From the campaign trail of David "Zuma Dogg" Saltzburg, CD2 Candidate
A little story from the campaign trail:
I'm still not 100% sure why, but at the last minute possible to file, David "Zuma Dogg" Saltzburg decided to run for Los Angeles City Council District Two. Trying to help someone that had been a friend of sorts, I gave Zuma a lot of money -- a lot for my particular means, that is -- so that he could get enough signatures to run. I helped him get signatures, and assisted him financially with his living arrangements. I put in a lot of time helping him when time was something I didn't really have. I wasn't the only one to assist Mr. Saltzburg successfully making the ballot, but I did contribute.
Why would I do that? I did that simply because he asked. He'll say he didn't, I'm sure, but it came down to a number of phone calls hinting all over the place that people in CD2, myself included, should pick up signature sheets from him and get signatures for him. If you read his blog, I'm sure you'll remember these sorts of pleas even if they are taken down.
What has been the result of my misguided assistance? People can pretty much see the all-out assault he's made at me since he got on the ballot. A lot of Mayor Sam bloggers and friends have received some insane phone calls from the CD2 candidate in the past couple weeks, too. The one made to Ron Kaye was documented indirectly in one of the candidate's blog entries, which was then taken down after some feeling of remorse somehow crept in through the cracks. Last I checked, there are a couple there aimed at this blog, much of which rants about a candidates' forum at which Mr. Saltzburg wasn't even present. Yet somehow the entire discussion of said forum is 100% about him in his mind, with everything either completely for him or against him - it seems that in this fanciful struggle, no middle ground exists.
It's very odd that a lot of people on the receiving end of Mr. Saltzburg's recent onslaught are many of people who have given the gentleman quite a bit of personal, moral, and financial support over the years. More curiously, the all-out assault doesn't seem to be slowing down, but quite the opposite in fact as the campaign continues.
At the risk of sounding like a cliche factory, I suppose this really and truly does just go to show that no good deed goes unpunished. In fact, the punishment continues if tonight's crazed response to some simple observations I made is any indication.
(As to why this is being allowed to return on this blog after it was ordered restricted, Mayor Sam will have to explain that.)
Well, not only does this tale confirm the cliche, but more importantly it also goes to show the state of mind of David "Zuma Dogg" Saltzburg, CD2 candidate. Unlike David, I will let you decide whether someone with this state of mind is someone you want representing you in City Council.
So...what was that I wrote not-too-terribly long ago about a lot of us being co-dependent whether we wanted to be or not?
I'm still not 100% sure why, but at the last minute possible to file, David "Zuma Dogg" Saltzburg decided to run for Los Angeles City Council District Two. Trying to help someone that had been a friend of sorts, I gave Zuma a lot of money -- a lot for my particular means, that is -- so that he could get enough signatures to run. I helped him get signatures, and assisted him financially with his living arrangements. I put in a lot of time helping him when time was something I didn't really have. I wasn't the only one to assist Mr. Saltzburg successfully making the ballot, but I did contribute.
Why would I do that? I did that simply because he asked. He'll say he didn't, I'm sure, but it came down to a number of phone calls hinting all over the place that people in CD2, myself included, should pick up signature sheets from him and get signatures for him. If you read his blog, I'm sure you'll remember these sorts of pleas even if they are taken down.
What has been the result of my misguided assistance? People can pretty much see the all-out assault he's made at me since he got on the ballot. A lot of Mayor Sam bloggers and friends have received some insane phone calls from the CD2 candidate in the past couple weeks, too. The one made to Ron Kaye was documented indirectly in one of the candidate's blog entries, which was then taken down after some feeling of remorse somehow crept in through the cracks. Last I checked, there are a couple there aimed at this blog, much of which rants about a candidates' forum at which Mr. Saltzburg wasn't even present. Yet somehow the entire discussion of said forum is 100% about him in his mind, with everything either completely for him or against him - it seems that in this fanciful struggle, no middle ground exists.
It's very odd that a lot of people on the receiving end of Mr. Saltzburg's recent onslaught are many of people who have given the gentleman quite a bit of personal, moral, and financial support over the years. More curiously, the all-out assault doesn't seem to be slowing down, but quite the opposite in fact as the campaign continues.
At the risk of sounding like a cliche factory, I suppose this really and truly does just go to show that no good deed goes unpunished. In fact, the punishment continues if tonight's crazed response to some simple observations I made is any indication.
(As to why this is being allowed to return on this blog after it was ordered restricted, Mayor Sam will have to explain that.)
Well, not only does this tale confirm the cliche, but more importantly it also goes to show the state of mind of David "Zuma Dogg" Saltzburg, CD2 candidate. Unlike David, I will let you decide whether someone with this state of mind is someone you want representing you in City Council.
So...what was that I wrote not-too-terribly long ago about a lot of us being co-dependent whether we wanted to be or not?
Labels: cd2 special election, David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsburg, Ron Kaye
He has a passive aggressive personality
Alternative Names
Personality disorder - passive-aggressive
Passive-aggressive personality disorder is a long-term (chronic) condition in which a person seems to actively comply with the desires and needs of others, but actually passively resists them. In the process, the person becomes increasingly hostile and angry.
Psychiatrists no longer recognize this condition as an official diagnosis. However, the symptoms are problematic to many people and may be helped by professional attention.
The causes are unknown, but a combination of genetic and environmental factors are probably responsible.
People with this disorder resent responsibility and show it through their behaviors, rather than by openly expressing their feelings. They often use procrastination, inefficiency, and forgetfulness to avoid doing what they need to do or have been told by others to do.
Some common symptoms of passive-aggressive personality disorder include:
Acting sullen
Avoiding responsibility by claiming forgetfulness
Being inefficient on purpose
Blaming others
Feeling resentment
Having a fear of authority
Having unexpressed anger or hostility
Resisting other people's suggestions
A person with this disorder may appear to comply with another's wishes and may even demonstrate enthusiasm for those wishes. However, they:
Perform the requested action too late to be helpful
Perform it in a way that is useless
Sabotage the action to show anger that they cannot express in words
He wouldn't be the first passive-aggressive councilperson to sit around the horseshoe. Given the steady income a job would provide, he will be the district's strongest advocate and defender and I've been watching him for a long time.
Do I really have to spend time responding to this stuff. I'll post something later. For now...take everything she says with a big giant grain of salt. I think she's under stress and just take it all with a grain of salt. This stuff is just nutty and my frustration is she puts a bunch of personal stuff out there and posted it anonymously on a blog. I thought it meant I couldn't trust anyone, but after asking around about Kristen, now that I don't have to keep her identity a secret and can ask around, I find out I ain't the only one.
But now, she's turned into nothing more than an agendized political operative who posts purposefully deceitful stuff. If not, she's got even more serious problems.
Anyway, I know you are thinking, "Oh yeah, Zuma Dogg, you're a passive agressive a-hole."
Anyway, I have so much good and positive people and things going on right now,to allow two people to focus all my attention there.
Just watch what you say around Kris and take everything she said with a grain of salt. I do think I need to be much more worried about her emotional state than she of mine. SORRY IT HAD TO WORK OUT THIS WAY, BABE. But I'm the one with half a story being told out there.
GOTTA WATCH THESE ACTIVISTS...THEY'RE KINDA NUTTY. It's like Riddler, Joker and Catwoman all trying to pull off caper, but can't get along with each other cause everyone is nuts.
10 hours later and you're NOW putting on the comments? That's just a bit too late, especially since Joe B. is jamming his goddamn videos on the site and choking off the remaining discourse.
Maybe you should've thought of this at the start, rather than the end, of the day.
Passive aggressive? That's to put it mildly. What he has is a psychopathic narcissistic complex of an immense degree.
How far do you think that'll get in consensus building around the horseshoe?
And if someone disagrees with him, they'll get called every foul,vulgar name he can come up with. What does that accomplish?
"Do I really have to spend time responding to this stuff."
Um, yes, because you phoned Higby and demanded to be able to?
Is this a trick question?
OH - the reality TV cameras are back! That explains the lack of vitriol! Ah ha.
Fried-Brain pays a lot of money and helps her friend, Zuma Dogg, get enough signatures to qualify as a CD2 candidate. She doesn't even believe that he'd be a good councilperson. Do you believe it? There's a stupid, knucklehead thing to do. She's either a pathetic person or an immature one.
Only a knucklehead believes the thoughtless saying, "I suppose this really and truly does just go to show that no good deed goes unpunished. " It's used as a coverup for poor choices and used commonly by unwise people, to put it lightly. That's because a "good deed" is ALWAYS GOOD, you silly kid. If you look carefully, and not carelessly you'll see that a good deed makes the world a better place for you and for everyone else. And, it doesn't mean that you give money to anyone who asks. LOL
It's your choice which was bad, not the good deed, little girl. Successful people keep destructive people away from their lives. Grow up.
What part of "crazy" don't you understand?
Zuma is back. The blog goes downhill, yet again. Higby screws it up once more.
Wow, a whole thread of piling onto Zuma Dogg by the Nuch people/ clan -- after he used Zuma like a dishrag for over a year to introduce him to the anti-establishment community, went to his karaoke parties and was only too happy to take his calls and encourage him to rant at every City Hall meeting defaming the Mayor and Jack Weiss. Trutanich had no idea where to go until he met Zuma Dogg, a popular figure also on the rightwing talkshow whose host is NOW Nuch's biggest fan thanks largely to Zuma! Trutanich and his minions are also regulars on that show. They've all acknowledged that Zuma's personality such as it is really helped him become known to that demographic, for better or worse.
Zine sought him out for that infamous slanderous YouTube, cleverly putting it on Zuma's video so he could claim it was Zuma's "fault" if anyone prosecuted him for libel. And Zine praised and encouraged him throughout and also dumped him immediately after.
Trutanich called Zuma Dogg this past Thanksgiving to thank him for all he's done, said how grateful he was and promised him a job if elected. Zuma reported that Nuch's whole family thanked him at the inauguration.
NOW all of a sudden that he doesn't need Zuma anymore and finds him an embarrassment, he's not only shunning and criticizing him for the exact same behavior he praised as "honest" before, but the Nuch people are bad-mouthing him all over, hope to blackball him from Council public comment, and now this. WOW what "ethics" and "character."
You people think this is Higby bungling? God damn you are thick headed? How many years has Higby clowned Zuma Dogg and all the other fools are the cast of characters in his blog opera? What he knows is mixing up the inside baseball makes staffers read to see their name and the blog operas you people tune in and he gets the what does his call it? Clakcety Clicks? I don't go for it but this guy knows how to play everyone of you the idiots.
I want to be able to post about Zuma and read about him too. I think the only comments that should be deleted are the same ol', same ol' comments that bash Zuma without ever really saying anything new or worthy, just "mutt" calling and "he's crazy" comments.
I've said it once and I'll say it again. Zuma isn't crazy. He's smarter than most of you. He's a great advocate for any district and I think it would be incredible to have him represent me in my district.
Zuma, you scare people with your knowledge and they turn it into one of their self-diagnosed ailments they believe you have. Well, they don't really believe it. I think they figure if they say it enough, others will believe them. Guess what though? We still don't believe you and we still love Zuma.
Higby, the Puppetmaster, is having his favorite clown dance for you one more time.
Why don't you all show your appreciation by clicking in and filling Higby's coffers?
See the Court Jester in his three part hat, sing, dance, tumble, fall and laugh and cry. Listen to the bells on his hat jingle.
Are all the children happy now?
But the clown is crying at night, because he has no friends and nowhere to go.
OK, Higby, you've had your fun. Let's go back to serious commentary now, and blow off this homeless wastrel and his stupid former admirer who wasted her time and money on him.
Question: "Who could have known he'd turn out this way?"
Answer: "Everyone but you, dear."
I've seen this "Nuch promised ZD a job" thing several times. I'm just curious, what job is ZD qualified for? He's not a lawyer, so what skill does ZD have that is needed at the city attorney office?
Hey Zuma were is your next gig at?
I want to meet you.
6:31: Why don't you ASK NUCH what job it was he promised Zuma? The point is keeping his promises and pay to play. He had NO business promising Zuma a job at taxpayer expense but he did that to a lot of people, including promoting a guy from driver to asst city attorney, and both Berger and Jane Usher got pay to play deals for "helping" on his campaign.
Nuch should personally hire Zuma out of his own money to keep his promise and as the one humanitarian gesture he'd ever make in his whole life. This was Nuch's personal promise to him and a solemn vow -- Zuma says he doesn't care what the job is.
It doesn't matter whether you think Zuma is qualified to work in the city attorney's office. That was up to Nuch to decided and he made the decision to make the offer. Ask him if he meant it when he said it. He'll say he did. But you will take it out on Zuma, who didn't do anything wrong and didn't ask for anything. What do you people expect from Nuch? He's got as much class as LAUSD in the summer.
2:26 - A person can be "smart" and also be mentally ill on many levels. The two are not mutually exclusive.
8:29 am - How do you know Nuch made a "promise" and a "solemn vow". Were you there? Do you know how many times Zuma has said he"d do something and didn't follow through? I suspect karma plays a role in this.
I never even hinted that I wasted my money.
I am not an admirer nor am I a former admirer.
Please try not to compartmentalize, but parse the situation properly if you are interested in it.
If you are not interested, best not to opine.
Does Higby regret bringing koo koo clowns like Zuma Dogg, Wet Spot and Parafried to his circus?
6:34, 2:26, 8:29, 9:08, 9:28 = Zuma
Oh, I see, Petra, we should just "Shut up and get out the way", kinda like our President tells us to do, huh?
You shouldn't have mentioned Obama. That gives a liberal like Parafried an out to dodge your question with a red herring.
Hi Parque and friends!
Missed ya! What cabbage have you been hiding under?
Petra said: Hi Parque and friends!
Missed ya! What cabbage have you been hiding under?
OMG, where have I heard that sign off before? Let me think... let me think... OH YEAH! Now I remember....
No, it isn't HIM is it?
Could it be???
Because if it is, what a pathetic bunch of losers in that cabal! Starting with the creepy lazy-eyed lech and working down (apparently) to Zuma's obsessed stalker.
Yeah, I'd recognize those "hug-ies" and "smooch-ies" and XOXOXOX's anywhere.... for surely, they are the markings of THEY WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED. Because they are too lame.
The end.
xoxo, fuckers.
Not sure if you are talking to me or not but the comment is pretty strange, VDoll.
I was talking to my #1 fans, Parque and his friends.
Who do you think you are talking about, or to?
Parque and his friends, Petra. I've been at the receiving end of all that "LOVE" coming from that direction.
In that case,
DOUBLE hug-ies and kisses, Parque!
VDoll filled me in about you and your friends.
I'm just so honored to have you as my #1 fan!
Let's get serious here g. Are you asking for cancelled checks? Taped phone conversations? Subpoena'd email conversations? Come on.
If you're not buying any of it, say so and move on. If you are going to use the word 'slander', you had better have your own proof in hand.
Wow. Zuma slanders public officials and private citizens all the time in his public comments and web pages. Slanders, and libels.
Looks like you g have one standard for Zuma and another for everyone else.
OK, Zuma, your job will be as assistant to David Berger.
Your duties will be to make sure his tea is hot in the mornig and the correct temperature at precisely four o'clock in the afternoon, and the the crumpets, croissants, and scones are all fresh and soft and moist.
You wil be wearing black tie each and every day. It is necessary to shave, shower and be well groomed at all times.
We'll let you know when to report and where.
6:34, 2:26, 8:29, 9:08, 9:28 = Zuma
August 10, 2009 10:38 AM
G said,
Did i miss something or are the natives in CD-5, starting a Recall against Paul Koretz ??
Hey, g deals in facts, Spot.
Live with it.
Paranoia is a thought process characterized by excessive anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion.
Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs concerning a perceived threat towards oneself.
An important feature of paranoid thinking is its centrality: that the paranoid person perceives themselves as central figures in an experienced scenario which may be either dangerous (persecutory) or self-exalting (grandiose) and interprets events which have no reference to them in reality as directed at or about them.
Paranoia is often associated with psychotic illnesses, sometimes schizophrenia, although attenuated features may be present in other infestation (delusional parasitosis); that the person is on a special quest or has been chosen by God (or another deity); that the person has had thoughts inserted or removed from conscious thought; or that the person's actions are being controlled by an external force.
Therefore, in common usage, the term paranoid addresses a range of mental conditions, assumed by the use of the term to be of psychiatric origin, in which the subject is seen to generalize or project fears and anxieties onto the external world, particularly in the form of organized behavior focused on them.
The syndrome is applied equally to powerful people like executives obsessed with takeover bids or political leaders convinced of plots against them, and to common people who believe for instance that shadowy agencies are operating against them.
Just can't fathom the thought of "Councilman Potato Head" being Recall.
Hell, he won by just a couple a votes, Spot. Was he a carpetbagger? I forget.
Not by far. West L.A. and West Hollywood are one in the same.
G and Spot make a G Spot.
Works for me!!
It is amazing how stupid you all are on how David makes his living. Like selling items on Venice Beach and saying it is his First Admed rts to sell as shea butter and insence has religous overtones. Then when he is cited he sues the City per lawyer Carol Sobel and gets a settlement. He has done this several times so us the City tax payers are supporting hum. Just ck out the settlement going before City Council this week.
Or maybe David finally getting a real job he would finally pay taxes and even a business tax if he tries selling his stuff again on the Broadwalk.
Let's see the court docs that support your claim about David.
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