Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Tuesday
Mayor Villaraigosa told the City's public employee unions something they probably didn't want to hear: the City will need to ask for concessions to avoid layoffs. The Mayor's plan to call for furloughs from police officers is receiving criticism from some quarters and raising concerns that public safety could be compromised.
LA's multi-million dollar arts high school Downtown is turning out to be a major boondoggle. Starting off people driving on the 101 and asking "What is it" in reference to the school that looks like a water park to some top arts schools principals from across the country saying "Thanks but to no thanks" to helming a school in LA, the school is getting off to a shaky start. Now, everyone from charter school advocates to LA rainmaker Eli "Yoda" Broad are calling for the campus to be run independently of LAUSD but LAUSD Superintendent Ray Cortines and Board President Monica Garcia are saying no way.
This is just scary: Councilmember Dennis Zine dressed up as a woman for charity, as did Skid Row blogger Don Garza. This wasn't the first time that the former motorcycle cop dressed up in a way that men less comfortable with their sexuality wouldn't. So who was the uglier woman, Denise Zine or Donna Garza? You decide.
Maybe he should have asked Arnold Schwarzenegger but President Obama made the mistake of referring to the Austrian language. The trouble is there is no "Austrian" language. Most folks in the Governor's home country speak German or a few other languages. Honestly anyone could make the same mistake and it's no big whoop Obama gaffed again, but as opined had President Bush (and again you all know I was not a supporter of GWB) made the same mistake all the newspapers and late night shows would be all over over him. We're just keeping things fair here.
LA's multi-million dollar arts high school Downtown is turning out to be a major boondoggle. Starting off people driving on the 101 and asking "What is it" in reference to the school that looks like a water park to some top arts schools principals from across the country saying "Thanks but to no thanks" to helming a school in LA, the school is getting off to a shaky start. Now, everyone from charter school advocates to LA rainmaker Eli "Yoda" Broad are calling for the campus to be run independently of LAUSD but LAUSD Superintendent Ray Cortines and Board President Monica Garcia are saying no way.
This is just scary: Councilmember Dennis Zine dressed up as a woman for charity, as did Skid Row blogger Don Garza. This wasn't the first time that the former motorcycle cop dressed up in a way that men less comfortable with their sexuality wouldn't. So who was the uglier woman, Denise Zine or Donna Garza? You decide.
Maybe he should have asked Arnold Schwarzenegger but President Obama made the mistake of referring to the Austrian language. The trouble is there is no "Austrian" language. Most folks in the Governor's home country speak German or a few other languages. Honestly anyone could make the same mistake and it's no big whoop Obama gaffed again, but as opined had President Bush (and again you all know I was not a supporter of GWB) made the same mistake all the newspapers and late night shows would be all over over him. We're just keeping things fair here.
Labels: city budget, dennis zine, don garza, lausd, mayor antonio villaraigosa, monica garcia, President Barack Obama, ray cortines
Plain and simple Antonio is an idiot and has no clue what he's doing. No other city Burbank, Glendale, Santa Monica, Culver City are in the mess LA is because of the morons on council wasting millions and the idiot Mayor. He has 16 Deputy Mayors (not one laid off) 4 press people (not one laid off) 16 city vehicles (waste gas,insurance) over 93 staffers with blackberries, (not one laid off) yet he has the damn nerve to want LAPD officers to take time off. HELLLL NOOO~ All the Neighborhood Alliances are radical and finally speaking out on this idiot Mayor and council morons. They are fed up with the BS of city hall. Antonio cares more about gang bangers because he's lying and putting money towards his friends
6:33 you're the idiot. I agree with the L A Times Editorial on this one, that the mayor's doing the right thing to get all the unions including LAPD to share a little bit of pain so that no one has to get laid off. He's asking them to work for one hour/week furlough which would save thousands of jobs.
He's trying to throw his weight around because they have almost 10,000 cops but it's been the mayor and his allies who have insisted on growing the force. Many others like on Council have been pushing for the cops to share the cuts at least in principle for a long time and it's finally time for everyone to do so. Yes, 6:33 "I hate the morons in L A and their Deputies and cars," that includes the Mayor's office and Council, every dept.
While we all have great respect for the rank and file of LAPD the head of their union, Paul Weber, is a big jerk and his demand to elect their own Chief last week was roundly blasted by both the Times, Daily News and anyone with an iota of sense. Clearly a way to try to have the union/ him control their boss by putting up and supporting someone who shares his views. Ideally himself, or a rightwinger like Zine who's been harboring visions of being Chief?
The Times even shockingly called the union, meaning leadership Paul Weber, "cynical and corrupt."
Tell those selfish, greedy dummies who feel "givebacks" are a risk to public safety....TELL THOSE PEOPLE they should wait and see what happens if they DON'T do what the mayor has proposed. And I applaud the mayor for FINALLY spitting out the words that Zuma Dogg and B. Parks have been waiting for him to say.
Now THAT is a public safety threat.
Zuma Dogg can confirm that the mayor will be laying off all those extra wasteful staffers like the ones you mention. You alway hear it hear first, from ZD. So now, get ready to see him fire these turkeys. IT'S COMING TURKEYS...GET READY.
Doug McIntyre was saying this morning that the mayor should lay people off, that trying to save union jobs is trying to do "a good thing for people" (as guest Laura Chick put it), but the people want real job losses like they've got. That's a tough one to deal with and we need to depoliticize the issue.
Even teachers are facing furloughs or job losses. So no one should be totally exempt.
McIntyre's other guest said the Police Union's claims that cops just working 1 hour/ week without pay would be like losing 250 cops is bogus math, the numbers don't add up and Weber is just playing political hardball hoping the public will fall for it. Kind of surprising coming from even the a.m. talk radiosphere.
In 8:04 when I said "he's tryin;g to throw his weight around" I meant the head of the Protective League who's claiming public safety will be jeopardized if the cops work even one hour for free a week. I agree with 10:16, I don't see the math and frankly I'm sick of the head of the protective league grandstanding on every issue. He is probably hoping to become a political figure himself and push out Chief Bratton but that will never happen. He needs to serve the needs of his cops and getting into pissing contests with the mayor and council people who fund his dept. isn't the way to do it.
Who makes an uglier woman, Zine or Dan Garza? Ugh.
Who makes an uglier man? Zine.
News would have covered GWB gaffe because it played into the pre-existing narrative that he was a moron who couldn't string a coherent sentence together.
How nice it is that we have a President who doesn't humiliate us at every turn.
"I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here." —at the President's Economic Forum in Waco, Texas, Aug. 13, 2002
"We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." —Gothenburg, Sweden, June 14, 2001
"You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.'' —Townsend, Tenn., Feb. 21, 2001
"We both use Colgate toothpaste." —after a reporter asked what he had in common with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Camp David, Md., Feb. 23, 2001
"Tribal sovereignty means that; it's sovereign. I mean, you're a — you've been given sovereignty, and you're viewed as a sovereign entity. And therefore the relationship between the federal government and tribes is one between sovereign entities." —Washington, D.C., Aug. 6, 2004
"I glance at the headlines just to kind of get a flavor for what's moving. I rarely read the stories, and get briefed by people who are probably read the news themselves." —Washington, D.C., Sept. 21, 2003
"I'm the commander — see, I don't need to explain — I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being president." —as quoted in Bob Woodward's Bush at War
"I am here to make an announcement that this Thursday, ticket counters and airplanes will fly out of Ronald Reagan Airport." —Washington, D.C., Oct. 3, 2001
"The war on terror involves Saddam Hussein because of the nature of Saddam Hussein, the history of Saddam Hussein, and his willingness to terrorize himself." —Grand Rapids, Mich., Jan. 29, 2003
How many other blogs does Jim Alger get paid to post anonymously for Obama?
Barack Obama really does go on a bit
Posted By: Iain Martin
Isn't it time for him to go home yet? It is good, in theory, that the new President of the United States is taking so much time to tour Europe. He arrived in London last Tuesday, has been to Strasbourg, Prague yesterday and now he's off to Turkey. It shows, I suppose, that he cares about the outside world and that is 'A Good Thing'. But his long stay means that we are hearing rather a lot from him, way too much in fact.
His speeches have long under-delivered, usually leaving a faintly empty sensation in this listener even though I welcomed, moderately, his victory last year as offering the possibility of a fresh start and a boost to confidence.
Yet, we are told that he is a great orator and in one way he certainly is. He does have a preternatural calm in the spotlight and a mastery of the cadences we associate with the notable speakers in US history - such as JFK and MLK. But beyond that, am I alone in finding him increasingly to be something of a bore?
His performance at the first press conference in London with Gordon Brown featured moments in which he sparkled - his riff on loving the Queen was a high-point. But most of the serious answers that I listened to were interminable, windy and not very impressive. At points there were pauses so long that it appeared he had simply lost his train of thought.
Today, we were treated to another set-piece Obama speech, and my didn't he go on a bit? The crowd in Prague was huge, and initially wildly enthusiastic, but what he served up was not any more impressive than his damp squib in Berlin last year. Is there a computer which churns this stuff out for him?
"For over a thousand years, Prague has set itself apart from any other city in any other place. You have known war and peace. You have seen empires rise and fall. You have led revolutions in the arts and science, in politics and poetry. Through it all, the people of Prague have insisted on pursuing their own path, and defining their own destiny. And this city - this Golden City which is both ancient and youthful - stands as a living monument to your unconquerable spirit."
Empires rising and falling, destinies being defined and a Golden City standing as a monument to unconquerable spirit... goodness, what a ham. When he really gets going he's worse than Tony Blair.
But Obama was only warming up. "When I was born," (Everything usually leads back to him, you'll notice)... "the world was divided, and our nations were faced with very different circumstances. Few people would have predicted that someone like me would one day become an American President." (Him again)...
"Few people would have predicted that an American President would one day be permitted to speak to an audience like this in Prague. And few would have imagined that the Czech Republic would become a free nation, a member of NATO, and a leader of a united Europe. Those ideas would have been dismissed as dreams". (Not by Ronald Reagan they wouldn't have been, when most of Obama's Democrat friends thought the then US President's robust approach to the Cold War made him a loony on the loose).
"We are here today because enough people ignored the voices who told them that the world could not change. We are here today because of the courage of those who stood up - and took risks - to say that freedom is a right for all people, no matter what side of a wall they live on, and no matter what they look like... (subtly this time, but right at the end the sentence leads back to him again).
The Obamas have handled their trip well and in their public appearances have been a credit to their country. But I'll wager that within a year or so he'll be marked down as a wind-bag.
President Obama failed to consult Congress, as promised, before carving out exceptions to the omnibus spending bill he signed into law — breaking his own signing-statement rules two days after issuing them — and raised questions among lawmakers and committees who say the president's objections are unclear at best and a power grab at worst.
As a lifelong speaker of American, and a student of Canadian, I think Obama should be soundly drubbed for any gaffe he commits.
Gee whiz, he's only got -- what, 5,000 handlers to brief him on everything possible? Maybe he's just so SELF CONFIDENT that he's not paying attention. After the honeymoon is over... 4-5 years from now, those little "gaffes" can turn into fighting words.
NEVER let the politicians get away with mistakes, especially the elected officials you voted for. That's just being a good supporter.
(And take whichever staffer briefed him, and ship him/her off to Dutchland, or Welshia, or Esperanton -- one of those other countries).
Thanks to the mayor and CM Parks for the face time with Zuma Dogg to discuss the budget situation, that has finally hit the media radar with Villaraigosa's comments that city workers will either have to roll back raises and benefits, or face (up to) 5000 firings, citywide (depending on how much, if any is given back.)
The information that I will be presenting in this post is based on about five different conversations with city hall insiders who know what is going on.
And I have to say, I am more confident in my sources, as everything I have been coached to say, that I have been blasting in council chambers during public comment and blogging about regarding the budget crisis (why we are here, and what it will take) has just been said, word for word, of what I have already been saying.
And that is not because Zuma Dogg is smart. (Fredo voice: "I'M SMAT! NOT LIKE EVERYBODY SAYS!") But seriously, in this case I wasn't smart: I just merely listened to what no one else was listening to: Budget & Finance Committee Meetings as broadcast at, and the words of budget-master CM Bernard Parks.
He says it FIRST, Zuma Dogg says it SECOND, then Zuma Dogg waits in his car, listening to AM radio round the clock for signs of the mayor finally saying it.
AND LAST NIGHT, the sound clips started to roll across the airwaves of the mayor plagerizing Zuma Dogg's public comment from a couple weeks ago, saying what it is going to take.
So now, the article really starts here. Here's what happened, and what WILL be happening, and of course it has a Hollywood movie ending. (If you are shooting a disater flick!)
The city was way too generous in it's salary increases and pension benefits -- AND was way too generous in it's hiring practices.
BOTTOM LINE: The city has too many employees with too fat of pensions, and the city cannot afford it by any stretch of the budgetary imagination.
Then pile on top of this regular ole $1 Billion budget gap, the $7 Billion bailout that will be coming out of the general fund to cover the LACERS (city employee pension and retirement fund), due to Wall Street and Real Estate losses.
(The mayor's supporters would like me to remind you that LACERS wasn't the only fund to have a bad year on Wall Street, and the city line (INCLUDING MS. LAURA CHICK WHO I WISH WOULD ALSO STOP SAYING IT IS) "No one could have seen this bad a Wall Street loss coming."
I BEG TO DIFFER! EVERYONE AT CITY HALL KNOWS ZUMA DOGG SAW IT COMING AND PREDICTED THIS EXACT WALL STREET AND ECONOMIC SCENARIO, WITH THIS SPECIFICY...SO THAT MEANS YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN. (So YES, it's frustrating to the mayor's people for me to hold them to such high accountability...but I am frustrated that they use the Hellen Keller defense, when ZD was warning them all along. (So that means I knew, so why didn't they?)
O.K., I'm over that pain.
So the City was too generous with too many people, and now it is either union giving back the pay raises and benefit increases the mayor had no right to hand out, as now everyone else can clearly see.
Because it's sad to say: Villaraigosa is a politician. And all the people who thought they were getting raises were INDEED bamboozle by the slickest politician since Slick Willie, himself.
The mayor made the promise and struck the deal when he was running for re-election, and as soon as he was re-elected, he announced that the city can't afford it, and either you give it back, or people will be fired.
But first, Dr. Deming's 14 Points must be noted for the record, because the internationally praised document, "Interpreting Deming's 14 Points" has entered the room, for the record.
And everyone who hates when I mention Deming, will all of the sudden love the 14 points, when I mention the FIRST thing it calls for ARE CUTS AT THE TOP!!!
YES, city workers will have to reduce or be fired. BUT THAT IS DOWN THE LINE. The city has it backwards.
FIRST, the mayor will be cutting his excessive and exorbanent staff. So will City Council. However, it shouldn't be a standard, "Fire 20 people," but an overall budget reduction by a certain amount, and then it is up the the councilmembers to decide how and where to make the cuts in their own staff/department.
BUT THE CUTS MUST START AT THE TOP. With the Mayor, his senior staffers, Councilmembers, and other elected officials and staffers and top management.
And Zuma Dogg feels that the mayor already knows he will have to make these cuts. So no more breath mint lady, and take it from there.
HOWEVER, IF YOU LOOK AT THE NUMBERS...THIS IS NOT NEARLY ENOUGH!!!! (It's the type of stuff you must do, or you cannot be respected, or have any dignity or credibility and are a hypocrite:
But in this economic circumstance, cuts at the top will not make a dent. It's not enough people/numbers, statistically.
And if NOTHING is done (nothing given back) we are talking 5000 job losses/firings. So depending on what is done (hopefully, something), the number should be less.
BUT HERE'S PROBLEM ONE AS TO WHY ZD SAYS IT IS NOT AN OPTIMISTIC SITUATION: The Mayor talks about heratige and city pride, not firing anyone since Flock of Seaguls ruled MTV.
DON'T SAY THAT! If people are saying this is the worst economic disaster of our lifetime, then it will call for measures we have never seen in our lifetime.
In radio, you would always have the sinking station, that failed to innovate, and failed to do anything, finally tank in a new more competitive marketplace; and the GM would say, "We're a heritage station. We've done it this way since 19(fill in the blank.)
It's an excuse to put on the blinders, do nothing, and hope conditions just turn around. And that's how you get blindsided and situations continue to plummet.
HOWEVER, here's problem number two. The goal is to keep as many workers working, not only for economic reasons that you don't want people out of work, but because we don't want a reduction of the most important city services.
BUT, the people who decide are the senior union members who will not be the ones being fired. And they don't give a shit about the city, or anything besided their own lifestyle. SO YOU WILL SEE THEM VOTE TO SIMPLY FIRE AS MANY PEOPLE AS NEEDED, AS LONG AS THEIR PAYCHECKS AND BENEFITS DON'T TAKE A MINOR PENNY-PINCH.
ADDITIONAL INFO: The mayor has said publicly, no new taxes. (Cause he can't think of any news ones. They've all been enacted on anything and everything. So thanks.)
If workers are fired, some of it may affect the LACERS pension situation. If you are already fully in the plan, and promised whatever, it can't be modified.
But the newer employees, if they get fired, that's pension money that the city will save.
SO LOOK FOR THE YOUNGER, MORE PRODUCTIVE WORKERS TO BE FIRED, SO THE CITY CAN SAVE PENSION MONEY THERE, ALSO. (Not to be insensitive, but this ain't warm and fuzzy time people. If this were the movie "Titanic" we're at the "who gets in the lifeboat" part of the movie.
TIMING CRISIS: CM Parks tells me what needs to be noted, besides what is being discussed IS THE URGENCY IN TIME THAT THESE DECISIONS BE MADE. Parks says if it isn't wrapped up by July, IT'S OVER! TOO LATE!
Someone else added, that it is really MAY, that the decision has to be made, because that's when the budget is due. So maybe Parks is thinking they can work on it up till the last minute, but the bond issuers won't like that too much.)
But again, no one is going to want to give back a penny of their own money. So as I've been saying all along, you aren't going to have to make these decisions. There simply won't be money to pay people, and they won't show up anymore and the city will fall apart.
That's a starting point:
SUMMARY: Due to the fact that the city has always been overly generous, and never moreso than when Antonio was running for re-election, we are about to see 5000 people get fired, because Zuma Dogg knows the human nature of the people in charge of making the decisons. They are soft, irresponsible, selfish and greedy.
(WHICH IS WHAT GOT US INTO THIS MESS!) So why do you think they are going to change now?
If the City of LA were a gambler in Vegas (because it basically has been), it only walks away from the blackjack table when it is completely, 100% out of chips.
Ok I see Ace "Hatchet Man" Smith is posting on here. He's desperately trying to make his client Villaraigosa spin crisis pr. Pleeeeaaassseee the gang banger Mayor has always supported gang bangers and went against LAPD and the city attorney when he was with ACLU. He defended gang bangers instead of hard working families in San Fernando. Villaraigosa has never been for more cops and is just using Bratton who he didn't pick to pretend he's actually done something. As far as slamming the police union, no doubt its the Antonio groupies. Go to an Alliance Neighborhood Council from any area and HEAR THE COMMUNITY SLAM YOUR THE IDIOT MAYOR. He did horribly last night at the Westside Alliance. Even the politically correct were shocked at his stupidity and ignornant comments. Yeah his poll numbers are in the low 30's he's doing so great. WAKE UP..there is a radical movement against Weiss because he is a lapdog to the gang banger Mayor. He is going to get wiped out.
It has been said, regarding the $7 Billion LACERS pension loss, that the ONLY solution, I REPEAT...the ONLY solution, is to have city workers pay more into the pension fund. (Of course that is not something they will agree to on their own.)
So, I was just reviewing City legislation to see what can be done about this crisis, since I see no leaders, only followers, and discovered that an ordinance can be passed by council to REQUIRE civilian city employees to PAY MORE MONEY INTO THEIR LACERS pension and retirement fund.
So you heard it here first:
YOU WILL SEE CITY COUNCIL PASS THIS ORDINANCE. (And the timing is of an URGENT nature, so look for that between now and May.)
Now mock it, criticize it, scoff it, deny it, turn your back on it and denounce it, as you have been doing each and every step of the way. But you would tell Rainmain it was 300 toothpicks, not 296, you arrogant, pompous, always wrong, combative dummies.
Please tell Zuma Dogg to shut up
If there are layoffs, the City, by law, must let people go based on seniority. Last in, first out. This isn't a choice that the city has.
No union leader is going to sell out their members.
Because the unions all have contracts, the city cannot unilaterally modify. The Mayor says that he wants to discuss with them where they can help share in the pain. He doesn't have a choice. He MUST meet and confer with them. The unions must agree to give back something. But you can be absolutely certain that the unions will demand something in return. And we may not know what that is until it's too late.
Most City Departments should have had the foresight of the Port of Los Angeles management team and given themselves $35k-$45k pay raises last year. If they had they could afford to take furloughs and still be ahead.
Ask any POLA staff member how they feel about being asked to take furlough days knowing that Port management has destroyed the organization yet have made sure they are all pulling in over $225k.
You'd think they work at AIG!!!
8:04 pm, thanks! Yeah, the senior members who vote, will vote to fire, rather than reduce salaries across the board, cause they won't be fired. And 8:07 pm, yeah, everyone needs something in return, and it will be too late. Like I said, selfish greed. People will learn the hard way.
If you're an "at will" employee of the Mayor, you have no seniority rights.
For the record, and I've stated this before:
Villaraigosa made all of the Deputy Mayors get rid of their city cars last year when the neighborhood councils complained about that during the budget talks. He has no say over how the council members appropriate their budgets.
CD 15 laid off 3 employees 2 weeks ago.
3:10 said: As a lifelong speaker of American, and a student of Canadian,
Zuma what you should be asking the idiot Mayor is why has THE CITY WORK FORCE GROWN 12% when the police department has only grown 3%. You should also ask him why has his office alone dramatically increased in budget compared to Mayor Hahn and Riordan. Antonio and the other morons on city council are the ones who VOTED TO GIVE DWP 17% pay increase. LAPD only got a 4% over 3 years. HELLOOOOO who do you think should have gotten the better pay increase? So when you talk unions and cutting back they should first start at the top with Antonio's political paybacks like the SEIU and DWP.
Four press people and yet none of them will return calls from journalists who aren't "approved."
OK, Sam, this should convincew you that enough is enough. This fool is takig over yuour blog.
Limit him to one post of not longer than three paragraphs or someting.
It is painful to scroll through to get to some logic.
The man has lost it; he is a moron.
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