What if Villaraigosa Was Doing A Photo Op And No One Was Listening - Would it Still Be a Photo Op?
Labels: earth hour, mayor antonio villaraigosa, photo ops
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Pinch me. Is this clown really Mayor?
I think the "commitment" to making LA "green" has more to do with with seeing how much he can sell out by taking "green money" into his campaign chest, his "non-profit" favorites, and other ways to shamelessly self-promote himself over the public interest.
Voters are ready to dismantle the Villaraigosa political machine. Measure B shows it can be done. Let's do it.
Dream on losers.
He's the Mayor, on his way to being Governor.
Get over it.
HEY! That's my video :)
Ahh! 7:20-- you must be one of the CHSs (City Hall spies) Got a commission position in mind for your little gay ass? Thought so. However, I hate to break it to ya, but Mayor V will never be Governor. Bottom line: Villar just isn't smart enough. And there aren't enough yes men (like you) in this entire global economy who can render him palatable enough to be elected to any other political office ever again.
no way in hell this clown will be Governor. National media will report all his baggage and corruption unlike the local media. He has ties to Meruelo, the Vignali letter, his affair, his poll numbers are in the low 30's, he's school are failing, he has no list of accomplishments, takes credit for everyone else's work, is out of the city more then he's in LA, and Brown, Giramandi and Newsom will fry him.
What does all of that matter? He has a "Latino" last name where in a state where the majority of the remaining population base their vote on that alone.
Better believe it, losers.
Jerry Brown, gavoin newsome, John Garamendi, Steve Westley and Bill Lockyer will all split up the white, male, liberal, Northern vote; Mayor Villaraigosa will waltz in with about 35% fromt he Southern California and Latino commuities.
With two million more Democrats than Republcans in the general election, he will be the governor.
Can you say "Governor Villaraigosa"?
Better learn to...
Because there are enough people in the blogosphere who hate him enough to build enough critical mass against him. Talk radio (even though its influence is shrinking) will eviscerate him, the bloggers will highlight his corruption and incompetence, and the rest of the electorate will just sit it out.
Either way, it won't be the cakewalk he was expecting.
I love it that MEAT Trujillo still posts here. (9:03 AM)
You are assuming Villaragiosa will be physically available to serve as Governor. I don't think he's out of the woods, yet?
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