Happy Birthday to the LA Weekly's Patrick Range McDonald!
Patrick Range McDonald of the LA Weekly has a big birthday this week! Wish him a very happy one and tell him how grateful you are for the Weekly (that is unless you're a third floor spin jockey).
Labels: patrick range mcdonald
Sorry to step on your parade Patrick but thought Mayor Sam readers would be interested.
The 10,000-member Engineers and Architects Association at City Hall endorsed Nick Patsaouras in the race for City Controller, while United Firefighters of Los Angeles City endorsed Jack Weiss for City Attorney and the Valley Democrats endorsed Paul Koretz in the 5th district
Can someone please tell us what Zuma Dog uses for an address?
Where are his campaign headquarters? (Does Parking Meter #4271 count as an address for a homeless guy?)
No one is going to vote for a homeless man to run the second biggest city in the United States. If he garners 100 votes, I will be shocked.
Zuma Dogg, what is your poll data showing? Oh wait a minute, you don't have poll data? Just signatures? How do you communicate with the electorate?
You are going to lose.
You will not come in second place.
You will maybe come in fourth or fifth.
People will not vote for a homeless man. It is a sign that you are unable to take proper care for yourself in society.
If you can't take care of yourself, and even bathe regularly, people will not give you the keys to Mayberry, let alone Los Angeles.
Even the town drunk in Mayberry RFD had a home. You don't.
You are the greatest! Thanks for your GREAT exposes on Villar!!! You are my hero!
BTW, would you consider running for Mayor????
Please, pretty please...
Yeah, we're so grateful for the Weekly, which has just let GO after 20 years Steven Leigh Morris, the theatre critic -- who also wrote a recent, very good piece on how the CRA was not getting real citizen input into its development plans.
They also let go excellent film critic Ella Taylor -- because they couldn't afford to pay them a real wage and hey, who needs experienced movie and theatre critics in a hick town like L A. When you can get losers like the dogg as your mascots, and can get poorly paid hacks to do Jill Stewart's bidding and drum up hits by going after easy targets like the Photo Op Mayor. NOT that I'm a fan of his and do you really think any "3rd floor spinner" is paid to sit here on weekends no less, responding to you? But the Weekly and its parent co. suck.
Happy Birthday, bro! Is there free food at your party tonight? If so, expect Big ZD. Free food is like the bat signal for Zuma Dogg.
Anyway, what can I say...thanks so much for including me in your story about public access.
And to the loser who is concerned about things like addresses and campaign headquarters...
Do you think after all I have done out there in the public as an advocate over the past three years that it is POLL DATA and a CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS that people are going to scoff at me over? You really don't get it Mr. "M." Which is why no one likes you.
How am I going to reach people? What you should be asking is, "how did you already reach so many people?" I think I've been reaching people, loser.
Hopefully, I'll reach people on Nightline this Wed at 11:35pm (pending a breaking news bump).
You just don't get that to be mayor you have to also be compassionate, not a mean a-hole. It would be nice if it worked that way. Then we could just take the person with the best GPA from the best college and make them mayor.
Maybe if you would have been to all the council meetings that I attended...meeting the hundreds and hundreds of people who pour through chambers each month...talking to ZD, telling him what is important to them...educating him and mentoring him about the community...then you would understand, it's not about having a headquarters and money for a poll. Who cares about a poll...i just do what i do...can't worry about the rear view mirror, loser. We'll find out March 3rd. That will be cold, harsh reality day for a certain candidate with a nice campaign headquarters. It's called schooling your ass, fool.
Regarding my voter registration address that is used to determine my residency...don't you think the city clerk's office knows the rules and how to run their department. Do you really think that you are going to bring something up that they are not aware of? Sorry loser...you can use "Van Nuys Blvd and Ventura Blvd" as an address for example.
But if you are asking for my address because you want to send me a campaign contribution, if it is over $25, please make sure to include your name, address and where you work with the contribution to:
P.O. Box 50616
L.A., CA 90050
But you can just paypal me.
Instead of pay pal, how about just mock you and call it even?
You loser you.
Theatre is important; I was a theatre major and I'm boosting a theatre district.
However with limited resources I would rather the Weekly spend them on covering City Hall. There are plenty of great theatre reviewers at other papers and online.
Right now we're in a crisis and unfortunately the arts are a luxury.
Blasting L.A. Weekly, he says we relied on bad facts. Aides say he misspoke
Published on January 07, 2009
OVER THE CHRISTMAS WEEKEND, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa came out against L.A. Weekly with guns blazing, claiming our September 11 feature story “wasn’t true.” It was the mayor’s first public repudiation of our investigation into his work schedule. Titled “The All About Me Mayor,” the article disclosed that Villaraigosa had only spent 11 percent of his time on nuts-and-bolts city business between May 21 and July 30. The mayor’s slam occurred during an interview with Rick Orlov, a veteran political reporter at the Los Angeles Daily News, who noted in his story that our piece “still rankles” the man who’s now up for re-election.
The story is now a key part of a public record that shows Villaraigosa to be focused heavily on himself. On January 1, the Times editorial board published its 2009 wish list, in which it hoped “that Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa would say, ‘But enough about me. Let’s talk about Los Angeles.’” To date, in its news pages, the Times has not taken a serious look at Villaraigosa’s transformation of the Office of the Mayor into a promotional tool.
Happy Birthday Mr. McDonald and keep up the Outstanding reporting regarding the FACTS.
How fitting, the ME Mayor of Los Angeles.
Better put, the MINI ME Mayor of Los Angeles.
Those lifts he wears don't seem to be doing the job - just like Parke can longer do the job of propping him up in a positive spin.
There comes a point were over exposure results in that sick in the gut feeling just by seeing his face. Probably the feeling Antonio got right before he left the four mothers of his children.
Patrick Happy B Day. Its unfortunate we don't have too many credible journalists anymore in LA. I count David Z, Daniel Heimpel from LA Weekly, Jill Stewart and can't think of anymore.
STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES. Did you all get a laugh at the Mayor posing AGAIN for photos with the Batman Character on Hollywood Blvd. after yet another photo op to introduce a new tourism ad??? He is so ignorant that the Batman Character IS NOT A LICENSED one and therefore breaking the law like all the other characters on Hollywood Blvd. asking the tourists for money. But there is the Clown Mayor taking a picture with him and he aired on the local news. YES ANTONIO IS ANOTHER FORREST GUMP
When will the inexperienced Jeff Carr so called "Gang Czar" who knows nothing about gangs and his mentor The Mayor figure out that they're wasting our tax dollars giving it to gang members.
Here's another one arrested.
...Anti-gang worker held in robbery, beating..A Los Angeles anti-gang intervention worker was arrested Saturday in connection with a jewelry robbery and beating at a Universal City hotel.The suspect, Marlo “Bow Wow” Jones, 30, was a contract employee for the anti-gang organization Unity One, which is hired for the city’s L.A. Bridges II gang intervention program. Jones was charged in a Jan. 5 robbery in which a male victim was beaten and choked in his hotel room and stripped of his jewelry. Jones was being held in lieu of $1.1 million bail at Parker Center Jail.
I sent my contribution to Parking Meter #4271; did you get it?
It was in an envelope maked "Mayor of Los Angeles".
A guy who won't give out more than a post office box for an address has two chances of getting elected, slim and none.
And, you know what happened to Slim.
Good luck loser on election night; more likely, they'll put you on suicide watch.
I sent my contribution to Parking Meter #4271; did you get it?
It was in an envelope maked "Mayor of Los Angeles".
A guy who won't give out more than a post office box for an address has two chances of getting elected, slim and none.
And, you know what happened to Slim.
Good luck loser on election night; more likely, they'll put you on suicide watch.
Will someone tell that dummy Ed Reyes to pull his ass out of his head and take care of business before he gets sued again.
We all know that Ed Reyes was sued by Ruby De Vera.
The City lost, and had to pay Ruby, plus hire expensive outside council.
But a mean, vindictive asshole is as a mean, vindictive asshole does...
If only Sonia from Reyes' office would have handled the matter. But you can't have senior women being fined, then locked up when you can't pay the fine, when the city is at fault.
THE WHOLE CITY IS ABOUT TO FIND OUT A WHOLE LOT MORE ABOUT ED REYES. A stupid, vindictive, intept dummy, that is going to cost the city, once again.
And Ed Reyes would like to remind you...HE had the power to shut down the Highland Park Christmas Parade, if the parade organizers didn't move Ed up to the front of the parade line (in front of the kids) because Ed didn't feel like being kept waiting. ("Don't you know...I can have this parade shut down?")
Zuma - ??????????????????
Keep that BS to your two minute comments.
No one can make your inane comments out. No way with the City vote for some loser who rambles and looks emotionally unstable like you do.
If anyone got a parking ticket, THEY SHOULD PAY (one exception is if they are rushing to deal with hospital issue, or life or death).
Why is it that you are asking Reyes to step-in and resolve a parking ticket.
Whoever owes should pay. No exceptions LOSER DOGG!!!
A City Councilperson has no jurisdiction over fines or tickets.
If you knew ANYTHING about the system, Mutt, you'd know that it is a matter for the courts.
Go back and get some education.
Hey Dumb Dog:
If you want to act as someone's lawyer, go back to school, graduate elementary school, junior high and high school, college and law school and then try to pass the bar.
Meantime, mind your own business and stay out of the chamber or they will surely find a way to give you a paid vacation and three meals a day.
There are no Starbucks at Wayside Honor Farm or Warm Springs.
Just keep mouthing off and you will find yourself visiting one of those County facilities as a guest of Los Angeles County.
Marlo "Bow Wow" Jones has been tight with Janice Hahn although she will probably deny it.
Do you think I will be that bent out of shape if I am not elected mayor. You don't get it, loser. This is a great process and a great experience for me. I've woken up and gone down to city hall over the past three years, so this is just a natural extension of what I have been doing.
It is raising awareness of the loser Mayor and Shady Council and all that is wrong with City Hall.
There is more interest from people to hear what I have to say, simply by being a candidate, and that's the point...everytime I am being interviewed, I am trying to alert the public and activiate them into action.
For me, I am curious to see how big of a share ZD pulls. I'm just doing what I have been doing, on a slightly bigger and higher platform...and when the election is over...it will be back to shadiness as usual...and ZD will still be doing what he has been doing...but more people than ever will be aware of my efforts...which will allow further awareness to be raised and hopefully, some of those people will help vote out the shady incumbents, Citywide.
So it is what it is, and we'll see...I'm hoping to pull a big enough share to force a run-off.
And if you think ZD is only going to come in third, fourth or lower...THEN ANY SHARE OF VOTES I PULL, WILL BE HELPING THE OTHER CANDIDATE MAKE IT INTO A RUN-OFF.
[I personally DO think ZD will come in second...so basically, it comes down to; is it gonna be single digits (1%-9%), or something bigger in double digits (10%-20%).]
So let's hope for a run-off...and you never know what could happen with Antonio between now and then.
His PR ship is sinking pretty quickly and who knows what inditements are pending that may fall between now and March.
Too bad he couldn't pass Obama's screener, or he'd be on his way to Washington.
Anyway...you sure seem desparate to prove how insignificant ZD is...Maybe you can get ABC News NIGHTLINE to interview you, so you can tell everyone who will be seeing me for the first time, loser.
And maybe you can post a comment on the LA Weekly website to counter-act the article featuring ZD that everyone seems to have seen.
Your comments here really seem to be working. Ask Wendy Greuel how HER crowd reacted when Zuma Dogg entered the scene, yesterday. I have the video and will post it.
Basically, as I was standing near Wendy, waiting to aks her a question, on camera...as she was avoiding me...she had to stand there and listen to everyone coming up to me to say hello and tell me they are going to vote for me...and people telling me they see me on TV at the council meetings...IT WAS THE DREAM COME TRUE SCENARIO FOR ZD THAT ZD SUPPORTERS COULD HAVE HOPED FOR...
So Councilmember Greuel, thank you so much for throwing that event that Zuma Dogg was able to show up at and have a chance to connect, in person, with so many people from the community!
Yeah, no one will vote for someone with a P.O. Box, because that is a big issue with people: Someone's campaign mailing address. I'm voting for Walter Moore because he rented campaign headquarter space.
Of all the things people have contacted me about and of all the questions I have been asked about my campaign...the ONE question that hasn't come up is, "P.O. Box or regular mailing address for you temporary campaign?" WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE VOTERS?!?!? THEY'RE PRIORITIES ARE ALL MESSED UP!
Did you know Zuma Dogg works for the L.A. Weekly. According to Marc Cooper Zuma is a reporter for the L.A. Weekly, Zuma even has press credentials.
Where is Zuma's PayCheck Marc ??
Jill Stewart gleefully set about immediately dismantling the L.A. Weekly's news department. Zahniser, Hernandez and Anderson, in varying degrees, pretty much fled with their hair on fire. Rob Greene was mercifully hired away by the L.A. Times 10 months before Stewart showed up at her first editorial meeting.
In their place, laughable "reporters" were brought in to scribble highly ideological pieces that reflected Stewart's world view. How about a reporter named Zuma Dogg who "wrote" this little ditty? I put that word in quote marks as it was an open secret that it was Stewart who actually wrote most of Dogg's otherwise illegible piece ( A rapper/ranter, Mr. Dogg had once boasted: "I don't like to read"). And no matter that this was the same Mr. Dogg who was an eccentric gadfly who repeatedly disrupted local agency meetings for which he was now being paid to report on. The Weekly was giving press credentials to clowns who disrupted the meetings they were to “report” on.
ZD, the point is that we (the voters) want to know a little bit about you, starting with which address you used when you signed up to run.
If the voters think that you're trying to hid something, they are likely not to vote for you. You know how slimy and crooked politicians are these days. If you are different than them, telling the truth and being open with us would be a good start.
Retard Dogg,
It's not "pull your ass out of your head."
It's "pull your head out of your ass."
Once you stop saying illogical things, someone might give you a nickel for your campaign.
Until then, stop lying that you're reading Demming. And start lying that you're reading a book about the English language.
What more could we ask for in a mayor? Love Jimmy Blackman and Robin Cramer
I can't wait to hear your update about Ed Reyes ZDog!
ZD calls people "emotional cowards" yet he is the one who HIDES behind a filthy cap and grease-stained glasses.
Who's the coward now beeotch?
You. You are the coward. Take off the beanie and sunglasses before you challenge people about being cowardly. Got that parking meter boy?
You tell people how much you hate city council, but you sure do accept their food, and try to pose for photos with them, don't you?
You are as dishonest as any of them ZD. Tell one thing on the blogs, and then pal around with any one of them who can hold their breath long enough to give you some cheese crackers and water.
Hypocrite Dogg.
Hey EGO Dogg - So you are just doing this for yourself, publicity seeker.
You said it yourself amd I quoth -
"Do you think I will be that bent out of shape if I am not elected mayor. You don't get it, loser. This is a great process and a great experience for me"
This is all about you and nothing more.
By the way, folks, Robin Kramer has forgotten how to spell her name.
Besides, she woldn't take the time to bother with the meaningless loser, nor would Jimmy Blackman.
Only Higby, the promotor/enabler of this loser would bother.
The point of this thread was to wish a "Happy Birthday" to Patrick, a very good writer.
As usual, several postings by some individuals pounce on ZD for what amounts to grains of sand on the beach compared to the deserts and beachs of sand that represent the number and gravity of disservice to the city and individuals by their patron, ANTONIO, THE 11% MAYOR.
As usual, there is nothing positive suggested, preferring ridicule to somehow create the smokescreen to deflect ANTONIO-criticism by anyone who even THINKS about running for the office of Mayor.
It's not changing that fact that the incumbent is still not worth anything except continued personal employment and profitable dealings for his friends and benefactors.
ANY victorious challenger would have a hard time to bring as much distress to this city as the Mayor has over the past 4 years.
Most of te mayoral candidates probably are MORE familiar with local issues that Tony, whose travels and personal involvements are so deeply embedded into non-city matters that are so much more interesting to him than Los Angeles city business.
He would find it tought standing up to interviews other than those tossing him softball questions for a fluff piece. A mayoral debate or simple question-and-answer sessions will REMAIN paths left uncharted by TONY all the way up to the election.
THAT type of event would give him a chance to show some integrity and demonstrate what he thinks justifies a return to office, other than his fanciful history of "dream-with-me" plans and "safer-than-it's-ever-been-since-the-1950's" assessment of safety for the public.
Every item of "leadership" he claims he's done has created a horrendous financial burden on the citizens still left in the city. His policies are thinly disguised methods to carry on business as usual to benefit his favored interest groups. The latest affordable housing continues the trend, just another way to make denser housing, avoiding present code requirements and using the illusory "transit" paths (where a bus or rail car passes) to assume that the tenant/occupants-to-be will use "public transportation" instead of automobiles.
Don't forget the scare tactics presented while pushing the tripled trash fees to finance that 10,000 officer LAPD goal- HIS goal, OUR burden- and it was a lie.
There are so many more of these deceptions used in running the government, TONY-STYLE, and his supporters either turn the other cheek on these OR they already have adopted such approaches as "the norm" in L.A. now.
Bad for you, Tony, and for your council who run interference for you as often as they can to stay in good favor with you.
Happy Birthday, Patrick. And I hope you continue bringing more facts to light, even if city hall is not happy with that.
in cd-14
Thanks 1:28 for reminding us of that quote from Marc Cooper about "Mr Dogg," how's he's the very same gadfly -- who disrupted city meetings he is then hired to write about by Jill Stewart, the Weekly's ideologically hell-bent editor. Who then has to actually write the Dogg's drivel into something intelligible, since she fired all the decent writers and reporters.
The few that were left, who were more removed from her ideological vengefulness, the theatre critic STeven Leigh Morris and longtime, highly regarded film reviewer Ella Taylor, were let go this week. Since they were "luxuries" as Higby calls them on a comment above, even though the Weekly purports to be primariy a lifestyle freebie about food, movies and theatre. But hey, let's not get in the way of her vendetta against anyone who she disagrees with politically.
THAT is that angle Matt Szabo would go after if he was smart, just discrediting her and the NEW L A Weekly right at their heart, not bothering to refute her on her own terms.
I say this as someone who thinks Antonio is the liberal Democratic counterpart to Sarah Palin, a dumb, inarticulate person who represents only one extreme of their party, someone who doesn't read or think for themselves and therefore doesn't grasp detail, like the difference between legal and illegal immigrants when he's always talking about how immigrants made this country great.
But no way is Jill Stewart qualified to take down anyone -- like Cooper says, she uses someone who disrupts meetings to "report" on them (certainly even less ethical than Antonio giving the scoop on his divorce to Mirthala) who has no credentials, can't write and hates to read (it says so right on his blog bio, in answer to "favorite books), and so she uses him as a front to write HER views.
If Szabo or Trujillo are reading this: HEY, don't respond to Jill Stewart, cut her off at the knees. Show what a sham "her" paper has become.
I liked Forrest Gump. He would have made a great mayor. You might want to take that back Hating Heather. Forrest Gump would never do something that wasn't right and his determination was beyond amazing.
You're right, Villaraigosa does share those same qualities. That's why he'll win.
Clearly for all to see, Higby endorses Zuma 'Tard
Someone is really obsessed with Zuma Dogg. Either the Villaraigosa people are worried about him or someone is mentally ill. If Zuma is what you say he is why are you compelled to spend hours pointing it out?
I was once in line to get some food at an art gallery opening standing behind Marc Cooper. Out of nowhere he broke wind rather loudly. I had a distressed look on my face and he turned to me and said "Fuck you."
So why did farting cause you to have a distressed look on your face?
The problem with the fools that read this blog is that anytime anyone posts a positive comment about Antonio Villaraigosa, there is an immediate post or posts accusing the poster of being some staffer or another.
Well, I don't work for the city or for the Mayor, I am just a citizen who is knowledgable about the city and politics and I thik Antonio does a great job as Mayor.
I take note of the leadership he has brought to all the proprietaries, LAWA, The Harbor and LADWP, plus the leadership at LAPD, CRA and other departments and commissions. Gina Marie Lindsey and Geraldine Knatz are top flight executives and are accomplishing things, big things. So is David Nahai at LADWP.
There are cranes operating here and jobs for thousands that did not exist under Jimmy Hahn. Antonio deserves the credit for that.
To suggest that some certified loser like Dave Saltzburg, aka Elliott, aka Zuma Tard could actually replace quality leadership is ridiculous and shouldn't even get a moment's notice, but the dummies around here all perpetuate the myth created by Higby out of some sheer perverse shadnefreud that the fool could somehow win an election. How cruel.
And, to top it off, the jerk actually thinks he can get a lot of votes.
Well, I'll be at Antonio's victory party laughing when the results are coming in. You guys can throw a free food party for the begging bum if you want, but I'd rather keep my money and bet it on Antonio.
P.S. If he keeps it up, your candidate could be in jail on election night. His lack of control at City Council may just land him a trip to the Twin Towers. At least he wouldn't be hungry; he could get all the free food he needs there. Yum.
3:57am let's see if we can show you how your great Mayor has done in job performance. First of all David Nahai is making over $300,000 and has no experience with DWP. It was a political payback. The Mayor has more Deputy Mayors making over $100,000 and I would love for any reporter to report the budget of just the "mayor's office." The Mayor is keeping SECRET the gang programs and how much money he's giving them. He has a Gang CZAR who many gang intervention guys will tell you KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT GANGS OR WHERE THEY'RE AT. AND IT WAS MAYOR HAHN who brought in Chief Bratton and has the city declining in crime, ANTONIO TRIES TO TAKE CREDIT FOR LOW CRIME and officers can't stand him for doing that. He's not liked by LAPD at all.
Heather, Nahai has great experience; he was the Chair of the Los Angeles State Water Quality Control Board for years and also President of the LADWP Board.
What exactly did his predecessor have to match that?
Ron Deaton only sought the appointment to raise his retirement numbers; Nahai left a lucrative law practice that made him vastly more than $300,000 per year to take this job.
I didn't mention LAPD specifically, because Hahn did one courageous thing and that was bring in Bratton, but Antonio KEPT him, and has a much stronger Commission than Hahn ever had.
Antonio governs well, because he has Robin Kramer to keep the trains running on time; she is a professional.
Hahn had his boyhood pal from San Pedro, McOsker, who knew little about how to run a city. Hahn let his corrupt commissioners run wild; no such action with Robin and Antonio.
Antonio will win this election in a walk, because you, and others who read the daily vitriol around here don't amount to one one hundreth of one percent of the voters, and, by the way, that's about what percemtage your fool candidate will draw. (But, he'll have a great time eating and drinking for free)
Give it up Heather, this election is as much as over; go look at City Attorney or Controler if you want to see a potential race.
Even if there's anything that was positive AND true in the posts above about "Mayor Antonio-in-absentia," there is so much to speak about that undermines the so-called progress under Tony's "leadership."
Nahai is a shill, He's an attorney out of Century City (just a reference, not a rating) who does whatever Tony's put on the agenda. He's made a living by advocating, and this is no different.
As a matter of fact, all the appointees have to work on doing the things themselves since Tony is gone from the local scene so often. He just leaves them the shopping list of what needs to be done and he's gone to collect campaign funds or pose for the cameras.
DWP is an out-of-control agency. It works for itself and not the people. What was that thing about hiring out-of-house public relations people for the agency that IS a monopoly. And as a monopoly, we are all stuck with the "fees", charges, and taxes that are delivered in rising amounts so frequently.
What agency had "breast feeding" classes on the public's dime?
What agency spent $$ for Sparkletts or Arrowhead bottled water when DWP had it's own bottled water- that shouldn't be needed with the quality of tap being acceptable?
What city agency got such sweet contract terms while Tony was at the helm, that it made other city professionals engage in a "sick-out" protest when their contract negotiations were not headed to such heights?
And who was the mayor that admitted that had he seen the economic downturn coming (a warning that many sources say he WAS given), he would not have been so generous?
ANTONIO appears to have a lot of supporters along for the entire ride, but the deception, personal agendas and backroom dealings are not diminished one bit by anything that they find to point out for us.
The more that Tony's "good work" examples are pointed out, the more there is to open up to show as the unflattering story behind these items.
It's like that for so much on the Villaraigosa tab. Get into who his friends are and the focus becomes even more clear.
There can be a lot to say was "done' by Tony, but it's ignoring all the "expense" and real cost to taxpayers, the one's who foot his bill for personal fame. (Oh, and what mayor said he will NOT yield on the expenses of his accelerated drive to get to the 10,000 officer staffing of the LAPD, even though slowing that could help manage the budget? THAT LAPD feather WILL be put into TONY's cap, no matter the cost to everyone else.)
Criticize the challengers all you want, but TONY is no angel, no genius and definitely, he's not the "hardest-working mayor" when it comes to the welfare of the Los Angeles city government and residents.
And if Tony was so good, why would he be afraid of debating to demonstrate all of this?
in cd-14 just observing it.
Thanks for all of the birthday wishes! I'm flattered...Patrick
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