The Debate Starts
Labels: cd2 special election
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Tepid applause and some boos for Wendy Greuel
The cool thing about Sunland Tujunga is all the community groups that come out.
Can we get the debate started yet?
Someone is booing all the candidates
Introducing the moderators Ron Kaye and Jill Stewart
Opening statements
Mary Benson: started in activism 10 years ago with environmental issue dumping in Hansen Dam. Very active in supporting the jewels of the city of LA. Served on NCs, committees. I've learned that certain partnerships must go through the council. I've accomplished as much as I can and need to be on council
Opening statement Augusto Bisani
I am not an activist I have lived in the area for 20 years and thing something must be done. Sick of politics as usual. Money should be spent for right reasons.
Opening Statement: Joe Thomas Esavi. I am resident of SF Valley for 20 years. I currently serve on LA County Narcotics and Drug Commission and on Neighborhood Council. I see a lot of needs for our city and CD2. I am running because I want real reform. Many of the polices being shoved down throat of voter coming from pols behind closed door by few power brokers. Council Member should work for you. Most are there for special interests.
Opening Statement Chris Essel
I've been in the entertainment industry for 30 year. I want to set up a rainy day fund for budget issues. Want to take LAPD officers from behind desks and put on street. Want to create jobs tax credit. Want to fight runaway production. Want to set up charter convention to reform government.
Opening Statement Tamar Galatzan. I've been a neighborhood prosecutor for seven years fighting crime in Van Nuys. I'm on the school board, I picked a fight with DWP and won, got District to let go of money they sat on and got new computers in every school. I live and work in CD2 and have a record of service.
Opening statement Paul Krekorian
I'm a third generation SFV resident. The valley was once a model of suburban life for the neighborhood. It was safe, we had the best schools in America and we had a rush hour that only lasted an hour The City Council has failed to plan, City hall is dominated by insider who have the best interests of their supporters in mind than the residents of the SFV. Time to break that stranglehold. Fighting for better schools, ethics, etc.
Opening statement Michael McCue
I come from a military family and I serve on the Studio City NC. I am not a Democrat or Republican but I am a Green. We believe in Democracy. I'm glad to be here with everyone. The turnout will only be 10% so each of you are voting for 10 people. Lots of issues going on.
Opening Statement David Saltsburg
Three years ago I was a vendor in Zuma Beach when an illegal law shut down my business. So I went one time to city hall and i've been there every day. I hate criticism of myself but someone asked me if I'm going to be jumping up and down. Well I worked for many years in the radio business and will bring innovation and creativity.
Opening statement Peter Sanchez I have lived in Valley Village for 17 years. Its a lot of work to run for city council and a lot of paperwork. I am the founding president of the Valley Village NC and now president of the Valley village HOA. I am very aware of how to work on all these issues and dealing with the city. The biggest issue is our finances.
Opening statement Frank Sheftel
This election you have a choice. I am not a politician but a businessman. Life in the valley is bad. The issues are relevant. Its about getting our fair share. You need a represenative who will listen to you. NCs will be a huge part of my campaign and my administration if elected.
First question
Can you give us an idea of your knowledge of our community?
Mary Benson: I have lived in this community for three generations. I went to school here. Its important for this community to stay unique and not be a cookie cutter like the valley. This area is not part of the SFV and needs unique representation. I've been listening to people here for 10 years and i want to act on that. Many people don't know of the endangered species in Tujunga.
Augusto Bisani: I'm not familiar with your area I come from Italy and moved to Valley Village. I have to become familiar with the community and your problems. The problems we have here is no one wants to spend money here. If I wanted to start a business the city makes it very difficult.
Joe Esavi: I am familiar with some of the issues facing this unique area. The voters and residents are known by the entire city as straight shooters and independent minded. I want to represent such people fighting developers, I won't take campaign money from the. There was a ban on billboards if there is any reintroduction to repeal that I will stand with you. I have the endorsment of Michael Antonovich and the open spaces of ST are important to LA.
Chris Essel: I want to acknowledge the strength of the NC in this area very impressive. If I am elected I want you to be my eyes and ears. I would make sure we retain open space. That will be a priority. We need to target the development the community needs and wants not developers We need a plan.
Tamar Galatzan: This community has some of the last open space in LA and we have to preserve it. We have to work on horse trails. Community plan and general plans need to be updated. There are districtwide issues that face the whole city as well.
Paul Krekorian: The one thing that stands out to me most is that this is the area that has the most effective grass roots organizing. IT is the poster child for what we used to have and that's distinct communities. Your fight with Home Depot shows that There are general issues like public safety. We need jobs. stop hodgepodge development.
Michael McCue: What I know is about the people. Not just your success its the way you conduct yourself, how you pitch in to do what's right for the community. You truly believe in grassroots democracy. The developers are coming to get you. I am going to help you stop them.
Zuma Dogg: I think of No Home Depot what are we doing to put in there - most people would like the Kmart back. No on the golf course no more housing. Water issues are very important need flexibility for different needs. The most important thing is i predicted the pension was going bankrupt.
Pete Sanchez: I could list lots of things but that just means I read your website. If I'm elected you will see me again and again. people who know me know that I listen which is my biggest attribute. I will be here to listen to you.
Frank Sheftel: Look at the maps of the disrict its gerrymandered. The concerns of one part are not all the same but some of the issues are. Your specific plan is not very speciifc and that's something we have to address. The council member is spread thin over a large area so the NCs are very important.
Question What are the obstacles to preserving the golf course and how can you do:
Frank Sheftel: The developers are good at stirring things up and coming back and changing things to confuse you more. Eminent domain is possible to take that golf course. You fought Home Depot now you need to get something in there.
Pete Sanchez: The problem is money. You have a developer who bought the property and wants a windfall. As a council person I have to negotiate a deal to solve it.
Zuma Dogg: I would read the entire plan and cut out the shady stuff that Wendy put in, I'd have Nuch look into it. It looks like its been priced with exemptions so the developers may have been in cahoots with Wendy. Its the planning dept letting things slip through. I'd also listen to the people in Sunland Tujunga who know how to do it.
Michael McCue: We're trying to save a golf course in Studio City and we had to organize the community. You can use the proximity to the wash and being an affordable golf course. However SB1818 is killing us here.
Paul: I assume we are all in opposition to the golf course, I filed opposition to this two years ago and we killed a bill in the assmebly that would have helped this. We can find ways to utilize these facilities as public resources we may have to get bond funding to purchase it.
Tamar: Some of the problems have to do with the general plan and the zoning are in conflict, there are problems with the traffic mitigation, density, etc. I fought Richard Meruelo
Chris Essel: Everything has been said, we need to find money to buy it, but not just government money.
Joe Esavi: Repeating what's been said. This is a decision for the residents. No matter how much money is dumped in the coffers of other elected officials the final say is with the people. Looking for public-private partnership. I don't oppose developers but when community opposes them I stand with them.
Augusto Bisani: One thing we have to understand is that everyone is talking about affordable housing. Where do you think its going to be? Beverly Hills? Its where the land is not so expensive. Its going to create people who will shop in the area. The city can control this to some extent.
Mary Benson: I've been involved in save the golf course from the beginning. I have a problem with how the city interprets a number of state laws. Abides by some and ignrores other. Besides housing we have open space laws. but its in conflict with one another. But any developer can come in and petition for anything they like.
Christine Essel has a briefing book she's reading from.
Do you support Neighborhood Councils having to submit personal financial statements
Tamar: I opppose this because it will make it hard to get people to serve. NCs are not voting on projects so they don't need to turn over that issue.
Chris Essel: The city council moved forward with that item they were using a form that is too ridiculous but there is another form that would be better.
Joe Esavi: The NCs are a strong movement and there is no way I'm gong to muzzle that.
Augosto Bisani: I'm opposed. This is a volunteer job and for people to disclose personal assets is out of line. NC members don't get a dime.
Mary Benson: I've served on NCs since 2003 currently I'm one of the Mayor's budget reps. This is an interesting question. It is another hurdle placed in front of NCs to not participate.
Michael McCue: You're trying to muzzle empowerment. This is a deteriment to having people particpate.
Pete Sanchez: I do not support this. i've been involved in this from the beginning when the city said this can be what you want it to be. its hard to get people involved it will be a roadblock.
Zuma Dogg: I depart from most people. I see what happens when the Mayor, developers, etc. have people on NCs and you don't know it but we need some disclosure to prevent conflict of interest.
Michael McCue: Zuma Dogg has a point, We had to do this in Studio City because we had rubber stamps for the developers. I have caught Christine in a whopper because she was braging on her website that she supports this. Shame on Christine.
Paul K: This is another outrageous of City Hall insiders and downtown devlopers trying to bully the NCs. I'm opposed to this. I work with the NCs in my district and am proud to have the support of many of them. I know how hard they work. Unlike one person on this panel I know NCs are not opposing business.
Chris: (rebuttal) I don't know what you read but that was several years ago.
A lot of the discontent has led to a measure to reduce the City Council and Mayor salaries:
Paul: No
Michael: Yes
David: Yes
Pete: Yes
Frank: Yes
Mary: Yes
Augusto: I'll work for free. No.
Joe: Yes
Christine: Yes
Tamar: No
Paul: I say no - the City Council has to cut deeply in its budget but it would cut out some people from running.
Tamar: I say no the salary is too high, but not half. its a family budget issue.
I thought David Saltsman was the only one who came off sincere and knowlegable. the others were all your typical programmed politicians just talking in sound bites and the usual b.s. Christine Essel is a joke. Tamar Galatzan came off phony, and who is Paul Kervorkian trying to kid with all the SFV stuff. If he cares so much about the valley, why'd he move to Glendale? Puleeeeze!
Who do you give the primary blame for the city's budget problems?
Michael McCue: Mayor and Council
Paul: Mayor and Council
Tamar: Maypr, Council and State
Chris: Ditto
Joseph: Mayor, Council and special interest
Joseph: Mayor, Council
Augusto: Mayor, Council
Mary: Mayor, Council, Unions
Pete: Us
Zuma Dogg: The Mayor!
What is your opinion of Prop R and has adding four more years to council terms improved things?
Pete: No
Frank: More time to screw things up
Mary: No, the longer you're in city hall the longer you're beholde
Joe: No and now because of that we have a honeycomb that is attracting every politician in town to run
Chris: No
Tamar: Ditto Mary
Paul: No
Michael: Its getting worse
Did you support Prop R
Zuma Dogg: No, the memories, it was intentionally deceiving
Pete: No
Frank: I had no opinion then
Mary: I worked with a group that focused on the confusion people had over it. Many people thought it was a move for term limits
Augusto: I don't remember but extending anyone's job is irrelevant, vote them out at next election
Joe: at the time the NCs opposed it and I campaigned it.
Chris: I voted yes on it
Tamar: City Attorney said it was illegal and I did not support it
The city deal with the unions appears to be blowing up. Do you support the incentivized pension?
Chris: This is a band-aid solution. We have to look at new system for new employees.
Joseph: Everything must be on table. when things were good politicans went on spending store, like kids in candy store. now that things are going bad they are blaming one another. As taxpayers it is our job to hold every politician accountable. We have to remember not to vote for status quo candidates. I stand with Prop 13.
Augusto: Unions were great in the 30s. Now people make good money. They are trying to break the big companies. They are trying to control. The unions have to cooperate and keep it affordable.
Mary: A lot of the long term expenses that keep rising out of control need to be recognized beyond one year. We need three -five year budget to look at escalting costs. We have a vicious cycle where those who pay the taxes are leaving the city.
Frank: its called creative bookkeeping like in the movies. we're talking band-aid solutions to things that require surgery. its shared sacrifices and time to negotiate.
Pete: Some of my friends are upset that I part with my money slowly. There was no planning. No forethought as to how spending would affect us down the road. Now we're in a tough spot. Sally Choi got a raw deal and her plan needs to be looked at.
Zuma Dogg: This is a very sad situation because three years ago I saw the LACER pension money being invested in Grand Avenue and knew this was coming. Entire departments need to be eliminated. Early retirements and furloughs won't work. All hell breaking loose.
Michael McCue: A few weeks ago the Daily News published my editorial. They should establish a collections sheiff for delinquent property taxes and fees.
Paul: Maintaining the integrity of the pension fund is in our interest. The city has had phony budgets no one has any faith in the numbers. We need transparency not what the Mayor pretends what the budget is.
Tamar: I am a city employee and was told if we increased our contribution it would solve the problem. A study showed the numbers were made up. I have a record of standing up to public employee unions.
Is there any chance the big money guys are going to be different from the current team:
Michael: Paul has money, Christine has 100K, Tamar can raise a couple million. We are not a moment we can send another professional politician. We need a true community representative.
Zuma Dogg: Christine Essel look at the money she's taking from special interest, she's with the CRA she's the queen of getting it done, Paul what about your committment to the assembly, Tamar will get in the car with the Mayor and running out on LAUSD.
Pete Sanchez: Christine, Paul and Tamar have connections. The voters have to vote for those they have a connection with.
Frank: Tamar, Paul and Chris. We have two people who ran for positions and are bailing. Will they pay for special elections? Seven of us are not with big money or know how but we're from the community and we have heart. That's what we need.
Mary: I put my litmus test as to who makes their living from public salaries. That's Tamar and Paul. Chris was on LAX and CRA board so that's kind of the same. Why aren't employees at City Hall doing their work?
Augusto: Everyone says it's Paul and Chris. I never met Tamar. We're complaining about politicians. Why are these people moving in the area. Paul wants a raise. I don't care if I win. I'll speak my mind.
Joe: Couple of years ago $4 million spent on Galatzan-Lauritzen race and I don't see LAUSD reformed. I ask the politicians to improve the dish before them then I'll vote for you.
Paul: I have represented much of this district in the state assembly and the people I represent support me. I've been able to raise more money than some and less than others. The vast majority of people who have contributed to me are not developers but people from this district. The election will be decided by the people.
Chris: I have lived in SFV for 40 years and my family has been here for 55 years. I am not a career politician. This is the only job I'm going to go for. I'm not beholden to anyone.
Tamar: Lobbyists are not having fundraisers for me, no developers. My money is coming from friends and developers. I was insulted by Mary Benson who said something about people who get paid with taxpayer dollars. I speak up for police officers and others.
Chris - how does your record on the CRA and your support for SB1818 fit with your service?
I was appointed to the CRA by Mayor Bradley and helped clean up Hollywood. I am very proud of that. I personally do not support SB1818, the organization I was a member of did.
Paul you said you are not a downtown guy. But you've hired the Mayor's consultant.
My consultant is a personal friend who I've known forever and was best man in my wedding. He does not work for the Mayor. I am not the Mayor's candidate we know who that is.
Tamar would you be better off staying in your position and helping the schools?
Its heartwarming to me that people think I'm doing a great job at LAUSD. There is an opportunity now, the CD I live in is vacant. I've worked for seven years as a City Attorney in this district and I know what is going on. I have experience that I can bring to the Council and be a darn good council member.
All candidates: What would you do to reconcile general plans, zoning, community plans
Frank: Agencies don't talk to one another and don't know that a specific plan limits a certain business. So anything can be rubber stamped.
Pete: I have a lot of experience with Valley Village specific plan. Someone said Sunland is not the Valley and we don't want to be treated like the Valley.
Zuma Dogg: It all starts with the decision to represent the community. The council members are there for the community. The only way to get things done is to complain. The city purposely ignores the community plans and don't match what the community wants.
Michael McCue: It has be to worked on by experts on NCs. SB1818 overrides and makes irrelevant what you've done and its a power grab.
Paul: SB1818 is a failed policy because Los Angeles has failed to deal with it. Other cities such as Burbank and Glendale have protections in place. All planning has to start in neighborhoods with NCs, HOAs and come from the bottom up.
Tamar: When we violate specific plans we're giving the middle finger to the citizens. also city departments all on different computer systems and don't talk to each other.
Chris: The city has been very inept. There is no teeth to enforcement of rules that are on the books.
Joe: We see often that developers first want some input from us but they go to other side and get approvals so that by the time they come to the NC they've cooked everything and the NC is overridden by objectives. Unless there is a firestorm brought by the NC.
Augosto: I'm not familiar with SB1818 but there is a dysfunctional system in Los Angeles. I've dealt with these departments for 29 years and they don't know what they're doing.
Mary: I've spent a lot of time on land use. some people who know more than me have told me that 10% of the land use projects take 90% of the time. So we spend on all this time instead of time of creating a master plan and enforcing it.
The real answer to the pay raise question was, or should have been:
The real problem is the way the pay raises are currently structured to be raised automatically with the judges raises. That needs to be restructured immediately. If not a pay cut, a definite stop to continual raises.
Christine Essel says that "she" didn't support SB 1818, but it was her organization? Bad enough. She should have done a minority report. When "my" organization takes a stand that I oppose, I always write about it and spread it around the city.
Frank Sheftel - using that stupid fair share argument went out with the secession vote. It lost. Nobody has seen you since. You don't seem aware of the current issues and David Hernandez doesn't really get them all, so you aren't getting the best advice ever.
Sorry Tamar that you were insulted when Mary said that you are being paid with taxpayer dollars, but with all due respect, you are a member of the school board whose salary is paid by taxpayer dollars and you are also employed by the City Attorney's office, whose salary is paid by taxpayer dollars.
Instead of feigning insult, say you're sorry she feels that way and move on.
what are you plans for staffing the council ofice?
Augusto: They would have to return phone calls. I had a problem with the City and got no return calls from Wendy Greuel.
Mary: at least 50% of the staff should be direct hires from the community. NCs can bring a lot of expertise to the staff.
Paul: I have the best staff of any one I know. They give the best service. We go door to door and have visited 3000 homes. If you don't get a call returned in 24 hours you get fired. Its job number one.
Michael McCue: We on NC know about not getting called back from Council office. I would hire people from the NCs to my staff.
Zuma Dogg: A lot of people from the NCs I would hire. I also know who at City Hall I know who would work. Staffs are very inefficient I would implemenet Dr. Deming's 14 points.
Peter: I don't know how this any different from anything else it depends on the boss. I would guide my staff to be responsive to the people.
Frank: Its like customer service. I've owned a business for 31 years. The people who work in my office will live in my office.
Tamar: The next council member must keep an office in ST. I've held many positions and you know how I feel about calling you back. i don't think people need to call council staff because there is an abandoned car. the departments need to do their job.
Christine: When I worked at Paramount I had a great staff for 31 years. The Valley deserves it's fair share.
Joe: Each field office should be staffed by peple who live in the vicinity. NCs should give a nod to who we hire for staff. Many of the politicians have been using their staff for political purposes. That will stop with me.
Has the Mayor endorsed? I don't think so. Nor do I think he will before the runoff, if he does then.
There is no way in hell he will endorse because of Areen, Riordan or because he endorsed Tamar before.
If I were all of you, I would lay off the mayor until he actually endorses.
Once and if he does, then feel free to go crazy but in the meantime, those of you accusing others of being the mayor's chosen one...well frankly, you look and sound stupid.
Grow up.
Conventional wisdom is thinking Paul K and Chris in a runoff, but I think this debate may change conventional wisdom. Tamar may eke out Paul K, and I think Chris E is brought more than a little down to earth in facing community groups, which she'll be obliged to do more. A good race and I think it showed its first signs that it's not necessarily going to follow CW.
Thanks for great work on debate coverage, Michael. David Hernandez made a great point to me before the debate. He said that Internet transparency means that who works for you is more and more of a factor, and the less known the better. That fact helped Carmen and it helped Measure B and it may hurt Paul K most, enough for Tamar to come close if not pull into a runoff.
Very interesting, because it seems nobody will come close to 40%, let alone 50%. So the top three better be polite to everyone else, Zuma too.
Now Chris is using Frank's tired old "fair share" line without answering the question and I personally can name THREE times that neither Tamar nor Tom Waldman have called me back.
I'm not sure anyone said they thought Tamar was doing well on the school board, just that since she spent so much money to get there, she should stay there. Her job skipping makes her look hungry.
Chris looks like she is desperate for a job to keep her lifestyle in the way to which she has been accustomed and will say anything to get that job.
Where did the process break down to allow so many medical marijuana dispensaries?
Michael: It broke down in City Council. The blame lies there.
Zuma: The City Council and City Attorney don't do anything and they don't crack down. Now they're all over the place. How come they didn't see this coming?
Pete: City Council and its enforcment, the City has done nothing.
Frank: It falls on the shoulders of the city council. they implemented a moratorium but put in a hardship exemption. The City Council does not follow its own rules.
Mary: We had a frank discussion of these dispensaries. Jane Usher says its illegal. City Council procrastinated and now they're in a mess.
Augusto: The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Why isn't this done like a liquor license. That's a controlled process.
Joe: Serving on narcotics and drugs commissions we get a lot of feedback about number of dispensaries and how much is enough. City Council dropped the ball so we have to deal with it. So that those who medically need it are diluted with those who don't.
Chris: I find it appalling we are the only city in the state that has this problem. I'd blame the City Attorney's office. Our new City Attorney is a breath of fresh air and will tighten the screws.
Tamar: I've been working on this for a while. Any of these facilities that are selling marijuana are breaking the law. Don't know if Frank Sheftel is doing that. We need to start there. The City Council failed. The law is flawed. If a business is opeating illegally we let them continue.
Paul: The City Council was asleep at the switch. We have more medical marijuana dispensaries than Starbucks. It's easier to open one up than a yogurt shop or nail salon. City Council needs to work all night and day if necessary.
I want to shred that planning questions but it's too distressing. Mary Benson and Zuma Dogg have the best answers that didn't seem like canned or prepared (by their campaign managers)answers. Did Chris Essel even answer that?
Yes, the current laws need enforcement. True enough Frank. Is that all you have to say?
Experts from NC's?? Look, I am heavily involved in my NC and I've met approximately 20 people in the entire city who come from NC's who I would consider an expert and only a few of them are in that room, I bet. And yes, Mary is one of them.
But the real answer would have been that a councilmember can't change the planning department, but they CAN change what they do in their own district! If they disapprove of a project, it ain't gonna happen. If they approve, the project is going in.
Now who took money from developers and that is how you find out the most important question of the entire debate.
Marijuana dispensary question?
There is only one thing to do. Legalize it and keep the taxes. This problem isn't going to go away. People are not going to stop smoking pot. Let it go.
Closing Statements:
Frank: Thanks for the community being here. You have a big choice. You've heard what we have to say. I'm about representing the people.
Pete: My leadership role is good. I'm an audit manager. I lead a staff. I've led an NC. I lead an NC. Think of me on 9-22.
Zuma: I care and can't stop. I love the community I can't walk away from it. You know I wont back down. Vote for me.
Michael McCue: Thank you this has been great. What I'm trying to illustrate are key values that influence my decision making. We need a ratepayer advocate. (he did a haiku)
Paul: Thank you to everyone. What a great turnout, the people care. I have a proven record in private, public sector, non-profit world. I've saved jobs, I've helped small business, I've been a champion of the environment and I listen to my constiuents.
Tamar: this election is about the future the next CM could serve for 14 years. we have to look at who has a record. Talk is cheap. i stand up to the special interests. i stand up and do the right thing.
Chris: Thank you everyone. I want to talk to you about my busines. i've been in the business world a long time. when I came home i came to my community. I started a homewowner association to get rid of rock concernts. I've fought for the neighborhood. i want to raise money for NCs.
Joe: Thank you for having us it has been a joy to be here. I am a father of three chldren. Ive been married for nine years and want to raise my kids here and have them have a safe life. I am an LA County Commissioner, neighborhood council member and non profit volunteer. i will protect proposition 13 and fight gangs.
Augusto: Obviously I'm not old enough to play golf. I have seven children an six granchildren. I'm concerned about our communties and what our politicians are doing. I care about business. Something has got to give. We complain about the politicians why keep electing them? vote for me.
Mary: The time is right for a grass roots council member. We need more representation on the council. I am not beholden to any special interest.
Finally its over!
a cold drink on those didgets would feel good right now.
Great work!!
What's a didget?
What is PK talking about I remember and looked it up he voted for AB 212, the bill that tried to protect the developers right to build on the golf course... Anybody can look that up, shouldn't have spun that.
And then he's opposed to SB1818? It's only too bad that he didn't have the chance to write amending legislation or a bill that eliminated it. Oh wait, he did have an opportunity and he didn't do anything because he's in the same pocket as the Mayor's people and loves SB1818. He even takes the Mayor's consultant.
Can't believe the NC people who support him haven't brought the SB1818 issue up or abandoned his candidacy based on his inaction.
5:19, I believe you are correct. PK did vote for AB212.
Didget = "Rde sitpIsm" for finger "digits".
God the love of "spollin".
From Mayor Sam's archives.
Zuma Dogg reports that the LA City Council was bamboozled by an Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes authored law that would remove much of the Council's control over planning decisions. Speculation is that Fuentes was inspired to write the law at the behest of his mentors, City Clowncilmen Richard Alarcon and Tony Cardenas in order to facilitate development at the controversial site of the Verdugo Hills Golf Course. I would imagine if the Clowncil spent less time on public proclamations for Mickey Mouse and cheerleaders and passing nonsense resolutions against the war they'd have more bandwidth to recognize shadiness right under their noses.
Now to look for voting record.
MS, EXCELLENT job of boggin the show. A lot of candidates did well this go round.
There were a number of position changes which was interesting. For instance, at 3:12, you show David as saying he supports cutting councilmembers's salaries in half, when in fact he has told a number of people - myself included - that he is very opposed to it.
Gotta say, I really LIKE Tamar. I didn't want to due to her husband's so in-your-face activities as a Home Depot supporter, but she's won me over.
And boy did Jill and Ron sandbag the Big Three! Wow.
I guess we the community are going to have decide whether we really want a grass roots candidate or its all lip service. If so, I'm still with Mary Benson, someone I have known for a decade and whose integrity is without doubt.
Spot, city hall insider at the forum said that Fuentes's wounds are still dripping over AB212.
AB212 was flying through until Wendy drilled the State on their underhanded-shady attempt to take control of the golf course issue...
And so 212 fell apart once Wendy had shown the light on what it was.
Of the big three, essel won. She is still not polished as a candidate but she handled the tough questions OK. She looks like the new Wendy up there for better / for worse.
Paul was shocked to get the hacopian question and there were gasps throughout the room when it was asked. He never recovered.
Tamar imploded, attacked Mary Benson for no reason, and seemed to accuse sheftel of being a criminal.
From what I'm reading, the other candidates did not do their homework. They should have researched all the destructive things Krekorian supported in Sacramento.
Krekorian only voted "no" a few times in three years up in the Statehouse.
"Of the big three, Essel won."
Uh, hardly. She was embarrassed by the SB1818 question and got defensive.
There was no clear winner, within the big 3 or otherwise.
Tamar did attack Mary and tried to pull the "you are discriminating against City workers" bullshit. And it was bullshit.
However, Tamar mentioned Sheftel's own marijuana dispensary, which he somehow neglected to mention when he was discussing them. (Did David Hernandez advise him not to mention this in S-T where there are tens of them in just a couple of blocks?)
Tamar did not imply he was a crook, just that he owned a dispensary.
So 50/50: one comment was bullshit, one was pretty much justified.
Nogales Investors and Breco Holdings Acquire Numero Uno Markets
...May 4, 2009 ... Firms complete the purchase of Los Angeles-based grocery store chain
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Oh Petra, I am so sad that you like Tamar. My oh my oh my...
Don't get suckered in during a debate.
She's not good, I promise. Remember when Wendy presented her to the community, it was all in preparation for this day. She should SOUND good since she's been practicing for so long for this. This is her interview.
I agree. Excellent coverage Michael!
I don't mean I like her politically exactly. I just kind of like her as a tough female role model type and that I do think she is not co-opted by her husband at every turn.
Zuma is by far the best qualified-- ready to suss out corruption on an official level. Right now he exposes city hall shadiness, really, out of the goodness of his heart. I cheered and "hoody-hooed" him, hissed at Kerkorian, was actually rather impressed by that gay guy, Michael McCue and his knowledge of issues and how politics "work." Mary Benson made some very good points, but I'm afraid she's a little lackluster on the personality side. I hated the way Tamar acted all earnest and self-righteous (when she's nothing but a power-grabber and a big-money shill) and I despise everything about Chris Essel. The other candidates are not worth commenting upon-- especially that Italian guy who's never stepped foot into CD2 until today! Sat next to former CD2 candidate and all-around good guy Pugliese for a while till my pal w/ the cute doggie arrived. And yes, Nina Royal continues to snub me-- and I was going to give her a very sincere compliment about what she said at council yesterday! Ah, well....
I added this to our
Community Blogs
• MIKE HIGBY reports
on CD2 Candidates -LIVE !
he gives the most fantastic
views of the CD2 Candidate
race at the "Great Debate"
in Sunland Tujunga.
( I am so glad Mike did this,
even though I live 8 blocks
away, I was up doing computer
fixin' till 6 a.m. and I am also
employee and with certain
comments I read about
in the 'dee-bate-'
I would be kicked to the curb,
to say the least, by the 'authorities',
WOULD SAY ABOUT...let's stop.)
I want to know what the hell Louis Alvarado was doing there.
He doesn't live in CD2, and he is Tom LaBonge's best freakin friend. A total LaBonge Yes Man.
In fact, Tom strokes his ego by calling him "the Mayor of Griffith Park."
Why was he there?
Believe it or not, many of us who can't vote in CD 2 have an interest because we'll eventually need all the councilmember's votes on some issue and if you vote for a neighborhood council hater, like Essel or a fake, like Tamar, you'll get screwed later.
Nothing would be more fun than seeing a grassroots candidate with no money win and election in LA. Even if they have a "lackluster" personality. Although I must say that Rita has no business calling anyone lackluster. She is so trashy that Jerry Springer guests seem lackluster in comparison.
Of course the other council members sent people there to watch. They need to be able to coach the person they want to win. They want to know how everyone who is running and is actually considered viable, would vote.
Good points Mailander. I'm not sure I agree with all of them but I have to say that many people have been waiting with bated breath for this election because if ANY district can put a grassroots candidate in, it is CD 2!
If Zuma or Mary were ever to have a chance to be elected, this is the district that can do it.
Knock, call, walk, knock, call, walk. Go together if you have to. Then knock, call, and walk again tomorrow, then the next day.
Please give those of us who live in other districts something to hold on to. Make our dreams come true.
5:19 - Krekorian voted for 212 only in its infancy, when it was a budget bill and before it was dragged into the gutter by special interests. Krekorian's vote was on 5/3/07 and it was turned into a shadow of its former self on 07/17/07. He never voted for it after that. Don't believe me? your research next time!
Joe, you know what I absolutely love about CD 2? Conventional wisdom never pans out here. Any other district and you might be right but not here.
A shout out to Anonymous 7:14! Glad to know my fans are alive and kicking!
You mean nobody asked Essel about the Council File Index numbers?
Aw hell, what good are you then? I should have gone myself.
So Krekorian voted for it before he voted against it, Mr. Kerry?
I love he voted for it, but not really... LOL!
Really great job blogging the event MS!
There was no clear winner at today's debate, but there were some surprises. Michael McCue did very well explaining his positions and showed great insight on the issues.
The same could be said for Essavi,who no one really knew before today (at least in S-T). Augusto Bisani is a joke and has no business being in this race. Mary needs to stop elaborating so much. Paul is a weaker speaker than I was expecting. Essel did okay, she seems really genuine in spite of how she is portrayed. Tamar is on fire, and knows her stuff. Pete was a little too nice to everybody and never really said much. Zuma got the biggest applause because he knows how to make a point. Frank has some good ideas, he just needs to make a stronger pitch.
Zuma is a joke. He hurts the grassroots candidates, because only people who would vote for these grassroots candidates will think of voting for him, rather than any of the other real grassroots candidates.
These grassroots candidates aren't going anywhere, but Zuma trying to get his first job ever, makes it even harder on them.
Shallman is obviously worried about Essel's prospects and thinks Tamar's are rising, because he's started the really dirty part of his campaigning aimed straight at Tamar. His new talking/ blogging points are to call her a liar and crook, and repeat the stuff Chick said almost word for word about HIS client Trutanich.
Sounds wacky but clearly they knew it really hurt Nuch so they're copying it: except it doesn't work out of hte campaign blue like that, unlike when a trusted figure like Chick says it. It just sounds desperate and mean.
Petrified (Mayor Sam Contributor) said...For instance, at 3:12, you show David as saying he supports cutting councilmembers's salaries in half, when in fact he has told a number of people - myself included - that he is very opposed to it.
And regarding my position on a ballot measure to cut the council salary in half: My initial take when I heard about this idea, BEFORE I was a candidate, I called Ron VERY upset because, "off all the things you can choose to use this effort for, there are MUCH bigger things, and this isn't a drip in the bucket toward closing the budget gap, so it's only a cosmetic payback to council. It's the only kinda thing you can get every activst in the room to agree on. YEAH, CUT THEIR HEADS OFF...I MEAN CUT THEIR SALARIES IN HALF!
I would have come up with something that would save in the billions, or else forget it. But whatever.
BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, it's not even an issue that any candidate who becomes councilmember will have a decision in, anyway, because it will go on as a ballot measure, not a council vote.
And how interesting out of the entire forum, that's what you chose to highlight: THE FACT THAT YOU ARE DISPUTING WHAT I SAID ABOUT MY OWN OPINION, BECAUSE HERE IS WHAT YOU FAILED TO TELL YOUR READERS, PETRIFIED: THE QUESTION HAD TO BE ANSWERED IN ONE WORD...yes or no. Other candidates did not have the discipline. SO I CLARIFIED FIRST: ONE WORD ANSWER?
I was told yes. So my ONE word, yes or no answer is YES, I am FOR the paycut, meaning I would take it if that is what's being offered. To me, I can do the job on $90,000 and be moving UP.
So I would have liked to have said, I think $180,000 is too much, but to cut it in half to $90,000 is not enough. BUT, I couldn't say that, so the ONE WORD answer is, "YES". But it doesn't matter anyway because it will be a ballot measure. AND, so I DID NOT change my opinion on that, because what I told you was relating to the entire issue and I was able to say things like, "what a dumb thing to focus on of all the things in the world (city) and some other stuff that I could not say in a one word, "yes/no." So I DID NOT SAY I WOULD HAVE VOTED NO ON IT...I HAVE SAID OF COURSE ZUMA DOGG HAS TO VOTE YES ON IT. (I feel as though this is more than a misrepresentation on the author of the comments part.)
And to the readers, on the 3:15 question, I would have like to have said, "Mayor, council and state" too, but they asked you to pick ONE!!! And so anyone else who listed anything other than ONE choice kinda shows you can't make a decision. It's a lack of discipline. It seems like something small...but to me, it's the BIGGEST telling tale. Think about it. The biggest problem we have is indecisiveness and being scared to make a decision.
So I stuck to the assignment, picked one, and explained why.
Petrified said...."I don't mean I like her (Tamar) politically exactly."
Well, it's about politics, in this case. You're not electing a role model, but an elected official to represent the people. And you don't mean you like her, so do you NOT like her? Sounds kinda wishy-washy. And talk about a position change: Anything supportive of Tamar,at all SURE IS A POSITION CHANGE, YOURSELF!
If Zuma is a joke, then he won't hurt the other grass roots candidates.
And if he does hurt the other candidates, then it is the other candidates fault if the voters are only thinking of him.
That's some argument.
Oh no, he's back.
The real heroine today was Lydia. Everyone came for the food. Even Krekorian couldn't resist. The only thing that was left were a few morsels of cauliflower. The cucumber sandwiches were superb and the amuse-bouches- ooo la la!
Not only is he back, but everything in the universe is about him.
Yeah baby- "Tepid applause"
What a great opening.
The Mayor is Back in Town....
Ahhhhhh Zuma......
ZD is back (sigh) yea!
Some more cool things are the Joselito's margaritas and Lydia Grant the Rachel Ray of ST.
Who's "he"?
So far, I like three people in CD 2....
Frank Sheftel, who is a really nice guy, but he is a rookie in politics, so it will be harder for him to win.
Zuma Dogg, because I have formed an unusual and unlikely friendship with him... and I admire his commitment and dedication to the City and its residents.
Joe Essavi. From what I read, he gave some great answers tonight and appears to be, far and away, the true Conservative in this race. He even mentioned protecting Prop 13. Loved that!
I have made it clear that I can't bear the thought of Antonio Villaraigosas "Axis of Evil" succeeding in this race.
Krekorian, Essel and Galatzan are all awful.
For different reasons... none of which need to be explained to hardcore Mayor Sam junkies.
From what I hear ... Tamar actually impressed some people tonight.
I cannot tell you how disturbing that news is to me.
Phil Krekorian is not that bad. Seriously. Those of us in NoHo, Valley Village, Valley Glen, etc. are supporting him because we get great service from his office. More than we can say for Wendy or LaBong.
I will say however how utterly impressed I was with Joe Essavi. He gave thoughtful answers, was very respectful and is a very bright guy. I think he has a future.
Zuma Dogg also did great. Tamar was more impressive than I expected. She was even funny a few times. And she's actually kind of a hottie.
I was not at all impressed by Essel, Mary Benson, Michael McCue, Pete Sanchez, Augusto and Sheftel.
Someone mentioned the moderators the awesome Ron Kaye and Jill Stewart were editorializing.
Hello? Bueller? THEY'RE EDITORS!
They're brought in for their expertise and analysis. If you just want someone to read questions from a list get some old lady from the library.
Tamar = Jack Weiss in a skirt
I can't for the life of me understand your support of Krekorian! He is just another free-spending, budget -busting, freedom-hating liberal.
He and his partner in crime Paul Koretz left Sacramento with the State teetering on the verge of bankruptcy. This is what happens everywhere the liberals get into power...they destroy cities and States. They keep spending and spending because there is no government program that can't get bigger, as far as they are concerned.
Almost every Council Member needs to go!
Krekorian, Essel, and Galatzan need to be prevented from ever joining the cabal on Spring Street.
M McCue might have fooled some of his audience into believing that he knew enough about haiku to have penned one himself - he had three lines of rhyme and he tried to foist it off to the public, falsely, - as haiku.
Either he is mismanaged by his handlers, looking for the buffoon vote, or simply doing some other's bidding - maybe without even being informed of such - or maybe unwittingly.
How to Write a Haiku Poem
A haiku is an unrhyming verse form, conveying a complete image or feeling in three lines of syllables, and are usually about nature or natural things.
the ground lying barren
out of his game
McCue is miscued
Chris Essel's parting words: "...and I think 50% of (CD2 CM) staff should actually be from the district!" Promise? Threat??? Half-assed or full? Essel's slow, syrupy Miss-Nancy-from-Romper-Room delivery belies a near- vampirical contempt/disassociation for/from us CD2 stake-holders; A comic effect that nevertheless, makes my blood run cold!
"Zuma trying to get his first job ever."
Here we go again: First job ever? I started working professionally at age 14 as a line chef in top restaurants, taking jobs from the adults who protested the management that I didn't need the money as much as they did. But the manager was basing things on PERFORMANCE, so ZD got the hours and they were reduced to part time hours.
From there, I traveled the country in the radio industry, as a programming and research executive working for top radio companies in Ohio, Kansas City, Houston, Washington D.C., New York City and Los Angeles.
Besides radio, I was also Director of Charts for BILLBOARD magazine in New York City, at the Times Square VIACOM building. YOU DON'T MAKE IT INTO THAT BUILDING UNLESS YOU ARE TOP IN THE WORLD, BECAUSE IT WAS AN INTERNATIONAL POSITION.
So that's some of the job history of Zuma Dogg. So it wouldn't be my FIRST job, but you can try and attach purposefully deceiving information in your post.
Why does ZD talk about himself so much in the third person? Does he have some sort of split personality that will allow him to go back on promimses that the other personality made?
Hey Rita Miss Nancy from Romper Room is a perfect description of Essel. Man you guys are sunk if she wins!
So Higby thinks Tamar is a "hottie" in person, while it's Essel whose team is trying to play up her looks? With that boyish hair and clothing she's certainly no hottie, trying for the "serious look." Tamar doesn't have to try to look serious, she already conveys it. I'm starting to like her more too.
Essel's public safety "solution" is to double the cops in CD2 by getting them out from behind their desks, replacing them with civilians.
First, doing that would certainly not double the force in CD2; when this problem was reported, there were maybe a few hundred such cases in the whole city.
And until last week, they were often needed behind the desk because the requirements of the Consent Decree were so complicated, what would normally have been routing paperwork required special training and knowledge of police protocols.
Now it can be done and she's not the first to have thought of it. That sounds like a Shallman talking point, does not show any real thought or comprehensive knowledge. Tamar blows her and the rest of them away on public safety.
ZD, maybe people think its your first job EVER because you look like a bum, you dress like a bum, you smell like a bum, you act like you are on drugs. and worst of all you beg for money on your blog? ( )why is some one that is SO successful panhandling in the internet?
Candidates beg for thousands, $500 at a time. I had to get to a candidate forum and needed $20 bucks. Shame on me. Meanwhile, look at what I did with my time all the while, crawling out of my van and making it down to more council meetings than the councilmembers and all the research to be able to speak on a host of issues, complex, important issues, and people seem to think I am target most of the time.
That's what I think about. I have newspaper reporters and councilmembers and top level staffers and people like Federal judges who bump into me on the street say, "You're so smart. And you are able to do all the stuff you do." As if to say, "Why don't you just get a regular job so you can get off the street."
How about, don't worry about that...and say, "Wow, if he can be this on point and on top of things under these circumstances, imagine if he's living in a room and eating everyday on that $90,000 council paycheck!
Don't fight the force's a unique situation...roll with it...There may be a lot of other people in the city who could do a better job than Zuma Dogg and are better candidates....but as far as people on the there anyone else who has the city council experience, on a day-in, day-out basis who has a more intimate knowledge of the goings on all across the city and in different departments?
But vote for the person who rasied the most money and lives in the nicest house.
How about the one person in the city who not only uncovered the pension scandal, but then showed up to warn council BEFORE HAND to do something about it.
That means I would have called for a report from the pension board to have a discussion as to the risk levels BEFORE the money was lost and the city got itself into this mess.
Then multiply that by EVERY OTHER issue I have uncovered and exposed.
Instead of him representing the entire city on all issues, you can have him fighting and pushing for CD2 as his client!
This took a lot of work. I truly appreciate it.
At least Essel proposed something. That's a lot better than ZD babbling something about Deming's 10 points for whatever.
Yes, bringing in civilians to do the desk work is not totally realistic.
First, the desk is the place that those would otherwise be home on disability go for light duty work. It would be interesting to know what percent of the officers doing desk work can be in the field.
A more important question is how much paperwork is being done by the officers in the field that would be done by civilians thereby allowing the uniformed officers to spend more time in the field.
Also, I think we are the only city in that doesn't use civilians to answer the 9-1-1 calls.
Can't we..........Can't we all just get along?
5 years of Home Depot compressed into two months.
Grassroots. grassroots. NO carpetbaggers!!!
Mary Mary Mary
@Zuma Dog.
I'll take you're advice, and for either Mary Benson or Pete Sanchez.
More experience, with out the crazy attitude that disturbs people to the point of not wanting to deal with you lol.
You say grassroots and no carpet baggers so you choose Mary. But she's a carpetbagger to everyone who lives outside Sunland Tujunga. Sunland is important, but this council position is district wide. I do not feel comfortable voting for a Sunland Tujunga specialist at this time.
Oh you cannot even try to paint Mary as a carpetbagger because she legitimately lives in CD 2. It doesn't matter which part she lives in, she is well aware of all the issues of the entire city which makes me confident she can handle the woes of Studio City and Sherman Oaks.
People want to vote for Mary because the Sunland Tujunga area has been under represented by the City. But once you start to evaluate her on the citywide issues she loses ground quickly. Lets get real here. We're talking Los Angeles City Council, not Sunland Tujunga Boosters Club.
August 08, 2009 5:19 PM
Krekorian voted on the original AB212, which was dealt with the Budget Act of 2007.
That first version of AB212 passed the Assembly, 44-01, and was sent to the Senate. That would have been the bill Krekorian voted on.
On June 27, 2007 MWH Development filed an application to build a 229unit housing development on the Verdugo Hills Golf Course in Tujunga. Within weeks Assemblymember Felipe Fuentes [AD #39] became the new author of AB212, filing its first amendment on July 17.
The rewritten AB212 shifted from a non-descript budget bill into a very specific zoning ordinance which, if passed, would directly have benefited MWH Development.
The Assembly never voted on Fuente's version of AB212, nor did the Senate. He pulled the bill in June of 2008, after the content and context of the bill came to light.
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