Greasing Nuch
Looks like Pay-to Play may have already begun in the new City Attorney's office.
City Clowncil agenda 6-9-09
ITEM NO. (64)
RESOLUTION (GARCETTI - ZINE - HAHN) relative to authorizing the City Attorney-elect to solicit and accept gifts for the purpose of financing the City Attorney-elect’s transition staff and expenses.
City Clowncil agenda 6-9-09
ITEM NO. (64)
RESOLUTION (GARCETTI - ZINE - HAHN) relative to authorizing the City Attorney-elect to solicit and accept gifts for the purpose of financing the City Attorney-elect’s transition staff and expenses.
Labels: carmen trutanich, city attorney, nuch, pay to play
fuck jack "jerk" weiss
A transititon team for what? What needs to be paid for? Is it Hertberg and Philabosian's time? Does Jane Usher need some quick cash? I'm like, totally confused.
This doesn't have to be done. You could just have Nuch walk into the office on July 1st, cold and start then. Guess we better watch who is donating. But I think this is truly being done because Nuch's fund is empty after having to go the distance in the run off. Campaign contributions are given when candidates run, so if it was pay to play then, this would be an extension of that.
Me 2 713.
You are comfortable making a pay to play accusation here? Alright then. Guilty as charged.
Hahn and Zine are to be expected to be Trutanich's army as they have been all along but I'm a little surprised Garcetti jumped in so fast and furious already.
7:13 is right, money and "gifts" for what and whom and why?
Clearly this is highly unorthodox or they wouldn't need a resolution.
Wow there never ceases to be crack pot theories. If he went in cold with no help it would be a disaster the first couple weeks. Use your brain people
boo-hoo, boo-hoo, poor nuch used up all his campaign funds and now needs a special resolution to solicit gifts -- stop making excuses for him
If he thought he could get away with murder (metaphorically speaking -- the reality isn't much nicer) like he has so far in his career he's in for a rude awakening. Especially when you run a campaign like his and make the hifalutin' claims he has.
Yea DISASTER because Nooch has ZERO experience prosecuting and is the corrupt go-to guy for rapists and wife beaters.
8:16, this is for the "transition" not his first couple of weeks.
Other city attorneys and officeholders handle the transition period without appealing for special resolutions to receive gifts and money. Those are normally NOT allowed by Ethics until the person is sworn in and subject to the rules and regulations governing that office. Bad form, bad precedent too.
Nuch was a very successful prosecutor prosecuting gangs and was also the creator and successful prosecutor of environmental crimes in the DA's office.
That is not exactly ZERO experience, in fact it is way more than Jack had, or Rocky, or Jimmy.
He's the first real lawyer we've had in the job since Burt Pines.
Where and when can I send Nuch some money? I hope Nuch spent his last dime fucking that rat Weiss into orbit! He did something nobody else has ever done - threw out that piece of shit douchebag Jackass Weiss. Nuch shouldn't have to pay the entire cost of ridding Los Angeles of toxic waste.
8:26 PM wants to play. I know how to do that.
Why did Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigoa Funnel Taxpayer Money Into Farrakahn-based Group?
What do you say about a mayor who is already dating in public while he is still married? Must be nice.
What do you say about a mayor who is already dating in public while he is still married? Must be nice.
8:54 - one of the ancient old codgers who knows who the hell Burt Pines was.
Nooch hasn't prosecuted a case since the early 80's which is why he had to lie to get the job, all his endorsers were old geezers too or retired. Never mind all that, it's going to be SO much fun to watch the disaster of NOOCH unfold along with the folding of the fishwraps that endorsed him. OF COURSE they will continue to hide his TRUth since they did endorse him and don't want to be exposed for the fools and shams they are, which is why Petra is doing a sincere public service here. Not acting like some political shill.
What do you think it says that Obama came to L.A. for and was all over the city fundraising, but there is not even a picture of him with Villaraigosa or mention of any Villaraigosa/Obama contact in L.A. Times or anywhere else.
Obama has to step away from Villaraigosa for reasons that are fairly obvious to some of us.
9:24 = one of Carmine's (his real name, no more Carmen than David is Vahedi's) "young punk relatives" wants to bring it on. Nuch told them to lie low at least until the swearing in but it's too much for them. Just ask anyone in Pedro how they've been threatening anyone who has anything to say about their Uncle Carmine they don't approve of, and about their influence peddling on "the family name" already.
Nuch already won, but Antonio is about to lose.
Watch out. 924 is the psycho chicken putting out her business as usual vitriol.
Guess I missed the first eloquent post at 6:51, moments after this thread was posted. Already one of the "young punk relatives" who piped up at 9:00 hour with the "yeah, I know how to play that" threatening game. You know the Nooch is supposed to preserve freedom of speech, ever hear of it?
One thing about Weiss, which he did to a FAULT in my opinion: never responded to anyone attacking him, was nonchalant as even his most ardent detractors have to admit, just said "that's the freedom of speech we have in our society."
Yeah, the horrible "elitist intellectual" point of view, not what our "cannery row" or "On the Waterfront" guy is bringing to the table.
Dear Antonio, Please clean up your FIRE & POLICE PENSION BOARD. It's bad enough your own city experts call what you do "packing" the pension board. Speaking of packing, that's what the people will be sending you to do. But not the board, your bags. See you in Dubai!
Information has recently surfaced that Commissioner Sammy Diannito has sold the company he and his family owned known as Public Safety Employees Pension and Benefits Conference (the “Diannito Company”). For many years, while Commissioner Diannito sat on the Board of LAF&P, he and his family owned and were employed at the Diannito Company. The Diannito Company made money when people sponsored the conferences and paid attendance fees. A review of the attendees during the period that Commissioner Diannito sat on the LAF&P Board shows that an extremely high percentage of sponsors and attendees were law firms, accountants, investment managers and research firms doing business with or seeking to do business with LAF&P. What an incredible irreconcilable conflict. Diannito would be voting on people and entities that were paying large sums of money to the Diannito Company. Not only was staff and specifically Chief Investment Officer Tom Lopez and Mike Perez aware of this, they even attended the conferences at the expense of LAF&P.
Once the Diannito Company did a large enough volume, Diannito sold the Diannito Company for a significant profit. Let’s make sure we are clear on the events. Can you say PAY-TO-PLAY? Can you say that staff’s involvement in making their friend significant money at the expense of LAF&P is yet another tawdry violation of the trust that our fire and police officers put in the system?
Friday, June 5, 2009
VIllaraigosa Uses Community Fundraiser For Gang Youth As HIs Own Personal Press Conference (As If He Did A Damn Thing)
Community Groups get funds to steer local kids from crime
Ten community groups snapped up $5,000 each in grants Thursday from the San Fernando Valley Coalition on Gangs to help suppress the 80 gangs roaming the Valley and steer local kids in productive directions. [Can you say drip in the bucket? After the top front end loaded contracts that drip will have evaporated, already.]
Distributing the $50,000 the coalition raised during a Children's Day fundraiser in November, members said these local groups help save kids' lives through after-school homework programs, sports and empowerment classes.
"The goal is the day that we don't have innocents killed by the hands of guns and gangs SAID," Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa during the presentation at Church on the Way in Van Nuys.
HOW COME THE COALITION "RAISED", BUT VILLARAIOGSA "SAID." They did the work, he takes the bow. Nice move Douchetonia.
This little $50,000 is nice, but what happened the $24 million of gang reduction money that is being controlled in secrecy after the mayor autocratically took control of the money and refused to let us know who is getting it. And who decided he could do that?
So now, some other group has the fundraiser, and the mayor is there to use it as a photo opportunity to make it sound like HE did a damn thing about the problem.
From: LOS ANGELES ( - May 28, 2009 - Venice 2000 (V2K) has won the ability to expand their gang intervention and prevention services into key gang-riddled South Los Angeles neighborhoods by way of two funding grants awarded by the City's new Gang Reduction and Youth Development (GRYD) Program.
V2K is based on the study course developed by Minister Louis Farrakhan.
The Final Call founded by Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation ...
V2K did not qualify for support under the new program, but they were approved, allowances were made so they could get the program money.
“I believe that Allah definitely has had his hand in our affairs. It means that we pretty much had our eyes set on the areas that we've served for the past three years. We always wanted to expand, but didn't have the resources, and now we have the opportunity,” a V2K spokesperson said.
“Everything that we're doing is predicated on the Study Guides and taking what the Minister has given us in writing and making it a reality in our community,” Mr. Muhammad continued.
If you go to the H.E.L.P.E.R.S./V2K website, you can see their BIG project they are working on:
Prison Reform Petition of the H.E.L.P.E.R. Foundation, Africa Resettlement Petition (In conjunction with Venice 2000 (V2K))
Petition Introduction
The Helper of Muhammad Resettlement Petition is an appeal to the American government to free all Islamic Prisioners (State and Federal) within the United States borders.
So in case you were wondering who the taxpayer gang intervention money is going to, I know some of it is going to the Farrakahn-based group whose mission is to free all Islamic prisoners in the country. Does that, or does that not include Gitmo detainees that will be brought to the U.S.?
Bullshit 854
You just have to look at the mind blowing number of ordinary people who gave money to Trutanich to help him stick a size 12 boot up Weisshole's ass to realize that if this is approved, money will flow like water into the fund.
Weiss had no idea he was going to be paid back for his years of screwing around. I'm willing to send a check to cover the cost of removing Weiss.
Loony Nooch staffer threatening MS posters @924.
No good deed goes unpunished, especially on MS.
8:26 educate yourself. Compare weiss' credentials to nuch. No experience is pretty far fetched. I am guessing there are people he needs to set scheduling and what not. Seems reasonable and not some crooked scheme to steal money. The people on this blog are the reason LA is in such a sad state.
Nuch's Loon said...
8:26 PM wants to play. I know how to do that.
And everyone knows how to do it back Nutjar.
9:21: Read this, and read it again, people, as anOTHER example of the kind of scum and trash Nuch has brought into office. Along with the OTHER "punk relatives."
This one says that IN ADDITION TO THE NOOCH TAKING MATCHING FUNDS OF A HALF MILLION BUCKS FOR HIS CAMPAIGN THAT WEISS DIDN'T TAKE, though he debated anyway -- except where Nooch pulled out as a coward, then changed his mind later -0 we are ALL OBLIGATED TO PAY FOR NUCH'S TRANSITION TEAM'S SPECIAL FINANCIAL NEEDS BECAUSE:
"Nuch shouldn't have to pay the entire cost of ridding Los Angeles of toxic waste."
You feelin' me, people? Nuch's camp is admitting that YOU/WE the taxpayers ARE paying to reimburse his political campaign!
In addition to the extra HALF MILLION WE ALREADY SPENT because he "rid Los Angeles of toxic waste."
If that isn't the most insane argument for fraudulent influence peddling -- pay me OR ELSE -- tell me what is.
holy shit you can't make this shit up
I don't know the details of this, but why let a little thing like that stop me from forming an opinion?
Back when I was running for Mayor, I wondered just how I would prepare -- between the election and the inauguration -- to hit the ground running on July 1.
I figured it was going to take a LOT of time to sort through the zillions of job applications I expected to receive; form teams; meet with people at City Hall, etc.
The time you spend doing that is time no one is paying you. Nor is anyone paying for offices, or staff, or copying, or any of the other resources you'd need to get ready.
And, though I'm not sure about this, I'm not certain you can use campaign funds for this even if you want to. But even if you could, you really want to spend every dime of campaign money by election day on advertising to get the word out.
So I, for one, am not troubled by a report that the City Attorney-elect will be allowed to raise funds to prepare for an orderly transition on July 1. There's nothing inherently fishy or suspect about that, as long as they money is being used for legitimate expenses.
9:24 = one of Carmine's (his real name, no more Carmen than David is Vahedi's) "young punk relatives" wants to bring it on.
You have just shown me that you are only out to post lies. You are wrong about who you feel posted 9:24 but that didn't stop you.
Disappear Wacko. We lost with you already. Step aside for someone who can WIN.
I guess the Weissholes are still clutching their checkbooks and anti-NRA materials, hoping to salvage something from the downfall of Jack Weiss.
i wonder who came out that idea try to bribe, nuch ,can he be jose the snake they are goin to get some bate on nuch i hope he dont fall fo it, takes the money and them fuck them there all are crooks and liars
Billythebuilder and me are hearing what you're doing to Uncle Carmine and he knows how to take care of himself, that jackass toxic waste beter watch out.
Uncle Nuch has got the FBI watching some blog stalker who makes comments about him. We won and the city is cleaned out of some scum so shut up if you have nothing good to say about Nuch. Theirs finally an honest man at city hall so shut TFU
Given the horrible mess that Delgadildo will leave behind, it's going to cost a lot of money to restore the city attorneys office. Why should the tax payer foot the bill? If people want to help Trutanich there's no reason why not as long as it's open and above board. Of course, all the Weiss folks hate the idea of doing anything openly and honestly.
10:33PM Read em and weep.
Weisshole rejected matching funds so he could exceed the limits on fundraising in the primary that he failed to scoop. Even Ace Smith and $1.8M couldn't make a piece of shit fuck-up like Weiss a winner in the primary.
Whoever called Weiss 'Toxic Waste' has it right, and matching funds carried the day for the taxpayer because it was cheap at half the price to screw Weiss.
Did you hear Ace Smith squealing like a stuck pig when Trutanich pulled all his ads over the weekend before the election, so that he could blast Weiss on Monday and Tuesday? Weiss burned all his fat-cat cash on a weekend that nobody watched tv and had nothing but his dick in his hand on Monday and Tuesday.
Fucking hilarious! I suppose you want a law that says if you accept matching funds you have to match what your opponent does!
Go get a life. You lost big. Real big. Your lousy phony photo-op politician got out smarted by a real lawyer who knows how to win.
You only know how to cheat, lie and then cry like a sore loser.
That video link is sick as all hell, that someone could spend their time and money making something like that on May 25 is a sign of grave mental illness.
Pathetic indication of the immaturity and mental state of the Trutanich people, and their master. You just proved once again what an utterly unfit disaster he is, and thanking Zahniser for his hit pieces and bias only makes this more of a disgrace. To force a Hitler analogy and think it's funny is beyond disturbing and a sign of serious group psychosis and lack of reason and judgment. WOW
Just more proof that nothing is too low and out of bounds for the Nooch and his pooches.
12:13 - more of the sewer of Nuch's world. Thanks for sharing.
MON DIEU this extended Trutanich clan and relations are far worse and more unsavory, literally hateful and vulgar and sleazy than the earlier in the century Gambinis and Lucianos. Talk about the prisoners feeling they're in charge of the prison. Just prove even more why we must keep a very, very close watch.
Dear 2:48 AM CryPussy,
You call that sewer talk when it was nothing but an articulate bitch slap across Vilaraigosa's paid spin troll, who are really pissing me off too early in the morning and that never bodes well for someone who is already dating while they are still married. How does THAT work? But that's nothing compared to what Obama has planned for Villaraigosa, and it IS NOT supporting him for Governor. I wonder who is going to get out of jail first, Phil Spector or Antonio. (LOL!) And Antonio, or his paid Trolls (and I'm close to going back to using your actual names on my blog/Google searches)...WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ARTICLE ABOUT WHO YOU GAVE THE GYRD MONEY TO ON THE LAST CALL WEBSITE. I like that the word "jihad" was used on the website of an organization you just gave taxpayer money to.
THAT'S RIGHT PEOPLE, I looked on the website of the organization Villar gave gang money to and they were praising Allah and talking Jihad.
All part of the mixed up world of Antonio Villaraiscarface.
How do you think it is going to play on the Westside when people find out Villaraigosa gave taxpayer GYRD money to a Farrakahn-based group whose primary focus is a petition to free all Islamic Prisoners in the U.S., praised Allah in the press release for the money, and Holy Jihad is part of the plan as mentioned on their website.
GOOD CHOICE ANTONIO. I can see why you wanted to keep the list secret.
What was that you were saying at 3 in the morning?
It's good to know that the one remaining Weisshole will be watching. Thinking about 'what might have been' if only their fucked up piece of shit crooked lying sack of crap candidate (Jackass) had made it in the election as expected.
The video is spot on. Weiss is (no that's was) an arrogant elitist who cared nothing for the people who supported him - fucking idiots all of them.
He didn't win. Didn't even come close. I can't wait for July 1 when we wake up to a a city without Weiss. And if you think Weiss is going to get that LAX gig, think again. It will not happen. LA threw out your phony baloney and he's not coming back.
Weiss is history, and the pathetic Weisshole blogger is about the only thing even more sorry assed than Weiss. Were you at Canters Deli when Jack ran out the back door rather than face you? Pity the LA Times had a photog out there to capture the moment. Classic loser.
7:40 talks, rants about "going back to using your names on my blog/ google searches" about whoever in his pickled brain he thinks is writing this.
Admits he has a blog and rants about Antonio on a regular basis. Likes to use Obama's name as a threat as though he knows him, not. Guesses?
I voted for Nuch and still support him but this concerns me. If he's going to this then he makes it hard to make the case he's going to be different from Rocktard, Villar, Jim Hahn, etc.
At the same time if Nuch already has his own versions of Michael Trujillo, Blackman, Uly, etc. dum-duming away here on the blog its going to lose points with us.
I already am getting crap in email from Nuch supporters about this post that is very reminiscent of the crap I get from Villaristas.
Kids we take on Villar, etc. all the time you have to realize your guys are going to get the same thing. And even if this blog supports a particular elected, if they do something concerning or out of place we're going to talk about it. No sacred cows.
Otherwise we're no better than them.
If all those guys have pros watching their backs and the garbage this site put out on them that's one thing. But the Nooch has real nasty punk relatives and friends and others who have a deeply vested interest in influence peddling on his/ their family/ extended family "the Dalmatian/ Croatian/ Serbian ethnic tribal thing" that is beyond politic "games."
If any of them had done a Hitler bunker video of their opponent you KNOW Zahniser would have made a big stink about it, not helped hide it. Zahniser was easily spun as an underpaid hack whose previous main stories had been about his junker car getting repeatedly burglarized in Echo Park.
This is the real deal in terms of the sewers being unleashed upon city hall -- tht's something NONE of those guys ever brought. This stuff is looks like, smells like, IS pure unvarnished graft and greed in its purest, vilest form.
Anonymous said...
8:26 PM wants to play. I know how to do that.
June 05, 2009 9:24 PM
Shouldn't we be concerned with this threat by the Nuch spinners?
On some Daily Breeze posts his relatives (referring to Uncle Nooch or Carmine) say he's got the FBI tracking someone who's been posting negative i.e. truthful stuff about him and the clan. Like about their backroom influence peddling since May 19.
THAT is utterly out of line for some guy who's job includes adhering to the letter of the law when it comes to free speech and whose side has SO arguably crossed the line of decency using it: having supporters not connected to his campaign pay for billboards (one registered to a "friend" in San Francisco), full-page Weiss- bashing ads that cost $100,000 in the Times -- which would sure as hell have exposed who placed it it it had been FOR Weiss), organized groups to go to Council and bash him just like any corporate lobby does but tried to camouflage it as grassroots, did the same with "homeowner groups" who organized a Weiss-bashing rigged "debate."
All in addition to the vilest attacks on Weisspeople (the four- letter pronouns for "people" here are just a mild taste) IN BLOGS which they then want to intimidate other people from posting on.
This is not "politics as usual," annoying as that is. This is the Corleones come to City hall.
Simplify it 1:12.
Wacko's Loon=Nooch's Loon.
Jack Weiss should be honored that there's a Hilter bunker movie about him. There's a better on on Hillary Clinton, so Jack's really made it big time in politics.
Higby. You are right to raise this issue, although I think the 'Greasing Nuch' title is going a little far!
We absolutely should be concerned at knowing the identities of the people and companies who are contributing to politicians. If those contributors are the same as those in Nuch's primary/general, I don't think there's too much to worry about. The same cannot be said about Weiss, who had virtually no money from individuals, it was all nasty big business developers, billboards and their legal henchmen.
Higby you sack of lying shit. You always endorse people and then turn on them. First it was zuma, now it's nuch.
When are you going to stop making IDIOTIC ENDORSEMENTS. You are not helping things. Christ, the man hasn't been in office one day and you're NOW figuring out that there's a problem with him?
Why didn't you do your homework and some fucking thinking you piece of shit.
You can never get all the facts from just one newspaper, and unless you have all the facts, you cannot make proper judgements about what is going on.
Harry S. Truman
The Loon said...
Higby you sack of lying shit. You always endorse people and then turn on them. First it was zuma, now it's nuch.
Do you ever get tired of lying Mary? Michael didn't "turn" on ZD. And Petra posted this excellent thread not Michael. Tho Michael is being as dilligent as he always is about City Hall. Also, he doesn't censor his bloggers. Your doctor really should keep you off the web.
Who said Hertzberg is getting paid. If you are wrong about that, which you are, what else are you putting out there just for the hell of it?
3:14pm tone it down, bro. That's not very becoming for a guy like you. People would be shocked to hear you speak like that under your actual name. (I know, I know, I have NO IDEA who it actually is. RIGHT!)
Anyway, crybaby liar, we see what you are doing. See that another author, NOT Higby makes mention of this, to keep an eye on things, which is A-O.K., but you are trying to make it sound like Higby is, "NOW figuring out that there's a problem with him?
Higby used the word, "concern" not "a problem with him." But we all know how cowardly trolls who will spin either way the money is flying pull this stuff. It's the same stuff they tried to use to get Measure B passed, Hillary Clinton elected, to get Jack Weiss's the same-old, outdated, people-don't-buy it propaganda tactics that keeps getting Antonio more of the same...LOSING RESULTS!
So let's watch the last gasps of the Ace Smith era and all those he inspired become an outdated and irrelevant.
Your techniques really seem to be working.
watch your language or your mom's going to put a bar of soap in your mouth.
cussing doesn't make your arguments more valid, and it only causes people to take you less seriously.
Mayor Sam, that kind of cussing is totally unnecessary for commenters to use on this blog. Pleasy tell potty mouths to take their cussing elsewhere. It shouldn't be welcome here.
Just for the record, Petra the liberal voted for Nuch too. I hope he does turn out to be the antiWeiss.
So... uh... I'm a little surprised at the rumored excessive wailing and gnashing of teeth certain conservative radio mucky-mucks have broadcast over a simple little blog post. Sheesh. You'd a thunk Carmen was the Pope or something. Crrrrrrazzzzzyyyyyy.
Onward, ladies and gents.
uh, 9:19, why don't you look at the very first post here, SO ELOQUENTLY deserving of that bar of soap in the mouth -- but you kind of omitted that one cuz it's about Weiss and you made it, huh?
And the others from your side, quite a string of them.
But the Nooch has told you/ his young wild punk relatives to muzzle it until July 1st, and keep the back room dealings down too -- don't want to get indicted before then, even if he does have Cooley looking the other way. Sonny has his job cut out for him, with the boisterous bros in the clan and all.
Calling too much attention to yourselves doesn't look good for him. So he's got you trying to talk all gosh-darn prim about "cussing" when the other camp just calls you on what you are and do every waking moment. But you can't handle the pressure of keeping it under wraps and everyone in pedro knows it.
And what's that from Petra, the rightwing A.M. talk show screamers are already up in arms because the Nooch is supposed to be GAWD or something, having "cleaned out toxic waste" and all, so we're ALL supposed to be only too happy to pitch in more taxpayer bucks and pass resolutions to let the wingnuts go loose. You people are nuttier and nuttier than the rest of us in pedro even realized and that's saying a lot.
11:11PM = Sore loser. This so-called story about Pedro isn't just boring, it's flat out going nowhere. Like you.
Face it, Jack, you lost. It really must hurt deep to be taken out by someone who the NRA supported, someone who defended criminal polluters, someone not worshiped by environmentalists.
The fact that you lost by such a huge margin to someone who you shouldn't have even lost sleep over must be devastating. But you know what Jack? It just shows what a piece of shit you really are.
About the only thing you're good for Jack, is getting 60+ comments on this blog. So many people hate your guts. So many people are enjoying your downfall, that even the despicable UTube video of your downfall is funny.
I know, it's wrong to gloat, but in your case, it's sooooooo much fun to see you fucked out of office. You've had it coming for a long, long time.
You're so freakin unelectable that even Villar's attempt to appoint you to LAX died a death on the drawing board.
Still it could be worse, you could have run unopposed and still lost!
Hey Jack - why don't you run for CD2? We'll need a good laugh.
12:25 proves once again what scum Trutanich people are and denser than a washboard. Perfect.
I'll have more on this later. First off the reaction to this piece is WAY overblown and quite frankly disappointing but telling. The people who are supposed to be the "good guys," the "anti-Villars" etc. who make noise about being committed to something higher and different are acting no different that the Weissholes and Villaristas.
All of the angry emails, on-air tirades, Twitter comments, early morning phone calls today, using surrogates to pressure us, etc. has perhaps opened my eyes.
And don't get me started on Walter Moore. If Villaraiogsa was doing the same thing here we know he'd be creating spreadsheets, smoking a cigar and having a cow. We can tell you stories that would likely convince the handful of folks that think Walter is Jesus/Obama that he is not one of the good guys.
I think just about everyone at Mayor Sam was pleased to vote for Nuch and still probably see him as better than the alternative. However the hope that he was one of the good guys and was going to do things differently is fading.
Perhaps he can turn that around.
Thanks Michael.
People who voted for Nuch first spotted this council file, contacted me, and were very very unhappy about it. It concerns me as well. However, the post itself isn't a big deal. I mean honestly - they're passing Euros, folks. That was on purpose. Slightly absurd. And greasing palms or greasing the wheels of the Nuch machine? Which is it?
Unfortunately, the reaction to this post, much of it bordering on harassment, is very VERY telling.
Nuch needs to get control of the people committing harassment in his name if he wants to keep the normal folks who voted for him in his camp.
'nuff said.
Agreed Petra.
Its interesting that certain people we've gone to bat for in the past decide that they can't reach out directly if they had a concern but instead have to act undignified and unprofessional.
Similarly if this first attempt by the Nuch Camp at handling an issue like this is indicative of how they plan to proceed, it's disappointing.
Even the Mayor's people are at least polite when they harass us.
Asking Nuch to reign in his real fans is missing the point -- they've shown who they are just as everyone who's already known them has seen. If this blog had had the guts to question him before the election, you'd have gotten this "feedback" so you could see just how intolerant they were of free speech when it comes to them. Yes, they expect him to be treated like the Pope, adore him or STFU or "we'll make you."
It's unfortunate that Nuch probably has no idea what has been going on in the handling of this matter, for one, because he is/has been on vacation this past week.
First of all, this is a blog post, and although has a wide readership and has proven to be able to raise awareness and has become an actual factor in "rocking the boat," if you will, which I'm sure even the haters will agree this blog has done, or else time would not be spent here spinning, or having "mayoral supporters" calling Higby when there is something they feel is a "stretch" or "inaccurate." (Not that it is, but they will try and spin/clarify. AND, there is a certain "relationship" between opposing sides, that I know Michael respects enough to listen, and is at least sensitive to.)
So between the comments, and the media mentions, and the attempt to reach out over certain stories from the opposition...the blog has impact...
The worst PR strategy mistake that someone could make, would be to get on a radio station and broadcast the allegations over and over.
Sure, you made an attempt to clarify (neutralize it), but when you "tease" the story where you are repeating the allegation that you are trying to run damage control on, all you really did was make a lot more people aware of the issue, and they might not hear your spin three segments later, and may think, "Hmmm, this guy is just a Nuch supporter, anyway...and a certain segment of the listeners WILL feel there is something shady to the issue.
So first of all, I know Nuch cannot control what radio talk show hosts say, but Nuch's people have a relationship with Kevin and I think at the end of the day, the Sun-Tzu strategy would have been not to pour a citywide AM broadcast signal's worth fuel on the campfire.
But it would have been nice if Kevin had realized that, himself. But at the end of the day, he's not a political strategist. But I know he is a Nuch supporter, as am I, so it was extremely frustrating to have to listen to the massive strategic mistake play out in real time, on the air, unable to pull the plug on the discussion.
Secondly, Kevin has been a long time supporter of Mayor Sam's blog, and the day before was on the air saying how it was his top "must read" blog and was suggesting it to his listeners.
So you would think, if all of the sudden ONE post appears that he has issue with, he would call or email Michael, since they have a relationship that has included this type of correspondence and ask him, "What is up?" And try to explain why this is not a pay-to-play situation and explain why it is being done, and how it is not shady.
But Kevin goes on the air and starts blasting the blog and really pulled the fire alarm on Higby.
So then, all that does is cause Higby to explain to me some of the concerns and things to be aware of and some valid questions were raised that caused me to follow up on some questions, myself.
So all of the sudden, although I took issue with the terms "greasing" and "pay-to-play" (even though it "asked" if it was pay-to=play," however, when Kevin starts attacking a blogger (Petrified) and Mayor Sam, who are just two concerned citizens on a blog...AND YOU TURN INTO THE RUSH LIMBAUGH, RIGHT-WING, BASH-MACHINE AS SOON AS SOMEONE DISAGREES OR RAISES A QUESTION (imagine if Jack Weiss had done this, or Anotnio...PEOPLE WOULD BE QUESTIONING IT) reflects badly on the candidate, unfortunately, just as it does when Antonio's "spin-trolls" go off-the-chain and get too emotional and personal with it.
So here's how it should have been handled:
A) You know that Mayor's Sam's blog, although not a radio station, is influential in the community, and can get people talking and it can spread from there.
B) But, you do not want to repeat negative allegations against the candidate/elected official/your client; HOWEVER, you want to address the allegations and do damage control to try and neutralize it as much as possible.
C) EXPLAIN IT LIKE THIS: I was reading that Nuch is getting his transition team underway. His campaign is out of money, and he wants to be able to get a lot of work done, before he takes office, so he can hit the ground running on July 1st and have a lot of things in place.
So City Council has graciously passed an ordinance allowing Nuch to accept contributions from people to help pay for things like office space, phone lines, internet connection, and someone to answer phones and line up the resumes and go through the avalanche of mail.
This way, it isn't city dollars being used for this, and any excess money goes into the general fund.
I know you may say, "Well gee, is this on the up and up?"
This is not like someone donating money in a suitcase for a favor where the money is used to buy a new wave runner or pay personal items.
EVERY CENT will be accounted for and you can see where it was spent.
It's not going into people's pockets and by council making it official it will allow for that transparency.
And I know one thing, there will be the activists and bloggers out there going over those expenditures on the city web site, so I hope you are buying the furniture at Ikea and buying people lunch at Subway, or Taco Bell. None of this Fabian Nunez, $500 bottle of wine stuff or office supplies from Gucci. The people will be watching.
But besides that, I don't think Nuch has some elaborate scheme to funnel shady money for his own purposes. I think he wants to get going as quickly as possible, and this way, it isn't paid for with city money.
So then, all that does is cause Higby to explain to me some of the concerns and things to be aware of and some valid questions were raised that caused me to follow up on some questions, myself.
So all of the sudden, although I took issue with the terms "greasing" and "pay-to-play" (even though it "asked" if it was pay-to=play," however, when Kevin starts attacking a blogger (Petrified) and Mayor Sam, who are just two concerned citizens on a blog...AND YOU TURN INTO THE RUSH LIMBAUGH, RIGHT-WING, BASH-MACHINE AS SOON AS SOMEONE DISAGREES OR RAISES A QUESTION (imagine if Jack Weiss had done this, or Anotnio...PEOPLE WOULD BE QUESTIONING IT) reflects badly on the candidate, unfortunately, just as it does when Antonio's "spin-trolls" go off-the-chain and get too emotional and personal with it.
So here's how it should have been handled:
A) You know that Mayor's Sam's blog, although not a radio station, is influential in the community, and can get people talking and it can spread from there.
B) But, you do not want to repeat negative allegations against the candidate/elected official/your client; HOWEVER, you want to address the allegations and do damage control to try and neutralize it as much as possible.
C) EXPLAIN IT LIKE THIS: I was reading that Nuch is getting his transition team underway. His campaign is out of money, and he wants to be able to get a lot of work done, before he takes office, so he can hit the ground running on July 1st and have a lot of things in place.
So City Council has graciously passed an ordinance allowing Nuch to accept contributions from people to help pay for things like office space, phone lines, internet connection, and someone to answer phones and line up the resumes and go through the avalanche of mail.
This way, it isn't city dollars being used for this, and any excess money goes into the general fund.
I know you may say, "Well gee, is this on the up and up?"
This is not like someone donating money in a suitcase for a favor where the money is used to buy a new wave runner or pay personal items.
EVERY CENT will be accounted for and you can see where it was spent.
It's not going into people's pockets and by council making it official it will allow for that transparency.
And I know one thing, there will be the activists and bloggers out there going over those expenditures on the city web site, so I hope you are buying the furniture at Ikea and buying people lunch at Subway, or Taco Bell. None of this Fabian Nunez, $500 bottle of wine stuff or office supplies from Gucci. The people will be watching.
But besides that, I don't think Nuch has some elaborate scheme to funnel shady money for his own purposes. I think he wants to get going as quickly as possible, and this way, it isn't paid for with city money.
The last long posts are just zooma reposting anon from his own blog.
Giving "advice" as usual.
They're the ones who hammered this blogpost AND ALONG WITH HIGBY WENT CRAZY OVER THE RUMOR OF WEISS'S JOB AS DEPUTY MAYOR. You can't have it both ways, Higby -- you don't like the fascist intent to curb free speech when you post the first-ever post questioning Pope Nuch, but get all smug and presume to be Mr. Arbiter of Mob Mentality when it comes to Weiss or Antonio - you're ONLY given air time and accolades as long as you toe the line with James/Trutanich=Thomas, and that's dangerous demagoguery.
What loser? Weiss lost.
How does one find out who contributed to this? How does one do campaign-finance investigating?
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