Chris Essel at S.O.H.A.
Chris Essel says she "wants to give back to the community" and would "love to get to know each and every one of you". These type of statements of false altruism by political candidates tend to make me nauseous.
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Essel is a pro-business moderate with significant HOA experience.
Seems like a good choice to me compared to the other hacks in the race, who are just typical dem politicians trying to climb the greasy pole to get to the house of representatives or board of supervisors or whatever.
Agree. She wants the job for the money. Heard she doesn't even live in CD2.
Look at the body language (head gesture) when she says she wants to meet each and every one of you. Does that look congruent? And if you want to meet each and every one of us, you don't have to get paid $189,000 first. You can do that without running. Just show up to community meetings and events in the community. If you want to give back because you are so blessed and have so much to give back, becoming a council member would limit that ability, anyway.
What a bunch of B.S. "Oh, I want to give back and look forward to meeting each and every one of you. Are there any kids or pets or babies in the room I can take a picture with for a campaign mailer, and after I win, if you want to speak with me, after we meet, since I want to meet you, I will be on the other side of the ropes and if you want to meet with me then, I hope you are a powerful lobbiest.
Do you know how these Paramount executives feel about "regular" people? I'm sure she'll be saying, "I want to be responsive to the needs of the community" any day now.
Chris is the real thing; I have known her for years and she has served on the CRA as its Chair and was a great commissioner, and also a short stinton the LAWA Board, from which she had to resign to run for CD 2.
She has been active in supporting the community and is business friendly.
Phil, not everyone is a loser like you; she is the closest we will get to a Republican on the City Council and you should talk to her before getting nauseous and evoking stupid images.
Chris Essel was at Paramount for years. She's a Villaraigosa groupie. I hate when all of a sudden these people want to work with the community. What has she done for the community I would ask up until now? No more Villaraigosa idiots on council. I hear people are so fed up with Villaraigosa people getting in everyone is going to campaign hard against her.
If Essel is Villaraigosas girl in CD 2, that connection is now poisonous.
The 9% Mayor showed the world how loved he is back in March 2009. If Walter Moore had been able to raise an extra 2 million dollars, he might be Mayor of Los Angeles right now.
Essel: Profiles in insincerity.
The most telling line in what she has to say is the comment that cd2 "is one of my favorite parts of the city".
Ah yes, the peasants in cd2 need to be saved by the rich folks of cd4 who are kind of enough to move in and rule the place.
With all the noise in the back was any one even listening to her?
Not that she is worth listening to.
It seems that she's barely getting used to L.A. as a city. Her jobs were not about helping the ordinary person in the city. How is she supposed to know local issues and help the constituents of her district?
Well, I guess you could say that about some CMs now, too. And for the ones who WERE familiar with their local CD needs, they put other things ahead of those as priorites once they got their feet in the door.
This candidate as a CM is really more about her than the CD. Cut the pay in half and you can weed out a lot of people- see the "I care" level drop.
l.a.- in cd-14
With that boring middle-aged hair and phony populism she'll fit in fine with Janice Hahn and Jan Perry although her outfit is a little classier than theirs. And she's a bit better preserved than those two. Give her time she'll fit in with them.
However if you want phony give me a break - day after the election Trutanich showed up at SOHA to thank them saying with that phony preacher speechifying of his, "We slew the philistine!" and more garbage like that which would make a corny 700-club televangelist Preacher blush. Those old people lap up that stuff, the phonier the better. In fact Chris has to work on that, again Janice Hahn could be her best role model on how to gas on and on and on... hitting her button on everything to make it look like "she cares" when she's really just hogging attention for herself.
CRA + Essel = Dead In The Water.
5:53 is nonsense. most people have never heard of the CRA.
everyone has heard of the dysfunctional state legislature and everyone knows about the dysfunctional school board.
one of them is about to bankrupt the city, the other fails the city's children & parents
As bios go Chris has an advantage, probably a decisive one.
Don't vote for her because she wants the huge salary. She wants to give what back to the community? What has it given her? LOL She wants to meet you now that she's running. Never before.
Unfortunately, CD 2 people who read this blog live in Sunland-Tujunga. People who will vote for her live in the other part of the district and belong to the SOHA.
Here is some of the most recent update on Chris:
The Mayor wanted to pay off some of the debt that he owes to Paramount, for their thousands of dollars of political contributions he has received throughout the years. So he asked Chris to run in CD 5. In September of 2008 she moved into CD5 and then the Mayor noticed that she can not win in CD 5 so he put her on the LAWA Commission. Now he has asked her to move into CD 2. This is a Win-Win for the Mayor he can pay off the debt to Paramount and this is a way to teach Tamar a lesson.
Tamar who took millions of $ from the Mayor to get elected to the School Board, has not been the champion of giving the LAUSD to the Mayor or event the champion to brake up the LAUSD as she had promised the Mayor. The Mayor wants to teach her a lesson, so he put Chris in the race. He has done a poll in CD 2 and his popularity is low so he will not be endorsing anyone, but he has promised to raise $300,000 for Chris.
As all of you talk about people running for CD 2 for the money, I would like to tell you Tamar will be taking a pay cut (unlike the others) if she is elected. Now she makes more money working part-time on the LAUSD and the City, then she would working full time on the City Council.
Tamar has my vote!
What a load of crap. The mayor doesn't base his endorsements on your theory.
Tamar Galatzan is unable to do well at either job she currently has. That is why the mayor won't endorse her. He will only endorse the person he knows will win in local races. Why he had that relationship with Weiss is a mystery to everyone. He endorsed her before because he wanted her husband and VICA to stay on his side. No other reason.
Tamar will not be giving up her paycheck if she runs and were to get elected, and that's a big IF. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. She doesn't have the money of Riordan to work for a dollar and she won't be able to continue working for the City Attorney and LAUSD if she were to miraculously win a CD 2 seat, which she won't.
Anyone but Tamar.
Hey, I am undecided but I found out Chris Essel grew up in the Valley.
Obviously worked hard got a great job and moved closer to Paramount. She retired from Paramount and now wants to run. Why not.
On another note why don't we clean house and get those stagnet L.A. County Board opprotunists out. God what a waste of the tax payers money.
Google Chris Essel SB 1818 and see that she supported and supports this bad bill. Chris also supports Inclusionary Zoning. Her BLOG states that she is a long time Valley resident, but not in the last 30 years.
If she was going to be doing the job for the money, she would go back into the private sector. She is an accomplished SVP who could get a job in any private sector job. This would be a serious pay cut. So she is clearly up to something, maybe even making city hall work!!
Chris Essel did graduate from Chatsworth High School back in
1968, however she currently lives in the West Hollywood Hills. I admire all that she has been able to achieve in her personal career goals, but most of those have not been serving the public at large.
we don't need a dyke for the job
Essel is definitely NOT a Valley person at this point in her life, and she could not care less about community issues. For her, communities are to be 'dealt with' so business can do its thing. Usually development. Most people who know her well say she is very shallow, and Essel takes pride in that social reputation.
Chris is no dyke, not that anything is wrong with lesbians serving in public office. I think she'd make a hell of a councilmember!
West Hollywood Hills? There is no such thing. It's CD 2 and City of Los Angeles. West Hollywood ends at Sunset nearly everywhere.
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