Opening Statements From the Candidates for CD2
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CD2 Candidates Forum "Opening Statements" from Joe B on Vimeo.
Labels: cd2 special election
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
CD2 Candidates Forum "Opening Statements" from Joe B on Vimeo.
Labels: cd2 special election
Thanks Michael for your postings on the candidate forum yesterday. It was very helpful for people who couldn't be there. I phoned people to tell them to go to Mayorsam via their blackberries and we read your excerpts. Thanks. Too many soft ball questions. Should have asked How did you vote on Measure B the mayor's BS solar bill? What do they think of the billboard mess, dumb ass response from Essel on public safety.
DON'T SIGN UP FOR PPL police union bullshit. They are asking people to sign an online petition for public safety but in REALITY THEY WANT YOUR E-MAIL TO SEND THEIR PROPAGANDA CRAP. Once you get on you can't get off. DON'T SIGN IT.
Tamar Galatzen: annoying voice - perfect to join this City Council
Joe B.,
Did you film this yourself?? Fantastic work!
I have had some issues with you recently, but this is something that deserves a standing ovation. MUCH better than anything the Times or Daily News will do on this election. Thanks for keeping Mayor Sam at the top when it comes to local politics.
My brief impressions....
Benson - Activist, authentic, and genuine. But I worry about her being an environmentalist. I'm always worried about people who feel that trees are more important than people.
Bisani - "politics as usual" Wow. We have never heard that phrase before.... next.
Essavi - "real reform". I like Joe a lot.
Essel - As much as I can't stand her... she did a good job. Aside from a few glances at her notes, she gave a smooth, controlled and impressive opening statement. (Arrrgghh!)
Galatzan - Two words popped into my head watching her. "Bitchy" and "domineering". Sorry, just my honest, first reaction to her.
Krekorian - Wasted half his time talking about the good old days of cruising the unpopulated, low-crime, idyllic Valley. What is this... a trailer for George Lucas' "American Graffitti"?
McCue - Green Party? Next...
Zuma Dogg - "People know me". "I hate criticism of myself". "I worked for Z100 radio". Zuma Dogg was clearly the most entertaining of the candidates. True personality.
Sanchez - Unprepared. He spent the first 10 seconds fumbling with his microphone. He had 8 minutes of previous speakers to get ready.
Sheftel - "not a politician, I'm a businessman", "services that we pay for" , "talk with you, not TO you". He did a good job.
Go Zuma Dogg!!
I agree with Phil. Benson was most authentic and Essel was much more likable than I expected and the only one who gave some specific ideas rather than the usual bull.
My impressions
Essavi, Zuma Dogg, Krekorian - best grasp of the issues and most respectful of the constituents
McCue, Sanchez, Bisani, Sheftel - Please, who are these guys?
Essel - reminds me of the moms of the rich kids from south of the Blvd I knew grewing up
Benson - Been in many battles, not warm and fuzzy, a technician not a leader
Galatzan - deep awareness of the issues, knows her way around the bureaucracy, sassy and funny but sometimes too sarcastic and smarmy (thought I personally like that)
Wow, no comments allowed on Petrified's post on Zuma. That seem fair and reasonable. Say whatever you want about someone anonymously, but offer no chance for a reply.
I said, "Everyone knows I hate criticism of myself" as a humorous lead-in where I said, "But I heard someone bring up a reasonable question regarding me..."
So you simply mention, "I don't like criticism of myself" but fail to mention anything else. IT WASN'T ABOUT CRITICISM, it was about the issue that I addressed afterward that I was identifying as critical.
(I guess I just have a different standard as an activist and maybe that's what people see in me when I am speaking out.)
Tamar and Benson did the best followed by a close second by Paul.
Essel just read her note back and lied. Its clear she really hates S/T.
I think Paul and David came off best by far. Mary may know a lot about planning issues in the Sunland area but watch the playback of her speaking and see if you think she has what it takes. I think the strategy for Mary at this point for the other forums should be stay home so people don't have to hear you speak publicly and let your Sunland supporters get the word out for you.
Talking with the crowd after the debate, its obvious that the any one but Essel mantra has taken a hold of S/T also.
The less she is seen is S/T from this point on the better off she will be.
I'm hoping we can give up politics for a bit. I'll be doing some MS work this AM but not for long as I'll spending the day with my family and won't be tuning into all you crybaby losers. :)
Tamar Galatzen said she would hold her nose visiting the NC's and it showed. Her smile was so false and she kept on talking about herself as if she was some sort of super-hero. Anyone Googled her to find out what she has actually done? Nothing in the news that I could find since 2005. Of course, she's been busy with her political career ever since then. Anyone but Galatzan & Essel.
The opening statement, your thesis for the rest of the forum.
Intended to capture your general philosophy and paint what you are about in broad strokes.
As a candidate, if you are not prepared to give a solid opening statement, you are not a serious candidate.
Essavi, Krekorian - prepared, hit their messages well.
Benson, Galatzan - could have practiced a little more, but not bad.
Zuma - got the radio voice.
Rest - back to the drawing board.
and one other thing, most of the candidates seem to know their stuff, but dayum, Augusto Bisani, STOP WASTING OUR TIME. If I wanted to go argue politics with my drunk uncle who knows nothing about politics I'd go do that.
Thanks to Mayor Sam, Joe B, etc. for posting the forum.
I was there and thought Essel did way the best.
She was smooth and to the point and made concrete, specific suggestions for a plan of action.
This lady is going to do a great job representing us at City Hall.
My mother always told me that you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. Chris lay sout the honey like a pro, and will be a great Councilmember from the 2nd district.
Tamar needs to get her voice fixed; how can she win anything from a court or jury??
Paul is just a professional candidate. We don't need one of those. Bye Paul.
I agree with whoever said Galatzan's voice is annoying. I couldn't listen to that every council meeting.
Mary Benson, looking good. I think she has a command of the issues and if she can get out the vote, would end up being a strong voice for CD 2.
Zuma, definite command of the issues also. You deserve to win.
Essel, she says uh, uh as much as AV does. I sure hope that someone questioned her on that "empower neighborhood councils" comment. Oh and she forgot to mention RIORDAN'S endorsement. Why? Is she just going to throw that around in certain neighborhoods?
Paul Krekorian, you are right behind Zuma and Mary Benson.
The rest barely deserve a stroke of my typing fingers and are just vote stealers which will cause the special interest candidates to win.
1:40 - Tamar needs to get her voice fixed; how can she win anything from a court or jury??
She doesn't win anything in court. It's all window dressing - ask anyone at the ca's office. Tamar is one of those 'special' people who get blackberrys and city cars and don't do any work in court. Total phony with a really nasty vindictive temper. Definite "No, hell No!" for CD2.
From this poll, its shows that Paul K, in first, Tamar in second, and MARY BENSON IN 3RD!?!? Despite the $119,294 Essel has raised, That happens to be the most money ANY of the candidates have raised. I wasnt going to vote for Mary, but I REALLY want a grassroots Council member representing me, I like the others, they just dont have the support of the voters like Mary Benson those. Sorry Sanchez, McQ, Benson has a slightly better record WITH great numbers.
Im tried of "Career Politicians" that abandon jobs that they were elected to do. Paul K and Tamar BOTH have a history of that, What Guarantee do THE PEOPLE have that thet wont do the SAME THING when... oh lets say, the Mayor seat is available to run for? They will just leave us in the dust, and waste more of our tax dollars by causing YET MORE special elections.
You work for Essel.
Did you find parking on Ventura Blvd. or did you valet?
Galatzan may be crossing the line established by the City Attorney's Office (were she grazes at the public expense) in her ad hominum and slanderous attacks on Mary Benson's factual citation of Galatzan's public employment and unfounded allegations of criminal activity engaged in by Frank Sheftel.
One has to ask about the professionalism and capacity to serve of Galatzan in her targeting of community activists who differ ever so slightly with her. This flagrant violation of any number of community activists' Constitutionally protected rights - on the part of paid city officials is insidious and exposes City corruption to its core.
Is this a clue in the discovery of the establishment or an ongoing "enemies" list in which Galatzan commits violations of her oath in an unknown number cases of "abuse of authority" or "abuse of office"? Is Galatzan's intent to tamp down any challenge to, and put up a cloak around her nefarious and perhaps illegal activity?
What were Galatzan's "professional" activities before she became a criminal prosecutor - the current position that comprises her greatest boast and most repetitively used bludgeoning tool in her job hopping and campaign treasury building enterprise?
"Areas of application ยป Criminal cases
Both the prosecution and the defense of criminal cases raise special ethical issues. The prosecutor represents the state, and the state has an interest not only in convicting the guilty but also in acquitting the innocent. The prosecutor also has an ethical and, in considerable measure, a legal duty to disclose to the defense any information known to him and unknown to the defense that might exonerate the defendant or mitigate the punishment. He must not employ trial tactics that may lead to unfair convictions, nor should he prosecute merely to enhance his political prospects."
from legal ethics :: Criminal cases
"Article 6:
Section A.
Ethics and Advocacy
The prosecuting attorney's highest ethical responsibility is the duty to seek justice, not merely to convict. This special duty exists because the prosecutor represents the sovereign and therefore should use restraint in the discretionary exercise of governmental powers such as the selection of cases to prosecute. During trial the prosecutor is not only an advocate, but he or she may make decisions normally made by an individual client in a civil case. In our system of criminal justice, the accused is to be given the benefit of all reasonable doubts. Further, the prosecutor should not intentionally avoid pursuit of evidence merely because he or she believes it will damage the prosecution's case or aid the accused."
from Article 6: PROSECUTOR Section A. Ethics and Advocacy
5:17: Stop blathering. If you want to make those allegations start with none other than your Nooch and his Pooch Berger harassing and trying to intimidate political opponents and perceived opponents via their office -- they're blatantly over the legal line. And with their stoolie Cooley (or is it the other way around?) they are so shockingly blatant about it they're asking for it.
As for your idiotic assertion regarding her comment to the MJ dispensary owner: If you want to look to who's saying he's engaging in illegal activity, look no further than Nooch's Poochette Jane Usher, who surprised quite a few people recently by saying ALL dispensaries in L A are illegal because they violate state law. That would make Shuffle someone engaging in illegal activity by definition of Nooch's office.
Being that 5:17 has no rebuttal, save trying to move the argument somewhere to 5:17's liking, let's look over there: "Jane Usher, who surprised quite a few people recently by saying ALL dispensaries in L A are illegal because they violate state law."
De-criminalization has allowed the use of medicinal marijuana.
Now let's solve a chunk of the deficit by full legalization and taxation of marijuana.
Advocates Push for CA Vote to Legalize Pot
California Edges Closer to Legalizing and Taxing Marijuana (VIDEO)
Being that 5:17 has no rebuttal, save trying to move the argument somewhere to 5:17's liking, let's look over there: "Jane Usher, who surprised quite a few people recently by saying ALL dispensaries in L A are illegal because they violate state law."
De-criminalization has allowed the use of medicinal marijuana.
Now let's solve a chunk of the deficit by full legalization and taxation of marijuana.
Advocates Push for CA Vote to Legalize Pot
California Edges Closer to Legalizing and Taxing Marijuana (VIDEO)
6:28 and 6:46, because when you're really dumb you have to repeat yourself, afraid no one caught your gem the first time around: First, you misrepresent what she said and try stupidly to make a mountain out of nothing, while the awe-inspiring blatant illegality of what the Nooch and his Pooches are doing is staring you in the face, IF you were going to apply your code correctly. (But making up applications of legal code or just making them up altogether is the custom of your fearless leader so who are you do deviate.)
The one who does think Shefle is committing something illegal by definition is his Usherette.
Usher maintained this week to the monthly meeting of NCs that state law allows only the growing of medical mj for personal use, NOT the sale in shops as a business, and therefore, all L A dispensaries are illegal.
Usherette being the spokeshole of the Nooch. Therefore, Shefle's activity is an illegal one under Nooch's pooches' interpretation, which would guide the CA's office.
And if Tamar is such a huge sucking noise on the taxpayer because she works in the CA's office, multiply that a hundredfold for that idiot Nooch, who's got several guys detailed just to making sure he doesn't make TOO huge a fool of himself and wastes money on some stupid edict every time he opens his mouth -- or does something like sends 100 cops home from doing their jobs because he doesn't understand the law well enough to know when they do and don't need search warrants. Not that they have stopped him so far, he's quite the laughingstock.
Ok, I admit I wanted to dislike Essel. But, I hadn't actually seen or heard her before and she wasn't that bad. In fact, I can understand the big time spin against her now. Paul's guys are right to be worried.
Yes, Tamar is making a huge sucking noise and so is Nuch, but we didn't care in this story entited, "Opening Statements From the Candidates for CD2".
So off of Nuch and onto CD2. Tamar is still making that huge sucking noise.
I don't know what Tamar Galatzan is smoking when she says it is illegal to sell medical marijuana in the state. Perhaps what she means is you have to call the transaction between the cash and medication (marijuana) a "donation".
So it's true that you are not allowed to "sell" it, I guess.
Tell Tamar here's how it works:
A collective may have it's patient members grow marijuana for the members of the group. And then the collective may take donations to cover the costs of the growing.
What Tamar needs to say is that once regulations are finally put in place, it will allow the city to inspect collectives for those who are not operating compliantly.
So she says you can't "sell" it, but you can offer it for donations at $20 a gram or whatever price you want.
But if she is implying that they are not even allowed to operate under the state law donation reimbursement policy she's got it all wrong, which isn't a good sign.
And, I don't think most people want them all closed down which is what you are saying when you bring to people's attention that something is completely illegal.
And Paul Krekorian is COMPLETELY in the dark on the issue of LA's medical marijuana policy.
He says the city needs to close the hardship exemption? Great! They already did. Did you mean they should add it back again so they can remove it? And everything else he said on the matter was outdated.
Guess it wasn't an issue in Burbank.
Essel was pretty bad. She screwed up half of her canned answers and read the rest from her briefing book. Then there were those she straight up BS'd.
8:41's employment of inventive applications of language and semiotics is intriguing.
So, who might be that "fearless leader" 8:41 refers to?
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