Walter Moore TV Commercial
Red Spot wants residuals for the Pollovillar reference!
Labels: 2009 mayoral election, pollovillar, walter moore
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Labels: 2009 mayoral election, pollovillar, walter moore
AFRAID to debate you? Ha Ha Ha Ha That's too funny for words. What could you do to him that would make him afraid? Tell everyone in the room that Jamiel Shaw was shot by someone that didn't have ANYTHING to do with Los Angeles? Nor did it have anything to do with Special Order 40? Embarrass you by telling you how things work and what the mayor's limits are? (since you seem to have that confused) Laugh at your silly platform? Show you up by proving all the things he's done in 4 years? Prove to your crowd what a racist you are?
You are so funny. In a really geeky, not-so-bright kind of way.
Does Walter Moore really think I am going to vote for him because he is calling the mayor a chicken. I don't think Mr. Moore is focusing on the issues people are concerned with when deciding on who to vote for. He's got his more police message out there, but the "chicken on debate" talk is what is coming across more in the media. Am I really going to have to give my protest vote to Phil Jenerjahn?
Sounds like you guy are working overtime for Villar....I dont know that I will vote for Walter, but I will not vote for Antonio. You guys make too much money on this blog anyway....
Vote Zuma Dogg!
12:23 AM
The Mayor IS AFRAID to debate Walter Moore, why else would he refuse matching funds???
Sounds like a chicken to me.
Good commerical Walter!!!
As 12:23 demonstrates, People might not like Walter, but with TONY, the 2010 candidate for Governor and perpetual fund-raiser, there is even less to like, if you will. And that is based on facts not speculation, regardless of the poster's blind support for TONY and searching for reasons the debate-ducking is a postive sign to reinforce Tony's "achievements."
I used to think his California Bar exam "no-pass" for four separate time was really an unfair criticism, but it's another negative that just shows TONY is lacking dedication, concentration and knowledge gained in proper preparation to allow him to put out a successfull effort for the 2-1/2 days of testing. Too much work for his style of handling things.
TONY would really rather get into things for the quick turnover of a deal and move to the next, not spending much time on anything, not knowing personally what most mayors would be expected to know. This typifies the way TONY's term as mayor has been- ALL flash and little substance.
On top of the mentioned failings of the mayor, TONY acts to HURT the constituents' interests, like the trash fees tripling, the increases in fees charged, the raise in all tickets issued and trying to get more parking tickets issued by the $1 an hour and no-free Sundays, extend to 8pm or later operating hours.
Tony had his affair hit the news and who knows what else still is not discovered. All negatives in the "character" department. I would think the police body guards assigned to him would see first-hand all these cheap moves and publicity stunts that Tony enjoys so much. Those officers either have to become fans of Tony to get through it, or they have become immune to his obsessive behavior to handle the job.
Walter and the others offer an opportunity to see what kind of job could be done when the mayor actually WORKS on that job, and STAYS at city hall to find out more about the city and its needs. Tony does none of this, and nobody's laughing about that regular abuse of the office of mayor.
DEBATES are out of the question for TONY; you have to have some knowledge and speaking ability. Tony has become so stutter prone while searching for the right words and concocted lies, and lacking in information from everything being "news" to him, that additional pressure created for him by any debate would surely spell disaster and you would see the melt-down before your eyes.
Refusing the debate invitations saves TONY that embarassment, and cuts his losses that way. Whatever votes he loses for choosing not to honor each voter's right to know is better for him than totally flaming out in a debate- and if he does NO DEBATES, it's just good damage control.
To state and believe what is contained in the first post is simple self-delusion. It almost sounds like it's by a Latino supporter who has only affinity of ethnicity as a basis for professing support instead of using simple merit or worthiness as a candidate to measure TONY. THAT, all alone, is simply racist, using "race" (or more accurately "national origin/ethnicity", to base decisions on, and give support where none is deserved. Would any Latino in the Mayor's office get the blanket approval? It looks that way, and that takes away all the credibility the poster expects his comment to have.
I am Latino, and I knew Tony in the past when he wasn't completely co-opted and corrupt. I will not buy into his game, even though we share the same ethnic and cultural backgrounds, as many others in L.A. do. So I might be racist myself here to criticizd him, only because I expect he should have done a decent attempt at the job, an opportunity that he had in his grasp. But no, he screws us in every way he can, trying to tell us so many platitudes that his true believers or naive voters will eat up.
For TONY it's all business now, no honor, no statemanship, and no pride, just business, the business of promoting Tony's image to move him to the next office, like a frog hopping from lily pad to lily pad. He uses his ethnicity in his pandering for votes and expects a free ride from we Latinos just from that fact alone. His refusal to debate is part of that mentality.
Many people like Tony because he's Latino, a Mexican, and his rise to office is an accomplishment. But he's effectively pimped out whatever he can, using the Mayor's office for that, and we Latinos get lip service.
I think many Latinos support Tony out of embarassment and are in denial, like a wayward son is loved by his mother regardless of any crimes or accusations, Tony's got their support, with their loyalty based on his ancestry (and he get no credit there, since that was not ever under his control).
Vote Zuma Dogg or "anyone other than" Tony, and NO Wendy Gruel, NO Jack Weiss or any other of his team. Get people who want to work for the good of the city and the people. End this costly administration of injustice at one expensive term and let's get "CITY business only" as the aim for the Mayor.
in cd-14, not holding my breath for any Tony-debates.
The mayor of L.A. flies all over (with our tax dollars)raising money when he could stay in L.A. and make $700,000 in 60 minutes debating Walter Moore but of course, that would put him overtime on his normal work day. He should go to his costume room and find a superman suit because right now, I can only envision him in a chicken suit.
christ, the way you people rant about walter, you sound like antonio fans. you deserve another four years of antonio as mayor, so don't be surprised when you get it.
Someone get Walter a chicken suit.
LA has lots of problems and Villars is not going to fix them. He is just another power hungry corrupt politician and he is all about himself. We need to take back control of our city. At this time the best person to help us do that is Walter Moore.
Vote Walter Moore for Mayor of LA.
Tony flunked the bar four times while Walter passed it on the first try, it's obvious why he would be nervous to debate Walter. Tony is only comfortable in a controlled setting.
9:37 says, "I can only envision him in a chicken suit."
Lend him yours.
Jamiel's Law?
Oh yeah... that thing where Walter tried to use someone else's personal tragedy for his own political gain?
Like everything else about Walter's campaign...
It failed.
Hey Phil,
Atleast Walter Moore did write Jamiel's Law, in hopes of reducing crime.
Where are YOUR commercials? Besides attacking Walter, what are YOU doing???
what's your attempt at getting to the violent crime problem since you seem content with the outdated concepts of a 30 year old policy that's continually defied consistent interpretation and implementation except for the "hands off" idea for all?
And what's with everyone, even you, announcing the ethnicity of your partner/woman/spouse/main squeeze/friend?
So pandering. Are you automatically "in touch" with ethnic issues or life experiences of such groups by who you partner with? "My best friend is ..." really isnt' the way to go for exculpating yourself from anything.
A Latino, and my parents were/are, too.
Are you showing up in Eagle Rock's forum Thursday Night at 7pm. You could clear up a lot there.
Villar is a media whore dolt who cheated on his wife and ruined the career of another media whore. He showed absolutely no regard or respect for his wife and family.
I would absolutely vote Moore over Villar..... at least Moore has an issue unlike Villar who scans the news wire for media opportunity.
MC @ 1:34, your not Latino. And no one believes you when you post it up.
OBAMA DIDN'T WANT VILLARAIGOSA OR BECERRA because of their support and letters for VIGNALI the major cocaine drug dealer who was pardoned by Clinton. This is the issue that made Tony lose the 1st time to Mayor Hahn. Villar is campaigning on reduced crime and taking credit for Bratton. HELLLOOO!!! Again Mayor Hahn brought in Bratton and cops hate the ACLU loving Villar. They're pissed he's using fake cops in his commericals. Then ad this crap of an inexperienced, idiot Gang Czar Jeff CArr thinking gang bangers will give up guns for their moms. Can Jeff Carr really be this stupid??? Idiot if they had any relationship with their moms they wouldn't be gangbanging looking for love in all the wrong places. Jeff deserves to be fired for this embarrassement.
LA anti-gang weapons: moms
Daily News
..If gang members won't give up their guns for the cops, maybe they'll do it for their mothers.
At least that's what the mayor's anti-gang czar hopes.
The Rev. Jeff Carr said Tuesday that city officials will encourage gang members to surrender their weapons on or before Mother's Day, which will be May 10.
"If you love your mother, this would be a good time to turn in your gun," he said.
i'm with 1:09 and 1:34 - what have YOU done?
you still haven't answered the question of WHAT DO YOU DO FOR A LIVING? where do you work, phil?
entertainer? when was the last time you worked? do you qualify for SAG health insurance? tell us phil - who pays your rent? because rumors are floating around about you. answer the questions. walter moore is transparent - we know what he's done and what he does for a living. you came out of thin air. what are you hiding. what are you afraid of?
You ARE 1:09 and 1:34
no, 4:03, i'm not 1:09 or 1:34. i'm a new poster just wanting to know phil's background.
Yea, Phil, where do you live? so Wacko's gutter snipe can come by your house and/or stalk you like she did to DQ, JM, V-Doll, ZD's van, ect.
Yeah, Phil, get a job and show some responsibility, like, say, David Saltsburg, champion of the the people.
I know where you can buy a used ski cap, used shades, an unused razor, toothbrush, toothpaste and bar of soap really cheap.
Get yourself up in that garb and you can be a credible candidate.
This is a proven fact; proven on Mayor Sam Blog. In fact, Higby might sport you a $100 bill for trying.
Zuma Dogg is the people's champion.
YAY! Zuma Rulz! Go Dogg!
it is shocking to see Phil Gender-gone going to city hall and declaring that he won't tear others down.
i guess that doesn't apply to phil doing it here on the web.
Phil's a good Republican like McCain. Conservative, but not a racist like Walter Moore, who tried to run as a Republican 4 years ago. The Republicans didn't want to associate with Walter Moore, and backed Jimmy Hahn, instead. Finally, we have a candidate. We have two. David is a good Republican who isn't racist against Mexicans. Two good choices for mayor in 09.
Talk about tearing others down, Mary. You do that to phil each time you say "Gender gone". But you are Wacko's smear artist. And now phil and the GOP knows all about you, MC, HOZ, HOP, Walter's lover-fan.
Mary's drowning in her cuckoo vitriolic post ups. The debate moderators and journos are reading MS and Street Hassle. She's taking Walter down with her. It was inevitable.
It is not unusual that the person pointing a finger at someone and calling them a racist is usually a racist themselves. I am not in love with the waste of skin they call our Mayor but anyone with half a brain would realize he has raised everyone's taxes by 32% (at least those that pay taxes) even his hermanos! Si se puede. I also find it hilarious that the WOS is mad that the LA TIMES is not endorsing his friend Jack "the crook" Weiss. In turn, now the mayor is crying racist against Weiss's opponent's commercial that is currently running on TV. It works for the mayor when it is convenient to cry rascism especially since the commercial is clearly depicting 2 whites, 2 latinos and one african american. By the way where is the asian?
People in LA always cry discrimination and racism (it is getting old), but I don't know any group who has such power who looks out for "their race" like La Raza (The Race) looking our for the betterment and quality of life for one people. HMMMM, Sounds like rascism to me? Where is all of the other groups of people's representative voice living in LA? Who looks out for our quality of life?
I think it is pretty funny that people of any ethnicity would settle for a politician that could not even pass his law exam after four attempts. Is totally in love with himself and his celebrity, is an adulterer, has many children with many women besides his ex-wife, (great role model) and cares very little for improving LA but would rather be hob knobbing with Hollywood or vacationing on our hard earned tax payers dollar all over the world.
Last time I checked LA was not a sanctuary city. You can be against ILLEGAL immigration but can still support taking the legal path to citizenship (if that is what these people are truly interested in). It is easier to label someone a racist, it is the cowards way out.
If Tony gets another 2 years before he launches for an unsuccessful attempt at Governor 2010 because there are so many more people running that are infinitely more qualified he will still have time to tax the pants off of all of us. He sees no color lines to raising taxes, raising your DWP bill 3 times in two years without hiring any new police. State tax will increase and his special interest cronies, developers and UNION buddies will all live off of your hard earned tax money. Ha Ha Ha Ha vote for him again what sheep (not chickens). All I can say is "QUE LASTIMA, EL PROBLEMO ES NO MIO"
Okay, Jennerjahn--- I used to respect you and your positions, but no more. You keep making snide, jealous, unneccessary remarks about Walter Moore's many accomplishments and I've had it up to HERE. I will now make a completely catty, bitchy remark regarding your personal grooming habits: PHIL JENNERJAHN WEARS A LOUSY TOUPEE!!!! Sitting in the second row tonite at the Sunland-Tujunga mayoral debate, I couldn't help but notice. There. I've "outed" you. Or "it."
This bizarre Moore chicken commercial gimmick makes me confident that Zuma Dog is the only candidate with the brains and common sense to run our city. What did Moore spend on this? Too much, I say.
I can't believe Walter would waste commercial time debating the debate. What is this, WWE?
That's nice of you to out Phil, Rita. Are you aware that no one cares about Walters saggy neckline, bulging eyes, red nose, and bloated face anymore than they care about Zuma's hairline and cap, or Phil's hair? I don't care that Walter has gravy stains on his tie, either. Or that the two times I saw him speak he looked like he was getting over a hangover. He's an arrogant racist whose wife hightailed it to Paris. That's what I care about. You can pick up the pieces when he loses and take him to the cleaners.
What's with Ranting Rita? Phil refused to bone her so she "outed" his toupee? What a nut.
Rita must be emailing MC. It has the flavor of two frustrated Wacko spinsters miserable together.
Whew! Phil's got the GOP major endorsement. You don't really believe Phil is jealous of "Wacko" the city joke, do ya? Wacko, with his damaged goods Wacko Lover-Fan, empty campaign bank account, 200 K of ugly straw hats and a chicken in his TV spot? Get a life. Phil's a republican, a rising star in the party. Wacko's a loser on his way to France.
The Mayor is obviously afraid to debate Walter Moore.
You would think that Zuma Dogg and Phil Jennahogg would attack the Mayor for not debating also.
If they weren't so busy hating on Walter they would focus on a Mayor who refuses to debate or attend a candidate forum. This is still news!
Very Good Commercial.
Yeah why aren't Phil and Zuma whining with chickens on television?
I have already commented that I am not going to spend all of my precious time in the media crying that the mayor won't debate me. This is a crybaby, circus clown issue. Everyone knows what the mayor is about, what he has done.
And there are forums across the city, TV, radio and LA Times has had me and the other participating candidates in the newspaper about five times in two weeks with answers to 18 different complex questions.
So if people want to have a chance to decide on who to vote for, it's out there.
Meanwhile, I don't even know if I can sit through one more candiate forum with Walter where he gets all worked up and lists all the problems with the mayor...over and over and over...failing to answer the question with any real answers on what he would actually do to solve anything.
I think he probably actually HAS a lot of ideas, good or bad, but is just in this rut of a bad habit of rabble-rousing and firing off the same old tired, "Royal Family of Dubai, 11%, photo op mayor." GIVE IT A BREAK! TALK ABOUT THE REAL STUFF OTHER THAN THE MAYOR'S FLAWS AND HIS 11% PHOTO OPS!!!
And the guy had the nerve to walk out of the fourm last night in Sunland Tujunga as soon as HE was done speaking because he, "had to be at trial the next morning."
I let the people in the audience know that the trial was to defend Clear Channel in a lawsuit about illegal flashing, unsafe digital billboards.
Walter has already left, but I told the crowd, I am the candidate that will tear down all the illegal digitial billboards while Walter Moore defends to keep them up.
So there is a distinction between the candidates.
Also, they asked if anyone took money from lobbiests. Walter and I both said, "No," but I added that I hadn't taken money from Clear Channel (digital billboard) company either, as Walter has.
So it's not just about lobbiest money if they are funneling $1000 campaing conrtibutions your way while you are defending the billboards the community, city council and now state assembly are trying to get a handle on.
The reason Walter acts like a circus clown is because he doesn't have a record of public service or advocacy to talk about. And that Jamiel's Law failed him.
Prediction: Zuma is focused on issues and he will get the most votes. David or Phil will come in right behind Zuma. It doesn't matter which. They're pretty much the same on the issues. They have service records. Phil even served in the army.
Walter isn't as appealing as the newer candidates. I predict he will take 4th place. Nothing against the guy. He's right that he's better than Antonio. But he's not an appealing person as his opponents are. Zuma is the most appealing and he's got the record of grass roots advocate. Call him what you will. this election got exciting and the media woke up to it when Zuma announced himself.
To all the haters...
I actually DID bash the Mayor for not showing up last night...and I will continue to do so for the rest of the campaign. I thought I bashed him the hardest.
I did criticize Walter Moore because he hypes Jamiels Law like he is some type of saintly hero. He did it for his own selfish interests so he could brag about it while running for Mayor. I don't think he gives a damn about the Shaw family.
At least I offered them my condolences when I met them at the Holman Church forum. I even said so during my spoken presentation there.
I would never try to gain political currency from a personal tragedy. Real leaders don't do that.
Walter takes cheap shots at Antonio every day.
Polloraigosa? That is about a third grade level insult.
Walter lashed out at David Saltsburg last night by criticizing him and saying he "lives in a van" because David had admitted in the past having difficulty maintaining a permanent residence.
It was a low blow against a guy who hadn't picked on him too much.
David retaliated by letting everyone know that Walter gets his money from Clear Channel billboards and that David intends to tear those billboards down as Mayor.
It was entertaining for me.
And lovely Rita, Walter is damaged goods.
His racist comments on YouTube are permanent stains that won't go away.
His Clear Channel issue is starting to slow boil. His defeat is only two weeks away.
And by the way...I am half Italian and not only am I not "follicly-challenged", I have so much hair that it makes hairdressers swoon when I sit down in their chair. If you promise to quit supporting Walter and come over to my campaign, I'll even let you run your fingers through it at the next event...OK?
Regarding the Walter vs ZD issue. I know it must be frustrating for Walter because I'm sure in his mind he is the most qualified candidate with his Ivy education and law degree and all of that. And there is nothing wrong with a candidate feeling they are the best candidate.
And if little ol' Zuma Dogg does indeed end up getting more votes than Walter, there is no shame in that for Walter, either.
Seriously. Again, I know it is frustrating for guys like Kevin James for a guy with no money and no permanent lifestyle to be challenging what they see as the clear choice. But that is why there are elections and why no candidate has ever pulled 100% of the vote.
Because, yes, I made the decision, I guess, to live this "van" lifestyle that I have degenerated into over the past three years as I have woken up and spent all my waking moments fighting city hall on behalf of a bunch of people I never met, on issues that do not affect me in any way. (Unless ZD is talking about being stuck in traffic, all of this stuff doesn't really even affect me, when you think about it.)
And Walter made the comment yesterday about, "no everyone can sleep in their van and go to city hall, some people have to work for a living." And he is right. And I wish I was able to break this bad habit I have fallen into.
But to Mr. Moore, it doesn't matter that I am willing to suffer these conditions, or at least able to withstand them...and you are not.
But, all that matters is that I HAVE paid the dues to sing the blues...I've done the day to day grind, and you haven't. It doesn't matter why I have and you haven't.
I spent my time the way I chose, and now we are two weeks from the election and I am simply giving all the people who have supported my efforts a chance to allow me to take it to the next level and continue with it all.
If not, maybe I will ride off into the Malibu sunset. I hope I am able to.
Ha! He's a freak starring in the most retarded commercial on earth! Pity.
MC; isn't wacko shacking you up in his condo when Antonio spanked your culo and fired you for being a loony? Is that the reason you and Rita are making personal attacks against Phil J and ZD?
Wow! Good answer, Phil--ADMIRATION RESTORED. I'm still voting for Mr. Moore, but I do support and encourage all the mayoral candidates, 'cept for the socialist and Villar. And it's not a "no Latino"-thing. In fact, my second choice for mayor is David Hernandez-- he's very experienced, his head's in the right place and he's a terrific speaker. You and Zuma are a little young, perhaps, but I hope whoever wins this crazy election will appoint the rest of the "good" mayoral candidates to various positions. And, Phil, I'd love to run my fingers thru your hair-- after Walter's! HA!
I was at a Walter Moore rally in Woodland Hills: the room was packed, people were passionate, there was so much energy to save this city, i feel this guy's going to win!
Great commercial
What channel what time can i see it?
VillaGrossa is an embarassment, sometimes i travel east and they show this clown talking about LA or trying to get attention with big smiles (once he was recruiting for Hillary, now he likes Obama, totally fake). Shame to Villagrossa and vote Walter
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