Creation of a "Connected Non-Profit" and the "Pimping" of Public Facilities, Part 5
One of the hallmarks of the "Villar Administration" are staged community presentations which are choreograph to achieve an pre-determine outcome.
It always help to have logistics in place to present the topic matter in the best possible light to local media.
Whether it was ACORN members being paid to fill public meetings locations during the AB 1381 battles, the coming out party for the Southwest Society with gated security, Latham and Watkins busing, feeding and giving t-shirts to chair sitters during the "No Home Depot" saga in Sunland-Tujunga and Community Service Credits for Ramona Gardens Residents who attended the Legacy LA Community Meeting ??
According to community sources who provided this flyer, the hand-written words "HACLA Hours Credit" was added to the Legacy LA flyer in an attempt to increase the audience numbers for Legacy LA Community Meeting.
This would have required the support of someone within HACLA management in the Ramona Gardens Projects Office.
Residents of Ramona Gardens are require to give a certain amount of hours of "Community Service Time" as part of their lease agreement with the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles.
Most would not argue if community service time was given for painting over graffiti, mentoring youth, cleaning the neighborhood. But to sit in on a meeting with an outside agency with ties to the Mayor and the local Councilman, might be pushing the boundaries on the meaning of "community service", and could cause problems for tenants if this was done in an fraudulent matter. **Someone told us that when community members signed in for the meeting, they also were putting their "John Hancocks" on a "petition of support", this gets more interesting.
Then there was the issue of timing and location of this meeting.
First this meeting was held just before the Recreation and Parks Commission Meeting where the vote would be taken to approve the "Partnership between Legacy LA and Recreation and Parks.
Second, why was this meeting held at the Ramona Gardens Recreation Center and not at Hazard Park ??
Maybe with Community Service Credit and an pre-determine script, the outcome was assured ??
Your thoughts.....
Next in Creation of a "Connected Non-Profit", Part 6 "Contracts".
Sandra Torres on June 3rd, 2009 9:01 am
I’m a 39 year old mother of two, who grew up in the Ramona Gardens Housing Projects. Lou Calanche NEVER lived in the projects and needs to stop claiming that she lived & gre up there! It’s really upsetting that she continues to say this in order to get ahead. Pathetic! She & he family lived on Murchison which is several blocks away from the Ramona Gardens Housing Projects.
You're just hell bent on driving away all readers. How about the Cliff notes, Cliff Claven?
This series is an excellent tutorial about the deceit and deception of the Mayor and Huizar. If you are unable to follow along, maybe you are not cut out to be working in the Mayor's office.
When does this series end Red Spot?
These are too long and repetitive.
Learn how to tell a story more succinctly.
How about the facts which shouldn't be glossed over with "cliff notes" style reporting.
Pimping has been Tony's way - I am rarely surprised by his audacity, but always disgusted by it.
His office practically forces the CRA to hire BoSS to do infrastructure improvements. Instead of having project go out to bid and helping the local economy, BoSS charges much higher rates and some of their work takes 2 years to get done.
"His" Million Trees LA program has pimped everyone out, but even hookers get a piece of the earnings. He craftily gave Million Trees LA the ability to act as both a CITY and non-profit entity - therefore absorbing almost all of the available funding - city, state, federal, and foundation. These revenues typically went directly to the non-profits, but are now used to pay a useless Lisa Sarno and a staff that is impossible to identify - simply offsetting his staff expenses. Yes, some money does trickle down, but just a small fraction of what typically did. And the real kicker is that LADWP is paying for 90%+ of the tree planting work being done, but gets none of the credit. Several million have been "donated" to Million Trees, yet the funds paid to the groups come directly from LADWP. It is hard to point out all the different folks being pimped here - but easy to identify who is getting screwed.
I thought it was illegal for a City office to be able to absorb funds designed for both municipalities and 501c3's. Community Partners should be ashamed...or at least change their name to Deceitful Partners or Non-Community Partners.
TOTAL CORRUPTION AND BULLSHIT. Shows time and time again how Huizar is all about Huizar. Why isn't David Z or any other lazy reporter writing about this? This isn't even the corruption with the Housing Authority for Estrada Courts or the development corruption out of Wyvenwood or the corruption with all the Florida money...
This is getting dull and repetitive.
May be you can come up with a CONCLUSION about this.
How about making it simpler to get through. If you're writing this, you should be able to SUMMARIZE and bring us to the POINT.
This is just one more example of a the Mayor and Huizar's refusal to conduct meaningful outreach in the community.
On the Southwest Museum issue, the community outfoxed them. There were a series of public meetings, supposedly about the future of the Southwest Museum. 7,000 petition signatures and hundreds of individual letters supported the viable option of maintaining the museum exhibition space in the Arroyo Seco. Sixteen letters, many written by persons working for Autry or sponsored by Autry, supported something else.
In the face of this overwhelming public consensus that the Autry should be doing all possible efforts to maintain the museum in accordance with the advice of its experts, the Autry, with the later support of the photo op Mayor and Huizar, conducted a press conference to announce their support of Autry's proposal to convert the Southwest Museum to something else.
No community support. The Mayor and Huizar try to shove it down the community's throat. If they persist in this, the community will screw them back.
Huizar is hated in his community as much as Weiss. It may take a little while longer but Huizar is going to be politically walking toward the door, just like Jack Weiss, for IGNORING overwhelming public sentiment.
This is just another failed attemp to smear huizzys name and the Mayor. Why dont you enlighten us and tell us what your point is.
At the end of the day (such a bs cliche) something good is happening for Boyle Heights and the kids.
Here is another one "BY WHATEVER MEANS"
This is BORING!!!! All the Spinners are trying to make this a bigger deal than it really is.
Lets get back to the real story behind all this. Documents dated early 2007 we are in what 2009, let me think here.... Oh its that time again.... wink, wink...
Someone working early on the third floor ???
Someone may want to ask Jenny Krusoe why she didn't want anybody video taping the meeting that night ?
Some facts from someone in the know.
CRA Adelante Project Head Steve Valenzuela commented at a recent Boyle Heights Neighborhood Council Meeting that they would like to see a "Pueblo del Sol" housing Development in the Ramona Gardens area.
Legacy LA has a Advisor on Redevelopment named Dalila Sotelo who was the Vice-President for McCormick, Barron, and Salazar, the builder of "Pueblo del Sol".
CRA Adelante staffer Carlos Alvarado was the original choice for the Legacy LA Executive Director position. He also worked for Community Partners after leaving the Mayor's Office.
David Galaviz sits on the Adelante Eastside PAC. Could it be that Legacy LA is a "Trojan Horse" to change the Ramona Garden Community ??
And did we mention that Lu Calanche once was the Community Outreach person at USC before Galaviz had the position ?
One heads starts spinning when connecting these insiders.
The Mayor and Huizar try to shove it down the community's throat. If they persist in this, the community will screw them back.
That's all I ever hear from you, but they are still in charge and everything always goes through. Wow, you have really been screwing them back.
Memo to 8:24 AM,
Non-profits who desire to bid on city contracts for youth programs should not have to pay an franchise fee/campaign contribution for the right to work in improving the plight of the community.
Plus one should be repulse by the thought of having to kiss the ring of "Huizar's Papi"
9:03 = Red Spot trying to sound smart
Red Snot,
Why didn't u simply post your 916am comment as the post? It would be a lot easier if you just get to the FUCKING POINT!
Indeed. I be very repulse.
Someone getting mad ?? So sad...
I see those young, immature, idiot losers of Huizar staffers have benn told to monitor and spin for their mafia godfather sleazy Huizzy. What about the back room deals of the Back to Broadway corruption. How did they get $40 MILLION and didn't we over hear at a certain dinner Huizar and Villaraigosa were buying property for themselves with some of that money $$$$? Wake the hell up people, where are the feds on all this shit>
Wonder if the "former resident of Ramona Gardens, Lou Calanche, could tell me where I can get some good drugs ?
Someone is catching on to Lou.
From todays Eastern Group Publications.
Sandra Torres on June 3rd, 2009 9:01 am
I’m a 39 year old mother of two, who grew up in the Ramona Gardens Housing Projects. Lou Calanche NEVER lived in the projects and needs to stop claiming that she lived & gre up there! It’s really upsetting that she continues to say this in order to get ahead. Pathetic! She & he family lived on Murchison which is several blocks away from the Ramona Gardens Housing Projects.
12:45=Red Spot
7:10=Red Spot
8:34=Red Spot
8:40=Red Spot
9:03=Red Spot
9:16=Red Spot
9:19=maybe Red Spot
9:21=Red Spot
10:16=Red Spot
10:35=Red Spot
Zuma is losing it. Now he thinks all the world's powerbrokers follow his blog rants.
I'm tending to agree with 11.53
even I have to shake free of the delusion. lest it befall me by association.
the guy says his blog is devoted to Los Angeles, but look who gets all fluffy and warm when its some global thing covered everywhere, but oh, its Obama and ZD. lol
inconsistent. disorganised. deluded.
yeah. you heard this one FIRST on Mayor Sam.
Matt Dowd has to distance himself from the fringe elements.
10:42am wishes all those posts were Red Spot. LA Weekly stated that all the clowncil members say Huizar is the laziest. Everyone knows Huizar is a little dictator and tells his staff to keep on everyone who says anything negative about him. Little does he know he has so many ex staffers that hate him they are now spilling their guts to everyone.
1042 is right. They were all Red Snot posts! lolololololol
Now he thinks all the world's powerbrokers follow his blog rants.
I didn't say "all." quit spinning.
Is this why Mariscal got moved out? He kept hitting "reply all" accidentally with his e-mail messages to CD14 staffers?
9:03- Wasn't Carlos Alvarado's wife one of the HACLA Commssioners at one time?
There are some interesting leads and connections in this thread. Stuff never seen before. Thanks.
hiuzar is getting nervous...
-the feds are looking at him
-nuch is looking at him
-cbo's are looking at him
-ex-staff is looking at him
-Cidillo and Emanule are looking at him
-his wives are looking at him (Francine and Newly pregnany Richelle) dont worry Fran, he'll get you pregnant next.
-red spot is looking at
-zuma is him at him
-mayorsam is looking
If you could get the FEDs in on the HACLA Housing Authority and its CEO and its commissioners you will find the deep dark pit of pay to play and all the cd14 dirt you can imagine. Just ask Maria Del Angel the cd 14 HACLA madame of fraud.
you only get to change Ramona if HAZZARD says so
Just ask Maria Del Angel the cd 14 HACLA madame of fraud.
Oh really, if you would like to take down MDA on perjury charges tied to Rocky Delgadillo and a certain nationally featured gadfly, call him.
I wonder why Rocky had a Maria Del Angel look alike sit on a jury and say she was a babysitter, not mentioning she worked in Housing Dept., AND failed to mention Rocky Delgadillo paid her during his campaign. She forgot to tell the judge that part when she continued to sit on the jury. I mean it HAD to be a look alike, because she said she was only a babysitter with no ties or conflicts with the city to a judge.
(Shouldn't go on TV 35 for a commission re-approval two weeks after sitting on the jury. Oops!)
Why don't you stick to the issue and stop trying to prove marital affairs. Besides the only one who will get upset from now on is the other berkley and princeton grad. wink...wink...
is the bitch saying your driving people away with this stuff stupid??, Or is it mayor Villar in cognito????
I worked for HACLA police in he late 1980's to mid 1996. I6t was the then plan of the then Director The Donald, to tear down all the project's, to partner with developers and have mixed housing, some very low income mixed with market value. Now that we have this land crisis, the developers just want the valuable land, key word here "land-banking". an to hell with the poor,the disabled, and so on and so forth.
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