-Tujunga will be announcing who they who they chose to endorse" but please that doesn't mean they speak for the entire community.
The people in Sunland-Tujunga know how important this election is to them and I am sure they will be giving it their upmost consideration before punching that
their voter card. Even though it is only for about 14 months, everyone realizes how hard it is to beat an incumbent.
This is poor reporting meant only for sensationalism.
By the way the Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council is not endorsing anyone! Board members can excercise their rights as individual private citizens but not as board members. You should leave their titles out of it. They don't speak for the community either.
Nina Royal is calling Higby a bad reporter??? Oh that's rich!!!
For the record, I pasted the three names as they appeared on Tamar's web site.
The original post should have said "Self-appointed leaders of Sunland-Tujunga".
Nina you know what its like to want to sell papers. ;)
And I keep getting asked "WHO IS SUNLAND-TUJUNGA SUPPORTING?" Maybe now we know? I'm waiting for final confirmation from Red Spot who is covering this story.
How come no one asks who is STUDIO CITY or VALLEY GLEN or VALLEY VILLAGE or WEST VAN NUYS supporting?
No one asks who is North Hollywood supporting cause I know y'all think we suck and ya don't care. But if you haven't been to NoHo lately the place is getting sick. (that means good kind of like bad in the 70s)
Saturday we opened up the Art Institute on the first four floors of the new NoHo Commons Tower and the arts community of NoHo Commons held a fashion show and art show that was awesome.
And yes I know "noone cares"
Frank Sheftel for City Council Lawn signs are available. If you would like one delivered to you call 818 754-1398. Only 8 days left. Frank will be at Sherman Oaks School tonight for a candidates forum 14755 Greenleaf St. Sherman Oaks. 6:30PM you can get signs there.
I am in Van Nuys Council Chambers delivering public comments on the City budget crisis that is being broadcast on LIVE TV. Sorry I am blogging in chambers while I listen and type my report on the meeting. Wendy just spoke. So are the experts. Pretty juicy. Gonna be fun to watch them try and navigate this one. I don't think the current crop of "leadership" at City Hall is able to grab hold of the rudder.
But sorry for wasting my time at the budget meetings speaking on the most important stuff in the city.
Maybe I should show up at a broken pipe and talk about it on camera.
That is why the "NoHo Valley White Guy" sounds so fresh.
"I grew up in the Valley. We came here when I was 3. I went to Shirley Avenue Elementary, Sutter Avenue and Chatsworth High School. I graduated from Northridge. I love this area."
10:43 I was involved in Sunland-Tujunga's Candidate Forum and attended the others. In my opinion all candidates were treated fairly and equally and the Candidates were equally respectful of one another.
Wonder what kind of deal Galatzan had to offer?
David Saltsburg, better known as Zuma Dogg, is almost always irritating, as befits his role as City Hall gadfly, but occasionally right on target about what ails Los Angeles. None, though, makes the case that he or she is prepared to represent the interests of more than a quarter-million people, keep the city solvent and help steer a path toward the future.
Sorry, Nina, I have to disagree. Although Sunland Tujunga had the first major forum and was very well organized, there was nothing fair and balanced about it. (Although, I don't believe the organizers had this in mind and were well intentioned) When the moderators render personal opinions, ignore the pre-screeners submitted questions and push their own agenda, that is hardly neutral as a moderator is expected to be. But in selecting Ron Kaye & Jill Stewart it should come as no suprise as both have done hatchet jobs on several of the candidates.
If you like Mayor Villaigosa you're going to love Tamar!
Broken pipes and broken side walks, pot holes and untrimed trees. Delivering to the constitutents the services they have a right to receive is what it is all about. If you want to be a corruption fighter, run for City Attorney. If you want to be a Budget expert, run for controller. But do not tell me you are too busy to get that abondonded car or couch off my street because you have better things to do.
Saltsburg is on record on this blog as having PROMISED that if he is not in the run off he will move back to alibu and go into seclusion and try to earn a living and reconstruct his worthless life.
He will no longer be the irritant that wastes our time, week after week, day after day, meeting after meeting and item after item.
Meetings will last half as long and accomplish twice as much.
Judging from Matt Dowd's predictions, Dowd is as daffy as Saltsburg, so maybe they both disappear together?
This is going to be an all woman runoff; Tamar just edged poor Paul out of second place and it will be Tamar and Chris duking it out for the golden ring. Men need not apply.
Tamar never said she would hire the homeless vagrant as her Chief of Staff; if he is counting on that gig, he is really smoking his own product. No matter, ain't a gonna be an issue.
Chris will be a great Councilmember; she is open to ideas, has great business experience and works well with others.
See you in the 'Bu, loser.
5:25 is correct however, City Council does have responsibility regarding the bigger picture including expenditures, etc. With that said, stakeholders need a resposive council person whose staff is there to expedite the local needs. In other words, someone unlike Wendy Greuel who abandoned her pothole issue when it no longer served her purpose. Ditto with abandoned cars & sofas. Tree trimming and sidewalk repair forget it, you're on your own unless you're willing to pay 50% of the cost for repair.
Listen up goobers, it doesn't matter if S-T endorses Tamar. She can't even get her own Studio City NC to endorse her, they've all gone to Krekorian.
If it's Tamar - It's politics as usual and the community has been sold down the river. They will lose all credibility with the community.They have fooled themselves and us. Endorsing a quitter. How low can you go?
If it's Tamar., I'll fall on my sword and vote for whoever runs against her. Anyone - including Essel or Krekorian.
Tamar dangled a lot. How did such smart people get fooled? Was it the cookies she baked? I thought it was Sheftel that put stuff in his baked goods, not Tamar.
Good for S-T!! They are smart enough to choose the best candidate over the local one and I am sure that was not an easy choice to make. Remember, these are the same people that outfoxed Home Depot. They know exactly what they are doing!
3:45 pm, Regardless of who asked them the questions the candidates were all asked the same question. Therefore, how was one treated better than the other? Where was the particality. I didn't see or hear it.
This endorsement by Sunland/Tujunga's movers & shakers could be the tipping point in the race. Never underestimate this town!
If it is for Tamar, then I predict a Paul vs Tamar in the run-off. If they chose anyone else, then they blew their opportunity to influence this election.
With all due respect, those three named Sunland-Tujunga people aren't considered "movers and shakers".
If I verify that anyone in ST endorsed Tamar over anyone else, then I just lost all respect for STNC, who can't even endorse a candidate. So 3 people out of a 20+ some board is not the whole NC endorsing.
Fuck Home Depot. If they vote for Tamar, they do not know what they're doing.
I live in her district and she is without a doubt, the worst school board member I've ever dealt with.
I guess I needed a reason to get over to ST to push for Zuma. I'll have to door knock myself.
I'm hearing that 2 or more key people from the No Home Depot campaign are also going to sign the letter.
So what's the hold up on the announcement? Could the so called leaders have realized that trying to speak for the entire town might result in some backlash? The day the No Home Depot people try to tell me who to vote for is the day a candidate gets crossed off my list.
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